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Atomic Absorption Spectrometer


Simple Operating Instruction

Jiangsu Skyray Instrument Co., Ltd.

Add1888 West Zhonghuayuan Rd., Kunshan, Jiangsu

Add: 639 Granite Street, suite 222Braintree, MA02184
Tel: +1-617-202-3879
Fax: +1-617-202-3878

Service Hotline
Tel: 800-9993-800 400-7102-888
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Jiangsu Skyray Instrument Co., Ltd.
The copyright of this instruction is owned by Jiangsu Skyray Instrument Co., Ltd.
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This instruction is made of information on ASIS basis. Jiangsu Skyray Instrument Co.,
Ltd. reserves the right to revise or change this instruction at any time without the
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technological or editorial omissions, inaccuracies and errors contained herein.

Chapter1 Mainframe dimension .............................................................2

Chapter2 Environmental requirements .................................................2

Chapter3 Power on ...................................................................................2

Chapter4 Measurements of samples .....................................................3

Chapter5 Power off ...................................................................................9

Chapter6 Optimal Working Conditions ..................................................9

Safety operation instructions
No open flame is allowed in the atomic absorption laboratory. Acetylene cylinders
must not be placed in the same room with automatic absorption instruments.
The room in which the acetylene cylinder is placed should be well-ventilated
without open flames.
The acetylene flow rate should not exceed 2.5L/min during the ignition. Make
sure that there should be water seal in the waste pipe before ignition.
The output pressure of acetylene cylinder should not exceed 0.12MPa.
If the instrument has been ignited, operators should not be too far away from it.
Before extinguishing the instrument, remember to close the acetylene cylinder
first to have flames go out automatically.
Please do read this operating instruction with great care before operating.
All parameters in this software are recommended to use default values if there
are no special needs from users.

Chapter1 Mainframe dimension

Mainframe dimension: 870mm(L)565mm(W)594.5mm(H)

Chapter2 Environmental requirements

(1) Environmental conditions:

a) Ambient temperature: 10~30;
b) Relative humidity: 75%;
c) Atmospheric pressure: 700hPa~1060hPa;
(2) Gas source: purity of acetylene99.9%; Output pressure, 0.01MPa~0.12MPa;
(3) Power supply: single-phase AC power, output voltage 220V22V, output
frequency 50Hz1Hz, well grounded;
(4) The instrument should be positioned on a stable platform with an exhaust system
above the instrument. Strong direct sunlight and interference from electromagnetic
field should be avoided as well;
(5) The instrument should not be placed in environments with strong corrosive gases
(including strong acids and strong alkalis).

Chapter3 Power on

1. Install the hollow cathode lamp to be measured, and then check to ensure the well
connections between gas lines, power cords and communication lines.
2. Turn on the power of computer, instrument host and then air compressor
respectively, open the acetylene cylinder and adjust its output pressure to 0.11MPa;
3. Start the software and you will go to the Log in interface as follows. Enter the User

name and Password and then click the Log in button to go to the main interface.

Chapter4 Measurements of samples

1. Setup of the hollow cathode lamp

Click Instrument Control Lamp No. Set to go to the corresponding interface. Click
the blue button as shown bellow and there will pop up an Element Periodic Table.
Select the corresponding element and then click OK to finish the setup of hollow
cathode lamp.

2. Setup of instrument parameters

After the setup of the hollow cathode lamp, click Instrument parameters to go to the
corresponding interface, select the hollow cathode lamp to be used and then click
Set to finish the setup of instrument parameters.

3. Wavelength scanning and preheating of instrument

Click Instrument Control Peak treating, and select Wavelength to go to the

Wavelength scan interface. Enter the corresponding starting value (Start) and
termination value (End) and click Confirm to start wavelength scanning. After the
peak is scanned, watch the energy bar of AA value in the lower left corner. If the AA
value does not reach 801, you can click the Fine turning of turret button to
adjust turret to the best position and then click the Auto gaining button to have
the instrument adjust the negative high voltage automatically, therefore to help the
AA energy value reaching 801.

Let the instrument work for 20min to finish the preheating of the instrument. In this
case, watch the AA energy value again to check whether it is within 801. If not,
click Auto gaining for adjustment.

4. Establishment of new project

Click File New project to go to the corresponding interface. Enter the Project
Name, select the target Mode of curve fitting from the list, click Add StandSample to
add the target standard sample, well set the corresponding Density and Times, and
click Add Sample. After all the above operations, click Confirm to finish the
establishment of new project.

