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(c) V3 Academy, 2013

Printing Ur name

Make a 5 line pyramid of * unformatted


Make a 5 line pyramid of * formatted


Adding 2 numbers (i=11, j=21)

1730/7 find Q and R

simple interest (p=1000, n=3, r=10)

area of circle (radius=10)

Accept an int, float and char from user, display these

Take 2 numbers from user, average them

Modify previous programs (SI & area) to get input from user

Exercise Home prove (x2-y2) = (x+y)(x-y)

Exercise Class basic salary given by user. Dearness Allowance = 40%. Home Allowa
nce = 20%. Calculate Gross Salary

Swap two numbers

int i=10, j=20;
i=20, j=10
A four digit number is entered find sum of 1st and last digits

Add all the digits of a 5 digit number

Reverse a 5 digit number

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