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CJF Ministries

PO Box 345
San Antonio, Texas 78292-0345 God has not forgotten the Jewish people, and neither have we.

April 2017

Telephone Dear Friend of the Ministry,

(210) 226 - 0421 Did you hear the exciting news earlier this year?
In January, Israeli archaeologists, along with our friend Dr. Randall Price (see bio on
Fax page 4), uncovered a new Dead Sea Scroll cave (Cave 12), the first such cave found in
(210) 226 - 2140 60 years! As you may remember, Bedouin shepherds who were exploring caves around
the Dead Sea in 1947, found clay jars containing scrolls of ancient biblical manuscripts,
some dating back 2,000 years. Those scrolls turned out to be magnificent archaeological
E-mail finds confirming the uncanny accuracy of the biblical text we use today. The search for more scrolls has been ongoing since 1956 (when the last scrolls were discovered).
Dr. Price, a Bible-believing scholar whom weve known for many years, is one of the
OrderLine supervising archaeologists with Operation Scrollthe large-scale search for undis-
(800) 926 - 5397 covered Dead Sea Scrolls and other artifacts in the caves around Jericho and Qumran.
Last year, he received permission from the Antiquities Authority in Israel to excavate
a cave that had caught his eye several years earlier; and in January, with CJF Ministries
Website helping to underwrite his efforts, Randall and a group of students from Liberty Uni- versity joined an Israeli excavation team from Hebrew University.
Imagine their excitement when they discovered pieces of ancient jars identical to
those known to hold earlier Dead Sea Scrolls! They also uncovered a scroll fragment,
a string clearly used to tie scrolls, a piece of cloth used to wrap the scrolls, and several
other artifacts. Unfortunately, they also found evidence that looters had been in the
cave before themand any actual scrolls had already been removed. Finding Cave 12,
however, has given Operation Scroll archaeologists a renewed sense of purpose and
urgency. There may be more scroll caves out there, and archaeologists need to find
them before looters do. There has even been speculation that artifacts from the Jeru-
salem Temple (destroyed twice in ancient times) may have been hidden in this area
and are yet to be discovered.
Congratulations to Randall and his team from Liberty on the discovery of Cave 12! We
are pleased to have had a part in carrying out this endeavor. May God give each of us
renewed confidence in His Word and its claim on our lives!
One more thing. If you are in good physical shape, not afraid of hard work, able to pay
your own way, and interested in participating in a dig at Qumran later this year, let us
know. Or if you cannot go yourself, please consider making a financial contribution to
our Qumran Exploration Fund (QEF) so we can continue helping Randall and others
with this important work.
Yours for the salvation of Israel,

Gary Hedrick

When all that generation had been gathered to their fathers, another generation arose after
them who did not know the LORD nor the work which He had done for Israel (Judges 2:10).
Although these words were written thousands of years ago to the Jewish people, there is a
warning for us todaywere never more than one generation away from forgetting important
historical events or deleting them from our collective memory.
This is especially true with regard to the Holocaust. As the World War II generation is being
gathered to their fathers, another generation is arising that knows little, if anything, about
the Holocaust. And if they do know, there seems to be no emotional connection to the events.
Let me give you an example.
Recently, a number of young people documented their visits to the Holocaust Memorial in
Berlin and the extermination camp at Auschwitz with smiling and silly selfies. Some of our
own staff members witnessed similar behavior at Dachau last September when laughing tourists
jostled each other for the best selfie in front of the Arbeit Macht Frei gate.

