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1.1 General
The project aims in designing a Robot that can be operated using
Android mobile phone. The controlling of the Robot is done wirelessly through
Android smart phone using the Bluetooth feature present in it. Here in the
project the Android smart phone is used as a remote control for operating the
Robot. Android is a software stack for mobile devices that includes an operating
system, middleware and key applications. In addition, Android includes a full
set of tools that have been built from the ground up alongside the platform
providing developers with high productivity and deep insight into their
applications. Bluetooth is an open standard specification for a radio frequency
(RF)-based, short-range connectivity technology that promises to change the
face of computing and wireless communication. It is designed to be an
inexpensive, wireless networking system for all classes of portable devices,
such as laptops, PDAs (personal digital assistants), and mobile phones. It also
will enable wireless connections for desktop computers, making connections
between monitors, printers, keyboards, and the CPU cable-free. The controlling
device of the whole system is a Microcontroller. Bluetooth module, DC motors
are interfaced to the Microcontroller. The data received by the Bluetooth
module from Android smart phone is fed as input to the controller. The
controller acts accordingly on the DC motors of the Robot. The robot in the
project can be made to move in all the four directions using the Android phone.
The direction of the robot is indicated using LED indicators of the Robot
system. In achieving the task the controller is loaded with a program written
using Embedded C language.

1.2 Android Platform:
Android devices are powerful mobile computers and they become
more and more popular smart phones used worldwide. They becomes more and
more popular for software developers because of its powerful capabilities and
open architecture, also its based on the java programming language. Because
Android uses the Java programming language getting started with the Android
API is easy; the API is open and allows easy access to the hardware
components. Android devices provide numerous communication interfaces like
USB, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth, that can be used to connect to the robot. We think it
is a great platform for a robotic system control, because its much cheaper than
any other ARM-based processing unit. We use android platform because it is the
widest used in the word and runs the largest number ofSmart phones worldwide.

1.3 Connectivity and Communication:

For the communication of the robot with the cell phone or a mobile
we are using the Bluetooth device. The Bluetooth device (HC-05) is attached to
the robot that receives the data from the mobile and also can transmit the data.
Bluetooth: Bluetooth is a wireless communications protocol running at 2.4 GHz,
with client-server architecture, suitable for forming personal area networks. It is
designed for low power devices such as mobile phones [3,5]. Bluetooth now
comes as standard on the majority of mobile phones, and desktop computers. It
can be easily fitted with a module to allow Bluetooth communication.
Bluetooth is the only appropriate communications protocol because there is no
fear of getting the frequency interference. Bluetooth uses the MAC Address of
the device. The Bluetooth gives the connectivity between two devices using
their MAC Address.

1.4 Purpose
The purpose of our research is to provide simpler robots hardware
architecture but with powerful computational platforms so that robots designer
can focus on their research and tests instead of Bluetooth connection
infrastructure. This simple architecture is also useful for educational robotics,
because students can build their own robots with low cost and use them as
platform for experiments in several courses.
The main purpose of this project is to develop a remote user
interface to control a robot via a wireless technology. There is a need to
communicate with the robot remotely in order to control the robot movements
and pass critical data both ways.
The current IR controls are not good enough because the robot
does not have an IR transmitter but only a receiver, meaning that the
communication is one way. The IR communication works only in line of direct
sight and any objects in the way will obstruct the communication.
Bluetooth communication will enable us to control the robot up to
100 meters without the need for direct sight which means that the robot could be
located behind a wall or some other object and the communication would not be


2.1 Block Diagram

lead acid battery


Bluetooth modulemetal
metal L293D
detector motor driver

dc motor

Figure 2.1 Block Diagram Extinguisher Robot

Bomb Detector and Extinguisher Robot is operated to detect the

bomb and also to extinguish it. It can be operated in two modes one is manual

mode and other is autonomous mode. Manual mode is operated using joysticks
and for autonomous mode there is no human intervention. In autonomous mode
bomb sensors are used to detect the bomb and robot is coded accordingly to
move in the direction of detected bomb. In manual mode robot is operated by
Human via transmitters.

In this project we use metal sensors,ARDUINO microcontroller,pumping

motor to detect and extinguish the bomb.

If the bomb is detected robot is move towards the particular place through
DC motor. Bluetooth transreceiver is used to control DC motors to change the
direction of the motor..

The main components are :

Metal sensors
Motor drivers
DC motors

Motor Drivers:
Motor drivers are used to describe the direction of movement of the
robot. It is used to give high voltage and high current as an output to run
the motors which are used in the project for the movement of the robot.
DC Motors:
In this project we use simple DC motor for the rotation of the
wheel which are responsible for the movement of the robot. Usually DC
motors convert electrical energy into mechanical energy.


In this robot I have used a Bluetooth module to control the robot

via 2 BO motors at 300RPM appox the robot is control by an android phone
application Microcontroller used is AT328 from 8051 family to work in a serial
communication UART mode the communication is configured on 9800bps to

communicate it with the Bluetooth module. The Bluetooth module used is a
HC-05 in smd package which works on a 3.3v and have a serial communication
with any device connected to it the communication speed can be configured on
various speed via AT Command.

The BT module is a SPP supported profile so it can be connected

easily to any module or phone. In this profile the data can be sent and receive to
module. The BT module is connected to the RX pin of microcontroller. The
L293D is a motor driver IC to operate the motors in any direction required
dependent on the logic applied to the logic pins. A readymade compact size
chassis I have used to avoid the chassis assembly the chassis contains 2 decks
the lower is used for BO motors fitting the upper is used as a battery stack on
top the plate the board is mounted by screw fitting.

A smart phone Android operated robot. Now here is a simple to

control your robot/robot car using Bluetooth module HC-06 and 89c2051
microcontroller with your android Smartphone device. The controlling devices
of the whole system are a microcontroller. Bluetooth module, DC motors are
interfaced to the microcontroller. The data receive by the Bluetooth module
from android smart phone is fed as input to the controller. The controller acts
accordingly on the DC motor of the robot.

