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Internship Level 3

FEAPs Portfolio

1. Instructional Design and Lesson Planning. Apply concepts from human development and
learning theories, the effective educator consistently:

a) Aligns instruction with state-adopted standards at the appropriate level of rigor; I

accomplished this by integrating the standards into my lesson plans for fourth grade and
managed them at the appropriate timing in the calendar.
blog/category/1a I also accomplished this by integrating the standards SC.2.7.2 and
SC.2.P.10.1 into the science lesson attached in which students incorporated think-pair-
share to evoke challenging questions but not made them feel submerged.

b) Sequences lessons and concepts to ensure coherence & required prior knowledge; I
accomplished this by using scaffolding to assure student comprehension of the task to
come. In the following link is the lesson plan in which demonstrate I first introduced an
invitation and asked guided questions for students to become familiarized with the parts
of an invitation. I then modeled how to write an invitation based on a story we read in
class for students to make connections. Students then were able to compose an invitation
of their own.

c) Designs instruction for students to achieve mastery; I accomplished this by integrating

the standards into my lesson plans for fourth grade and managed them at the appropriate
timing in the calendar. I also
accomplished this by integrating the standards SC.2.7.2 and SC.2.P.10.1 into the science
lesson attached in which students incorporated think-pair-share to evoke challenging
questions but not made them feel submerged.

d) Selects appropriate formative assessments to monitor learning; I accomplished this by

giving students formative assessments to modify instruction according to students needs
and misconceptions. I also
accomplished this by creating a math assessment based on students needs and
misconceptions. This allowed me to target the areas students still need instruction on and
get them ready for the next unit of instruction.

e) Uses diagnostic student data to plan lessons; I accomplished this by performing an ERAS
(Elementary Reading Attitude Survey) to further examine student demeanor towards
reading and modifying lessons to meet students needs and interests. I also accomplished
this by giving students a formative assessment to modify instruction.

f) Develops learning experience that require students to demonstrate a variety of applicable

skills and competencies. I let students demonstrate a variety of skills used in place value
Internship Level 3
FEAPs Portfolio

were they had to represent digits in numerous forms.

blog/category/1f I also accomplish this by having students create a model of their body to
study the body and its different systems. This required students to work in pairs to trace
each other. As a class each day we learned a new body system where students had to
reflect on the function and then color, cut, and glue the system to the correct place in their
body model. In the following link is a lesson that pertained to the nervous system where
these steps where accounted for.

2. The Learning Environment. To maintain a student-centered learning environment that is safe,

organized, equitable, flexible, inclusive, and collaborative, the effective educator

a) Organizes, allocates, and manages the resources of time, space, and attention; I
accomplished this by having my supervisor time me on each activity and transition in
order for me to evaluate and improve on time management and transitions. On the following blog I explained my
ideal classroom learning community. I mentioned that in order to build a strong learning
community communication must be present at all times.
blog/classroom-learning-community In addition I managed the resource of space by
rearranging students desk based on students needs and accommodations. I did this by
taking observation notes on student behavior and interaction with others before
rearranging seats and noticed a great improvement in class participation and interaction.

b) Manages individual and class behaviors through a well-planned management system. I

accomplish this by having a student behavior folder where communication is kept with
teacher and parent as well as students. In
order to maintain class behavior I planned a morning meeting in which collaboratively
the students came up with their consequences to certain misbehaviors in and out of the
classroom. By having students come up with the consequences behavior improved due to
the fact that students were aware of their own actions.
behavior In the following blog I explained that classroom management should be made
and consist of standards, rules, and consequences that should be established
collaboratively with students.

c) Conveys high expectations to all students; I accomplished this by always expecting

highly of my students and maintaining well informed explanations and objectives of
lessons and assignments. In addition I
convey high expectations to all of my students by having one-on-one time and setting up
individual goals. In the following blog I was able to get to know one of my students
better by having lunch with him in the school courtyard. I learned a lot about my students
and gave him words of encouragement. The student even came up with his own goal.
Internship Level 3
FEAPs Portfolio

d) Respects students cultural and family background. I accomplish this by involving

different cultural backgrounds of my students in lessons as well as involve the parents by
keeping communication with them and facilitating them with home language letters. I
also did this by completing differentiated lesson plans for the students at the Boys and
Girls club. I approached parents and greeted them when picking up their child and made
them feel welcome and accepted. To add, I let students express themselves and share
information about their culture and family background in activities held at the Boys and
Girls club. In addition I teach my students
to have respect for everyone in the classroom. I accomplished this by having a morning
meeting focused on the classroom rule: respect and manners.

