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Australian Dental Journal

The official journal of the Australian Dental Association

Australian Dental Journal 2016; 61: 8492

doi: 10.1111/adj.12332

An exploration of the views of Australian mothers on

promoting child oral health
M Virgo-Milton,* R Boak,* A Hoare,* L Gold, E Waters,* M Gussy, H Calache,
E OCallaghan,* AM de Silva
*Jack Brockhoff Child Health and Wellbeing Program, Academic Centre for Health Equity, Melbourne School of Population and Global
Health, The University of Melbourne, Carlton, Victoria, Australia.
Deakin Health Economics, Deakin Population Health Social Research Centre, Faculty of Health, Deakin University, Burwood, Victoria, Australia.
Department of Dentistry and Oral Health, La Trobe Rural Health School, La Trobe University, Bendigo, Victoria, Australia.
Dental Health Services Victoria, Carlton, Victoria, Australia.
Melbourne Dental School, The University of Melbourne, Carlton, Victoria, Australia.

Background: An important role for parents and caregivers in the prevention of dental caries in children is the early
establishment of health promoting behaviours. This study aimed to examine mothers views on barriers and facilitators
to promoting child and family oral health.
Methods: Semi-structured interviews were undertaken with a purposive sample of mothers (n = 32) of young children.
Inductive thematic analysis was conducted.
Results: Parental knowledge and beliefs, past experiences and child behaviour emerged as major influences on childrens
oral health. Child temperament and parental time pressures were identified as barriers to good oral health with various
strategies reported for dealing with uncooperative children at toothbrushing time. Parental oral health knowledge and
beliefs emerged as positive influences on child oral health; however, while most mothers were aware of the common
causes of dental caries, very few knew of other risk factors such as bedtime feeding. Parents own oral health experiences
were also seen to positively influence child oral health, regardless of whether these were positive or negative experiences.
Conclusions: Understanding parental oral health beliefs is essential to overcoming barriers and promoting enablers for
good child oral health. Improving child oral health also requires consideration of child behaviour, family influences, and
increasing awareness of lesser-known influencing factors.
Keywords: Beliefs, health behaviour, health promotion, oral health, parenting.
Abbreviations and acronyms: ECC = early childhood caries; MCHN = maternal and child health nurses.
(Accepted for publication 15 April 2015.)

have a multifactorial aetiology7 and there is growing

recognition of the importance of social, behavioural
Dental caries is a highly prevalent childhood disease and psychosocial factors in its development.8,9
in Australia, being present in almost half of children The family unit itself also has an important role in
aged 56 years.1 The disease is often left untreated the oral health of children. Research suggests that reg-
and when advanced, can lead to developmental prob- ular family routines and practices promoting good
lems, adverse education and social outcomes, pain, oral health and establishing positive behaviours early
disfigurement, hospital admission, and lowered quality in life are important for promoting child oral health.10
of life for children.2,3 The distribution of dental caries Parental behaviours, beliefs, knowledge, perceptions
is not equal across the population, with the greatest and self-efficacy play an important role in the extent
burden faced by children who are more socially disad- to which other family members, particularly
vantaged,4 and amongst those living in rural and young children, perform oral health related
regional areas.5,6 While much is known about the behaviours.8,1115 Further, the importance of parental
pathogenesis of dental caries in general, the develop- role modelling has been shown to continue well into
ment of caries very early in life, early childhood caries the adolescent period for several oral health related
(ECC), is less well understood. Caries is considered to behaviours.14,16 In addition to parental self-efficacy, a
84 2015 Australian Dental Association
Mothers views on child oral health