When Israeli-German artist, Shahak Shapira, discovered these insensitive photos posted on
Facebook, he decided to act. He grabbed the photos from the offenders Facebook pages and
blended in appropriate Holocaust backgrounds. He then reposted the pictures to an online
gallery. Amazingly, almost every one of the young people involved found their edited photos,
got the point, and apologized. One week later, after his gallery had had more than 2.5 million
visits, Shapira took it down.
Why bother mentioning this? Because sadly, such insensitivity is all too common. And, after
trivializing Holocaust events and suffering, people tend to find it easier to engage in anti-
Semitism, a scourge that believers everywhere must fight againstnot just for the sake of
Gods chosen people, but for our own sake and the sake of our children and grandchildren.
In Genesis 12:3, God promises not only to bless, but also to curse depending on how we treat
the Jewish people. Thats a warning we must take seriously. We have a responsibility to make
sure the next generation (and the one after that) knows the truth!
If you think anti-Semitism is not a problem in America, think again. Since the 1st of January,
100 Jewish Community Centers in America have received bomb threats; recently, dozens of
headstones were vandalized in a Jewish cemetery in St. Louis, Missouri. Not long after that,
100 more Jewish graves were desecrated in Pennsylvania. Anti-Semitism is rampant on our
college campuses. Its time to take action!
Attitudes are first formed in the home and parents and grandparents are biblically mandated
to teach their children proper attitudes towards God and towards those He loves. Here are
some suggestions for doing that:
1. Challenge anti-Semitism wherever you see it, even(or especially) at church. Dont
tolerate Holocaust or anti-Semitic jokes. Let your children see your love for the
Jewish people.
2. Provide your children and grandchildren with age-appropriate books about the Holocaust,
and the Jewish people. Point your college-aged young people to more balanced informa-
tion sources like Israel Today,, Prager University (,
3. Include Jewish festivals and feasts in your own familys celebrations. Encourage your
church to host a Messiah in the Passover Seder and attend it with your children and
4. Take your children and grandchildren to Holocaust museums and support these mu-
seums financially.
5. Remind your children and grandchildren regularly of the debt that we owe to the Jewish
peopleespecially for the writing and preservation of the Scriptures (both Old and New
Testaments), and for being the earthly ancestors of the Messiah.
6. Show them how the Jewish people continue to be a blessing to the whole world, especially
through their medical and technological innovations. Show them a list of Jewish Nobel
Prize winners. Together, search the Internet to find lists of Israeli inventions. Direct them
to Israels Ministry of Foreign Affairs website to learn about Israels humanitarian efforts
around the world.
7. Teach them the Scriptures and show them Gods covenant plan for the Jewish people.
Teach your children to love the Jewish people, and to remember that God still loves Is-
rael and wants them to be saved. Emphasize the importance of passing along these facts
to the generations who will also follow after them.
8. PRAY! Pray for the peace of Jerusalem, and pray for the salvation of the Jewish people.
How are you fighting anti-Semitism?
Send your stories to PO Box 345, San Antonio, Texas 78292 or


CJFMs Passover Haggadah (a guide to the Passover Seder service) is a
synthesis of Barry Bergers nearly 25 years experience in leading Pass-
over Seders. He shows Messiah Jesus at every step in this significant ob-
servance. Celebrating Passover as a believer in Messiah Jesus, you will be
reminded in a powerful way how Jewish our Messiah, our Bibleeven
our faithreally are! Russian translation is also available.
Available at today.
One hundred years ago, at the time of the Balfour Declaration, Great Britain stood firmly with the Jewish
people and supported their desire to reestablish their ancient homeland in the Middle East. Sadly, today Great
Britain is known for wide-spread anti-Semitism.
This is what makes Robert Weissmans ministry there all the more important. In addition to his regular
door-to-door evangelistic work among the Jewish people, he regularly accepts speaking engagements at
Christian churches, addressing Replacement Theology and the Christian Palestinianism which are so often
linked to anti-Semitism. Roberts ministry, however, became severely hampered by car problems. Despite
diligent care, four major mechanical systems began failing in his 10-year-old vehicle, making it totally
unsafe to drive. Further repairs were no longer cost effective. Without a car, Robert would have had to
decline speaking invitations; he would have had to reach others by train, going up the day before. Because
a reliable vehicle was so critical to Roberts ministry, CJFM authorized him to purchase another quality
used car, promising to advance him funds for the purchase. Since Robert also uses his vehicle for personal
matters, we agreed to split the purchase price 50/50. Robert quickly found a reliable, low-mileage Nissan
for approximately $20,000 USD and
purchased it. We advanced Robert half;
he paid another 25 percent down and
then financed the remaining amount at
a good interest rate. Were so pleased
that we could help Robert keep rolling,
however, the $10,000 we gave him was
intended for other CJFM ministry efforts
and we desperately need to replace this
amount! Would you consider helping
us do that? We would so appreciate it,
especially since we are conducting our
first ever pastors conference in Moldova
this year in April.
Robert regularly walks door-to-door
in Jewish neighborhoods, engaging
hundreds of people in conversation
about the Messiah. One of Roberts
tracts, Celebration of Majesty (written
to mark the Queens 90th birthday last
year), continues to be especially well
received even now, almost a year later.
Another tract, What Road Are You
On? will be in use shortly. Robert
continues to meet twice a month with
his Jewish mens discussion group.
Please pray that the men who come will
see the importance of trusting Yeshua UK missionary Robert Weissman with his new automobile, courtesy
with their eternal souls. of generous CJFM donors. Photo by Rosamund Weissman.


Dr. Randall Price is founder and head of World of the Bible Ministries,
which focuses on biblical archaeology and biblical prophecy. He is a
Distinguished Research Professor at Liberty University and Curator of
Libertys Biblical Museum. In addition to his many other credentials, Dr.
Price is a prolific writer. CJFM has been privileged to have Dr. Price as a
contributor to our publication, Messianic Perspectives. We also carry some
of his books in our online store at

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