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Operational Security

There are many options to consider and there is not an ideal

INTRODUCCTION solution that satisfies to a broad class of situations, as each situ
Given the importance and sensitivity that have computer ation is unique.
systems and the environment of these, it is extremely The goal of physical security is to convince potential attack
important to keep them safe and prevent any unwanted ers that the likely costs of an attack exceeds the value of doing
intrusions, either physical or logical. That is why there the attack, i.e., that the consequences of an attack cannot over
operational security, that security is applied to the logical and come widely gain. The combination of security features in lay
physical operations of a system. This work will cover various ers, establishes the presence of territoriality.
areas of the discipline. The initial layer of security for a campus, building, Office o
r physical space implements the prevention of crime through e
I. PHYSICAL SECURITY nvironmental design to deter threats. Some of the most commo
n examples are also the most basic: warning signs, fences, barr
Physical security is a series of measures designed to deny
iers for vehicles, limiting of height vehicles, points of restricte
physical access to a building, area or information to
d access and lighting.
unauthorized personnel. Also defined as the Guide on how
Access control includes doors and locks. The locks are a pro
design structures to withstand hostile attacks. Physical security
blem in large communities of users, forcing the adoption of ele
can be as simple as a door secured with a padlock or as
ctronic access control. Electronic access control handles easily
elaborate as multiple barriers, armed guards or biometric
large amounts of users, controlling individual users by cycles
of life, dates and access points
Security entails costs and really never can be perfect or
For example, a user's access rights could allow access from
complete, in other words, security can reduce, but may not
7: 00 a.m. to 7: 00 p.m. from Monday to Friday and it expires i
completely eliminate the risks. Bearing in mind that the
n 90 days. Another form of access control includes the use of p
controls are imperfect, physical security applies the principle
olicies, processes and procedures to manage the entry into the
of defense in depth with the appropriate combinations of
restricted zone. An example of this is the deployment of securi
overlapping and complementary controls. Controls physical
ty personnel that checks for entry authorized by default points.
access to protected plants are usually a:
This form of access control is usually supplemented with earli
Deter potential intruders (e.g., warning signs and marks of
er forms of control of access (i.e., mechanical and electronic a
ccess control), or simple devices, such as physical passes.
Distinguish authorized personnel of unauthorized (for
The next layer is composed of alarms or intrusion detection
example, use of cards or badges of step and keys)
systems. It is less a preventative measure and more an activato
Delay, thwart and prevent attempts of intrusion (e.g.,
r of response. Intrusion detection has a high incidence in false
strong walls, locks, doors and safes);
Detect, monitor and register intrusions (e.g., intrusion
The last layer is composed of video surveillance systems. S
alarms and closed-circuit television systems), and
ecurity cameras can be a deterrent in many cases, but its real p
Give appropriate responses to incidents (for example,
ower comes from verification of incidents and historical analy
security guards and police).
sis. For example, if the alarms are activated and there is a cam
era, this could be used to verify the alarm. In cases where the a
Security engineering identifies the following elements of ph
ttack occurred and there is a camera, the recorded video can be
ysical security:
reviewed. Although the closed circuits of television are comm
Obstacles to frustrate trivial attacks and delay serious attac
on, they are fast becoming obsolete as more video systems use
transmission over networks.
Detection systems, such as the of monitoring, alarms, guar
Advances in information technology are transforming video
ds, cameras, etc., to enable the attacks are noted.
systems in the analysis of video. For example, once an image
Security response to repel, catch or frustrate attacks detect
ed is digitized can be turned into data that sophisticated
algorithms can be processed. As it increases the speed and
In a well- accuracy of automated analysis, video system could move
designed system, these features should complement each other from a tracking system to an intrusion detection or access
. control system.
There are four layers of physical security:
Design of the environment II. ACCESS CONTROLS
Mechanical and electronic access control Access control refers to exercise control on who can interact
Intrusion detection (with appropriate response procedures) with a resource. Often, but not always, this implies an authorit
Identification of staff (authentication)
y that makes the control. The resource can be a particular build Run: If the file is a program, the subject can do that progra
ing, group of buildings or an information system. m running.