mothers sense of coherence (a psychosocial factor guide consisted of 11 open-ended questions (Table 1);
that enables people to identify and manage tension each participant was asked the same questions but not
and use resources to promote effective coping strate- necessarily in the same order. Several interview ques-
gies) has been associated with the use of dental care tions explored participant attitudes and perceptions;
services by families of low socioeconomic status.17 these questions examined participants thoughts, prac-
Similarly, parental stress and lower household income tices, skills, knowledge, beliefs, feelings and influences
have been associated with ECC.8,9 around oral health. They also explored where and
Currently, there is little research available on the how parents access information and services in rela-
importance of parental perceptions, attitudes and tion to child and family oral health.
beliefs about childrens oral health, toothbrushing, Consistent with standard methodology, the devel-
and the causes of tooth decay, particularly in early opment of the interview guide was informed by a
childhood.12,18 Further, only limited research is avail- comprehensive review of the literature to identify
able using qualitative methodology to provide a key areas of interest.21 The draft interview questions
deeper understanding of the influences of primary were piloted with four primary caregivers with chil-
caregivers on child oral health. The purpose of the dren aged between 6 months and 3 years who were
current study is to gain a greater understanding of the not involved in the Splash! study. Pilot testing was
factors that influence childrens oral health and to to ensure questions were interpreted and answered
explore how the oral health related experiences, to reflect true differences in primary caregivers
perceptions and beliefs of parents influence the oral beliefs, attitudes and perceptions towards individual,
health practices of their children. child and family oral health.21 No changes were
required to the interview guide after the piloting
was undertaken.
Three researchers from The University of Mel-
This qualitative study is nested within a larger bourne were trained in interview techniques. Each
prospective birth cohort study named Splash! which interview was conducted by one interviewer accompa-
is following children from in utero to 5 years of age. nied by one note taker. The interviews were con-
The rationale and methods for the Splash! study are ducted in participants homes or at a location
described in detail elsewhere.19 convenient to them and took approximately 3040
minutes. All interviews were digitally recorded using
an Olympus digital voice recorder (WS-321M) and
Sampling frame
transcribed verbatim and verified by independent
A sub-sample of 32 parents was purposively selected researchers. The content of the interviews was dis-
from the Splash! main study sample (n = 458) to pro-
vide participants from a range of demographic vari-
ables, including socioeconomic status (education, Table 1. Qualitative interview topic guide oral
income), family size (number of children in the fam- health questions
ily), and source of water consumed (tank, tap, bot-
Now Id like to talk about your oral health and the oral health of
tled). These characteristics were chosen as they are the child in the Splash! study?
analytically important and have been shown to play 1. What does oral health mean to you?
an important role in individual and family oral 2. How do your beliefs about oral health influence your own
oral health practices and those of your child?
health.4,9,19 Sampling continued until there was an 3. Where do you learn about dental care?
adequate range of these demographic variables 4. What have been some of your personal experiences going to
amongst participants to address the research question the dentist?
5. How have you felt about the dental care you have received?
and develop a sound understanding of the phenomena 6. How have your experiences influenced your decision to take
under investigation.20 All participants that indicated your youngest child to the dentist?
they would be interested in taking part in an interview 7. How serious do you think dental problems are?
were eligible for inclusion if their child taking part in
as serious as other health problems?
8. When thinking about dental problems you and your family
the study was aged 6 months or older at the time of may have, how big a priority is it?
interviews. There may or may not have been other 9. What factors do you feel impact on the dental care (e.g. teeth
brushing) practices of your child?
children in the family. skills
time pressures
Design and data collection childs behaviour
10. What influence if any does your childs behaviour have on
Semi-structured interviews (n = 32) were conducted their toothbrushing practices?
across the Barwon South Western Region of Victoria, 11. If child is uncooperative what strategies if any do you use to
overcome this behaviour?
Australia from March to June 2011. The interview
2015 Australian Dental Association 85
M Virgo-Milton et al.

cussed amongst the interviewers and research team on methods used and described by Green et al.22 and
throughout the data collection and analysis process Whittemore et al.23
which shaped and informed subsequent interviews
and analyses as per the method by Green et al.22

