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Homocysteine Imbalance: a Pathological

Metabolic Marker1
Kevin L. Schalinske* and Anne L. Smazal
Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition, Interdepartmental Graduate Program in Nutritional Sciences, Iowa State University, Ames, IA


Perturbations in methyl group metabolism and homocysteine balance have emerged over the past few decades as having dening roles in a

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number of pathological conditions. Numerous nutritional, hormonal, and genetic factors that are characterized by elevations in circulating
homocysteine concentrations are also associated with specic pathological conditions, including cancer development, autoimmune diseases,
vascular dysfunction, and neurodegenerative disease. Although much remains to be explored, our understanding of the relationship between
disease, methyl balance, and epigenetic control of gene expression has steadily progressed. However, homocysteine balance and its role in
health and disease are not as clearly understood. This review presents our current understanding of homocysteine metabolism and its link to
specic pathologies. Adv. Nutr. 3: 755762, 2012.

Methyl group and homocysteine metabolism have derived from SAM are used in the synthesis of many
emerged as a metabolic process that has profound effects on compounds, including creatine, phosphatidylcholine, and
health and disease, particularly when it is disrupted (15). neurotransmitters. SAM-derived methylation also exerts a
Although the link between methyl groups and epigenetic con- regulatory role in the control of gene expression. Posttransla-
trol of gene expression is relatively clear from a mechanistic tional modification of histones via methylation can function
point of view (6,7), the relationship between aberrant homo- to either condense or relax chromatin, whereas the methylation
cysteine metabolism and numerous pathological conditions of CpG regions present in DNA typically results in gene silenc-
is not well understood. Homocysteine is a product of all ing. S-adenosylhomocysteine (SAH) is the product of all SAM-
S-adenosylmethionine (SAM)2-dependent transmethylation dependent transmethylation reactions, and because SAH is a
reactions, including those involved in epigenetic regulation potent allosteric inhibitor of most methyltransferases (8), the
of DNA silencing and posttranslational modification of his- intracellular ratio of SAM to SAH is considered an index of
tones. It is clear that elevated concentrations of homocysteine transmethylation potential (9,10).
in the circulation are characteristic of a number of disease Although SAM-dependent transmethylation exists in most
states; thus, homocysteine management represents an impor- tissues, the full complement of enzymes involved in methyl
tant goal for optimizing health. group and homocysteine metabolism (Fig. 1) is tissue specific,
Homocysteine is not a classic amino acid found in dietary with the liver possessing the most activity and thus has a major
protein or used for the endogenous synthesis of proteins, influence on methyl group supply for other tissues as well as
but rather a sulfur-containing amino acid derived from circulating homocysteine concentrations. The kidney also
the metabolism of methionine via methyl group metabolism contains many of the key enzymes involved in homocysteine
(Fig. 1). Methionine is activated via the action of MAT to balance, including betaine-homocysteine S-methyltransferase
generate SAM, the ubiquitous methyl donor in a vast array (BHMT), cystathionine b-synthase (CBS), and glycine N-
of intracellular transmethylation reactions. Methyl groups methyltransferase (GNMT). Different cell types may also
express isoforms of a given enzyme that possess different char-
Author disclosures: K. L. Schalinske and A. L. Smazal, no conflicts of interest. acteristics. For example, methionine adenosyltransferase
Abbreviations used: BHMT, betaine-homocysteine S-methyltransferase; CBS, cystathionine
b-synthase; CVD, cardiovascular disease; GAMT, guanidinoacetate N-methyltransferase;
(MAT)I and MATIII in the liver exhibit different enzyme
GNMT, glycine N-methyltransferase; L-DOPA, levodopa; MAT, methionine adenosyltransferase; kinetics, namely, a higher Km, than MATII found in extrahe-
5-methyl-THF, 5-methyltetrahydrofolate; MTHFR, 5,10-methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase; patic tissues; thus, the liver has a much greater capacity to con-
MS, methionine synthase; PEMT, phosphatidylethanolamine N-methyltransferase; SAH,
S-adenosylhomocysteine; SAM, S-adenosylmethionine. vert methionine to SAM. MATII is also subject to product
* To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: inhibition, a regulatory control mechanism that prevents