Access control is, in fact, an everyday phenomenon. A lock Accountability uses components of the system such as records
on a door of a vehicle is essentially a form of access control. A and logs to associate a subject with its actions. The recorded in
PIN at an ATM at a bank system is another means of access c formation must be sufficient to give the subject a user control.
ontrol. The possession of access control is of paramount impor Records are important for:
tance when people try to protect important, confidential or sen Detect security breaches
sitive information and equipment. Security incidents recreation.
In computer security, access control includes authentication,
authorization, and auditing. It also includes measures such as III. BIOMETRICS
physical devices, such as biometric scanners, locks and bolts o Biometrics is the automatic recognition of individuals
f metal, hidden routes, digital signatures, encryption, social ba depending on their biological characteristics and behavior.
rriers, and monitoring by humans and automated systems. Examples of biometric features include fingerprint, face, iris,
In any access control model, entities that can carry out actio palma, retina, geometry of the hand and voice.
ns in the system are called subject, and the bodies representing Biometric recognition form a strong bond between a person
the resource to which access may be necessary to control are and his identity as the biometric characteristics cannot be
called objects. Subjects and objects should be considered both easily shared, lost, or duplicate. Therefore, biometric
as software entities, rather than as human users: any human us recognition is intrinsically more resistant to attacks by social
er can only have an effect on the system through the bodies of engineering (e.g., phishing) and higher than the two
software which they control. conventional methods of recognition, i.e. passwords and
Although some systems equate subjects with the user ID, so tokens. Biometric recognition requires that the user is present
that all processes started by a user by default has the same aut at the time of authentication, you can also deter users from
hority, this level of control not sufficiently specific to satisfy t making false statements repudiation. Due to these
he principle of minimum privileges, and arguably is responsibl characteristics, the biometric recognition has been widely
e for the prevalence of malware in such systems. recognized as a component of natural, reliable and
Access control models used by current systems tend to fall i irreplaceable of any identity management system. Biometrics
nto one of two classes: those based on the capabilities and thos is integrating more and more in the authentication of multiple
e based on access control lists. A model based on skills, the ten security applications that require precise and reliable answers
ure of a reference or capacity of an object provides access to t to the following questions: "Is the person who claims to be?",
he object; access is transmitted to a third party through the tran "Who is this person?" and "Is this person someone on a watch
smission of this capacity in a secure channel. A model of acces list?". Please note that is supposed to respond to the above
s control based on a subject access to an object depends on if t questions, the identity of a person has already been created or
heir identity is in a list associated with him; access airs by edit established.
ing the list. A biometric system is a computer system that implements
Access control systems provide essential identification and biometric recognition algorithms. A typical biometric system
authentication, authorization and accountability services wher consists of detection, extraction of characteristics and
e: comparison. Biometric (e.g. fingerprint sensor) sensors
Identification and authentication determine who can log in capture or scan biometric traits of an individual to produce its
to a system, and the Association of users with the types digital representation. A check of the quality is usually done to
of software that are able to control, as a result of a. rar. ensure that the acquired sample biometric can be reliable.
Authorization determines what a subject can do Feature extraction module discards unnecessary and unrelated
Accountability identifies what a subject (or all subjects ass to the samples acquired information and extracts relevant and
ociated with a user) did. discriminatory information called characteristics that are
Authorization determines what a subject can do in the syst usually used for the match. Accordingly, the biometric sample
em. corresponds to the information stored in the database to
Most modern operating systems define sets of permissions that establish the identity associated with the query.
are variations or extensions of three basic types of access: Generally speaking, a biometric system has two stages of
Read: the subject can: operation: registration and recognition. The inscription refers
or read the contents of the file to the phase in which the system stores certain information of
or list the contents of the directory biometric reference of the person in a database. This reference
Write: the subject can change the contents of a file or direc information may be in the form of a template (extracted from
tory with the following tasks: the biometric sample characteristics or parameters of a
or Add mathematical model that best characterizes the learned
or create features) or the biometric sample itself (for example, the face
or delete or image of the footprint). In many applications, some data
or change the name of the file about the person (name, ID, etc.) are also stored together with
the biometric reference. When there is no personal The impersonation generally means the creation of some
identification information available (for example, traces of kind of character and play the role. The simplest is the role
unknown taken from the scene of the crime), the reference is better. Sometimes, this could mean simply call and say:
usually labelled with an identifier generated by the system for "Hello, am Joseph technical support and need your password".