The robot in the project can be made to move in all the four
directions using the android phone. The direction of the robot is indicators using
LED indicators of the Robot system




In this project we used arduino controller. Arduino is an open-source project

that created microcontroller-based kits for building digital devices and
interactive objects that can sense and control physical devices. The project is
based on microcontroller board designs, produced by several vendors, using
various microcontrollers. Arduino boards are able to read inputs - light on a
sensor, a finger on a button, or a Twitter message - and turn it into an output -
activating a motor, turning on an LED, publishing something online. Arduino
board designs use a variety of microprocessors and controllers. The boards are
equipped with sets of digital and analog input/output (I/O) pins that may be
interfaced to various expansion boards (shields) and other circuits. The boards
feature serial communications interfaces, including Universal Serial Bus (USB)
on some models, which are also used for loading programs from personal
computers. The microcontrollers are typically programmed using a dialect of
features from the programming languages C and C++. In addition to using
traditional compiler toolchains, the Arduino project provides an integrated
development environment (IDE) based on the Processing language project.

An Arduino board consists of an Atmel 8-, 16- or 32-bit AVR microcontroller

(ATmega8, ATmega168, ATmega328, ATmega1280, ATmega2560), but other
makers' microcontrollers have been used since 2015. The boards use single-row

pins or female headers that facilitate connections for programming and
incorporation into other circuits. These may connect with add-on modules
termed shields. Multiple, and possibly stacked shields may be individually
addressable via an IC serial bus. Most boards include a 5 V linear regulator and
a 16 MHz crystal oscillator or ceramic resonator. Some designs, such as the
LilyPad, run at 8 MHz and dispense with the onboard voltage regulator due to
specific form-factor restrictions.

Arduino microcontrollers are pre-programmed with a boot loader that

simplifies uploading of programs to the on-chip flash memory. The default
bootloader of the Aduino UNO is the optiboot bootloader Boards are loaded
with program code via a serial connection to another computer. Some serial
Arduino boards contain a level shifter circuit to convert between RS-232 logic
levels and transistortransistor logic (TTL) level signals. Current Arduino
boards are programmed via Universal Serial Bus (USB), implemented using
USB-to-serial adapter chips such as the FTDI FT232. Some boards, such as
later-model Uno boards, substitute the FTDI chip with a separate AVR chip
containing USB-to-serial firmware, which is reprogrammable via its own ICSP
header. Other variants, such as the Arduino Mini and the unofficial Boarduino,
use a detachable USB-to-serial adapter board or cable, Bluetooth or other
methods, when used with traditional microcontroller tools instead of the
Arduino IDE, standard AVR in-system programming (ISP) programming is

The Arduino board exposes most of the microcontroller's I/O pins for use by
other circuits. The Diecimila Duemilanove and current Uno provide 14 digital
I/O pins, six of which can produce pulse-width modulated signals, and six
analog inputs, which can also be used as six digital I/O pins. These pins are on
the top of the board, via female 0.1-inch (2.54 mm) headers. Several plug-in
application shields are also commercially available. The Arduino Nano, and

Arduino-compatible Bare Bones Board and Boarduino boards may provide
male header pins on the underside of the board that can plug into solderless

3.1.1 Features of the Arduino UNO:

Microcontroller: ATmega328

Operating Voltage: 5V

Input Voltage (recommended): 7-12V

Input Voltage (limits): 6-20V

Digital I/O Pins: 14 (of which 6 provide PWM output)

Analog Input Pins: 6

DC Current per I/O Pin: 40 mA

DC Current for 3.3V Pin: 50 mA

Flash Memory: 32 KB of which 0.5 KB used by bootloader

SRAM: 2 KB (ATmega328)

EEPROM: 1 KB (ATmega328)

Clock Speed: 16 MHz


There are three pools of memory in the microcontroller used on avr-based
Arduino boards :

Flash memory (program space), is where the Arduino sketch is stored.

SRAM (static random access memory) is where the sketch creates and
manipulates variables when it runs.

EEPROM is memory space that programmers can use to store long-term


Flash memory and EEPROM memory are non-volatile (the

information persists after the power is turned off). SRAM is volatile and will be
lost when the power is cycled.

The ATmega328 chip found on the Uno has the following amounts of memory:
Flash 32k bytes (of which .5k is used for the bootloader)
SRAM 2k bytes
EEPROM 1k byte
The ATmega2560 in the Mega2560 has larger memory space :
Flash 256k bytes (of which 8k is used for the bootloader)
SRAM 8k bytes
EEPROM 4k byte

Fig Block Diagram of Microcontroller


Each of the 14 digital pins on the UNO can be used as an input or
output, using pinMode(), digitalWrite(), and digitalRead() functions. They
operate at 5 volts. Each pin can provide or receive 20 mA as recommended
operating condition and has an internal pull-up resistor (disconnected by
default) of 20-50k ohm. A maximum of 40mA is the value that must not be
exceeded on any I/O pin to avoid permanent damage to the microcontroller.

In addition, some pins have specialized functions: Arduino UNO Pin Diagram

Serial: 0 (RX) and 1 (TX). Used to receive (RX) and transmit (TX) TTL
serial data. These pins are connected to the corresponding pins of the
ATmega8U2 USB-to-TTL Serial chip.

External Interrupts: 2 and 3. These pins can be configured to trigger an

interrupt on a low value, a rising or falling edge, or a change in value. See
the attachInterrupt() function for details.

PWM: 3, 5, 6, 9, 10, and 11. Provide 8-bit PWM output with the
analogWrite() function.

SPI: 10 (SS), 11 (MOSI), 12 (MISO), 13 (SCK). These pins support SPI

communication using the SPI library.

LED: 13. There is a built-in LED driven by digital pin 13. When the pin
is HIGH value, the LED is on, when the pin is LOW, it's off.

TWI: A4 or SDA pin and A5 or SCL pin. Support TWI communication

using the Wire library.

The Uno has 6 analog inputs, labeled A0 through A5, each of

which provide 10 bits of resolution (i.e. 1024 different values). By default they
measure from ground to 5 volts, though is it possible to change the upper end of
their range using the AREF pin and the analogReference() function.
There are a couple of other pins on the board:

AREF. Reference voltage for the analog inputs. Used with


Reset. Bring this line LOW to reset the microcontroller. Typically used to
add a reset button to shields which block the one on the board.