2012 American Society for Nutrition. Adv. Nutr. 3: 755762, 2012; doi:10.3945/an.112.002758. 755
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Figure 1 Hepatic folate, methyl group, and homocysteine metabolism. For this review, important SAM-dependent methyltransferases
include glycine N-methyltransferase (GNMT), guanidinoacetate N-methyltransferase (GAMT), and phosphatidylethanolamine N-
methyltransferase (PEMT). These 3 methyltransferases respectively catalyze the conversion of glycine to sarcosine, guanidinoacetate to
creatine, and phosphatidylethanolamine to phosphatidylcholine. In addition to folate, these reactions are dependent on a number of
other B vitamins, including riboflavin (vitamin B-2), vitamin B-6, and vitamin B-12. Metabolites and enzymes: BHMT, betaine-
homocysteine S-methyltransferase; CBS, cystathionine b-synthase; CGL, cystathionine g-lyase; DMG, dimethylglycine; MS, methionine
synthase; MTs, methyltransferases; MTHFR, 5,10-methylene-THF reductase; SAH, S-adenosylhomocysteine; SAM, S-adenosylmethionine;
SHMT, serine hydroxymethyltransferase; THF, tetrahydrofolate; X, methyl acceptor. Adapted from reference (5) with permission.

excessive accumulation of SAM in extrahepatic tissues. sarcosine, a reaction of questionable importance. GNMT
Therefore, although plasma homocysteine concentrations also has a regulatory role, namely, to control the ratio of
are highly dependent on adequate intracellular homocyste- SAM to SAH as a means to optimize intracellular transmeth-
ine metabolism in the liver and kidney, it may also reflect ylation reactions (14). A metabolic network between SAM,
1-carbon metabolism in a number of other cell types. As 5,10-methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) 5-
discussed later in this review, kidney dysfunction can have methyltetrahydrofolate (5-methyl-THF), and GNMT exists
a significant impact on homocysteine balance in humans. to conserve methyl groups under conditions of low supply
After SAM-dependent transmethylation, SAH is rapidly and dispose of them as sarcosine when the groups are abun-
metabolized to adenosine and homocysteine by SAH dant. This balance is achieved by the allosteric inhibition of
hydrolase. Therefore, production of homocysteine is highly MTHFR by SAM (15,16) and the allosteric inhibition of
dependent on the action of phosphatidylethanolamine N- GNMT by 5-methyl-THF (17). Thus, under conditions of ex-
methyltransferase (PEMT) in phosphatidylcholine synthe- cess methionine, the subsequent increase in SAM inhibits
sis, and guanidinoacetate N-methyltransferase (GAMT) for MTHFR, thereby reducing 5-methyl-THF production and al-
creatine synthesis, as well as other SAM-dependent methyl- leviating any potential inhibition on GNMT, allowing it to
transferases. The actions of PEMT and GAMT are major divert methyl groups to sarcosine production. Conversely,
contributors to the production of homocysteine in the cell, the lack of MTHFR inhibition by SAM when methyl group
comprising w85% of all SAM-dependent transmethylation, a supply is reduced allows sufcient 5-methyl-THF synthesis
finding that is supported by the classic work of Mudd et al. to inhibit GNMT activity, thereby conserving methyl groups
(11,12). However, a more recent review by Stead et al. (13) sug- for SAM-dependent transmethylation reactions. The rela-
gests that PEMT is the largest consumer of SAM-derived methyl tionship between PEMT, GAMT, and homocysteine balance,
groups and thus plays a major role in homocysteine balance. as well as its importance, is discussed later in this review.
Another important enzyme that uses SAM-derived methyl In addition to production, homocysteine balance is also
groups and subsequently results in homocysteine production is dependent on its remethylation back to methionine or its ir-
GNMT. GNMT is an abundant cytosolic protein that catalyzes reversible catabolism to other compounds of biological sig-
the SAM-dependent methylation of glycine to generate nicance. For the latter, CBS catalyzes the condensation of