future recognition. At the stage of recognition, the system Other times, the hacker will study a real person in an
analyzes the user biometric features, extracts traits, and organization and will wait until the person is out of town to
compares them with the biometric reference stored in the impersonate him over the phone.
database information. A high score of similarity between the
query and the data of reference results in the identification of V. DISASTER RECOVERY
the user. Disaster recovery and business continuity planning processe
s that help organizations prepare for the perturbadores-
IV. SOCIAL ENGINEERING si events are events could include a hurricane or, simply, a po
It is the set of psychological techniques and social skills wer outage caused by a backhoe in the parking lot. The partici
used consciously and many times to obtain information from pation of CSOs in this process can vary from monitoring the pl
third parties. an, to provide information and support, to put the plan into acti
The basic objective of social engineering is to gain on during an emergency.
unauthorized access to systems and information of these in Disaster recovery is the process by which to resume activiti
order to commit fraud, intrusion into the network, industrial es after a destructive event. The event can be something very b
espionage, identity theft, or simply to disrupt the system or ig -
network. Typical goals include telephone companies and such as an earthquake or terrorist attacks on the World Trade
services of automatic answering, corporations and institutions Center, or something small, like a malfunction caused by a co
financial, military and Government agencies and hospitals. mputer virus software.
It is difficult to find good real-life examples of social Given the human tendency to look for the positive side, man
engineering attacks. Targeted organizations either do not want y business executives are likely to ignore "disaster recovery",
to admit that they have been victims (after all, to admit a because disasters appears to be a case unlikely. "Business cont
violation of fundamental security not only it is shameful, it can inuity planning" suggests a more comprehensive approach to e
damage the reputation of the Organization) or the attack was nsure that you can continue to make money, not only after a na
not well documented so that no one is really sure whether tural disaster, but also in the case of small interruptions includi
there was a social engineering attack or not. ng the disease or the departure of key employees, the associate
Organizations are attacked through engineering because it is d supply chain problems or other challenges that companies fa
an easiest way to gain illicit access compared to other more ce from time to time.
technical. Even for technicians, it is often much easier simply The details can vary widely, depending on the size and the s
to take the phone and ask someone for their password. And cope of a company and the way of doing business. For some c
many times, that is what will make a hacker. ompanies, issues such as the logistics of supply chain are the
Social engineering attacks are carried out at two levels: the most important and are the focus in the plan. For others, the in
physical and the psychological. Firstly, we will focus on the formation technology can play a more central role, and the pla
physical environment of these attacks: the place of work, n of BC / DR can have more than one focus on the recovery of
phone, garbage, and even online. In the workplace, the hacker systems. For example, the plan in a global manufacturing com
can just walk through the door, as in the movies, and is pany would restore critical mainframe with the vital data in a s
intended to be a worker of maintenance or consultant who has ite backup from four to six days of an event harmful, obtain a
access to the organization. The intruders then walks through mobile central unit with 3,000 phones within two days, recove
the Office unless he or she is some passwords out there and ring the company of more than 1,000 local area with a view to
comes out of the building with sufficient information to the need of the enterprise networks, and establish a temporary
exploit the network in your home more later that night. call center to 100 officers in a nearby training centre.
Another technique to obtain the authentication information is As it systems have become increasingly more critical for the
be there and see an employee to write your password. proper functioning of a company, and you could say that the e
Hackers teach social engineering from a psychological conomy as a whole, the importance of ensuring the continuity
perspective, with an emphasis on how to create the perfect of the operation of those systems, or the quick recovery of syst
environment for the psychological attack. The basic methods ems, has increased.
of persuasion are: impersonation, compliment, conformity, It is estimated that the largest companies spend between 2%
diffusion of responsibility and friendship. Regardless of the and 4% of their it budget on disaster recovery planning, in ord
method used, the main objective is to convince the person that er to avoid larger losses in the event that the company can not
information that the social engineer is a person that they can continue working due to the loss of the data and it infrastructur
trust and give sensitive information to disclose. It is important e. Of the companies that had a significant loss of business data
to never ask for too much information at once. , 43% never again open, close to 51% in two years, and only 6
% will survive in the long term.
