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Sesquipedalian Starter Kit

List One
indolent adj. disinclined to assert oneself; habitually lazy
plagiarism n. the act of stealing and using the ideas or writings of another as ones own
dire adj. warning of or having dreadful or terrible consequences
heresy n. controversial or unorthodox opinion or doctrine, as in politics, philosophy, or science
imminently adv. going to take place immediately
instigate v. to urge on or stir up
meretricious adj. attracting attention in a vulgar manner; lacking sincerity
fortitude n. strength of mind that allows one to endure pain or adversity with courage
decadence n. a process, condition, or period of deterioration or decline, as in morals, art, and
amalgamate v. to mix so as to make a unified whole

List Two
precipitous adj. abrupt and unwise; not well thought out
preclude v. to make impossible or impracticable by previous action
scruples n. ethical objections that inhibit action
succor n. assistance or help in time of distress
impunity n. exemption from punishment, penalty, or harm
infallible adj. incapable of erring; never wrong
niche n. a situation or activity specially suited to a person; a recess, cranny, hollow, or crevice
banal adj. lacking freshness or originality
careen v. to lurch or swerve while in motion
fatalistic adj. believing events are fixed in advance so humans are powerless to change them

List Three
culpable adj. responsible for wrong or error
paucity n. smallness of number or quantity
ensue v. to follow as a consequence or result
impervious adj. incapable of being penetrated or affected
admonish v. to express warning or disapproval to, especially in a gentle or earnest manner
liaison n. communication between two groups or units of an organization; a close relationship
deluge v. to overrun with water; to inundate in overwhelming numbers
ghastly adj. causing or arousing terror or dread
mollify v. to alleviate the anger of; to lessen in intensity
fester v. to cause increasing poisoning, irritation, or bitterness; to make inflamed or corrupt

H LA 9 fall semester
List Four
quandary n. a state of uncertainty or perplexity
gull v. to take advantage of (especially one who is foolish or naive)
licentious adj. lacking moral discipline; having no regard for accepted rules or standards
anachronism n. anything that is or seems to be out of its proper time in history
sequester v. to remove or set apart; to cause to withdraw into seclusion
mundane adj. characterized by the ordinary and practical
compulsory adj. that which must be done
impertinent adj. not constrained within proper or established limits; not relevant
judiciously adv. having, exercising, or characterized by sound judgment
penchant n. strong liking or fondness

List Five
platonic adj. designating or of a relationship that is purely spiritual or intellectual (not romantic)
allocation n. a designation for a special purpose
pacify v. to ease anger or agitation; to establish peace
gambit n. a remark intended to open a conversation; a carefully considered strategy
elicit v. to bring out or call forth
couch v. to phrase or express in a specified manner for a certain purpose
utopian adj. impossibly ideal; existing only in visionary or impractical thought or theory
rapport n. a close or sympathetic relationship, especially one of mutual respect
deplete v. to reduce or lessen in quantity, value, or effectiveness
eerie adj. so mysterious, strange, or unexpected as to send a chill up the spine

List Six
extemporaneously adv. done with little or no preparation or practice
impetus n. an impelling force; something that incites
pariah n. a social outcast
aloof adj. emotionally distant, especially in ones relations with other people
daunt v. to make afraid or discouraged
genesis n. the way in which something comes to be; the origin
vicariously adv. felt as if one were taking part in the experience or feelings of another
element n. the natural or suitable environment for a person or thing
emit v. to give or send out
cavort v. to leap or dance about in a lively manner; to engage in extravagant behavior

List Seven
malignantly adv. showing great evil; threatening to life or health
vacillate v. to swing indecisively from one course of action to another
progeny n. children or descendents of animals or plants; a result of creative effort
acumen n. quickness and accuracy of judgment
dally v. to waste time; to act playfully
equivocal adj. subject to two or more interpretations (often used to mislead); of uncertain nature
narcissistic adj. full of excessive love or admiration of oneself
gratify v. to please or satisfy
rancid adj. having a rotten smell or taste
faux pas n. a social blunder

H LA 9 fall semester
List Eight
apathetic adj. feeling or showing little or no emotion or interest
hovel n. an open, low shed; a small, miserable, often dirty, dwelling
modicum n. a small amount or bit
pinnacle n. the highest point
manifesto n. a public declaration of principles or intentions
effrontery n. unashamed boldness
concurrently adv. operating or occurring at the same time; running parallel
subversively adv. intended or serving to undermine or destroy completely
farcical adj. laughably inept; ridiculously clumsy or funny
gregarious adj. seeking and enjoying the company of others