756 Schalinkse and Smazal

homocysteine and serine to form cystathionine, a vitamin B- of intracellular homocysteine in the liver. Stead et al. (18)
6dependent reaction. The transsulfuration pathway is com- showed that dietary provision of creatine alleviates the re-
pleted by the formation of cysteine and a-ketobutyrate, quirement of hepatic creatine synthesis, and subsequently
another vitamin B-6dependent reaction catalyzed by cysta- the production of homocysteine was diminished. Moreover,
thionine g-lyase. Some of the initial linkage between eleva- homocysteine production was elevated when guanidinoace-
tions in homocysteine and cardiovascular disease resided in tate was provided in the diet, likely owing to the metabolic
the inborn error of metabolism termed homocystinuria, need to methylate it to creatine.
wherein genetic defects of CBS and/or cystathionine g-lyase In addition to the direct synthesis of phosphatidylcholine
resulted in elevated concentrations of homocysteine in the from choline, hepatic PEMT serves as an additional route to
plasma and urine. Because it can be synthesized from methi- generate phosphatidylcholine from phosphatidylethanola-
onine through the transmethylation and transsulfuration mine. Because this biosynthetic pathway requires 3 methyl
pathway, cysteine is considered a conditionally essential groups from SAM, it has been proposed that PEMT repre-
amino acid, provided adequate methionine is available. In sents the largest consumption of SAM-derived methyl
turn, cysteine can serve as a substrate for gluconeogenesis groups and subsequent production of homocysteine (13).
via its conversion to pyruvate, the synthesis of the tripeptide This potential regulatory relationship between hepatic
antioxidant glutathione, or further catabolism to taurine. PEMT and homocysteine has been explored by Vance et al.
Two distinct routes exist for the remethylation of homocys- (1921). Pemt-deficient mice exhibited significantly reduced
teine back to methionine to complete the methyl cycle. The concentrations of homocysteine in the circulation, and over-
rst reaction is dependent on the B vitamins folate and B- expression of PEMT resulted in hyperhomocysteinemia.

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12. The folate coenzyme 5-methyl-THF can donate a methyl Whether this later finding can be linked to hyperhomocys-
group to homocysteine in a reaction catalyzed by the vitamin teinemia-associated pathologies remains to be determined.
B-12dependent enzyme methionine synthase (MS). Thus, Knockout mouse models have also been useful in further
both folate and/or vitamin B-12 status play an important understanding the role of GNMT as a potential regulator
role in homocysteine balance within the cell and subsequently of homocysteine balance. However, unlike PEMT, GNMT-
the circulation. It should also be noted that sufficient supply knockout mice had normal circulating concentrations of
of 5-methyl-THF for folate-dependent remethylation of ho- homocysteine, whereas plasma methionine and SAM con-
mocysteine is dependent on the enzymatic reduction of centrations were markedly elevated (22). Thus, a direct rela-
5,10-methylene-THF and the catalytic activity of MTHFR, a tionship between GNMT regulation and homocysteine
physiologically irreversible reaction. A single nucleotide concentrations does not appear to exist, in contrast to
polymorphism of the MTHFR gene (C677T) can result in in- PEMT and other related enzymes, as discussed in the follow-
adequate folate-dependent remethylation and subsequent ing. It has also been shown that hepatic PEMT expression is
elevations in homocysteine concentrations. The second route estrogen regulated (23), thus, sex and age may be additional
for homocysteine remethylation is independent of folate and factors in PEMT function and its impact on homocysteine
the 1-carbon pool, using betaine, derived from the oxidation balance.
of choline, as a methyl group source in a reaction catalyzed
by BHMT. BHMT-dependent remethylation of homocysteine Homocysteine catabolism. The irreversible catabolism
is primarily hepatic and renal, whereas the folatevitamin B- of homocysteine by the sequential action of CBS and g-
12dependent route is found universally in all tissues. The cystathionase to generate cysteine exists largely in the liver
relationship between MS, MTHFR, BHMT, homocysteine bal- and kidney, but is also present in a few other tissues. Inborn
ance, and disease is further discussed later in this review. defects in either vitamin B-6dependent enzyme results in
homocystinuria and was some of the initial evidence linking
Current status of knowledge elevations in homocysteine to vascular disease. The link be-
Regulation of homocysteine balance tween CBS, hyperhomocysteinemia, and cardiovascular dis-
Homocysteine production. Because homocysteine has many ease continues to be explored and is further discussed in this
metabolic routes for its production and utilization, a number review. It is clear that inadequate CBS expression, combined
of key proteins involved in these processes factor heavily in the with specific diets, results in well-defined adverse vascular
regulation of homocysteine balance. As mentioned, PEMTand outcomes (24,25). The use of a low-folate, high-methionine
GAMT collectively represent the most predominant SAM- diet fed to Cbs+/2 mice has proved to be a very successful
dependent methyltransferases that contribute to homocysteine approach to produce varying degrees of hyperhomocystei-
production, and GNMT exerts regulatory control over methyl nemia and linked to specific measure of endothelial dysfunc-
group metabolism and concomitantly the generation of tion as well as elevated SAH concentrations.
homocysteine. GAMT is a hepatic enzyme that catalyzes the
synthesis of creatine by the SAM-dependent transmethylation Homocysteine remethylation. Hepatic folate-dependent
of guanidinoacetate, a compound synthesized in the kidney remethylation of homocysteine depends on 2 enzymes,
from arginine and glycine. The biosynthesis of creatine for MTHFR and MS. The MTHFR C677T polymorphism has
muscle creatine phosphate is a major consumer of SAM- been shown to result in hyperhomocysteinemia and indices
derived methyl groups and thus produces a signicant amount of vascular disease (2628). Similar to CBS, animal knockout