The storage battery or secondary battery is such battery where
electrical energy can be stored as chemical energy and this chemical energy is
then converted to electrical energy as when required. The conversion of
electrical energy into chemical energy by applying external electrical source is
known as charging of battery. Whereas conversion of chemical energy into
electrical energy for supplying the external load is known as discharging of
secondary battery. During charging of battery, current is passed through it which
causes some chemical changes inside the battery. This chemical changes absorb
energy during their formation.
When the battery is connected to the external load, the chemical
changes take place in reverse direction, during which the absorbed energy is
released as electrical energy and supplied to the load. Now we will try to
understand principle working of lead acid battery and for that we will first
discuss about lead acid battery which is very commonly used as storage battery
or secondary battery.
Materials used for Lead Acid Storage Battery Cells

The main active materials required to construct a lead acid battery are

1. Lead peroxide (PbO2).

2. Sponge lead (Pb) and

3. Dilute sulfuric acid (H2SO4).

a) Lead Peroxide (PbO2)

The positive plate is made of lead peroxide. This is dark brown, hard and brittle

b) Sponge Lead (Pb)

The negative plate is made of pure lead in soft sponge condition.

c) Dilute Sulfuric Acid (H2SO4)

Dilute sulfuric acid used for lead acid battery has ration of water : acid = 3:1.

The lead acid storage battery is formed by dipping lead peroxide

plate and sponge lead plate in dilute sulfuric acid. A load is connected externally
between these plates. In diluted sulfuric acid the molecules of the acid split into
positive hydrogen ions ( H+) and negative sulfate ions (SO4 ). The hydrogen
ions when reach at PbO2 plate, they receive electrons from it and become
hydrogen atom which again attack PbO2 and form PbO and H2O (water). This
PbO reacts with H2 SO4 and forms PbSO4 and H2O (water).

SO4 ions are moving freely in the solution so some of them will
reach to pure Pb plate where they give their extra electrons and become radical
SO4. As the radical SO4 cannot exist alone it will attack Pb and will form PbSO4.
As H+ ions take electrons from PbO2 plate and SO4 ions give electrons to Pb
plate, there would be an inequality of electrons between these two plates. Hence
there would be a flow of current through the external load between these plates
for balancing this inequality of electrons. This process is called discharging of
lead acid battery. The lead sulfate (PbSO4) is whitish in color. During

1. Both of the plates are covered with PbSO4.

2. Specific gravity of sulfuric acid solution falls due to formation of water

during reaction at PbO2 plate.

3. As a result, the rate of reaction falls which implies the potential

difference between the plates decreases during discharging process.

Now we will disconnect the load and connect PbSO 4 covered PbO2
plate with positive terminal of an external DC source and PbO2 covered Pb plate
with negative terminal of that DC source. During discharging, the density of
sulfuric acid falls but there still sulfuric acid exists in the solution. This sulfuric
acid also remains as H+ and SO4 ions in the solution. Hydrogen ions (cation)
being positively charged, move to the electrode (cathode) connected with
negative terminal of the DC source. Here each H + ion takes one electron from
that and becomes hydrogen atom. These hydrogen atoms then attack PbSO 4 and

form lead and sulfuric acid. SO4 ions (anions)
move towards the electrode (anode) connected with positive terminal of DC
source where they will give up their extra electrons and become radical SO4.
This radical SO4 cannot exist alone hence reacts with PbSO4 of
anode and forms lead peroxide (PbO2) and sulfuric acid (H2SO4).
Hence by charging the lead acid
storage battery cell,

1. Lead sulfate anode gets converted into lead peroxide.

2. Lead sulfate of cathode is converted to pure lead.

3. Terminal; potential of the cell increases.

4. Specific gravity of sulfuric acid increases.

Figure 3.3 Diagram of /lead acid battery


The lead-acid battery was invented in 1859 by French
physicist Gaston Plant and is the oldest type of rechargeable battery. Despite
having a very low energy-to-weight ratio and a low energy-to-volume ratio, its
ability to supply high surge currents means that the cells have a relatively
large power-to-weight ratio. These features, along with their low cost, makes it
attractive for use in motor vehicles to provide the high current required
by automobile starter motors.

As they are inexpensive compared to newer technologies, lead-acid

batteries are widely used even when surge current is not important and other
designs could provide higher energy densities. Large-format lead-acid designs
are widely used for storage in backup power supplies in cell phone towers, high-
availability settings like hospitals, and stand-alone power systems. For these
roles, modified versions of the standard cell may be used to improve storage
times and reduce maintenance requirements. Gel-cells and absorbed glass-
mat batteries are common in these roles, collectively known as VRLA (valve-
regulated lead-acid) batteries.

Leadacid battery sales account for 4045% of the value from

batteries sold worldwide (1999, not including China and Russia), a
manufacturing market value of about $15 billion

3.4.1 Discharge

Figure. 3.4 Fully discharged: two identical lead sulfate plates

In the discharged state both the positive and negative plates
become lead(II) sulfate (PbSO4), and the electrolyte loses much of its
dissolved sulfuric acid and becomes primarily water. The discharge process is
driven by the conduction of electrons from the negative plate back into the cell
at the positive plate in the external circuit.

3.4.2 Negative plate reaction

Pb(s) + HSO
4(aq) PbSO
4(s) + H+
(aq) + 2e Release of two conducting electrons gives lead electrode a net
negative charge

As electrons accumulate they create an electric field which attracts

hydrogen ions and repels sulfate ions, leading to a double-layer near the surface.
The hydrogen ions screen the charged electrode from the solution which limits
further reactions unless charge is allowed to flow out of electrode.

3.4.3 Positive plate reaction

2(s) + HSO
4(aq) + 3H+
(aq) + 2e PbSO
4(s) + 2H

The total reaction can be written as

Pb(s) + PbO
2(s) + 2H

4(aq) 2PbSO
4(s) + 2H

The sum of the molecular masses of the reactants is 642.6 g/mol,

so theoretically a cell can produce two faradays of charge (192,971 coulombs)
from 642.6 g of reactants, or 83.4 ampere-hours per kilogram (or 13.9 ampere-
hours per kilogram for a 12-volt battery).[citation needed] For a 2 volts cell, this comes
to 167 watt-hours per kilogram of reactants, but a leadacid cell in practice
gives only 3040 watt-hours per kilogram of battery, due to the mass of the
water and other constituent parts.[citation needed]

3.4.4 Charging

Figure. 3.5 Fully recharged: Lead anode, Lead oxide cathode and sulfuric acid

In the fully charged state, the negative plate consists of lead, and
the positive plate lead dioxide, with the electrolyte of concentrated sulfuric acid.