Approvals Respondents were all mothers, aged 19 to 42 years at

the time of recruitment into this study. Their children
Ethics approval was received from the Human were aged between 4 and 12 months at the time of
Research Ethics Committees of The University of Mel- the interview. For almost one-third of mothers inter-
bourne (Melbourne, VIC, Australia) and Barwon viewed, the infant in the study was their first child.
Health (Geelong, VIC, Australia). Participants pro- Ninety per cent of the interview participants were
vided written and verbal informed consent for partici- Australian-born and all participants spoke English at
pation, recording of discussions and use of data. home. Over three-quarters of the participants had
completed year 12 and 34% had completed a
Data management and analysis Bachelor-level degree. Over half of mothers were
engaged in casual, full- or part-time work. Twenty-
Transcripts were imported into NVivo 9.1 (QSR five per cent of participants had a health care card
International, 2011) for coding. A thematic analytic (that provided discounted health care fees for low
technique was used to analyse the transcripts based income households and/or people with chronic medi-
on methods used by Fossey et al.20 This method cal conditions).
involved constantly comparing, classifying, grouping In the thematic analyses, 12 major topic areas were
and refining sections of transcripts to generate a col- identified for drinks, 12 for food and 14 for oral
lection of themes within the data.20 Specifically, items health. This study will report only on the topic areas
in each interview were compared with the other inter- related to oral health. Within the 14 topic areas iden-
view transcripts to inform the development of analytic tified for oral health, six main categories emerged: the
categories and conceptualize relationships between the meaning of oral health, causes of child tooth decay,
data.20,22 influences on own childs oral health, strategies to
All analyses were performed by the three interview- overcome barriers to oral health, priority of oral
ers as they were the most familiar with the data and health care, and sources of oral health advice.
brought their experience and understanding to the
process of analysis.22 Inductive thematic content anal-
ysis was conducted with each transcript. In this cod- The meaning of oral health
ing process, interviewers examined the data so that
When asked what does oral health mean to you?,
embedded relationships and meanings could emerge
themes emerged around the absence of disease and
based on methods used by Fossey et al.20 Using a sim-
taking care of teeth and gums. However, these themes
ilar process, interviewers then identified common
were rarely mentioned in isolation, and most mothers
codes across participants. The next phase involved
reported that for them oral health encompasses both
looking at how codes could be linked, and in this pro-
good oral hygiene practices and absence of illness in
cess, categories which relate to different aspects of the
the mouth. The strongest categories reported by moth-
issues being explored were developed as per the previ-
ers included healthy mouth and gums, brushing teeth
ous study by Green et al.22 The final phase of analysis
every day and flossing.
required the researchers to move beyond just describ-
ing the categories identified, to generating themes ID 230 I guess oral health means the condition
which provided interpretation of the issues being of your teeth and mouth as a whole so looking
explored, based on methods described by Green at whether there is any tooth decay, any like
et al.22 In this process themes were generated from gum diseases, just the overall condition of your
the identified categories in reference to relevant litera- oral cavity I guess and then to maintain oral
ture on childrens oral health which enabled detailed health its like brushing your teeth, dental check-
explanation and interpretation of findings on parental ups I know you have got to floss . . .
influences on child and family oral health. Transcripts
were cross-coded to verify consistency in coding. The ID 281 So its just again care and maintenance,
three interviewers met as a group to discuss any brushing regularly, flossing, mouth wash, if you
inconsistencies in coding and reach a consensus across want to . . . regular visits to the dentists and
all major themes to ensure that the results of the check-ups and those sort of things and clean and
research reflected the participants experiences and scale every six months. . . . yeah thats pretty
provided an accurate interpretation of the data based much it.
86 2015 Australian Dental Association
Mothers views on child oral health

Causes of child tooth decay Inuences on own childs oral health

Participants saw the causes of tooth decay in children In response to questions about the main influences on
as the opposite of oral health. Themes included oral their childs oral health, several themes emerged
hygiene, diet, genetics and parenting styles. Most around parental beliefs, parental experiences, time
mothers had an understanding of the most recog- and child behaviour.
nized causes of dental caries in young children.
Mothers reported that not looking after your childs Beliefs
teeth by not brushing them and not taking the child
to the dentist had an influence on dental decay. Giv- The belief that it was important to establish good oral
ing children sugary foods and drinks, introducing health routines early in life appeared to be a motiva-
such foods too early in life and giving sugary foods tor for establishing good oral health behaviours for
too frequently were also mentioned as contributing their children at a young age. This included establish-
factors. ing routines for regular brushing, regular visits to the
dentist, and limiting sugary foods and drinks.
ID 100 Because the parents dont set the bound-
aries the parents dont rub their little gums with ID 252 No its always been a good routine. She
face washers when theyre little and dont treat knows she brushes her teeth then goes to bed so
tooth brushing like a fun activity thats why chil- its always a good routine. She knows thats
dren get tooth decay. whats going to happen.