Aberrant homocysteine metabolism 757

models of MTHFR and MS have proved useful tools in exam- Recently, homocysteine has been shown to negatively
ining the regulation of homocysteine with respect to vascular affect endothelial cell function, revealing novel mechanisms
dysfunction (29). For folate-independent remethylation, the involved in hyperhomocysteinemia and cardiovascular
regulation and/or expression of BHMT has been shown to health. Homocysteine can hypomethylate CpG islands in
affect homocysteine concentrations. The use of a highly the promoter region of P66shc, an adaptor protein, leading
specific inhibitor of BHMT activity, S-(a-carboxybutyl)-DL- to increased P66shc expression and causing increased oxida-
homocysteine, inhibited BHMT activity by 90% and resulted tive stress (50). In endothelial cells of the coronary arteries,
in a 7-fold increase in circulating homocysteine concentra- hyperhomocysteinemia appeared to result in diminished
tions (30). Because this compound did not have an effect tetrahydrobiopterin function, an important cofactor for va-
on other homocysteine-metabolizing enzymes, this study sodilation (51). However, the impact of homocysteine on
demonstrated that inhibition of BHMT alone is sufficient to vascular oxidation was shown to be unimportant compared
result in homocysteine imbalance. Recently, a Bhmt-deficient with the impact of 5-methyl-THF, which appears to regulate
mouse model was developed that confirms these earlier nitric oxide balance in blood vessels (52). This indicates that
findings (31). Bhmt+/2 mice were characterized by a 50% elevated homocysteine may not only be a cause of endothe-
reduction in BHMT activity and normal circulating homo- lial dysfunction, but also a biomarker for other complica-
cysteine concentrations, whereas Bhmt2/2 mice have a tions. Attempts to improve endothelial cell function by
complete absence of activity and approximately an 8-fold lowering homocysteine have had moderate success. Homo-
increase in plasma homocysteine concentrations. Although cysteine-lowering therapy did not lower markers of endo-
the Bhmt-deficient mouse exhibits hepatic steatosis and in- thelial cell dysfunction in stroke patients, perhaps because