Overcharging with high charging voltages generates oxygen and hydrogen gas
by electrolysis of water, which is lost to the cell. The design of some types of
lead-acid battery allow the electrolyte level to be inspected and topped up with
any water that has been lost.

Due to the freezing-point depression of the electrolyte, as the
battery discharges and the concentration of sulfuric acid decreases, the
electrolyte is more likely to freeze during winter weather when discharged.

3.4.5 Ion motion

During discharge, H+ produced at the negative plates moves into

the electrolyte solution and then is consumed into the positive plates,
while HSO 4 is consumed at both plates. The reverse occurs during charge.
This motion can be by electrically driven proton flow or Grotthuss mechanism,
or by diffusion through the medium, or by flow of a liquid electrolyte medium.
Since the density is greater when the sulfuric acid concentration is higher, the
liquid will tend to circulate by convection. Therefore, a liquid-medium cell
tends to rapidly discharge and rapidly charge more efficiently than an otherwise
similar gel cell.

3.4.6 Measuring the charge level

Figure. 3.6 Hydrometer

A hydrometer can be used to test the specific gravity of each cell as
a measure of its state of charge.

Because the electrolyte takes part in the charge-discharge reaction,

this battery has one major advantage over other chemistries. It is relatively
simple to determine the state of charge by merely measuring the specific
gravity of the electrolyte; the specific gravity falls as the battery discharges.
Some battery designs include a simple hydrometer using colored floating balls
of differing density. When used in diesel-electric submarines, the specific
gravity was regularly measured and written on a blackboard in the control room
to indicate how much longer the boat could remain submerged.

The battery's open-circuit voltage can also be used to gauge the

state of charge.[12]If the connections to the individual cells are accessible, then
the state of charge of each cell can be determined which can provide a guide as
to the state of health of the battery as a whole, otherwise the overall battery
voltage may be assessed.

Note that neither technique gives any indication of charge capacity, only charge
level. Charge capacity of any rechargeable battery will decline with age and
usage, meaning that it may no longer be fit for purpose even when nominally
fully charged. Other tests, usually involving current drain, are used to determine
the residual charge capacity of a battery.

3.5 Motor Driver L293D:

3.5.1 Description
L293D is a typical Motor driver or Motor Driver IC which allows
DC motor to drive on either direction. L293D is a 16-pin IC which can control a
set of two DC motors simultaneously in any direction. It means that you can
control two DC motor with a single L293D IC. Dual H-bridge Motor Driver

integrated circuit (IC).The l293d can drive small and quiet big motors as well,
check the Voltage Specification at the end of this page for more info.

Figure 3.7 Pin Configuration of L293D

3.5.2 Concept
It works on the concept of H-bridge. H-bridge is a circuit which allows
the voltage to be flown in either direction. As you know voltage need to change
its direction for being able to rotate the motor in clockwise or anticlockwise
direction, Hence H-bridge IC are ideal for driving a DC motor.

In a single l293d chip there two h-Bridge circuit inside the IC which can
rotate two dc motor independently. Due its size it is very much used in robotic
application for controlling DC motors. Given below is the pin diagram of a
L293D motor controller.

There are two Enable pins on l293d. Pin 1 and pin 9, for being able to
drive the motor, the pin 1 and 9 need to be high. For driving the motor with left
H-bridge you need to enable pin 1 to high. And for right H-Bridge you need to
make the pin 9 to high. If anyone of the either pin1 or pin9 goes low then the
motor in the corresponding section will suspend working. Its like a switch.

3.5.3 Working of L293D

The there 4 input pins for this l293d, pin 2,7 on the left and pin 15 ,10 on
the right as shown on the pin diagram. Left input pins will regulate the rotation
of motor connected across left side and right input for motor on the right hand
side. The motors are rotated on the basis of the inputs provided across the input
pins as LOGIC 0 or LOGIC 1.
In simple to provide Logic 0 or 1 across the input pins for rotating the

Figure 3.8 Internal Architecture of L293D

3.5.4 L293D
Logic Table

Motor connected
on left side output pins
(pin 3,6). For rotating
the motor in clockwise
direction the input
pins has to be provided
with Logic 1 and Logic

Pin 2 = Logic 1 and Pin 7 = Logic 0 | Clockwise Direction
Pin 2 = Logic 0 and Pin 7 = Logic 1 | Anticlockwise Direction
Pin 2 = Logic 0 and Pin 7 = Logic 0 | Idle [No rotation] [Hi-Impedance
Pin 2 = Logic 1 and Pin 7 = Logic 1 | Idle [No rotation]

In a very similar way the motor can also operated across input pin 15,10 for
motor on the right hand side.

Figure 3.9 Pin Connection of L293D

3.5.5 Voltage Specification

VCC is the voltage that it needs for its own internal operation 5v;
L293D will not use this voltage for driving the motor. For driving the motors it
has a separate provision to provide motor supply VSS (V supply). L293d will
use this to drive the motor. It means if you want to operate a motor at 9V then
you need to provide a Supply of 9V across VSS Motor supply.

Figure 3.10 L293D Motor Driver

The maximum voltage for VSS motor supply is 36V. It can supply
a max current of 600mA per channel.Since it can drive motors Up to 36v hence
you can drive pretty big motors with this l293d.

VCC pin 16 is the voltage for its own internal Operation. The
maximum voltage ranges from 5v and upto 36v.

TIP: Dont Exceed the Vmax Voltage of 36 volts or it will cause damage.

3.6 DC Motor
A DC motor in simple words is a device that converts direct
current(electrical energy) into mechanical energy. Its of vital importance for the
industry today, and is equally important for engineers to look into the working
principle of DC motor in details that has been discussed in this article. In order
to understand the operating principle of dc motor we need to first look into
its constructional feature.

The very basic construction of a dc motor contains a current

carrying armature which is connected to the supply end through commulator
segments and brushes and placed within the north south poles of a permanent or
an electro-magnet as shown in the diagram below.