ID 77 How early they are introduced to lots of ID 272 Well its like the doctor I suppose. The
sweet things and cordial . . . and how they brush dentist and the doctor same thing. Try and make
their teeth. it positive and you dont wait till its painful.
You know they have a tooth ache and you have
ID 247 Well I think probably its related to to go and its scary. You want to do it when its
diet and how well or not children are able to positive . . .
brush their teeth how much fluoride they have
in their early years and yeah probably a lot to ID 230 I guess my belief is that we should try
do with food choices in terms of whether they and limit sugary drinks and umm too much sug-
are eating a lot of sugar types of foods ary caffeinated foods and drinks yeah, and regu-
frequently. lar brushing of teeth morning and night and
regular check-ups at the dentist . . . so I guess
While a majority of the factors mentioned by par- just try and instil in the children brush your
ents were ones that were able to be controlled, a small teeth in the morning and brush them at night
number of mothers also reported factors which they before you go to bed.
felt were beyond their control such as a genetic pre-
disposition to developing dental caries.
Parents own experiences
ID 11 Look, I imagine that part of it might be
genetic factors, some might be just prone to it Many mothers reported that their own experiences
and diet . . . yeah so I think its both diet and growing up in relation to oral health and oral health
genetics is my guess. care influenced the oral health care they provided for
their child. This seemed to be the case regardless of
ID 301 I reckon its hereditary, brushing, their whether the mothers experience was positive or nega-
susceptibility to the sugar . . . acid on their teeth tive.
. . . and obviously food choices and the amount
ID 317 I brush my teeth once a day. I floss if I
or frequency of sugar that they have.
feel like it and use mouth wash if I think about
Most mothers reported that it was a combination it, but yeah I would rather have her have a bet-
of all these factors that made some children more ter routine. Once again, growing up I really
prone to dental decay than others. However, few didnt have any structure. I wasnt told to do it,
mothers mentioned less well known risk factors such I just, you know, did it my own way, did what-
as infants falling asleep whilst being fed milk or ever I wanted to do, so I would rather have a
drinks containing sugar, and transmission of cario- structured thing for her.
genic bacteria from caregiver to child as reasons that
some children may be more likely to get tooth decay ID 247 Well I think because I have had the
than others. upbringing that I have I want the same oral

2015 Australian Dental Association 87

M Virgo-Milton et al.

health for (study child) that Ive had. So, umm Other mothers seemed to adopt a more permissive
you know, we try and work-in teeth cleaning as approach, reporting that on occasions it was an easier
part of the routine pretty early so shes used to option to stop trying and to clean their childrens
it and hopefully we get along to see the dentist teeth on another occasion if the child was not cooper-
so shes not scared of dentists. ative.
ID 301 Its just when they get independent, you
Time know, if theyre tired theyve had enough and
Lack of time in busy schedules was reported by moth- you dont get like youve got to brush their
ers as a barrier to providing good oral health care for teeth. But if youve been out and all that hap-
their children. pens and they fall asleep in the car, youre not
going to wake them up and brush their teeth.
ID 299 Oh time, I think times a big one. You They could have been eating crap all day and
get to that time of night where you know they you know, and how your time schedule is at
need to be fed, they need to be put to bed, it all home and fitting it all in . . . you know brushing
becomes a rush and then the teeth cleaning is their teeth isnt a priority to them.
just a little annoyance on top really. But it is
obviously really important so you do it. ID 76 No I just give up because I think whats
the point of pushing, hes going to hate it if I
keep pushing him, so . . . he will get there even-
Child behaviour tually . . . he is only 14, 15 months, just. Hell
Mothers also reported that young children are often get there and you know when he is there I will
uncooperative which can make it difficult to get in get the brush and start helping him but if hes
their mouths and clean their teeth. sick of it I wont.

ID 133 Yeah look shes compliant for a couple Other mothers seemed more authoritarian in their
of minutes or not even a minute and then the approach, reporting that if their children were unco-
moments gone yeah shes closed up shop even if operative when cleaning their teeth they would persist
we try. giving in to their child was not an option.
ID 151 No no, they play by my rules. Im the
ID 133 Yep childrens behaviour and also at this boss (laugh), Im the boss arent I? yeah so he
age they dont always allow you to get in there cant go to day care if he hasnt brushed his
yeah, so its a big thing . . . teeth. He knows thats the drill and he wants to
go, so a bit of bribery and corruption there.
ID 236 Because hes trying to eat my finger and
wont hold still and wont hold his mouth open And others displayed an authoritative (rather than
and its just tricky. authoritarian) approach:
ID 100 Yep theres a good routine. They enjoy
brushing their teeth. If they dont enjoy brushing
Strategies to overcome barriers to oral health their teeth and theyre not getting teeth then
Themes that emerged, in response to questions about theyll sit on me and Ill hold their heads back
strategies used by parents when their children were and Ill brush their teeth . . .
uncooperative with respect to cleaning their teeth,
were around creating positive experiences (primarily
making it fun), giving the child no alternative, and Priority of oral health care
leaving brushing for another time. When asked when thinking about dental problems
ID 169 I try and make it a fun thing, not a that you and your family may have, how big a prior-
chore for them because I know some kids it is a ity is it?, most mothers reported dental problems as a
chore. high priority for their family. Some mothers explicitly
assigned a higher value to their childs oral health,
ID 252 We try and make it like fun because she compared to their own.
tends to just eat the toothpaste so I tend to say, ID 138 Oh its very important even if we didnt
make as many bubbles as you can by brushing have money I would put it on Visa card or I
it. Just make it a competition, oh you have more would go to my parents [for money] . . . so I mean
bubbles than me. Just stuff like that. what were doing now, we need to be careful