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creased hepatocellular carcinoma, it has not yet been deter- the vascular damage was too advanced (53). In a mouse
mined whether the characteristic homocysteine imbalance model, homocysteine-lowering gene therapy corrected en-
has an impact on the pathogenesis of the diseases described dothelial cell dysfunction, thereby delaying development of
in the following. thrombosis, but had no impact on atherogenesis or vessel
narrowing (54).
Homocysteine and disease The impact of homocysteine on endothelial cell health
Cardiovascular disease. There is little doubt that hyperho- may contribute to the development of hypertension. In an
mocysteinemia plays a role in the development of cardiovas- epidemiological study of 500 patients, those in the highest
cular disease (CVD) (3234). This is not only supported by tertile with respect to plasma homocysteine concentrations,
human population studies identifying it as an independent had an odds risk of 1.66 for the development of hyperten-
risk factor, but strong evidence resides in animal models sion within 10 y compared with patients in the lowest tertile
with diet- and/ or genetic-based elevations in homocysteine (55). This nding is in agreement with a recent study com-
concentrations (29,3538). Homocysteine and the incidence paring plasma homocysteine with total antioxidant status,
of myocardial infarction are positively correlated, even after C-reactive protein (an index of inammation), endothelial
adjustment for other CVD risk factors (39). Meta-analysis progenitor cells, and intima-media thickness of the carotid
of >80 studies on folate metabolism and CVD has shown arteries. In hypertensive patients, homocysteine, intima-
an association with hyperhomocysteinemia and a variety media thickness and C-reactive protein were signicantly
of cardiovascular events, including atherosclerotic vessel higher, whereas total antioxidant status and endothelial pro-
damage and thrombosis (40). In contrast, plasma homocys- genitor cells were signicantly lower (56). Researchers spec-
teine is not related to total CVD risk burden and may or may ulate that the reduced total antioxidant status, possibly
not be related to CVD-related mortality (41). However, it affected by homocysteine, may reduce the number of endo-
should be noted that clinical trials targeting homocysteine thelial progenitor cells. Elevated plasma homocysteine may
management by the use of vitamin B supplementation as a also be a valuable predictive factor for hypertension because
means to lower circulating homocysteine concentrations circulating homocysteine is related to increased arterial stiff-
have not been as effective as anticipated (4247). Numerous ness in prehypertensive patients (50).
reviews have debated the various explanations for these
findings and the associative versus causal role of homocyste- Autoimmune disease. A number of autoimmune diseases
ine in vascular disease (25,48,49). Nonetheless, it is clear are characterized by aberrant methyl group metabolism and
from animal studies that genetic and dietary-induced in- homocysteine imbalance. For humans, both types 1 and 2 di-
creases in plasma homocysteine result in well-defined indi- abetes are characterized by hypohomocysteinemia, which
ces of vascular disease (29,3538). Heterozygous mice progresses to hyperhomocysteinemia as renal function be-
deficient in CBS, MS, and MTHFR are all characterized by comes compromised (5759). From animal studies using
elevated circulation homocysteine concentrations and vas- chemically induced type 1 diabetes and genetic-based type 2
cular dysfunction, as well as neurological disorders. This is diabetes, the initial phase of hypohomocysteinemia appears
supported in humans possessing the MTHFR C677T to be the result of increased remethylation and catabolism
polymorphism, which results in reduced activity of the en- of homocysteine by the induction of BHMT and CBS, respec-
zyme, resulting in hyperhomocysteinemia and increased in- tively (6065). This is not surprising because increased
cidence of vascular disease (2628). expression of hepatic and renal CBS in transgenic mice has

758 Schalinkse and Smazal

been reported to effectively lower circulating homocysteine activator for nuclear factor kB ligand), an osteoclast differ-
concentrations (66). These alterations in homocysteine bal- entiation factor. Increased osteoclast activity will result in
ance in type 1 diabetes are specific for the pathology because increased bone resorption, explaining the increased risk of
insulin administration abrogates all of the metabolic anoma- fractures and decreased bone mineral density seen in pa-
lies (60,65,67,68). Diabetes is also characterized by induction tients with high circulating homocysteine concentrations
of specific methyltransferases that should result in increased (79,80). Furthermore, homocysteine induces caspase-
homocysteine production, namely, GNMT and PEMT dependent apoptosis of human bone marrow stromal cells,
(62,63,67). However, the concomitant induction of CBS thereby impairing bone repair (81). A rat model of hyperho-
and BHMT appears to promote remethylation and transsul- mocysteinemia led to increased accumulation of homocys-
furation as a means to prevent homocysteine accumulation teine in bone tissue, 65% of which was localized in the
in the cell and subsequently the circulation. An increased collagen extracellular matrix. This accumulation of homo-
flux through the transsulfuration pathway has also been cysteine was associated with a dramatic reduction of trabec-
reported in humans with type 2 diabetic nephropathy (69). ular or spongy bone and a corresponding decrease in bone
One clear species-specific difference is that in Zucker diabetic strength (82). Furthermore, homocysteine can epigeneti-
fatty rats with clear indices of renal dysfunction, the circulat- cally modify expression of Lox, thereby down-regulating ex-
ing concentration remains lower than normal and does not pression of lysyl oxidase, essential for collagen cross-linking
progress to hyperhomocysteinemia as it does in humans and stability (83). This indicates a novel mechanism for
(70). The basis for this discrepancy remains an area for future bone damage resulting from elevated homocysteine concen-
investigation, but may be attributed to the fact the rodents trations in the circulation. Recently, studies in a rat model