Figure 3.11 Construction of DC Motor

Now to go into the details of the operating principle of DC

motor its important that we have a clear understanding of Flemings left hand
rule to determine the direction of force acting on the armature conductors of dc

Flemings left hand rule says that if we extend the index finger, middle
finger and thumb of our left hand in such a way that the electric current carrying

conductor is placed in a magnetic field (represented by the index finger) is
perpendicular to the direction of current (represented by the middle finger), then
the conductor experiences a force in the direction (represented by the thumb)
mutually perpendicular to both the direction of field and the current in the

Figure 3.12 Flemings Left Hand Rule

For clear understanding the principle of DC motor we have to

determine the magnitude of the force, by considering the diagram below.

We know that when an infinitely small charge dq is made to flow at

a velocity v under the influence of an electric field E, and a magnetic field B,
then the Lorentz Force dF experienced by the charge is given by:-

Figure 3.13 Magnetic Flux due to Current Flow

We know that when an infinitely small charge dq is made to flow at

a velocity v under the influence of an electric field E, and a magnetic field B,
then the Lorentz Force dF experienced by the charge is given by:-

dF = dq(E + v X B)
For the operation of dc motor, considering E = 0
dF = dq v X B
i.e. its the cross product of dq v and magnetic field B.
or dF = dq (dL/dt) X B [v = dL/dt]
Where dL is the length of the conductor carrying charge q.
Or dF = (dq/dt) dL X B
or dF = I dL X B [Since, current I = dq/dt]
or F = IL X B = ILB Sin
or F = BIL Sin

From the 1st diagram we can see that the construction of a DC motor is
such that the direction of electric current through the armature conductor at all
instance is perpendicular to the field. Hence the force acts on the armature
conductor in the direction perpendicular to the both uniform field and current is

i.e. = 90

So if we take the current in the left hand side of the armature conductor to
be I, and current at right hand side of the armature conductor to be I, because
they are flowing in the opposite direction with respect to each other.

Then the force on the left hand side armature conductor, Fl = BIL Sin90 = BIL

Similarly force on the right hand side conductor Fr = B( I)L.Sin90 = BIL

we can see that at that position the force on either side is equal in magnitude
but opposite in direction. And since the two conductors are separated by some
distance w = width of the armature turn, the two opposite forces produces a
rotational force or a torque that results in the rotation of the armature conductor.

Now let's examine the expression of torque when the armature turn crate an
angle of with its initial position.

The torque produced is given by

Torque = force, tangential to the direction of armature rotation X distance.

Or = Fcos.w

Or = BIL w cos

Where is the angle between the plane of the armature turn and the plane
of reference or the initial position of the armature which is here along the
direction of magnetic field.

The presence of the term cos in the torque equation very well signifies
that unlike force the torque at all position is not the same. It in fact varies with
the variation of the angle . To explain the variation of torque and the principle
behind rotation of the motor let us do a stepwise analysis.

Figure 3.14 Direction of Rotation

Step 1:
Initially considering the armature is in its starting point or reference position
where the angle = 0.
= BIL w cos0 = BILw
Since = 0, the term cos = 1, or the maximum value, hence torque at this
position is maximum given by = BILw. This high starting torque helps in
overcoming the initial inertia of rest of the armature and sets it into rotation.

Figure 3.15 Direction of Rotation for =0

Step 2:
Once the armature is set in motion, the angle between the actual
position of the armature and its reference initial position goes on increasing in
the path of its rotation until it becomes 90 from its initial position.
Consequently the term cos decreases and also the value of torque.
The torque in this case is given by = BILwcos which is less than BIL
w when is greater than 0

Figure 3.16 Direction of Rotation where not 0

Step 3:
In the path of the rotation of the armature a point is reached where the
actual position of the rotor is exactly perpendicular to its initial position, i.e. =
90, and as a result the term cos = 0.
The torque acting on the conductor at this position is given by.
= BILwcos90 = 0

Figure 3.17 Direction of Rotation for =90 degree

i.e. virtually no rotating torque acts on the armature at this instance. But
still the armature does not come to a standstill, this is because of the fact that the
operation of dc motor has been engineered in such a way that the inertia of
motion at this point is just enough to overcome this point of null torque. Once
the rotor crosses over this position the angle between the actual position of the
armature and the initial plane again decreases and torque starts acting on it

3.6.1 Types
The direct current motor or the DC motor has a lot of application in
todays field of engineering and technology. Starting from an electric shaver to
parts of automobiles, in all small or medium sized motoring applications DC
motors come handy. And because of its wide range of application different
functional types of dc motor are available in the market for specific
Figure 3.22 Types of DC Motor

3.6.2 Serial Bluetooth Module (HC-05)

This module enables you to wireless transmit & receive serial data. It is a drop
in replacement for wired serial connections allowing transparent two way data
communication. You can simply use it for serial port replacement to establish
connection between MCU or embedded project and PC for data transfer.

3.6.3 Specifications:

Bluetooth protocol v2.0

Range 10 meters

Frequency: 2.4 GHz ISM

Modulation: GFSK

Transmit power: 4dBm

Sensitivity: 84dBm

Rate: 2.1Mbps(Max) /160kbps(A sync); 1Mbps(Sync)

Authentication & Encryption

Module only Power Supply: +3.3 VDC 50mA

Operating Temperate: -20C to +55 C.

3.6.4 HC Serial Bluetooth:

HC Serial Bluetooth product consists of Bluetooth serial interface
module and Bluetooth adapter. Bluetooth serial module is used for converting
serial port to Bluetooth.
This module has two modes: master and slaver device. The device named after
even number is defined to be master or slaver when out of factory and cant
changed to the other mode. But for the device named after odd number, users
can set the work mode (master or slaver) of the device by AT commands.
HC-06 Specifically includes: Master device: HC-06-M, M=Master Slaver
device: HC-06-S, S=Slaver
The main function of Bluetooth serial module is replacing the serial port line,
such as: One connects to Bluetooth master device while the other one connect to
slaver device. Their connection can be built once the pair is made. This

Bluetooth connection is equivalently liked to a serial port line connection
including RXD, TXD signals. And they can communicate with each other.
1. When MCU has Bluetooth salve module, it can communicate with Bluetooth
adapter of computer and smart phones.
2. The Bluetooth devices in the market mostly are salve devices, such as
Bluetooth printer, Bluetooth GPS. So, we can use master module to make pair
and communicate with them.
3. Bluetooth serial modules operation doesnt need drive, and can
communicate with the other Bluetooth device. But communication
between two Bluetooth module require at two conditions:
i) The communication must be between master and slave.
ii) The password must be correct.