e) Models clear, acceptable oral and written communication skills; I accomplished this by
giving specific explanation of lesson and assignments, as well as keep in touch with CT
via email. I also blog appropriate and professionally.
blog/category/2e In addition I taught students how to read unitedly with a clear loud
voice by using pointers. In the following blog I wrote that visual representations and tools
help facilitate a more clear understanding of information. Pointers while reading the
morning message and poem helped the students keep track of what we were reading

f) Maintains a climate of openness, inquiry, fairness and support; I accomplished this by

treating each student, staff, and peer equally and with the same level of respect. I
communicated properly and provided help and ideas.
blog/category/2f In addition I compared student data of work and assessments in math to
reach to the individual needs of my students. I differentiated in this lesson by grouping
students according to their needs and assisted them in small group instruction. I also maintained a
climate of openness by discussing as a class whole consequences for behavior. I let my
students participate and be part of this process by allowing them to come up with

g) Integrates current information and communication technologies. I accomplish this by

communicating via email with collaborating teachers and peers. In addition for a lesson in math on place
value as stated in my step-by-step plan one of the first things I implemented as a review
and practice for my students was an online virtual tool for manipulatives of base ten
for-a-lesson-particularly-one-with-manipulatives For another math lesson based on
multiplications students were able to go online to participate in the making of a jeopardy
game. This was also a great lesson on collaboration because students got to make the
Internship Level 3
FEAPs Portfolio

other blocks jeopardy game vise versa and were able to communicate and make

h) Adapts the learning environment to accommodate the differing needs and diversity of
students; I accomplished this by differentiating instruction. By using flexible grouping,
manipulatives, and providing materials and tools. I also accomplished this by modifying a
lesson plan for differentiation for the children at the Boys and Girls Club. I modified
activities and let those students who cant express themselves verbally, express
themselves through other mediums such as drawings, acting, and writing.
experience/category/2h In addition for my connected lesson I differentiated based on
students needs by the data I analyzed. I formed groups and assisted to the students
individual needs.

i) Utilizes current and emerging assistive technologies that enable students to participate in
high-quality communication interactions and achieve their educational goals. I
accomplished this by using virtual online manipulatives in which students represented
digits. Students also collaborated with their peers to compare answers using white boards. Next semester I will implement the use of
assistive technologies by creating a class blog page were students will post work,
answers, questions, and information they might have. This will also serve as a feedback
source. For my social studies lesson on Civics I had planned as shown to create a class
blog page for students to post answers to the given questions so I can provide feedback.

3. Instructional Delivery and Facilitation. The effective educator consistently utilizes a deep and
comprehensive knowledge of the subject taught to:

a) Deliver engaging and challenging lessons; I accomplished this by differentiating

instruction and having my high level students use high level thinking. I also engaged all
students in questioning strategies to be able to expand their thinking when problem
solving. I also accomplished this through
enrichment. I gave my high learners a task similar to the one my low and on level
students were doing but I provided a more challenging approach. My high learners were
to actually come up with their own math word problem and answer a couple of high order
questions that related to their problem as shown on the bottom of this lesson plan.

b) Deepens & enriches students understanding through content literacy strategies,

verbalization of thought & application of the subject matter; I have accomplished this
through questioning and discussions during reading and morning meetings. I have also
used scaffolding, and pier discussions (think-pair-share). In addition I have used the
LAFS question task cards during instruction as shown.
Internship Level 3
FEAPs Portfolio

c) Identifies gaps in students subject matter knowledge; I accomplished this by

collaborating with my CT and identifying groups of students that are at different levels in
subject matter. I also accomplished this by collecting formative and summative results to
identify where students are located within subject matter.

d) Modify instruction to respond to preconceptions or misconceptions. I accomplished this

by setting out different groups based on their individual needs by differentiation. As well as modified instruction based on
students results from formative and summative assessments.