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possess very little renal BHMT activity compared with hu- showed that homocysteine may lower blood flow through
mans; hence, they may be less susceptible to the hyperhomo- bone tissue, an effect that can be partially corrected by folic
cysteinemia owing to renal dysfunction and the associated acid supplementation (84). However, homocysteine-lowering
loss of BHMT-dependent remethylation of homocysteine. therapy has not been conclusively shown to improve bone
health (85).
Gastrointestinal disorders. Hyperhomocysteinemia con-
tributes to inammatory remodeling of the gastrointestinal Neurodegenerative disorders. An area that has received a
tract, resulting in elevated levels of matrix metalloprotei- lot of attention recently is the relationship between homo-
nase-9, reactive oxygen species, and superoxide (71). Addi- cysteine and neurological problems, such as depression
tionally, hyperhomocysteinemia caused by the C677T and Parkinsons disease. Major depressive disorder is com-
MTHFR polymorphism was associated with mesenteric monly attributed to low levels or impaired transmission of
venous thrombosis and bowel infarction (72). Increased the neurotransmitters serotonin, dopamine, and norepi-
plasma homocysteine concentration has been implicated nephrine, some of which are dependent on methyl group
in a variety of gastrointestinal diseases, including constipa- donation from SAM for synthesis or metabolism. In a recent
tion, inammatory bowel disease, Crohns disease, and colo- longitudinal study of >11,000 patients, elevated homocyste-
rectal cancer (7376). Constipation, lowered fecal output, ine concentrations were associated with a 26% increase in
and increased superoxide species quickly develop in Cbs+/2 the likelihood of depressive symptoms (86). Dietary supple-
mice, indicating that hyperhomocysteinemia itself may be mentation with folate, vitamin B-12, and SAM has been
causing gastrointestinal distress (73). Specific medications shown to effectively lower plasma homocysteine concentra-
that interfere with methyl group metabolism have the nega- tions and reduce depressive symptoms (87).
tive side effects of stomach pain and indigestion. In particular, Hyperhomocysteinemia occurs in 10% to 30% of pa-
isotretinoin (i.e., 13-cis-retinoic acid), a therapeutic retinoid tients with Parkinsons disease (88). Parkinsons disease is
derivative used for the treatment of severe acne, has been a neurodegenerative disorder characterized by loss of motor
associated with severe bowel problems, possibly due to the control, often resulting in tremors caused by damage to
marked increase in homocysteine concentrations observed dopamine-producing brain cells, which can be managed with
in isotretinoin patients (77,78). However, the increased ho- the neurotransmitter precursor levodopa (L-DOPA). Metab-
mocysteine concentrations in patients with inflammatory olism of L-DOPA by catechol-O-methyltransferase requires
bowel disease may also be a consequence of the disease itself SAM, rapidly depleting the methyl group supply and leading
because the gastrointestinal tract is responsible for much of to increased concentrations of homocysteine (89). Elevated
the metabolism of sulfur amino acids (75). plasma homocysteine concentrations have been associated
with dementia, depression, and dyskinesia in Parkinsons
Skeletal maintenance. Homocysteine can impair bone patients; however, determination of homocysteine concen-
health by interfering with proper osteoclast activity. In vitro trations alone was not sufficient for prognosis (90). As pre-
incubation of homocysteine and bone marrow cells showed viously mentioned, hyperhomocysteinemia has been linked
that homocysteine up-regulates osteoclast formation and to low bone mineral density, a serious concern for Parkin-
suppresses osteoclast apoptosis by increasing reactive oxygen sons disease patients, who have an increased fracture risk
species concentrations in bone marrow cells. This increase due to loss of motor control and comorbid dementia
in oxidative stress induces the activity of RANK-L (receptor (91). Patients are often encouraged to minimize protein

Aberrant homocysteine metabolism 759

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