As a result, the preparation for the continuation or the recov tegy most appropriate for each system. An important note here
ery of systems should be taken very seriously. This implies a si , however is that the business ultimately defines the it budget a
gnificant investment of time and money in order to ensure a m nd therefore the RTO and RPO metrics have to fit in with the a
inimum of losses in the case of a destructive event. vailable budget. Although the majority of the business unit hea
ds would like without data loss and zero time loss, the cost ass
Classification of disasters ociated with this level of protection can make desired practical
Disasters can be classified into two broad categories. high availability solutions.
The first is the natural disasters such as floods, hurricanes, t
ornadoes or earthquakes. Whereas the prevention of a natural VI. ADMINISTRATION OF PRIVILEGES
disaster is very difficult, measures such as good planning, whi The term system administrator "can also be used to describe
ch includes mitigation measures can help to reduce or avoid lo a privilege of security that is assigned to a user or users from a
sses. given computer, server, network or other system of TI."
The second category is man- The level of access of the system administrator allows the
made disasters. These include spills of hazardous materials, th user can have access to, and to carry out functions of the high
e lack of infrastructure, or bio- level of system configuration.
terrorism. In these cases, monitoring and mitigation planning h This level of user privileges that is more commonly known
ave inestimable value to avoid or reduce losses from these eve within a computer or system of TI as "Administrator" (without
nts. the adjective of "system"). Superuser or root may also be
Control measures in the recovery plan For example, a team may have a user called
Control measures are measures or mechanisms that can redu "Administrator" or "Root", which has a sufficient level of
ce or eliminate various threats to organizations. The different t safety to install the software, or give other users access to the
ypes of measures can be included in the BCP / DRP. system. Alternatively, a user of a system can be assigned to a
Disaster recovery planning is a subset of a broader process "Administrators" group, whose members gives them the same
known as business continuity planning and should include pla privileges as the administrator user. These users can be
nning for the resumption of the applications, data, hardware, c referred to as systems administrators, it refers only to the
ommunications (such as the creation of networks) and other it privilege level of the system, rather than the work function.
infrastructure. (BCP) business continuity plan includes the pla For security reasons, the name of a user administrator or
nning of it not the related aspects such as key personnel, facilit group of administrators of security changes often at the local
ies, communication of crisis and the protection of reputation, a level to make it less easy to guess, in order to reduce the
nd should refer to the recovery plan (DRP) disaster for related vulnerability of the system to access by hackers.
infrastructure recovery / continuity. This article focuses on pla A superadministrador has unlimited access to the control
nning in relation to the infrastructure for it disaster recovery. T panel of the administrator of the system and carry out all the
he types of measures: actions of administrator. Administrators with restricted access
can perform all the actions that appear on the screens of the
1. The preventive measures - Control Panel for which they have authorization.
these controls are intended to prevent an event occurs. A manager of systems, systems administrators, systems
2 Measures of detectives - administrator or the administrator is a person employed to
these controls are aimed at detecting or discovering unwanted maintain and operate a computer system and/or network. The
events. system administrators can be members of an information
3. Corrective measures - technology (IT) or electronics and communication in the
these controls are intended to correct or restore the system aft Department of engineering.
er a disaster or an event. The duties of a system administrator are wide-ranging, and
These controls must be always documented and tested regul vary greatly from one organization to another. System
arly. administrators tend to be charged with the installation, support
and maintenance of the servers or other computer systems, and
Strategies planning and responding to service outages and other
Before selecting a recovery strategy disaster, a disaster reco problems. Other tasks may include sequences of commands or
very planner should refer to the plan of your organization's bus programming of light, project management for systems related
iness continuity that must indicate the key metrics of the objec projects, supervision or training computer operators, and be
tive of recovery point (RPO) and Recovery Time Objective (R the Adviser of computer problems beyond the knowledge of
TO) for various business processes (for example, the process r technical support staff. To carry out their work well, a system
un payroll, generate an order)(, etc.) The indicators established administrator must demonstrate a mixture of technical skills
for business processes then underlying TI and the infrastructu and responsibility.