88 2015 Australian Dental Association

Mothers views on child oral health

because whatever happens to these teeth is going (study child) had a few problems with his teeth
to impact adult teeth and thats a huge thing. that I started to like get a lot of information.

ID 151 Its one of those things you put off till

youre in pain, which has always been the way
. . . but you tend to put your children before This study provides insights into parental influences
yourself and because of the cost too yeah of it. on the prevention of dental caries and the promotion
of good oral health in young children. The major
ID 237 Its a bigger priority for me to get my themes which emerged were the importance of par-
kids teeth looked at, than mine because I cur- ents and caregivers oral health beliefs and percep-
rently need probably a filling, but I just havent tions, information-seeking behaviours, parenting
got time, but the kids, as soon as they need, its, styles, as well as their perceived ability to establish
you make time for them. good child oral health related behaviours, and thereby
manage their childs oral health.
Parental knowledge and beliefs about the causes of
Sources of oral health advice dental caries have previously been found to be associ-
ated with the adoption of protective behaviours.24 It
Mothers reported their sources of oral health advice
has also been found that parents who have a lack of
comprised dental professionals, maternal and child
knowledge about ECC are more likely to delay seek-
health nurses (MCHN), and their own parents.
ing treatment for their child.13 In the current study,
ID 7 Umm well we learnt about it in school most mothers had an awareness of the association of
and then see the health nurse. They teach me poor plaque control and sugary foods with dental car-
about what I should be doing with (study ies, which is consistent with other studies investigating
child) and (other child) learns about it at parents knowledge of risk factors for ECC.2426 They
school Im pretty sure, and when we go to the were also aware of the multifactorial nature of the
dentist the dentist tells me what I should be disease, with few parents identifying only one factor.
doing or tells (study child) so we know what Although the evidence is not conclusive, there are
we should be doing. indications that maternal practices (e.g. tasting food,
sharing utensils, kissing on lips) can increase bacterial
ID 11 Yeah, but I remember certainly mum say- colonization in the oral cavity of young children.2732
ing brush your teeth, brush your teeth. However, most mothers interviewed were not aware
of these relationships, a finding which is also consis-
ID 169 I know when she first starting getting tent with an earlier study.33 These findings suggest a
teeth I was told by MCHN just to use a flannel need for increasing parental knowledge of the range
and wash them with water and I started that . . . of risk factors linked with the development of dental
caries and the behaviours to avoid in young children.
ID 236 Yeah yep well Ive also learnt it from the Although the evidence is mixed surrounding the effec-
maternal and child health nurse, I dont think tiveness of educational interventions in reducing
she knows Im a dentist, so I ask questions ECC,34 several studies have found that interventions
which I should know. aimed at increasing parents child oral health related
knowledge, and knowledge of ECC prevention strate-
Although some mothers reported that they found
gies, can foster behaviour change.26,35
the information and advice they had received was very
Resistance from a child has been reported to be a
useful, others had received written information but
major barrier to the provision of good oral health
had not read it or not yet acted on it.
practices.18 In our study, mothers discussed their
ID 230 No not yet I think I should probably childs behaviour and lack of time as barriers to
start cleaning. I remember at her last check-up improving their childs oral health practices. These
at the 8 month check-up once they have teeth findings are consistent with other studies which found
you should get a flannel and wash with a flannel that the stress of daily life often makes it difficult for
but I havent done that yet. parents to properly care for their childrens teeth.18
Further, Spitz et al. found children who were per-
ID 301 Once kinder starts you get some health ceived as difficult by their parents were at higher risk
promotion about it, but prior to that, well you of ECC36 and were more likely to have their teeth
do get handouts from maternal nurse, once brushed daily compared to easy children who were
again about dental and oral health and looking more likely to have them brushed twice daily.
after your teeth. But the main thing wasnt until The difficult children were also more likely to be
2015 Australian Dental Association 89
M Virgo-Milton et al.

