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UC - Denver 1380 Lawrence Street

Individualized Education Program Denver, CO 80204

(303) 555-1212

Madeleine Albright 01/01/2005 November 13, 2016

Legal Name of Student DOB LASID SASID IEP Meeting Date

Individualized Education Program
Initial IEP - School Age

Next eligibility meeting (on or before): 10/26/2017 Next review meeting (on or before): 11/10/2017
Initial eligibility: Initial consent for evaluation: 8/30/2016
Initial evaluation completed: 10/27/2016 Initial consent for service:


Prior to Meeting After Meeting
Home District UC - Denver UC - Denver
Home School UCD - Middle UCD - Middle
Service District UC - Denver UC - Denver
Service School UCD - Middle UCD - Middle
Primary Disability
Secondary Disability
Least Restrictive

Grade: 6th Age: 11y 11m Gender:

Race: Ethnicity: Not Hispanic/Latino

Primary Language Spoken in the Home: Students Primary Language:
Does the student have Limited English Proficiency? No

Parent Contact Information

Imogen Albright

Randall Albright

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Madeleine Albright 01/01/2005 November 13, 2016
Legal Name of Student DOB LASID SASID IEP Meeting Date

I have been provided the special education procedural safeguards in my native language or other mode of communication
on 11/1/2016.

Parent Signature IDEA 300.504(a) Date

Parent Signature IDEA 300.504(a) Date


Student Parent 2nd Parent

IDEA 300.321(a)(7) and 300.321(b)(1) IDEA 300.321(a)(1) IDEA 300.321(a)(1)

Special Education Director or Designee General Education Teacher Special Education Teacher/Provider
IDEA 300.321(a)(4)(i)-(iii); ECEA 4.03(5)(a) IDEA 300.321(a)(2) IDEA 300.321(a)(3)

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Madeleine Albright 01/01/2005 November 13, 2016
Legal Name of Student DOB LASID SASID IEP Meeting Date


Student Strengths, Preferences, Interests
What are the students education/developmental strengths, interest areas, significant personal attributes and personal
accomplishments as indicated by formal or informal assessment? Be sure to include specific feedback from the student.
IDEA 300.324(a)(i) strengths of child
IDEA 300.321(b)(2) preferences and interests
Maddie is a creative and engaging 10 year old girl in the 6th grade. Maddie is an energetic and enthusiastic student who enjoys
interacting with peers and adults. Maddie absolutely loves animals of all kinds. Her favorites are dogs, cats, and birds. She wants to be
a Veterinarian in the future. Maddie reports that she enjoys playing with her younger sister while at home, as well as riding her bike.
At school, she stated that she enjoys participating in science and music. She states that she is good at math. She is very detail oriented
and feels anxious if she does not have a clear plan or expectations. She says that she learns best if she can do something and finds it
very difficult to understand a concept if it is only spoken or lectured to her.

