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Try this test.

Ask 100 fellow Jews the following simple question; Whats the
next Jewish holiday? I would imagine that 90 of them will answer Shavuot
while 9 might say Lag Bomer. That comes to 99 wrong answers. First of all,
Lag Bomer is not a holiday. While it is a very important day on the Jewish
calendar, there is no Hallel and the day itself is really just a big yahrzeit for
the great Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai. Yes, many people hundreds of
thousands, actually make their way to his grave in Meron and Israelis all
over the country light bonfires, but that does not turn the day into a holiday.
Furthermore, outside of Eretz Yisrael, the only ones celebrating Lag Bomer
are Lubavitch Chassidim while the overwhelming majority of Jews do little
more than skip Tachanun.

The real answer to that question and my guess is that only 1 out of 100 got
it right is: Yom HaAtzmaut. This year, that very special holiday will be
celebrated on May 2nd just 2 weeks after Pesach. Contrary to what you have
learned, this is a major day on our calendar and one must do a lot more than
just eat blue and white cupcakes.

I realize that most Rabbis will ignore this day, and some might even talk
against it, but please dont fall into that trap. This is a very special, holy day
that we must thank Hashem for. Without a doubt, one must say Hallel on this
day. While I follow the opinion that Hallel should be said with a bracha, there is
also a Halachic opinion that Hallel should be recited without a bracha, and I
have no problem with those who follow that opinion. What bothers me very
much are the ones who ignore Hallel completely, because it is not just Hallel
that they are ignoring but also all the miracles that Hashem performed for our

How can we be so stubborn and so blind? How can one not see the
prophecies coming true? How can so many religious Jews deny the events of
the last 70 years and simply brush them off, like dandruff? How can we be so
ungrateful to our Father in heaven?? Simply put, I feel that not recognizing the
establishment of the modern State of Israel as a heavenly miracle is one of
the greatest desecrations of G-ds Name ever in history. We were given a gift
and we threw it back in G-ds face. Our people experienced a national
revival of the dead yet we crawled back to the grave. What a horrible thing
we did.

Dont get me wrong. I am not saying that todays Israel is perfect but I see it as
a new baby that was given, after many years, to a childless couple. How many
tears did that couple shed? How many prayers did they say? How many
dreams did they have and then finally after so many years a child is born!
What joy! What praises to Hashem! But wait the child doesnt walk and he
doesnt talk. He cant even add 1+1 why are the parents so happy? One
word; Potential. The parents thank Hashem for giving them the gift of life and
the trust and responsibility that they will turn that life into a loyal servant to the
King of Kings. They look at their little baby and see the amazing potential
he/she has. With the right education and values, that spitting, diaper-wearing,
crying baby will turn into a full-fledged Torah observant Yid who can change
the world and they have been put in charge to make it happen.
How cant they be happy and thank Hashem???

I see the modern State of Israel as the exact same thing but on
a national level. How many tears did our people shed asking, no
begging Hashem for Him to bring us back home? How many prayers were
said when Jews meant every word to end the bitter exile? And then, that
childless nation that cried for 2,000 years, was given the gift of life. A return to
Zion! Hashem put His trust in us that we would take His precious gift and turn
it into the Land of milk and honey. Hashem knows that we can do it! Yes, this
child is still an infant (what is 69 years when compared to other countries??)
but what an incredible job we have done!

Consider this; theres more Torah learning today in the State of Israel than
ever before in Jewish history!! A new Jewish baby is born in Israel every 4
minutes! Biblical prophecies have come to life! Towns where our forefathers
lived such as Hebron, Bet El and Shilo are replete with children, shuls, mikvas
and thousands of fruit trees! A Jewish army has been established the first in
2,000 years where every base is kosher. A society where 97% of the male
babies receive a bris, 80% fast on Yom Kippur, 90% had a seder on Pesach
and where 100% of the banks, businesses, stock markets and government
offices are closed on all Jewish holidays! Perfect no, but deserving of praise
to our Father who gave us this gift??? Definitely yes!!!

This is why Yom HaAtzmaut is a holiday a real holiday where we dress

accordingly and thank Hashem with words of Torah, prayers, song and of
course, Hallel. But wait theres actually a second holiday after Pesach and
before Shavuos and its called Yom Yerushalayim. This year, Yom
Yerushalayim comes out on May 24th one week before Shavuos. This year,
we will be thanking Hashem for 50 years since His holy messengers the IDF
- liberated the city from the enemy during the Six Day War. In addition, it is
also 50 years since we have control of Yehuda and Shomron! 50 years since
we liberated the Jordan Valley and the Golan Heights! More thanks to
Hashem are necessary! Once again, we must say Hallel on this day to praise
and thank our King for allowing us to enter more of His palace than before.

Dearest friends, Jews need to live with their eyes open to see the wonders of
Hashem. Todays modern State of Israel is a living, breathing miracle of the
highest order. To not recognize and acknowledge the priceless gift that
Hashem gave us is one of the biggest crimes we can commit. I shake when I
think of the punishment that will come to those who return this gift to the
store Make sure you are not one of those people. On these two days
these two Yom Tovs increase your Torah learning, praise Hashem with
Hallel and extra prayers, dress like Shabbos and have a festive meal with
wine. In that spirit, may Hashem give us Part II of His amazing gift; the Bet
HaMikdash and the restoration of the Davidic dynasty. May it happen soon, in
our day!

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