If the instrument is equipped with autosampler and you have selected the Auto
Sample mode, you are recommended to configure the cup no. for each sample via
clicking Instrument Control AS100 Setting to go to the corresponding interface.
Click Save after the cup no. is well configured.

5. Ignition and flow rate adjustment of acetylene

After establishing the new project, click the Ignition button to igniting the
instrument. Then click Flame parameters to go to the corresponding interface to well
configure the acetylene (C2H2) flow rate and click Set C2H2 to finish its flow rate

6. Start of measurements

Select the line of sample to be tested and click the Sample button or press the
Spacebar to start measurements. After all the standards are measured, click the
Build a working curve button to create a standard curve. The samples can then
be measured until all the sample measurements are completed.

If Auto Sample has been selected and Automatic has been ticked, you just need to
click Sample and measurements of both standards and samples will be fulfilled

(Note: the Auto Sample mode can only be available when the autosampler is

7. Extinction

Here please note that, if the instrument wont be used for a long time, the acetylene
valve should be closed to have flames go out automatically so as to empty the

acetylene in it. You can click the Extinction button in the software directly to
have flames go out before ignition which is expected to be operated within a short
period of time.

8. Save project and print reports

After measurements, click Save Project to save the corresponding project. The
saved project can be viewed via clicking Open Project. You can also export it as a
report and click the Print button for printing if needed.

When you go to the Printing report setting interface and enter the corresponding
information, you can customize the report here via clicking Print to come to the Print
Report interface. You can also use the preset report format via clicking File Open
Template to select the Default template as shown below. Click File Print for

Chapter5 Power off

Make sure that both the acetylene valve and air compressor have been turned off.
Then exit the software and switch off the power supply of the instrument.

Chapter6 Optimal Working Conditions

1. Lamp current

Both the analytical sensation and stability will be influenced by lamp current.
Generally, a lower current will lead to a higher sensation whereas with larger noise,
while a higher lamp current will result in a better stability. Therefore, the lamp current
cannot be too high or too low. Here for AAS6000, 1.5mA~3mA of lamp current is
commonly taken, in which 2mA is the most recommended one.

Note: you are suggested to use the specified hollow cathode lamp within its validity

2. Flame

A right flame will improve both the analytical sensation and stability.

The flow rate of combustion gas and combustion-supporting gas can be adjusted
after the ignition. Different flames can be realized by adjusting the flow rate of
acetylene until a larger atomic absorption rate with stability is achieved. When using
air-acetylene, the flame will be blue if the acetylene flow rate is relatively low while
the flame will be yellow if the acetylene flow rate is relatively high.

3. Position coarse adjustment of burner

The location of burner, especially its height, may impose a great influence on both
the analytical sensation and stability. The height of burner should be maintained at
5mm. And the slit of burner should be parallel to the optical beam, but a little lower
than it.

4. Sample extraction rate

Analytical sensation and stability may bear a large impact from sample extraction
rate. To a certain extent, the more sample liquids spray into the flame, the higher the
sensation will be, whereas the efficiency of atomic absorption may abate if too much
sample liquids spray into the flame. The configured air flow rate is stable, which can
be chosen by selecting the corresponding model of sampling tubes. Here sampling

tubes with a variety of specifications are optional for users.

5. Nebulizer

Appropriate adjustment upon the nebulizer will further raise the nebulizer rate.
Generally, a better result can be achieved when the disperse sphere is placed
closing to the nozzle, with its axis a little lower than that of sprayer.

The disperse sphere on the glass nebulizer has been optimally fixed, while the one
on the stainless steel sprayer needs to be mounted by operators with great care. The
mounting holes of disperse sphere are located on the adjustment level of top cover of
nebulizer. It will turn through the rotation of knob outside the top cover of nebulizer.
You can fix screws on the mounting holes and then mount the disperse sphere onto
the nebulizer.

6. Spectral passband (slit)

Use a slit with its width as large as possible under the premise of the resolution
having achieved the required one, so as to raise both the SNR and analytical stability.
Five kinds of slits are optional here, in which, the one with 0.2nm as its width is most
recommended based on experiences.

7. Wavelength

All possible wavelengths for different elements are listed in the drop-down list of
analysis line. You can choose the required one after selecting the corresponding
hollow cathode lamp. You are recommended to apply two working wavelengths for
most elements. One is used for routine analysis, whose analysis line owns sensitive
lines or a relatively high sensitivity with a better stability. The other is for analysis of
high-concentration samples, whose analysis line owns subsensitive line or a
relatively low sensitivity.


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