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Number of Hits For Each

Team Throughout the last 30

By:Holly Rivera
Box Plot Colorado Rockies # of hits in the last 30 days
Rockies # of Hits Box-Plot Distribution
Starting with the bare minimum of hits hit by the Rockies team in the last 30 days was 5 hits in one game that
occurred on August 4th,2016. The Quartile 1, shows us that 25% of the hits in the last 30 days were 8 or less. The
median or quartile two was 10 hits in the last 30 days explaining that 50% of the data tell us that more than 10 hits
were hit in each ball game and the other 50% tells us that it is less than 10 hits per game. The Quartile 3, tells us that
75% of the hits in the last 30 days was 5-12 hits per game.The maximum 17 tells us that in the last 30 days the max
number of hits that occurred in the ball game was 17 which was on August 3rd,2016 and that 100% of the hits were
through 5-17. For the Range it is 12 with the maximum minus the minimum.The Interquartile Range throughout the
data is 4. Finally , the data tells me that the standard deviation is 3.155.
Box Plot Chicago Cubs # of Hits In the LAst
0 days
Cubs # of hits Box-plot Distribution

For the Cubs team the box plot begins to tell us that the bare minimum of hits in a ball game in the last 30 days was 4
which occurred on August 28th, 2016. Then in Quartile 1, it shows us that 25% of the data of hits in the last 30 days
was 8 hits or less. The median or Quartile 2, goes on to tells us that the middle number of hits is 9 hits per ball game.
This also, tells us that 50% of the data is less than 9 hits per game and that the other 50% of the data is more than 9
hits per game. In Quartile 3, it tells us that 75% of the data is 4 through 11 hits per game in the last 30 ball games.
Now the maximum 17 tells us that in the last 30 days that the max number of hits that occurred in a ball game was 17
which was on August 29th,2016 and that 100% of the hits were through 4-17. The range within the data would turn
out to be 13 from the maximum minus the minimum.The interquartile range would come out to be 3. Finally, the
data tells me that the standard deviation is 2.849.
Histogram: Rockies # of Hits in LAst 30 games
C.U.S.S For Rockies
Rockies Center/Mean:10.2

In Context, this tells me that the average number of hits in the ball game in the last 30 day would have been
10.2 hits.

Rockies Unusual Values:None

Looking at the histogram I dont really see no real outlier they are all spread around the whole graph

Rockies Shape: Close to Approximately Normal

For the rockies shape, I would say it is approximately normal because on each side they're pretty much the
same and meet up at 11.

Rockies Spread:12

The rockies spread is 12 because 17-5=12.

HIstogram: Cubs # of Hits in the Last 30 days
C.u.S.S For Cubs
Cubs Center/Mean:9.46

In Context, this tells me that the average number of hits in the ball game in the last 30 day would have
been 9.46 hits.

Cubs Unusual Values: Maybe, 17

Looking at the histogram I could potentially say that 17 was a outliers just because it is kinda far apart
from all the other numbers.

Cubs Shape:Skewed to the Right

For the cubs histogram shape,I would say skewed to the right because the graph starts to really decrease
after 8.

Cubs Spread:13

The cubs spread because 17-4=13.

Comparing and Contrasting HIstogram Vrs.Boxplot
When I am looking throughout the data between the histogram and the box-plot their are both comparisons and
differences.Both of the histogram and the box-plot you can see the maximum and minimum.In addition, in both the
box-plot and histagram you can see the median the middle line for the box plot and counting on each side for the
histagram.Also, the box-plot and histagram both share range because of you knowing the maximum and minimun of
each you can minus them and get the range. Now looking at the difference between the histograms and box-plot.
With the box-plot you see the quartiles or percentages of points but in the histograms you see the frequency of the
numbers. With the histograms you see how all the numbers go together but in the box-plot you just see where all the
number line up in percents. Also, a difference is the graphing the histograms are like bars but the box-plot are just
lines. All together, both the box-plot and histograms have their differences but they also have their similarities.
Comparing and Contrasting the Data
Looking at the each of my box-plots you can see both similarities and differences.Both of the maximums are 17 hits
per game in the last 30 days.They both have quartiles that range throughout at least 8-11. If you look at the rockies
you can see that with the quartiles the median is more in the middle were as in the cubs box-plot it is closer to the
left. Looking at the cubs the number of hits go farther to the left than when you are looking at the rockies
box-plot.Now, looking at the histograms they as well have their comparisons and contrasts.When I am looking at
each of the histograms I notice that both have a point where their is a big frequency like in the cubs it is at 8 and in
the rockies it is at 11. Looking at the rockies histagram you can see that it is more approximate to normal but with
the cubs histagram is more skewed to the left meaning as the number of hits increases while the frequency
decreases.Now when looking at the cubs histagram there is a big frequency of 8 hits in the last 30 games but rockies
only have 3 frequency at 8 hits per game.
Answering Question?
My question was Between the Chicago Cubs and Colorado Rockies which team has the better offense throughout
the last 30 days? Looking through my data with examples with the box-plot and the histogram show that the rockies
have the the more consistent hitting hits throughout the last 30 days. Looking at the box plot it shows that rockies
have the better offense in the last 30 days by having one more hit in each quartile and the median, maximum and
minimum. Making it more consistent higher values creating the rockies team to have the better hitting in the last 30
days. Now when looking at the histograms you can see that as the number of hits increases in the rockies the
frequency stays around the same but the cubs frequency decreases as the number of hits increases. Also, in the
histogram you can see as the cubs have a very frequent number of hits at 8 while the rockies spread apart but still
have big frequency amounts.In conclusion, you can see that the rockies have the better offense in the last 30 days.

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