e) Relate and integrate the subject matter with other disciplines and life experiences; I
accomplished this by integrating instruction mainly in the aspect of literacy in a fun
friendly environment at the Boys and Girls Club where students got to share life
experiences and collaborate among each other.

f) Employ high order questioning technique; I accomplished this through a math connected
lesson I did with another peer. In this lesson we both taught lessons based our students
needs as well as the schools plan which was for students to be able to explain their
thinking with math word problems. To be able to accomplish this we pulled small groups
in which based on assessment needed extended help. In these groups we asked HOT
questions in which promoted students to think and analyze their work and further
improve their explanations and answers. In the lesson provided under the step-by-step
plan one can see the HOT questions that were asked to the students.

g) Apply varied instructional strategies and resources, including appropriate technology, to

teach for student understanding. I accomplished this by using different instructional
strategies such as the use of individual white boards. The white boards allowed students
to express their understanding of the concepts being taught in these two math lessons
provided. Through this instructional strategy students were able to make connection to
other students, make corrections, and see others perspective and way of thinking. I also
included technology into these lessons through the use of a virtual manipulative tool in
which students were able to understand regrouping.

h) Differentiate instruction based on an assessment of student learning needs and

recognition of individual differences in students; to accomplish this I modify the
instruction for misconceptions as well as differentiate instruction to help better improve
student performance. I expand on instructional time and give further instruction. I take
students apart and explain further and go through the material they did not understand. I
also do a lot of monitoring during group or individual work to assist and help those that
are not on the right track.
Internship Level 3
FEAPs Portfolio

4. Assessment. The effective educator consistently:

a) Analyzes and applies data from multiple assessments to diagnose students learning needs;
I accomplished this by giving students multiple assessment tools including a chapter
review test to monitor students understanding of the content. In the math chapter review
test I was able to identify one of the students learning needs. Based on the student sample
provided I was able to review with the class how to check our work and reading the
questions carefully using the KWPR solving strategy. The student artifact shows how on
number 5 they recorded the wrong digits and doesnt demonstrate the KWPR strategy.

b) Designs and aligns formative and summative assessments that match learning objectives
and lead to mastery; I accomplished this by designing a formative and summative
assessment in which students had to explain and justify their thinking. I modified
instruction based on students results and learned what other tasks I can do as an educator
to achieve student mastery of the objective.

c) Uses a variety of assessment tools to monitor student progress, achievement, and learning
gains; I accomplished this by monitoring students I-station results in which I am able to
monitor overall reading, text fluency, comprehension, vocabulary, and spelling. This also
identifies students tier level. With this information I am able to provide extended help and
provide enrichment to students. We are also able to place students in MTSS groups.

d) Modifies assessments and testing conditions; In the following link is an image of the
accommodation plan for a student in my second grade class. I was present for the 504
accommodation meeting with the parents of the student, the teacher, and the guidance
counselor. Together we came up with e following accommodations based on the student's
needs and results. Names were crossed of for the safety and security of the student. In this
504 plan the student is to complete assessment/school work at a pace that works for him
as well as be given specific directions in a manner that is comprehensible to him.

e) Shares the importance of outcomes of student assessment data with the students and the
students parent/caregiver(s); I accomplished this by going over math tests with the
students. By going over the assessment students were able to recognize their mistakes and
know what they can apply for future reference. I also have send the test home for parents
to observe their childs performance. These test are send back signed for verification that
the parents has seen their childs performance. The following is a math assessment I send
home signed by guardian. The signature is covered for identity protection.

f) Applies technology to organize and integrate assessment information. I accomplished this

by using Microsoft Word to organize and integrate students formative and summative
Internship Level 3
FEAPs Portfolio

assessments results. I made a chart in which I took notes of students performance and
compared both the formative and summative assessments results to check for student

5. Continuous Professional Improvement. The effective educator consistently:

a) Designs purposeful professional goals to strengthen the effectiveness of instruction based

on students needs; I accomplished this by setting goals and by having a list of
wonderings which I put to a test. I also made observations of students progress and
where they need to get to. In addition I
also accomplished this through my level 3 internship inquiry where I took anecdotal
notes, collected student data and artifacts, consulted different research articles and
worked with peers, collaborating teacher, and other professionals to strengthen the
effectiveness of instruction, classroom management, and classroom community.