Present Levels of Educational Performance Summary

Include results of initial or most recent evaluation, including, if appropriate, the results of any interventions, progress
monitoring and gap analyses.
IDEA 300.320(a)(1) present levels of academic achievement and functional performance
IDEA 300.324(a)(iii) Results of initial or most recent evaluation
Currently Maddie is in a special education literacy classroom that uses Literacy! a curriculum. At the beginning of the school year her
and other students in the class were only reading at a 1st grade level or lower. Now a few months in, her and all students have grown a
reading level and are reading at a 2nd to 4th grade level. She is in a special education math class as well and the rest of her classes are
with the general education population. She receives her accommodations in all her classes.
At the time of the Woodcock Johnson IV assessment Maddie's age was 11 years 1 month old (11.1). She scored a 6.9 age equivalency
in reading fluency, 6.8 age equivalency in reading rate, 7.0 age equivalency in phoneme-grapheme knowledge, 6.9 age equivalency in
letter-word identification, 6.4 age equivalency in spelling.
Between August and October Maddie consistently scored below the 10th percentile on DIBELS Oral Reading Fluency.
On the Beginning Decoding Survey, Maddie added or omitted letter sounds. She also said the wrong vowel sounds for many of the
incorrect words. She is decoding at a first grade level which is consistent with her August DIBELS Oral Reading Fluency assessment.
On the Advanced Decoding Survey, she added and omitted many letter sounds and she also said the wrong vowel sounds for many of
the incorrect words. Maddie is decoding at less than a 3rd grade level which again is consistent with her DIBELS Oral Reading
Fluency assessment for August.
Based on the Reader's Theater authentic assessment, Maddie struggled with the words and understand the meaning to be able to read
the text at the correct rate and fluency. When acting the Reader's Theater out in front on another small group Maddie rushed through
and made many mistakes.
On 10/25 I observed Maddie during her literacy period. I was looking to see how much time she spent off task during her literacy
block (108 minutes). Off task behavior is defined as not sitting at desk, talking to peers about off subject topics, not looking at
assignment, not following along, not open to correct page. For the total 108 minutes of class, Maddie was off task 67 minutes. When
looking at how much time Maddie spends off task we see her issue is getting and staying focused. Over half of the class is spent off
task, which can contribute to her significantly lower reading scores.
Beth Faulkner is Maddies core literacy teacher. Beth is a special education literacy teacher and teaches Language! curriculum. Beth is
also Maddies case manager and knows Maddie very well. Maddie is a difficult student to form a relationship with but with
persistence Beth has created a strong relationship with Maddie. Beth spends close to two hours with Maddie everyday during their
literacy block. Beth believes that Maddie is progressing as expected but does feel concerned that her off task behaviors are going to
slow her progress.

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Madeleine Albright 01/01/2005 November 13, 2016
Legal Name of Student DOB LASID SASID IEP Meeting Date

Based on all of the assessments conducted, we can see a significant delay in Maddie's decoding skills as well as comprehension,
fluency and rate. Maddie is in the 6th grade and is performing around a 1st grade level in most aspects of reading. Maddie also has
very low self-determination and self-confidence. This can also contribute to her low scores because she does not apply herself to the
fullest of her ability. Through progress monitoring, we have seen Maddie has increased her fluency reading level by 2 grades since the
beginning of the year. Currently she still has a difficult time with comprehension and decoding. Through intervention in literacy
Maddie will gain skills to help her begin to access grade level curriculum in other subjects as well.

Student Needs and Impact of Disability

How does the students disability affect her involvement and progress in the general curriculum and participation in
appropriate activities?
IDEA 300.324(a)(ii) concerns of parent
IDEA 300.324(a)(iv) communication needs
IDEA 300.320(a)(1)(i) How the childs disability affects the childs involvement and progressin the general curriculum and participation
in appropriate activities
Angelica's Specific Learning Disability in Reading impact her abilities to participate in grade level curriculum without significant
modification. Angelica needs explicit, direct instruction in her basic reading skills and fluency reading skills, decoding and recoding
words with accuracy and increasing her sight word knowledge to increase her fluency on grade level passages.

Parent/Student Input
IDEA 300.324(a)(1)(ii) concerns of parent


The student does not exhibit behavior that requires a Behavior Intervention Plan. 300.324(1)(2)(i)
The student is not deaf-blind. 300.324(1)(2)(iii) & 300.324(a)(2)(iv)
The student is not deaf or hard of hearing. 300.324(a)(2)(iv)
The student is not blind or visually impaired. 300.324(1)(2)(iii)
The student does not require a Health Care Plan.
The student does not have Limited English Proficiency. 300.324(a)(2)(ii)
The student does not need Assistive Technology devices or services. 300.324(a)(2)(v)
The student does not require Special Transportation. 300.34 Related Services (a); 300.34 (c)(16); 300.107(b)

ANNUAL GOALS IDEA 300.320(a)(2)(i)

Progress Report (Describe how parents will be informed of Madeleines progress towards goals and how
frequently this will occur.) IDEA 300.321(a)(3)(iii)
Special Education Case Manager of Maddie will contact parents in the form of phone call, email, or in person to discuss Maddie's
progress toward her goals.

Goal 1
Area of Need: Reading
Projected Achievement Date: 12/12/2016
Unit of Measurement: Correct words per minute
Baseline Data Point: 59 correct words per minute
Evaluation Method: Monitor and Chart Progress
Measurable Goal:

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Madeleine Albright 01/01/2005 November 13, 2016
Legal Name of Student DOB LASID SASID IEP Meeting Date

By 12/12/2016, Maddie will apply grade level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words as demonstrated by
increasing her fluency on a 3rd grade instructional level oral reading fluency probe from 59 to 71 correct words per minute as
measured by the Special Education teacher every month using the DIBELS assessment.


