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IMO Static Balance Assessment

Diagnostic Formative Summat

Student names
Can students explain what balance is?

Which components can students demonstrate (red)

balance correctly.
components of static
Can perform all 5
performance of basic
Demonstrates maturing
MOS1.1 -

in a minor game.
Can perform static balance
30,60+ sec
Can hold position for

Differentiation Can verbalise all 5 components of static balance

+positive /constructive
Verbal feedback given
Achievement against
1. Support leg still, foot flat
touching support leg
2. Non-support leg bent not

3. Head stable, eyes forward

4. Trunk stable and upright

5. No excessive arm movement

Crocodile snap
Musical freeze
Freeze and hold
1 12345 60+ + C
2 12345 40 +/3+ C
3 12345 60+ + B
4 12345 60+ +/5+ C
5 12345 60+ + C
6 12345 60+ + C
7 12345 / / / 60+ Assistance +/3+ D
8 12345 a a a a a a 60+ + C
9 12345 60+ + C
10 12345 60+ + C
11 12345 60+ +/2+ C
12 12345 60+ + B
13 12345 60+ + C
14 12345 60+ + C
15 12345 60+ + C
16 12345 a a a a a a 40 +/5+ C
17 12345 60+ + C
18 12345 50 Assistance +/5+ C
19 12345 60+ Assistance + C
20 12345 60+ + C
21 12345 60+ + C
22 12345 60+ +/2+ C
23 12345 60+ + C

Ask students if they enjoyed the games. Yes
Why might it be important to practice and learn our static balance? So we can practice for when we have to walk
and balance.
Where might you use your static balance outside of class? - If we want to learn to surf or skate, Different games we

Ask students if they enjoyed seeing how long they can hold their balance for. - Yes, Yes but I need to practice more.
Think up creative ways students may need to learn how to balance for long periods at a time Games and sports like
gymnastics, Surfing, skating, rip stick, I balance for a long time when Dad teaches me how to ski.
Hands up if you can hold it for 30; 40; 50 and 60+ seconds.
What is the most difficult part of static balance for you? Balancing, not moving and not letting my leg touch my other

Aim to give rich feedback to a minimum of 10-13 students per lesson.
Ensure to revise assessable components next lesson as two students were absent.
Discuss the importance of spreading arms out and keeping them still to balance as many students wanted to keep hands by their

For yes or no questions get students to stand still and perform static balance if yes and stay still if no. Keep end of lesson
questions short and quick as students get restless.
IBM joined us for lesson
Note the focus area and standard Describe the artefact / document and indicate the Describe how the artefact / document
descriptor/s the artefact / document possible impact or result on teaching and/ or student meet the standard descriptors you have
reflects learning identified.

5.1 - Assess student learning This artefact is an assessment checklist against the The assessment checklist allowed me to
Demonstrate understanding of outcomes with planned questions, anecdotal notes record my observations and assess student
assessment strategies, including and reflection over a 3 lesson sequence. By making diagnostic, formative and summative data
informal and formal, diagnostic, the template, I was able to insert the information that I to assess learning both informally and
formative and summative approaches wanted to asses in order to assess students formally (APST: 5.1 & 5.5). I was then able
to assess student learning. diagnostically, formatively and summatively (Conway, to interpret student assessment data to
2014). Through planning questions and what I wanted evaluate the students prior knowledge,
5.2 - Provide feedback to students to assess, I was able to make consistent and determine what and how I would need to
on their learning comparable judgements whilst provide more teach, which actions were successful and
Demonstrate an understanding of the constructive feedback and report on students learning modify my teaching practice (APST: 5.4).
purpose of providing timely and (Glasson, 2009). This supported the students learning In order to do this successfully, I
appropriate feedback to students about as information was timely and adjustments could be encouraged lots of conversation about
their learning. made better then and there (Conway, 2014). By static balance and their opinions, and
relating it back to real life, students were able to better provided constructive and immediate
5.3 - Make consistent and relate learning to the real world which will help feedback to students about their learning
comparable judgements students value and remember it better (Conway, (APST: 5.2 & 5.5). From these observations
Demonstrate understanding of 2014). and conversations, I was able to make
assessment moderation and its consistent and comparable judgements of
application to support consistent and student learning (APST: 5.3).
comparable judgements of student

5.4 - Interpret student data

Demonstrate the capacity to interpret
student assessment data to evaluate
student learning and modify teaching

5.5 - Report on student achievement

Demonstrate understanding of a range
of strategies for reporting to students
and parents/carers and the purpose of
keeping accurate and reliable records
of student achievement.


Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership. (2011). Australian professional standards for teachers. Retrieved from:

Conway, R. (2014). Curriculum, learning, teaching and assessment adjustments. In P. Forman & M. Arthur-Kelly (Eds.), Inclusion in action (4th
ed., pp. 122-190). South Melbourne, Victoria: Cengage Learning Australia.

Glasson, T. (2009). Improving student achievement: A practical guide to assessment for learning. Carlton South, Victoria: Curriculum

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