b) Examines and uses data-informed research to improve instruction and student

achievement; I accomplished this by collecting data based on my students academic
interest that will and have allowed me to modify instruction based on the students needs
of interest. I also accomplished this by
collecting formative and summative assessments results and modifying instruction
according to students needs and misconceptions.

c) Uses a variety of data, independently, and in collaboration with colleagues, to evaluate

learning outcomes, adjust planning and continuously improve the effectiveness of the
lessons; I accomplished this by collaborating with my colleague on ways we can improve
student achievement. We analyzed data together and collaborated to see what needed to
be implemented.

d) Collaborates with the home, school and larger community to foster communication and to
support learning and continuous improvement; I accomplished this by sending home
supportive tools parents can use as guidance and assistance. This also informs the
guardians on what is currently/ will take place in the classroom learning environment. In
the following link one can see the math supportive tools I email to guardians as well as
send them physically with the students.
parent-connections I also accomplished this by volunteering as a judge at the county
STEM Fair.

e) Engages in targeted professional growth opportunities and reflective practices; I

accomplished this by always receiving the feedback and applying it to my teachings that
have been provided by supervisors, CT, peers, and my own reflection on performance. I also have engaged in inquiry research to
gain a better understanding of my students and needs of my own professional growth. I
Internship Level 3
FEAPs Portfolio

have research articles to inform myself of strategies I can use in the classroom to
differentiate instruction.

f) Implements knowledge and skills learned in professional development in the teaching

and learning process. I accomplished this by receiving feedback and acting upon it by
implementing them into my teaching and professional growth. I also have engaged in inquiry research to
gain a better understanding of my students and needs of my own professional growth. I
have research articles to inform myself of strategies I can use in the classroom to
differentiate instruction. I am
also currently engaging into a new inquiry in which I will gain knowledge in the
effectiveness of morning meetings.

6. Professional Responsibility and Ethical Conduct. The effective educator consistently:

d. Maintains positive and productive relationships with colleagues. I accomplished this by

always communicating properly, being professional at all times. Kept respect and
appropriate conversations at all times.
e. Adheres to daily schedule and attendance policies. I accomplished this by always being
present in all my internship observations as well as be in time. I also followed all rules of
the internship school as well as USF intern rules and policies.
f. Maintains professional appearance. I accomplished this by always dressing professional. I
always used my USF intern uniform and at all times had my badge.
g. Demonstrates professional use of communication. I communicated professional at all
times with peers, students, and staff. I also used proper forms of communication such as
emails as well as in the blogs.
h. Exhibits emotional stability and mature judgment. At all times I kept all emotions and
feelings away from my presence during internship. I did not bring conversations that
where not related to internship or educational environment. Always kept a positive
Internship Level 3
FEAPs Portfolio

Ethics Performance Task

I believe the purpose of the Code of Ethics and Principles of Professional Conduct of the
Education Profession of Florida is not to only protect the professional educator but protect those
that are involved. This includes students, co-workers, peers, parents or guardians, the State Board
of Education, and the State of Florida.

As a future educator my responsibility is to abide to these rules or code of ethics. Some of

the examples where I demonstrated being an ethical educator is by giving the main importance to
the students. I accomplished this by always protecting the students from any harm. For example,
I always tell my students to walk in the hall way so they wont get hurt. I always emphasize the
importance of respect when sharing opinions in the classroom to protect students emotional and
mental health. As stated in the Code of Ethics 3a- Shall make reasonable effort to protect the
student from conditions harmful to learning and/or to the students mental and/or physical health
and/or safety.

I also demonstrated being an ethical educator by communicating with peers, supervisors,

teachers, and experienced educators for feedback on my teaching. When I received this feedback
I always made sure to apply it to my teachings and made modifications. I also asked for advice
when needed from professionals. As stated in section 2; the educators primary concern will
always be for the student and for the development of the students potential. The educator will
therefore strive for professional growth and will seek to exercise the best professional judgment
and integrity.

Prove on the performance of these accomplishments can be found on my blog:

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