re systems that support these processes should be assigned. Many organizations staff other jobs related to the
Once the RTO and RPO parameters have been assigned to it administration of the system. In a larger company, all these
infrastructure, the DR Planner can determine the recovery stra
can be positions separated within a computer or of the services ional audit and Council rules of the Federation International of
of information (SI) Department. In a smaller group that can be Accountants
shared by a few Admins, or even a single person. Internal Auditors are employed by the organization audit.
A manager of database (DBA) maintains a database syste They carry out various audit procedures, relating mainly to the
m, and is responsible for the integrity of the data and the effici procedures on the effectiveness of internal controls in the com
ency and the performance of the system. pany financial information. Due to the requirements of the sect
A network administrator maintains the network infrastruct ion 404 of the Sarbanes Oxley Act of 2002 for the managemen
ure, such as switches and routers, and diagnoses problems wit t to also assess the effectiveness of their internal controls over
h these or with the behavior of the networked computers. financial reporting (as also required by the external auditor), in
A security administrator is a specialist in computer securit ternal auditors are used to make this assessment. Despite the in
y and network, including the administration of General device ternal auditors are not considered independent of the company
s security such as firewalls, as well as consulting on security carried out the audit procedures for Auditors internally of the c
measures. ompanies listed are required to report directly to the Board of
A web administrator maintains web server (like Apache or Directors, or a Sub-
IIS) services that enable access internal or external Web sites. Committee of the Board of Directors, and not the management
The tasks include the management of multiple sites, the Securi , in order to reduce the risk of Internal Auditors will be under
ty Administration and configuration of necessary components pressure to produce favourable evaluations.
and software. Responsibilities may also include change manag Most commonly used auditing internal standards are those o
ement software. f the Institute of Internal Auditors
Technical support staff respond to individual difficulties w Auditors consultants are external staff hired by the compan
ith computer systems users, give instructions and training som y to carry out an audit following the company auditing standar
etimes, and diagnose and solve common problems. ds. This differs from the of the external auditor, which follows
A computer operator carried out routine maintenance and its own rules of audit. The level of independence is therefore s
maintenance, how to change the tape backup or replacement o omewhere between the internal auditor and the external audito
f units failed in a RAID. These tasks often require physical pre r. The auditor consultant can work independently or as part of t
sence in the room with the computer, and while less skilled tha he audit team that includes internal auditors. Auditors consulta
n sysadmin tasks require a similar confidence level, since the o nts are used when the company lacks sufficient experience to
perator has access to sensitive data, possibly. audit certain areas, or simply to the increase in staff when staff
A mail administrator is the administrator of a mail server. are not available.
In some organizations, a person may begin as a member of t
he staff of technical support or an operator of the computer, th Quality Auditors can be consultants or employed by the
en obtain work experience to be promoted to a position of syst organization.
em administrator.
Quality audits are carried out to verify compliance with stan
VII. AUDITS dards through the review of objective evidence. A system of q
The general definition of an audit is the evaluation of a pers uality audits can check the effectiveness of a quality managem
on, organization, system, process, company, project or product ent system. This is part of the certifications such as ISO 9001.
. The term commonly refers to accounting audits, but there are Quality audits are essential to verify the existence of objective
also similar concepts in project management, management of evidence showing compliance with the processes necessary to
the quality, management of water and energy conservation. assess success with processes is implemented, for judging the
The auditors of the financial statements can be classified int effectiveness of achieving the defined target levels, providing
o two categories: evidence on the reduction and elimination of problem areas an
External auditor / auditor of accounts is an independent fir d are a hands -
m hired by the client, subject to audit, to express an opinion on in the management tool to achieve continuous improvement i
whether the financial statements of the company are free of si n an organization.