List Nine
aplomb n. complete and confident composure or self-assurance
fawn v. to exhibit affection; to seek favor or attention by flattery
verbatim adv. word for word; in exactly the same words
lacerate v. to tear jaggedly or mangle; to wound or hurt deeply
havoc n. widespread destruction or devastation
altruistic adj. having unselfish regard for or devotion to the welfare of others
gist n. the central idea, or essence, of a matter
languish v. to be weak or feeble; to exist in miserable or disheartening conditions
pedagogue n. one who instructs narrowly, stodgily, and often ostentatiously
sagacity n. possessing or showing wise judgment and keen perception

List Ten
educe v. to draw or bring out
fracas n. a noisy quarrel or brawl
austerity n. the quality of being severe or stern in disposition or appearance
capricious adj. characterized or subject to whim or impulse
panacea n. a remedy for all ills or difficulties
undulation n. a regular rising or falling or movement to alternating sides
martial adj. of, relating to, or suited for war or a warrior; relating to an army or to military life
heinous adj. grossly wicked or reprehensible
impeccably adv. done without flaw, without defect or error
poignant adj. painfully and deeply affecting the feelings; pleasurably stimulating

List Eleven
alacrity n. eager willingness or readiness, often manifested by quick, lively action
harbinger n. one that indicates or foreshadows what is to come
nefarious adj. extremely wicked or infamous
precept n. a rule or principle imposing a particular standard of action or conduct
solace n. comfort in sorrow, misfortune, or distress
gape v. to gaze in openmouthed surprise or wonder; to become widely open or separated
nemesis n. an unbeatable rival
coup n. a sudden, successful move or action
efface v. to make indistinct by wearing away a surface; to make (oneself) inconspicuous
flux n. a continuous movement; continual change

H LA 9 fall semester
List Twelve
carp v. to find fault and complain constantly
demise n. a cessation of existence or activity; a loss of position or status
inundation n. the act of being overwhelmed with a rush or great amount of anything
portentous adj. eliciting amazement or wonder; being a grave or serious matter
volatile adj. characterized by or subject to rapid or unexpected change
antithesis n. direct or exact opposite
facetiously adv. joking or jesting often inappropriately; meant to be humorous or funny
gothic adj. characterized by a sinister, eerie atmosphere suggesting horror and mystery
anomaly n. deviation or departure from the normal or common order, form, or rule
eradicate v. to get rid of completely

List Thirteen
vehemently adv. demonstrating forcefulness of expression or intensity of emotion or conviction
depraved adj. marked by corruption or evil
augment v. to make greater, as in size, extent, or quantity
imbue v. to influence or spread throughout
reticent adj. characteristically hesitant or disinclined to speak out
daub v. to apply matter crudely or unskillfully
palpable adj. easily perceived by the senses, especially touch
conjecture n. a conclusion arrived at through guesswork
prevaricate v. to stray from or evade the truth
ennui n. listlessness and dissatisfaction resulting from inactivity or lack of interest

List Fourteen
circumlocution n. the use of an unnecessarily large number of words to express an idea
fickle adj. changeable or unstable in affection, interest, or loyalty
bandy v. to toss or hit back and forth
venerable adj. worthy of respect or reverence due to age and dignity, character, or position
purport v. to claim as its meaning; to give the appearance, often falsely, of being or intending
elated adj. marked by high spirits or joy
despot n. a person who wields power oppressively or tyrannically
embroil v. to throw into disorder or confusion
adjunct adj. something added to another thing but not essential; an assistant of another
perennially adv. lasting or active through one or many years; lasting an indefinitely long time

List Fifteen
begrudgingly adv. giving or conceding reluctantly or with displeasure
gratis adv. without charge or payment
enigmatic adj. of or relating to something hard to understand or explain
pallid adj. deficient in color; lacking sparkle or liveliness
chicanery n. the use of clever, but tricky, talk or action to deceive or evade
acrimony n. harsh or biting sharpness especially of words, manner, or disposition
laudatory adj. of, relating to, or expressing praise
recumbent adj. resting in a reclined position
temerity n. foolish or rash boldness
confute v. to prove to be in error or false

H LA 9 fall semester

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