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Have you thought about acupuncture?

Treatment of women in pregnancy and labour has a long tradition in China

with many pictures found on tortoise shells depicting some pregnancy and
labour related problems. The first surviving text dedicated entirely to
obstetrics in China is The Treasure of Obstetrics by Jing Xiao Chan Bao,
written during the Tang Dynasty (618-907 AD) ,followed by formal medical
training hospitals including dedicated obstetric departments. Currently,
Acupuncture in many modern studies is proving to be a worthy way of
treating the issues that can occur during pregnancy. The thoughts in TCM
is that during pregnancy, it is important to keep the qi (energy flow) and
blood in harmony.In modern terms this means it helps normalize the bodys
internal biological balance which then helps to ensure a healthy problem
free pregnancy.

So, in short the treatment plans are generally designed to restore the
females balance which strengthens and helps her combat any negative
effects they may be experiencing in pregnancy including, but not limited to,
depression,morning sickness, dizziness and headaches (See list below).

What are the benefits of having Acupuncture while you are

pregnant ?
1. It is a natural form of medicine that can be used for most reasons in
2. It provides a safe and therapeutic health system to assist a mother
and baby throughout the whole of her pregnancy.
3. It can help resolve lots of different health issues (see below for the
4. It brings about a greater sense of wellbeing, comfort, better sleep
and a noticeable reduction of stress levels.
5. From a health maintenance point of view, acupuncture can help the
fetus develop harmoniously by supporting the mothers health and
metabolism while helping to improve the womans immune functions.
6. For the woman who is entering pregnancy with health related issues
whether it be a history of depression,recurrent miscarriage, auto immune
issues or otherwise, Acupunctureand/herbs are a serious and often proven
alternative and they can be integrated as part of their overall medical care.
7. Most importantly it can help to reduce the need for chemical
intervention which is a serious factor for most women and their medical
team who always place safety at the heart every pregnancy care plan.
8. Acupuncture during pregnancy has been proven to help with major
depressive disorder.
9. Research has shown that for women with a history of recurrent
miscarrige, regular monitering and stress reduction treatment in the first 12
weeks increased live birth rates. 86% of women in the treatment group,
compared to 33% for women that did not receive treatment. (Aust NZ J
Obstet Gynecol 1991:31:4:3210)
Here is a list of what acupuncture can help with while pregnant;
Reduces the chance of miscarriage
Boosts immunity
Drug free choice for problems such as sinusitis, coughs, colds etc
Proven alternative for depression in pregnancy
Improves energy and quality of sleep
Balances your emotions
Eases if not stops morning sickness
Can resolve constipation
Eases water retention
Helps with headaches
Small for dates babies
Back and pelvic pain
Labour induction from 40 plus 1 day term.
Breech presentation, and it helps preparation of the cervix and is
proven to shorten labour time in particular first time mothers
It is essential for any pregnant woman to verify that her practitioner is well
educated. By choosing a registered Acupuncturist from the Acupuncture
Council of Ireland the woman will have assurance that she will be treated in
a gentle, safe and professional manner

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