Here are the main factory parameter of HC-05 and HC-06.

Pay attention to the difference:

HC-05 HC-06
Master and Slave mode can be Master and Slave mode cant be
Switched Switched
Bluetooth Name: HC-05 Bluetooth Name: HC-06
Password: 1234 Password: 1234

Table 1: Distinguish Between HC-05 & HC-06

Figure. 3.19 Bluetooth module



A resistor is a two-terminal passive electronic component which

implements electrical resistance as a circuit element. When a voltage V is
applied across the terminals of a resistor, a current I will flow through the
resistor in direct proportion to that voltage. The reciprocal of the constant of
proportionality is known as the resistance R, since, with a given voltage V, a
larger value of R further "resists" the flow of current I as given by Ohm's law.

Figure. 4.1 Resistor

Resistors are common elements of electrical networks and

electronic circuits and are ubiquitous in most electronic equipment. Practical
resistors can be made of various compounds and films, as well as resistance
wire (wire made of a high-resistivity alloy, such as nickel-chrome). Resistors are
also implemented within integrated circuits, particularly analog devices, and can
also be integrated into hybrid and printed circuits.

The electrical functionality of a resistor is specified by its
resistance: common commercial resistors are manufactured over a range of
more than 9 orders of magnitude. When specifying that resistance in an
electronic design, the required precision of the resistance may require attention
to the manufacturing tolerance of the chosen resistor, according to its specific
application. The temperature coefficient of the resistance may also be of
concern in some precision applications. Practical resistors are also specified as
having a maximum power rating which must exceed the anticipated power
dissipation of that resistor in a particular circuit: this is mainly of concern in
power electronics applications. Resistors with higher power ratings are
physically larger and may require heat sinking. In a high voltage circuit,
attention must sometimes be paid to the rated maximum working voltage of the

The series inductance of a practical resistor causes its behavior to

depart from ohms law; this specification can be important in some high-
frequency applications for smaller values of resistance. In a low-noise amplifier
or pre-amp the noise characteristics of a resistor may be an issue. The unwanted
inductance, excess noise, and temperature coefficient are mainly dependent on
the technology used in manufacturing the resistor. They are not normally
specified individually for a particular family of resistors manufactured using a
particular technology. A family of discrete resistors is also characterized
according to its form factor, that is, the size of the device and position of its
leads (or terminals) which is relevant in the practical manufacturing of circuits
using them.


A Pr eset (colloquially known as a "pot") is a three-terminal

resistor with a sliding contact that forms an adjustable voltage divider. If only
two terminals are used (one side and the wiper), it acts as a variable resistor or
rheostat. Presets are commonly used to control electrical devices such as
volume controls on audio equipment. Presets operated by a mechanism can be
used as position transducers, for example, in a joystick.
Presets are rarely used to directly control significant power (more
than a watt). Instead they are used to adjust the level of analog signals (e.g.
volume controls on audio equipment), and as control inputs for electronic

Figure. 4.2 Preset


In electronics, a ceramic capacitor is a capacitor constructed of
alternating layers of metal and ceramic, with the ceramic material acting as
the dielectric. The coefficient depends on whether the dielectric is Class
1 or Class 2. A ceramic capacitor (especially the class 2) often has
high dissipation factor, high frequency coefficient of dissipation.

A ceramic capacitor is a two-terminal, non-polar device. The

classical ceramic capacitor is the "disc capacitor". This device pre-dates the
transistor and was used extensively in vacuum-tube equipment (e.g., radio
receivers) from about 1930 through the 1950s, and in discrete transistor
equipment from the 1950s through the 1980s. As of 2007, ceramic disc
capacitors are in widespread use in electronic equipment, providing high
capacity and small size at low price compared to other low value capacitor

Ceramic capacitors come in various shapes and styles, including:

Disc, resin coated, with through-hole leads

Multilayer rectangular block, surface mount

Bare leadless disc, sits in a slot in the PCB and is soldered in place, used for
UHF applications

Tube shape, not popular now


Class I capacitors: accurate, temperature-compensating capacitors. They are

the most stable over voltage, temperature, and to some extent, frequency. They
also have the lowest losses. On the other hand, they have the lowest volumetric
efficiency. A typical class I capacitor will have a temperature coefficient of 30
ppm/C. This will typically be fairly linear with temperature. These also allow

for high Q filtersa typical class I capacitor will have a dissipation factor of
0.15%. Very high accuracy (~1%) class I capacitors are available (typical ones
will be 5% or 10%). The highest accuracy class 1 capacitors are designated C0G
or NP0.

Class II capacitors: better volumetric efficiency, but lower accuracy and

stability. A typical class II capacitor may change capacitance by 15% over a 55
C to 85 C temperature range. A typical class II capacitor will have a
dissipation factor of 2.5%. It will have average to poor accuracy (from 10%
down to +20/-80%).

Class III capacitors: high volumetric efficiency, but poor accuracy and
stability. A typical class III capacitor will change capacitance by -22% to +56%
over a temperature range of 10 C to 55 C. It will have a dissipation factor of
4%. It will have fairly poor accuracy (commonly, 20%, or +80/-20%). These are
typically used for decoupling or in other power supply applications.

At one point, Class IV capacitors were also available, with worse

electrical characteristics than Class III, but even better volumetric efficiency.
They are now rather rare and considered obsolete, as modern multilayer
ceramics can offer better performance in a compact package.

These correspond roughly to low K, medium K, and high K. Note

that none of the classes are "better" than any others the relative performance
depends on application. Class I capacitors are physically larger than class III
capacitors, and for bypassing and other non-filtering applications, the accuracy,
stability, and loss factor may be unimportant, while cost and volumetric
efficiency may be. As such, Class I capacitors are primarily used in filtering
applications, where the main competition is from film capacitors in low
frequency applications, and more esoteric capacitors in RF applications. Class
III capacitors are typically used in power supply applications. Traditionally, they
had no competition in this niche, as they were limited to small sizes. As ceramic

technology has improved, ceramic capacitors are now commonly available in
values of up to 100 F, and they are increasingly starting to compete.

With electrolytic capacitors, where ceramics offer much better

electrical performance at prices that, while still much higher than electrolytic,
are becoming increasingly reasonable as the technology improves.