gnificant errors, whether due to fraud or error. For companies l To benefit the Organization, quality auditing should not
isted on the stock exchange, the external auditors also may be only report actions reputations and corrective, but also
necessary to express an opinion on the effectiveness of interna highlight areas of good practice and provide evidence of
l controls over financial reporting. The external auditors may a conformity. In this way, other departments may share
lso be hired to perform other procedures agreed, related or not information and amend their working practices as a result, also
to the financial statements. Most importantly, the external audi the improvement of continuous improvement.
tors, although committed and paid by the company which audi Audit computers is A process Llevado a Cabo Por
ted, are regarded as independent auditors. professionals specially trained and that consists in grouping
Most used external standards are NAGA EE audit.UU. of th and evaluating evidence to determine if the Nations United
e American Institute of certified public accountants and the int system of safeguarding the asset business information,
ernational auditing standards of ISA, developed by the internat maintains the integrity of the data, held an effectively the fine
of the Organization, banking efficiently resources, and holita
complies with the laws and regulations established. They used to remove the confidential files of the customers, is a
detect as systematic use of resources and the flow of clear threat behind the bright chrome exterior.
information within an organization and to determine what is Then, what steps take companies to protect themselves
critical information for the fulfilment of its mission and against the risks associated with these devices?
objectives, identifying needs, the duplication, cost, value and The greatest threat to the integrity of a company's it security
barriers, impeding efficient information flows. is not a pirate sinister trying to enter into the corporate
Audit consists mainly in study the mechanisms of control of network, but employees and partners, with easy access to
that are implanted in the company or organization, business information.
determining if the same child appropriate and meet certain With media devices removable, such as MP3 players, digital
goals or strategies, establishing the changes that should be cameras, PDAs, common in enterprises, the uncontrolled use
made for the achievement of the themselves. Service control of them carries a number of risks, from the factor of simple
mechanisms can management, preventive, detection, discomfort of the network that is used to store personal files
corrective or recovery to A contingency. and the risks associated with theft of software, the
The objectives of the audit computer son: consequences of an attack deliberate to the network.
The storage device is also an easy way for malware to
The analysis of the efficiency of computing systems propagate within the network, a user without realizing it can
Verification of compliance of the regulations in this field infect the network with a virus that has been transferred from
The revision of the effective management of the computer your home PC by using a device.
resources. It is a worrying fact that around 80% of computer security
Computer audit serves paragraph improve certain incidents occur within an organization, and however it is
characteristics in the company as: estimated that 80% of security pass still goes outdoor in the
Performance defenses of the perimeter such as firewall, antivirus, intrusion
Reliability detection and content filtering. Companies need a formal
Effectiveness monitoring mechanism in place in order to protect critical
Profitability databases for data and business systems and the theft of
Security intellectual property.
Privacy If you decide to prohibit USB devices. This is a difficult
Usually you can develop in one or combination of the proposition, and there is no foolproof method. Windows 2003
following areas: to lock access to the USB port, but critically, will also leave
Corporate governance for USB keyboards, mice and other legitimate USB devices
Administration of the systems life cycle used - a movement which may not be popular with employees.
Delivery and support services Not enough to disable USB ports is therefore, it is not the
Safety and protection answer, since it inevitably have an adverse effect on the
Continuity and disaster recovery plans productivity of the business and the flexibility.
The need for guidelines and tools standard for the exercise It is important to have a policy of acceptable use (AUP)
of audit Informatics has promoted the creation and instead, so that employees are aware of what they can and can
development of practices as best COBIT, ITIL and COSO. not use in the workplace.

Currently certification from ISACA for be CISA Certified

Information Systems Auditor of is one of the most recognized CONCLUSIONS
and backed by certification international standards that the In this work we learned about different components and
selection process of the United Nations consists fairly elements of operational safety, such as physical security,
extensive initial examination and the need to keep updated access control, privilege management, among others. We have
accumulating hours (points), par, lose the certification. also learned about their importance to both business and
personal level. Every computer system must have sufficient
VIII. DEVICE REMOVABLE. security to be operational, otherwise it would be exposed to
Handheld USB devices have been a blessing for anyone serious hazards that can cause major damage.
who wants to take information from a PC to another, but its
ease of use has also created a new type of headache for
security firms. The recent explosion in sales of devices such as REFERENCES
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