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Education Unit: High School N 2 BAE Kudus

Subjects: Physics
Class / Semester: X / 2 (two)
Specialisation: MIA
Topic: Fluid Static
Sub Topics: Law of Archimedes
Allocation of time: 1 x 3 JP

A. Core Competence (CC)

CC 1: Living and practice the teachings of their religion.
CC 2: Develop behavior (honest, discipline, responsibility, caring, polite,
ramahlingkungan, mutual aid, cooperation, peace-loving, responsive and pro-active) and
demonstrate behaviors as part of a solution to the various problems of the nation in
interacting effectively with the social environment and nature as well as in placing itself as
a reflection of the nation in the association world.
CC 3: Understand and apply the knowledge factual, conceptual, procedural in science,
technology, art, culture, and humanities with the insight of humanity, national, state, and
civilization-related phenomena and events, as well as applying procedural knowledge in
the field of study that is specific to talents and interests to solve the problem.
CC 4: Processing, reasoning, and menyaji in the realm of the concrete and the abstract
realm associated with the development of the learned in school independently, and able to
use the method according to the rules of science.

B. Kompetensi Basic and Indicators

1.1. Recognizing the greatness of God who created and governs the universe
through observations of natural phenomena and physical measurements.
2.1. Show behavioral science (curiosity; objective; honest; careful; meticulous;
diligent; careful; be responsible; open; critical; creative; innovative and
caring environment) in their daily activities as a form of implementation of
the attitude in the trials, report and discuss.
3.7. Applying the laws on fluid static in everyday life day.
1) Explain the concept of the Law of Archimedes.
2) Write down the equation of the Law of Archimedes.
3) Solving the problems of physics relating to the concept of the Law of
4.7. Plan and carry out experiments that utilize the properties of the fluid to
facilitate a job.
1) Conducting experiments Archimedes law.
2) Process and process experimental data Archimedes law.
3) Presenting the results of the experiment Law Archimedes.

C. Learning Objectives
1. Students are able to explain the concept hukun Archimedes.
2. Students are able to write equations Archimedes law.
3. Students are able to solve the problems of physics relating to the concept of
the Law of Archimedes.
4. Students are able to experiment Archimedes law.
5. Students are able to process and process experimental data Archimedes
6. Presenting the results of the experiment Archimedes law.
D. Learning Materials
A stone will sink if immersed in water, but the wood will stay afloat / not
drown if put into the water.
Ships are very large and heavy can float on the water surface although its
size is much larger than the stone.
Air balloon can fly in the air despite its massive size.
An object that is partially or completely dipped into the liquid will
experience an upward force equal to the weight of liquid removal. The
magnitude of the upward force (Fa) is the excess weight of the object
when in the air (Wu) with liquid inside (Wc). Dimaksut upward force is
archimedes style often referred to as the buoyant force.
An object is said to be floating if the mass of the object is smaller than the
density of the liquid (b <c). And said sink if the mass of the object is
greater than the density of the liquid (b> c). However, if the mass of the
object is equal to the density of the liquid (b = c), the object is said to
Mathematically the law of Archimedes can be expressed as the following,

F_a = M_f g = _f V_bf g (3.1)

With _f is the density of the fluid and V_bf is the volume of the object
submerged in a fluid. If the objects immersed entirely, V_bf = volume of
the object. But if the volume of the object is only partially submerged, V_bf
= volume of the object is immersed in a fluid only. Of course for this case
V_bf <volume of the object.
Based on the concept of the buoyant force, condition expressed by floating

w = F_a (3.2)

Where in the event afloat, the volume of objects immersed in liquids is

smaller than the volume of the object entirely (V_bf <V_b).
w = F_a
(_b V_b) g = _f V_bf g

_b = (_f V_bf) / V_b (3.3)

Equation (3.3) is only used when the object immersed in a kind of liquid
E. Learning Method
Approach: Learning Saintific
Model: Problem Based Instruction
Methods: Presentation, discussion, experiments, discussions, (drill)

F. Media, Tools and Learning Resources

1. Media:
a. print
teaching materials
Worksheet Students
b. Set about the mid term, and the second semester of 2007-2008 TP s / d
TP 2011-2012 (Print), Presentation (visual)

2. Tools / materials:
a. Aqua bottle
b. Water
c. Six eggs
d. Salt
e. Spoon
f. Infocus
g. Laptop / computer.

3. Learning Resources
Interactive media-based teaching materials tutorial models.
1. Taranggono. A and Subagya. H. 2005. Physical Science 2B. Earth
Literacy: Jakarta.
2. Kangingan, M.2006. Physics 2 for SMA / MA class XI.
3. Purwoko and Fendi. 2007. Physical SMA / MA Class XI
4. Tipler, Paul A, Gene Mosca. 2008. Physics for Scientists and Engineers
Sixth Edition. New York: W.H. Freeman and Company
F. Learning Activities

activity time

1. The teacher asks the class president to prepare and pray.
2. Teachers check students' attendance.
3. Teacher check the completeness of the students.
4. Teacher explains KI / KD / Learning Objectives.

1. The teacher repeated the concept of Pascal's Law.
2. Ask and collect oral reading tasks and find information about the draft
Law of Archimedes through a variety of sources
A. Orientation towards the problem (Viewing)
Teacher showed him pictures and questions asking:
a. Why stone sink if in dip into the water while the timber did not sink
b. Why ship very large and heavy can float on the surface of the water?
c. Why air balloon can fly in the air despite its massive size?
Teachers convey the steps of learning and assessment system 20 minutes
Isika 2B. Earth Literacy: Jakarta.
2. Kangingan, M.2006. Physics 2 for SMA / MA class XI.
3. Purwoko and Fendi. 2007. Physical SMA / MA Class XI
4. Tipler, Paul A, Gene Mosca. 2008. Physics for Scientists and Engineers
Sixth Edition. New York: W.H. Freeman and Company

A. Organizing learners to learn (queries)
1. Teacher asks students sit in groups, then handed LKPD for discussion
and menjawabnnya on double folio paper.
2. The teacher asks the students to ask questions about the concept of the
Law of Archimedes.
B. Guiding Research Group (Try and reason)
1. The teacher asks students to read a variety of sources to discuss the
problems given.
2. Master oversees each group in the experiment to find the relationship
between the mass of the object with the object conditions (float, float, or
3. Teachers guide students to answer the given problems and trials could
process data to draw conclusions.
C. Develop and present the work of (communicating)
a. The teacher asks one of the groups to present their work in front of the
class and ask another group to pay attention and respond.
b. The teacher asks the students to give applause to the group appear.


E. Analyze and evaluate the problem solving process

1. Through class discussion and question and answer, teachers guide
students to make inferences.
2. The teacher asks the students to collect the results of group discussions.
3. Give the task to read the draft law and the law of Archimedes pascal.
4. Provide information learning plans that will come.

G. Assessment of Learning Outcomes

1. Assessment Procedures
Shape Type votes votes Instrument Rating
Written Knowledge Tests
a. daily tests
b. UTS
c. UAS
a. individual exercises
b. Group report

PG answered essai
skills Practice

a. Create reports and discussion of mid UAS about 5 years behind
b. Creating a set of formulas
Sheets set student performance assessment task


Ratings between friends
Observation sheets attitude
2. scoring system

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