What type(s) of accommodations(s) if any is (are) necessary for the student to access the general curriculum
and/or appropriate activities to make effective progress?

IDEA 300.320(a)(4)(i)-(iii)
IDEA 300.320(a)(6)(i)
Opportunity for age appropriate/peer models for language
Use language modeling and expansion strategies
Verbal prompting to enhance performance
Teacher provided summary and vocabulary prior to reading
Have Maddie repeat/paraphrase directions back
Extended time on assessments
Teacher-read directions on all assessments

No curricular modifications were identified by the team.


Summarized findings based on completion of the ESY Predictive Factors.
The student did not experience severe regression on her IEP goals and objectives.

The student did not require an unreasonably long period of time to relearn previously learned skills.

Predictive factors do not indicate the need for ESY services.

It has been determined that the student is not eligible for extended school year services.

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Madeleine Albright 01/01/2005 November 13, 2016
Legal Name of Student DOB LASID SASID IEP Meeting Date


Accommodations and modifications must reflect those used in daily classroom instruction

District Assessments
Test Participation Accommodations 300.320(a)(6)(i)
Reading Regular Teacher-Read Directions

Writing Regular Teacher-Read Directions

Math Regular Teacher-Read Directions

Science Regular Teacher-Read Directions

Social Studies Regular Teacher-Read Directions


State Assessments
Test Participation Accommodations 300.320(a)(6)(i)
CMAS PARCC: ELA State: Grade- Extended Time (Time and a Half)

CMAS PARCC: Math State: Grade- Extended Time (Time and a Half)

CMAS: S & SS State: Grade- Extended Time (Double Time)


CoAlt: DLM: ELA & Math State: Grade- Spoken Audio: Nonvisual

CoAlt: S & SS State: Grade-


10th/11th Exam State: Grade- Teacher-Read Directions

Level Extended Time (Time and a Half)

SAT/PSAT State: Grade- State-Allowed: Writing +50% (time and )

Level State-Allowed: Reading +50% (time and )
State-Allowed: Extended Time - 50%
ACCESS for ELLs State: Grade- Extended time within one school day

If the IEP Team has determined that the student qualifies for alternate assessments, parents have been informed
about the differences between regular and the alternate assessments (both state and district) and the effects of

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Madeleine Albright 01/01/2005 November 13, 2016
Legal Name of Student DOB LASID SASID IEP Meeting Date

these, if any (including that, for students taking alternate assessments, achievement will be measured based on
alternate achievement standards): Yes


Statement of types and anticipated location of services to be provided to and on behalf of the student:
Primary Service Provider:

Specialized Instruction Education Service
Area and/or Related or Provider Role Start Date End Date
Services 300.320(a)(4) Related 300.18 & 300.320 300.320 Frequency of Special
Include ESY if applicable Location Services ECEA 3.04 (a)(7) (a)(7) Education/Related Services
Minutes Frequency

11/14/16 11/10/17


Describe the possible advantages and
disadvantages of this placement option for the
Placement Options Considered Selected student and the modifications/supplementary
aids and services considered to reduce possible
disadvantages to the student.

Placement Date: 11/14/2016 Placement Type:Ages 6-21

LRE Setting:
Time in general education environment: 100.0%
Time outside general education environment: 0.0%


The IEP includes services to be provided to assist your child to make progress. The Present Level of Academic
Achievement and Functional Performance includes information about the data used as a basis for the decisions recorded
in the IEP.

Other options considered and reasons rejected:

Considered ending Special Education services but rejected this consideration because Maddie is still scoring below grade level in the
area of reading.

Other factors considered:

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Madeleine Albright 01/01/2005 November 13, 2016
Legal Name of Student DOB LASID SASID IEP Meeting Date

No other factors considered.

Case Manager Contact Information

Brittany Kelly /
Name/Title Phone

Parents of a child with a disability have protection under the procedural safeguards. For a copy of the Procedural
Safeguards or assistance in understanding this information, please contact the person named above. IDEA

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