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Within the Discipline

This semester in the RL class, as a returner, I have been able to watch

the new leaders being formed. As I participated in the teaching of the
hopeful RLs, I could refresh my own leading strategies. I relearned about the
use of the continuity of actions to be a better leader. Personality Psychology
taught me about the Myers-Briggs personality tests. It told me that I was a
mentor personality and that I had a different way of leading. I lead by
example and learn from others along the way. I have had my residents take
the same test to see how they can better their next year here at Tarleton and
how they can become better learners and leaders. Government taught me
about proper role of a ruling person in a way. I connected the way our
federal government runs to how a hall should be organized. Theres always
going to be a leader, but other leaders should keep the others in check while
also supporting them. In my opinion thats the best way to have a smoothly
running hall; a main leader (RL) with the remaining leaders (residents, staff,
etc.) supporting and correcting the other.

Beyond the Discipline

Digital Art isnt my forte, I am a studio artist, so I dont really use
computers for my work. As I took this class I learned how pushing your
comfort zone can be fun and self-motivating. Because I know how it feels to
push myself I can identify ways that someone else could push themselves, in
hopes that they will become better. Personality Psychology taught me about
stress and anxiety as a personality trait. Sometimes it is in our nature to be
stressed beings, but that doesnt have to define us. Ive learned of ways to
control or at least understand where stressors are and how to deal with
them. Painting has taught me that sometimes you just need a break. No
matter what job you do, what major you are, or if you have the skills or not, a
few minutes to hours of relaxing painting is a great way to refocus the rest of
your day. I take away from this that even though things can get stressful in
the world, there are other things that will inspire and push you to continue to
work for the best.

Beyond Academics
Desk shifts strengthened my skills in customer service. I started out
the year afraid to pick up the phone or to call people because I didnt know
what to say. Now I have been able to answer phone calls from angry parents
and supply all the help I can to anyone who comes to the front desk or to me
personally when Im not working. Construction has created some struggles
this year. With keeping residents informed I have learned of the best ways to
communicate to them and keep them calm. These are very useful skills for
later in life after college and RL life.

As an RL I have been challenged to use skills and knowledge from all
different sections of study that I am with. These strengths have helped me
understand my residents and help them understand themselves. With my
classes, understanding and communicating with my residents and others in
my life, has become easier and I feel like I have grown as a student, leader,
and person since I became an RL. As I continue my education and (hopefully)
continue as an RL I will continue to learn about new strengths in myself and
ways to strengthen others.

Global Awareness
In the Honors Hall I have always noticed a sort of separation between
the overly studious or introverted and the social extraverted. I have been a
part of both crowds and can easily see the difference between the two
groups. On my own hall, there are groups of friends who only fit into these
categories and individuals who bounce between the two. Because of the
differences, halls can be separated into sort of clicks. This happens around
the world, not just in the hall. However, the difference between the world and
Tarleton is that diversity is highly welcomed here, and in some places around
the world it isnt. Since the students coming in now are becoming
increasingly welcoming to diverse situations, maybe someday the world will
change. Gender, Race, Religion, Sexuality, and political view-points will
always be changing and contradicting each other. There will always be
disagreements over certain topics, but if we can lead the rest of the world to
accept that not everyone is the same, there could be global understanding
and appreciation.

Broader Implications
The Residential Leader experience has provided me with experiences
that will help me in my future. In relation to my strengths quest, my top
strength is restorative. I want to be able to use this strength to keep people
from hurting each other in some way, and maintaining peaceful relations. I
enjoy finding common interests among others and help them establish
positive relationships around those common interests, and pushing people
out of their comfort zones. This will allow me to help my future students in
the classroom, or coworkers in the work place to cooperate, maintain a good
work ethic, and make friendships among each other.

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