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History of Thanksgiving Mini-Book Page 1 The Pilgrim's Journey to America A New Beginning In 1620 the pilgrims began their quest to a new land searching for a better life. They were upset with the King of England for forcing them to believe a certain way and they wanted the freedom to make their own choices. The Pilgrims said goodbye to their family, friends, and homeland in England as they prepared for their long journey ahead. The Mayflower had 102 passengers crowded on it. It was a difficult journey across the Atlantic Ocean. There were lots of storms causing huge waves to crash against the sides of the ship. Many people became seasick. There was a limited supply of food that included stale bread, cheese, and water. No one knew how long it was going to take to sail across the ocean or if they would get lost at sea. They were careful not to eat too much of the food. They worked together to survive that difficult journey and it paid off. Why did the Pilgrims travel to the New World? History of Thanksgiving Mini-Book Page 2 A Difficult Winter About two months after leaving England, the Pilgrims spotted land for the first time. They also saw signs of people living there. The Native Americans hid from the Pilgrims because they were afraid. The Pilgrims came on to the land and started building a new life. They called their new home “New Plymouth.” The Pilgrims were afraid of the Native Americans too. The men took turns keeping watch at night to protect their families. Winter was coming and they were not ready for it. It got much colder than the Pilgrims imagined it would. In addition, there was little food and supplies left from their long journey across the Atlantic Ocean. That first winter was very difficult for the Pilgrims. Many of them became ill. Sadly, only about half of them survived that terrible first winter. Why was the first winter so difficult for the Pilgrims?

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