bottle-fed and have white spot lesions significantly When exploring where mothers obtained oral health
more often, and at an earlier age, than children per- information from, a variety of sources including fami-
ceived as easy.36 Further research is needed into the lies, dental professionals and MCHNs were identified.
role of child temperament on the management of However, the primary source was family. A similar
childrens health related behaviours, and for develop- finding was reported by Lopez et al., who found that
ing effective strategies for caregivers to overcome this mothers often sought oral health advice from their
barrier. families as they were seen as a trusted source of infor-
Parenting styles also appeared to influence whether a mation.25 In our study the oral health advice sought
parent persisted or gave up when a child misbehaved by mothers was almost always in relation to cleaning
or refused to have their teeth cleaned. In this study the childs teeth. Few mothers mentioned that they
some mothers took an authoritative approach to ensur- had received advice from any sources about when to
ing their child(ren) had their teeth cleaned, even if they first take their child to the dentist, whether to give
were uncooperative. Other mothers took a more per- their child a bottle in bed, or the role of cariogenic
missive approach, giving in to their uncooperative bacteria transfer in caries development. Similarly, an
child and deferring toothbrushing to a time their child earlier Australian study found that transmission of
may be more cooperative. In our study, the majority of cariogenic bacteria was not mentioned as a key factor
mothers were confident in using strategies such as when interviewing a range of primary health care pro-
making toothbrushing fun and offering the child no fessionals about perceived causes of tooth decay.33
alternative when being uncooperative with toothbrush- Among these professionals the most commonly
ing. However, there were some mothers who had little reported factors contributing to ECC were the childs
confidence in their ability to overcome such beha- diet and not taking a child to the dentist early
viours. These mothers were likely to defer brushing for enough.33 With the demands placed on health care
another time rather than persist. This finding is consis- professionals it may not be surprising that the advice
tent with previous research which found that parents given to mothers regarding oral health is largely
who had little belief in their ability were less likely to focused around the more well-known causes of ECC,
persist with oral health behaviours over time, even if such as consumption of sugary foods and drinks, not
they appeared to have good intentions.18 Self-efficacy brushing teeth regularly and inadequate fluoride.
has been linked to positive changes in oral health- Among health care professionals, there is a need for
related behaviour. Studies have found that parents increasing advice to parents on other causes of tooth
who reported feeling confident in cleaning their childs decay in young children such as cariogenic bacteria
teeth cleaned their childs teeth more frequently than transmission and appropriate bedtime infant feeding
parents who reported a lack of confidence.24 Providing practices.
parents with strategies to combat uncooperative child In Australia, to date, there has been only limited
behaviour at toothbrushing time may increase the par- assessment of the usefulness of the oral health advice
ents self-efficacy and help parents to be more success- and information provided by MCHNs to parents.
ful in cleaning their childrens teeth.18 The present study found that while some mothers
Although limited, evidence suggests that parents found the information they received regarding oral
perceptions of their childs oral health is predictive of health as very useful, others reported that they did
child oral health experience.10 Our finding that mater- not read the information provided. In addition, while
nal oral health beliefs and experiences were major the majority of mothers reported that the MCHN
influences on a childs oral health is consistent with were a good source of oral health information, most
this and other studies. In other studies, parents have mothers reported that they primarily sought advice
reported that previous bad experiences of their own, from family members, highlighting the importance of
or of their families, lead them to place a higher value social networks on influencing health related beha-
on providing good oral health care for their viours.
children.13 This was also the case in our study, with
parents who had negative dental experiences them-
selves reporting strong feelings about making sure
their children did not go through similar situations This study utilized purposive sampling. Whilst this
and had more positive oral health experiences. How- has significant benefits and advantages, one limitation
ever, this contrasts a study by Hilton et al. which is that the sample does not necessarily represent the
demonstrated that carers who had had negative and entire population. Interviews as a method for data
painful experiences at the dentist were actually reluc- collection have several strengths but also some limita-
tant to take their children for dental treatment for tions. They are well suited to explore the perceptions
fear of exposing their children to the same pain they and beliefs of participants concerning complex, and
had experienced.37 sometimes sensitive, issues whilst allowing the
90 2015 Australian Dental Association
Mothers views on child oral health

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