An electrolytic capacitor is a type of capacitor that uses an

electrolyte, an ionic conducting liquid, as one of its plates, to achieve a larger
capacitance per unit volume than other types. They are often referred to in
electronics usage simply as "electrolytics". They are used in relatively high-
current and low-frequency electrical circuits, particularly in power supply
filters, where they store charge needed to moderate output voltage and current
fluctuations in rectifier output. They are also widely used as coupling capacitors
in circuits where AC should be conducted but DC should not. There are two
types of electrolytics aluminum and tantalum.

Figure. 4.3 Electrolytic capacitor

Electrolytic capacitors are capable of providing the highest
capacitance values of any type of capacitor but they have drawbacks which limit
their use. The standard design requires that the applied voltage must be
polarized one specified terminal must always have positive potential with
respect to the other. Therefore they cannot be used with AC signals without a

DC polarizing bias. However there are special non-polarized electrolytic
capacitors for AC use which do not require a DC bias. Electrolytic capacitors
also have relatively low breakdown voltage, higher leakage current and
inductance, poorer tolerances and temperature range, and shorter lifetimes
compared to other types of capacitors.


This is the simplest way of controlling appearance of some voltage
on microcontrollers input pin. There is also no need for additional explanation
of how these components operate.

Figure. 4.4 Pushbutton

This is about something commonly unnoticeable when using these
components in everyday life. It is about contact bounce, a common problem
with mechanical switches. If contact switching does not happen so quickly,
several consecutive bounces can be noticed prior to maintain stable state. The
reasons for this are: vibrations, slight rough spots and dirt. Anyway, this whole
process does not last long (a few micro- or milliseconds), but long enough to be
registered by the microcontroller. Concerning the pulse counter, error occurs in
almost 100% of cases.

The simplest solution is to connect simple RC circuit which will suppress each
quick voltage change. Since the bouncing time is not defined, the values of

elements are not strictly determined. In the most cases, the values shown on
figure are sufficient.

Figure. 4.5 RC Circuit

If complete safety is needed, radical measures should

be taken. The circuit (RS flip-flop) changes logic state on its output with the
first pulse triggered by contact bounce. Even though this is more expensive
solution (SPDT switch), the problem is definitely resolved. Besides, since the
condensator is not used, very short pulses can be also registered in this way. In
addition to these hardware solutions, a simple software solution is also
commonly applied. When a program tests the state of some input pin and finds
changes, the check should be done one more time after certain time delay. If the
change is confirmed, it means that switch (or pushbutton) has changed its
position. The advantages of such solution are: it is free of charge, effects of
disturbances are eliminated and it can be adjusted to the worst-quality contacts.

4.5 LED

A Light Emitting Diode (LED) is a two-lead semiconductor light source

that resembles a basic PN - junction diode, except that an LED also emits light.
When an LED's anode lead has a voltage that is more positive than its cathode
lead by at least the LED's forward voltage drop, current flows. Electrons are
able to recombine with holes within the device, releasing energy in the form of

photons. This effect is called electroluminescence, and the color of the light
(corresponding to the energy of the photon) is determined by the energy band
gap of the semiconductor.

Figure.4.6 Picture of LED


High reliability
High radiant intensity
Peak wavelength p = 940nm
2.54mm Lead spacing.


Visual signals where light goes more or less directly from the source
to the human eye, to convey a message or meaning.
Illumination where light is reflected from objects to give visual
response of these objects.

Measuring and interacting with processes involving no human VISION


In electronics, a diode is a two-terminal electronic component that
conducts electric current in only one direction. The term usually
refers to a semiconductor diode, the most common type today, which is a crystal
of semiconductor connected to two electrical terminals, ap-n junction. A
vacuum tube diode, now little used, is a vacuum tube with two electrodes; a
plate and a cathode.

The most common function of a diode is to allow an electric

current in one direction (called the diode's forward direction)while blocking
current in the opposite direction (the reverse direction). Thus, the diode can be
thought of as an electronic version of a check valve. This unidirectional
behavior is called rectification, and is used to convert alternating current, and
extract modulation from radio signals in radio receivers. However, diodes can
have more complicated behavior than this simple on-off action, due to their
complex non-linear electrical characteristics, which can be tailored by varying
the construction of their p-n junction. These are exploited in special purpose
diodes that perform many different functions. Diodes are used to regulate
voltage (zener diodes), electronically tune radio and T.V. receivers (varactor
diodes), generater adio frequency oscillations (tunnel diodes), and produce light
(light emitting diodes).

Diodes were the first semiconductor electronic devices. The

discovery of crystals' rectifying abilities was made by German physicist
Ferdinand Braun in 1874. The first semiconductor diodes, called cat's whisker
diodes were made of crystals of minerals such as galena. Today most diodes are
made of silicon, but other semiconductors such as germanium are sometimes






With the diagram and all the hand, draw a complete layout plan of
the circuit on a sheet of a tracing paper. As a model, for laying the circuit, a
thermo cole base may be used to hold components. Avoid over crowding of
components while making full space utilization. Keep the ground line on the
side of the PCB and the supply line on other side as far as possible. When all the
components have been mounted on the tracing paper sheet fixed on a piece of
thermo cole base, take out a sketch pen for making in such a way that all the
connecting wires are equal in width, termination rounded off. Re-draw draw it
on a fresh paper if required.


The tracing so prepared has to be imposed over the copper printed

circuit board keeping in view that the component would be mounted from the
non-clad side of the board. Take a PCB lamination sheet and cur a piece of
required size of the board by using hacksaw file edges, put the copper clad sheet
on the table keeping side on the runway the dirt grease and oxide with a sand
paper with its marked side tracing the carbon paper and at her side on top. Since
the tracing paper is transformed you can now reproduce a carbon point over a
surface but using ball pen on a hard pencil over the drawing on the transparent
side. When the carbon print has been obtained over the copper clad board drill
ropes in the board using a hand drill. The holes may be draw with 1/32 bit for
component lead sand the carbon should be raised or wiped by mistake.


After painting the board, it will be made by the cool air for
sometime. Now take a plastic tray and get some Fe Cl3 chemical powder. The

ferric chloride salt is then added with 500ml of water. The color of the solution
is pink. Color of the salt is in yellow, now we add three to five drops of dilute
HCL or H2SO4. This is necessary to quicken the process.


