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New Roentgenographic Signs of Neonatal Radiology

Gastric Perforation'

ABSTRACT-The roentgenographic findings in neonatal or congenital perfora-

tion of the stomach were reviewed in an attempt to distinguish gastric from
distal perforation in cases with spontaneous pneumoperitoneum. The absence
of a gastric air-fluid level on erect abdominal roentgenograms, together with
normal or decreased gas in the small and large bowel, favors gastric perforation.
Conversely, a gastric air-fluid level associated with significant small bowel
distension suggests a small or large bowel perforation.
INDEX TERMS: Infants, Newborn, digestive system. Pneumoperitoneum.
Stomach, perforation
Radiology 102:145-147, January 1972

is the most common site sis is usually made by the roentgenographic

of congenital or neonatal gastro-
intestinal perforation (22). The diagno-
demonstration of air in the peritoneal
cavity, but this merely indicates perfora-

Fig. 1. CASE 1. Neonatal gastric perforation. Erect roentgenogram. Note the displacement of liver and
spleen toward the midline by the large pneumoperitoneum. The intraperitoneal air appears to be draped over
the centrally situated organs-"saddle-bag" sign (28). There is no air-fluid level in the stomach. Note paucity
of bowel gas .
Fig. 2. CASE II . Neonatal gastric perforation. Erect roentgenogram. Note free infradiaphragmatic air,
the absence of a gastric air-fluid level and the absence of bowel gas. Fluid in the peritoneal cavity results in a
long air-fluid level.

1 From the Department of Radiology, The Jewish Hospital and Medical Center of Brooklyn-Greenpoint
Hospital Affiliation and the State University of New York, Downstate Medical Center, Brooklyn, N . Y. Accepted
for publ ication in August 1971. kn


Fig. 3 . CASE III. N eonatal gast r ic perforation . Erect ro entgen ogram. There is mode r a te ga stric and
bowel d ist ension but no a ir -flu id level is seen in the stomach. Note fa lciform ligament vi sualized by t he surro und-
in g gas (a r row).
Fig. 4 . Necr ot izing ent erocoli tis wit h perforation of the transverse colon , two-day- old boy . E rect r oentgen o-
gr a m . Note that b oth the stomach a nd sm all bow el are di stended . T he stomach show s a n o bvious ai r- fluid lev el.

tion somewhere in the gastrointestinal (F igs. 1 and 2) . This was ob served in

tract and not necessarily in the st om a ch . numerous infants older than one day of age.
To d ate, there have been no reliable criteria T wenty-five ca ses of spont a neous perfor-
on the plain abdominal ro entgenogram that a tion of the small or large bowel in neo-
would suggest the site of perforation or its na tes in whom upright a bdom inal radio-
pathogenesis. For instance, perforation graph s were obtained were al so reviewed
of the sm all or large bowel due to necrotiz- (30). Pneumoperitoneum, mainly due to
ing en t erocolit is may occur in the absence necrotizing enterocolitis of infancy, was
of the specific signs often associ ated with demonstrated on all of these roentgeno-
this entity, i. e., pneumatosis intestinalis grams . An air-fluid level in the stomach
and/or portal venous gas (30). was present in 22 (88 % ) of the cases (F ig .
Since the stomach is the most common 4) and absent in only 3 (12%). Significant
sit e of perforation in the neonatal period, small bowel distension was al so identified
it would be useful to h ave radiographic in most instances. Cases of perforation due
signs that could help di stinguish gastric to distal bowel obstruction, such as small
from more distal p erforations. bowel atresia or midgut volvulus, were ex-
W e therefore r eviewed reports of neo- cluded since the obstruction itself can cause
natal gas t ri c perforations (fro m 1954 to stomach a nd proximal bowel dil atation.
1970) in which roentgenograms were pub- It thus appears that a bsence of a gastric
lished. Only erect a bdominal ro entgeno- air-fluid level on erect a bdom inal roent-
grams demonstrating pneumoperitoneum genogram s, associated 'wit h normal or
due to gast ri c perforation were analyzed. de creased gas in the sm all and large bowel ,
Fifty-eight roentgenograms were reviewed, fa vors the diagnosis of gast ric perforation
including 55 publish ed and 3 current cases in cases of spontaneous pne um operi t oneum
(F igs. 1-3) . One signi fican t finding was in neonates. Conversely , a gast ric air-
the lack of an air-fluid level in the stom ach fluid level associated with significa n t sm all
in 54 of these ca ses (1-9, 11-23,25-29 , 32- bowel distension suggests spont aneous
45) (F igs. 1 to 3). An air -fluid level in the sm all or large bowel perforation.
st omach is frequently ob served on upright A possible explanation for the in frequent
vi ews of the abdomen in normal n eonates. presenc e of an air-fluid level in the st om ach
A gast ri c air-fluid level was present in only in cases of gastric neonatal perforation may
4 (7%) of the cases of gast ri c perforation be that the perforation allows the gas and
studied (l0, 21, 29, 40). In addition, the fluid to leak into the p eritoneal cavity. In
small and large intestines were usually the case reported by Wilson and Arcari
not dilated, and sh owed a paucity of gas (45) a gastric air-fluid level disappeared

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