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Hadiya Brown

Period 2
Colligative Properties of the Ice cream-Making Process
Purpose: The purpose of this lab is to use the property of lowering freezing points by adding salt to water
to produce ice cream.
Hypothesis: Pouring salt into ice will make the freezing point lower because the addition of a solvent
such as NaCl to a solute such as ice water will allow the solution to reach temperatures below zero
degrees Celsius. This causes the milk/cream mixture to transform into ice cream due to the fact that the
mixture requires a temperature below 0C in order to freeze.
- 1 small Zip-lock sandwich bag
- 1 large gallon-sized Zip-lock bag
- Cup of milk
- Cup of whipping cream
- Tsp. vanilla
- Cup sugar
- 1 Cup salt
- 4 Cups crushed ice
- 1 pair Gloves or Mittens
1. Measure cup (c) milk and c whipping cream; put into a small Zip-lock baggie.
2. Add tsp. Vanilla to the milk/cream mixture.
3. Measure c sugar; add to milk/cream mixture in baggie.
4. Close the bag securely, squeezing most of the air out before sealing.
5. Place the small plastic bag inside the larger Zip-lock baggie.
6. Surround the smaller bag with a few cups of crushed ice. Measure the temperature of the ice and
record it in the data table.
7. Pour to 1 c salt over the crushed ice and seal the larger bag securely.
8. Put on gloves/mittens or wrap the bag in a towel. Knead or roll back and forth on the lab table. Be
careful not to put too much pressure on the bag.
9. After 10 minutes, see if the mixture is frozen. If not, continue kneading.
10. When the mixture is frozen, remove the smaller bag.
11. Place the contents of the smaller bag into a bowl and enjoy.
Data Table:
Predicted Ice Actual Ice temperature Predicted Salt + Ice Actual Salt + Ice
temperature Temperature Temperature

0C 0C -3.5C -5C
Qualitative Observations:
After vigorous agitation, the large plastic bag began to leak cold ice water all around. Either the bag
was punctured, or it was due to excessive condensation. As the ice began to reach temperatures below
freezing, it became extremely cold to the touch, and almost unbearable to handle without gloves or a
towel. The milk/cream mixture remained liquid for a few minutes, then began to solidify around 6

1. Tf= 0 - (-5) Tf= -5C
2. -5 = -1.86m -5/-1.86 = -1.86m/-1.86 m = 2.69
1. Salt was added to the ice because the freezing point needed to be lowered to meet the freezing
point of the milk/cream mixture.
2. The minimum temperature that pure water can exist as a liquid at standard pressure is any
temperature higher than 0C because that is waters freezing point.
3. If someone were to add 6 cups of salt rather than 1, then the temperature of the ice would
decrease even more rapidly because there would be much more solute and less solvent, so
the ice would melt at a faster rate, and the solution would become colder.
4. Ionic compounds produce a greater amount of particles when dissolved in water because
the opposite charges of the elements in ionic compounds cause them to split up from each
other when placed in water.
a. 1 mol CHO 1 mol CHO
b. 1 mol CO 1 mol CO
c. 1 mol NaCl 1 mol Na + 1 mol Cl
d. 1 mol CuCl 1 mol Cu + 2 mol Cl
e. 1 mol Fe(SO) 2 mol Fe + 3 mol SO
6. Salt is used to make icy roads safe for driving in the winter because salt lowers the
freezing point of the water that forms ice and also melts the ice all over the roads which
can come in handy when someone wants to use their brakes to stop their car without it
continuously sliding forward on the slippery ice patches that litter the streets on gelid
winter days, which could potentially cause major accidents.
Conclusion: I accept my hypothesis that adding NaCl to ice water lowers its freezing point
because it is supported by my data, and the colligative property of freezing point depression. For
example, after adding salt to the bag of ice, the thermometer read -5C which is well below
freezing point, just as I had hypothesised it to be. Also, the bag became noticeably colder and the
ice melted quickly when I was shaking it, waiting for the milk/cream mixture to freeze. In
addition, my hypothesis is supported by freezing point depression because the saltwater solution
had a depressed freezing point, which is why the milk mixture even froze at all. I believe that this
experiment could be improved if we were to use a machine, or take turns agitating the ice,
because many people got tired after a certain point before ten minutes had passed, and decided to
give up. Also, using more than one small plastic Zip-lock bag may be useful for those who plan
on consuming their ice cream because many people complained about their ice cream tasting
salty due to their bag coming open during the aggressive shaking process. Lastly, I think that this
experiment could be improved if there were more specific instructions on how much ice to place
into the larger bag. Many were puzzled about how much ice they should use, so replacing the
term a few in step #6 with an actual number may be beneficial to those who plan on attempting
this lab in the future.

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