Now we take the painted copper clad board and dip it in the
solution kept in the tray. After 15 to 25 minutes we see the board, with only
printed pattern portion remaining in other place the copper coating is removed
due to the chemical action. Then the board is taken out and washes in water.
After wash the board by using thinner solution. Now a printed circuit has been
formed on the board.

Take fresh water and mix a few teaspoons of FeCL3 add a few
drops of dilute HCL to it, as it speeds the etching process. Shake well immerse
the PC Bin the solution for about 20 minutes occasionally altering the solution
by giving the seesaw reaction to the disk storing reduces the etching time.
Observe the changing color on the copper surface. Take out the PCB only when
the unpainted portion of the copper surface is completely dissolved in the
3solution wash the PCB with the water. After the PCB is thoroughly washed
remove the paint by soft pieces of the cloth dipped in thinner or turpentine.


Then take a drilling machine with 1/32 drill bit to make holes for
the incretion of the components use 1/18 drill bit for inset wires and other thick
components. Now the PCB is ready to use.


Reliability in operation and low cost.

Space required becomes less.


It cant withstand larger weight such as transformer


Copper clad sheet (It is made of hylam or board over

which the sheet copper is pressed.)
Paint or Nail polish or even PCB Ink.
Painting brush, tray.
Ferric chloride solution and also few drop of dilute HCL or
Thinner or kerosene or petrol.
Cotton cloth.
Trace paper


Soldering is a process in which two or more metal items are joined

together by melting and flowing a filler metal (solder) into the joint, the filler
metal having a lower melting point than the work piece. Soldering differs
from welding in that soldering does not involve melting the work pieces. There
are three forms of soldering, each requiring progressively higher temperatures
and producing an increasingly stronger joint strength:

Soft soldering, which originally used a tin-lead alloy as the filler


Silver soldering, which uses an alloy containing silver,

Brazing which uses a brass alloy for the filler.

The alloy of the filler metal for each type of soldering can be adjusted to
modify the melting temperature of the filler. Soldering appears to be a hot glue
process, but it differs from gluing significantly in that the filler metals alloy
with the work piece at the junction to form a gas- and liquid-tight bond. Soft

soldering is characterized by having a melting point of the filler metal below
approximately 400 C (752 F),[2] whereas silver soldering and brazing use
higher temperatures, typically requiring a flame or carbon arc torch to achieve
the melting of the filler. Soft solder filler metals are typically alloys (often
containing lead) that have liquids temperatures below 350C. In this soldering
process, heat is applied to the parts to be joined, causing the solder to melt and
to bond to the work pieces in an alloying process called wetting. In stranded
wire, the solder is drawn up into the wire by capillary action in a process called
'wicking'. Capillary action also takes place when the work pieces are very close
together or touching. The joint strength is dependent on the filler metal used,
where soft solder is the weakest and the brass alloy used for brazing is the
strongest. Soldering, which uses metal to join metal in a molecular bond has
electrical conductivity and is water- and gas-tight. There is evidence that
soldering was employed up to 5000 years ago in Mesopotamia.


Figure 6.1Extinguisher Robot

The Bomb Detector and Extinguisher Robot has been successfully

executed. In its manual mode it can detect the bomb and try to extinguish it and
also by using its manual mode we can extinguish the bomb.

6.1 Applications:

Can be used in record maintaining rooms where bomb can cause lose of
valuable data.
Can be used in Server rooms for immediate action in case of bomb
Can be used in extinguishing bomb where probability of explosion is
high. For eg. Hotel kitchens, LPG/CNG gas stores, etc.
Every working environment requiring permanent operator's attention. -At
power plant control rooms. -At captain bridges. -At flight control centers.
6.2 Code Implemenation
byte val;

int buttonState = 0;

const int buttonPin = 7;

void setup()

Serial.begin(9600);//Change the baud rate value depending on the default baud rate of your bluetooth
module, for Bluesmirf-115200 and for JY-MCU-9600

pinMode(2, OUTPUT);//Light1 pin

pinMode(3, OUTPUT);//Light2 pin

pinMode(4, OUTPUT);//Light3 pin

pinMode(5, OUTPUT);//AC pin

pinMode(6, OUTPUT);//Door Lock


void loop()

int a=0;

buttonState = digitalRead(buttonPin);


Serial.println(int(val));//Display received value on Serial Monitor






else if (int(val)==50)//










else if(int(val)==52)//










else if(int(val)==54)//










else if(int(val)==56)//







else if(int(val)==48)


if (buttonState == LOW) {

// turn LED on:

digitalWrite(6, HIGH);


digitalWrite(6, LOW);

6.3 Advantages:
Prevention from dangerous incidents
Minimization of
o ecological consequences
o financial loss
o a threat to a human life
Needs no micro-controller programming.

The reconstruction of the curse of operators work

6.4 Disadvantages:

Doesnt predict nor interfere with operators thoughts.

Cannot force directly the operator to work



[1] (Android Developers Guide. Android Architecture.

[2] Heidi Monson (1999) Bluetooth technology and implementations,

John Wiley & Sons.

[3] Piyare, R. and Tazil, M. (2011) Bluetooth based home automation
system using Android phones. IEEE 15TH International
symposium on consumer electronics (ISCE), 14-17 June 2011,

[4] Potts, J. and Sukittanon, S. (2012) Exploiting Bluetooth on

android mobile devices for home security application,
proceedings of southeastcan, 15-18 March 2012, Orlando,

[5] HC-06 Bluetooth module.

[6] (Arduino, ios, android and technology tit bits.

[7] AKSOZ, Ahmet, Salim ENGIN, and Mahir DURSUN. "The

Implementation of Controlled Humanoid Robot with Android."

[8] Javale, Deepali, et al. "Home automation and security system

using android adk." International journal of electronics
communication and computer technology (IJECCT) 3.2 (2013).

[9] Khurana, Anil. "Bluetooth Based Robotic Car."

[10] Gobel, S., Jubeh, R., Raesch, S. L., and Zundorf A., Using the
Android Platform to control Robots, Kassel University Germany.

[11] Harshavardhan B.Patil, Prof.V.M.Umale Arduino Based

Wireless Biomedical Parameter Monitoring System Using Zigbee.
IJETT, Volume 28 Number 7 - October 2015.

[12] V. Naga phanindra, B. Suresh Ram Wireless Remote Control

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