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A Personal Note From The Receiver

I call you to accept this truth as bestowed upon me by the

masters who guide my pen, for of myself I could not have done
the works of it.

There were a host of great Nuwaubian leaders, such as Duse Ali, The
Honorable Elijah Muhammad, Sheikh Al-Haj Daoud Faisal, Clarence Jowars
Smith, Cifton E. Marsh, Noble Drew Ali, Marcus Garvey, to name a few,
who have all contributed to the upliftment of the fallen and trodden over, and
much abused Nuwaubian Moors. Many newsletters, books and newspapers
have been written. Yet, the condition of the Nuwaubians have not changed.
As the sayings goes: "Allah does not help a people until they help themselves".
It's time for you to "Get up and do something for yourselves!"

This is the scripture that is divinely inspired that will bring about a long
overdue change. Like the Phoenix Bird raising up out of its ashes, "Up You
Mighty People" come forth like Lazarus from the tomb. This tablet is the food
to feed the hunger and to nourish the soul, to give it strength. Rise up, stand
up, stand up, be counted amongst the people of this world.

This tablet will restore the savor to the salt, that you may spice the whole
world. That you may taste the sweet savour. And that you may spice the lives
of all that you may come in contact with. For in these tablets is no doubt! It's
the true guidance and that you can be sure of! but only those with an inner
ear will be able to hear the voice of our heavenly father calling his children
to gather on the holy land Qodesh, the golden city Wahanee, and sit at the
feet of his son "the lamb", that has been transformed into "the lion", Tammuz,
as known to many as ha Mashiakh, the true messiah, when he returns, as
herald in by the receive of this most holy texts, the holy tablets, Nayya
Malachi Zodok-El! this holy scripture is needed. The Holy Tablets come from
the ancient original tablets inscribed in cuneiform, later borrowed, and in part
to form what became the torah, which became the Holy Bible, which yielded
many scriptures, old as well as the new testament, and even later, the Holy
Qur'aan or Koran. This is by far the greatest of all, for it contains all they were
trying to express but couldn't, because they didn't have the whole truth and
all the facts.

Look at the world today when human beings and angelic beings alike, no
longer have an effect on the minds and the souls of people on a planet such
as this one. Then ANU who is A'lyun A'lyu El "the Most High called by
Arabs, Al 'Aliyu, The Most High and its the 36 number of the 99 best of Allah,
"The source", brings into being a supreme being, referred to as a Zodoq or
one of the Anunnagi Aluhum, and endows this being an Illah Mutajassid an
avatar with the right knowledge, right wisdom and Right Overstanding. We
are at such a time now and the answers are to be found within the pages of
"The Holy Tablets", also called "The Book Of Lambs". Many leaders and
teachers claim to be your saviors, but all use just the same books, bibles or
Korans, or books written thousand of years before their time, outdated
information. but you need your history renewed by a Renewer, a reformer,
El Mujadud. Not the 1400 year old interpretation of the Qur'aan, or 4000 year
old interpretation of the Torah, or 2000 year old interpretation of the New
Testament called the bible. Not to mention all the misleaders who come along
and make up their own interpretations to mislead you, well the time has come
for that Renewer, and this is it. He has renewed El's Holy Torah, El's Holy
Injiyl, El's Holy Zabuwr, El's Holy Qur'aan, the Holy Koran, circle seven, of
the Moorish holy temple of science, the problem book of the poor righteous
teachers of this planet earth, the Egyptian book of the dead, coming forth by
day, and more. He has translated from the original tongues for you, that you
may be renewed.

Let's see what a Muslim would say: Muhammad is the last and greatest of all
or the seal of the prophets, and the Koran the latest scriptures. But this can't
be true, just look at the very condition of the planet Earth and the state of its

I have prophesied many things in the many books that I put forth, and they
all have come to past thus far, and I have foretold even more events that would
come unto this world, and they also shall come to pass. You will find in the
many books, that I have have to set the record straight!

All of these prophecies should tell you that the Arabic Koran they have today
could not be the final message of salvation. Just look at the Muslim world
divided against itself, killing and fighting each other over the Koran which
was revealed in the Year 610 A.D. over 1400 years ago and called Al Qur'aan,
and its author Mustafa Muhammad Al Amin, who died in the year 632 A.D.
from poison in his food. Its message has not put an end to the evil that plagued
the world, and in fact caused more wars and evil has happened because of the
Koran and how Muslims have misinterpreted it, and what it make its followers
feel about all others. The Koran and the Bible has failed more than any of the
other books ever written, in so far as they are misunderstood by those who
claim to follow them to the letter.

As for the Hebrew Torah, it does not preach salvation, merely history and
geography. So now it is time for a scripture to be revealed in this day and
time for people that was lost but now found. Read the Holy Tablets and decide
for yourself. For the hour glass is almost empty. The Holy Tablets was
divinely inspired after reading The Torah, The Holy Qur'aan, The Raatib, The
Book of Light, The Egyptian Book of the Dead, The Writing of Confucius,
The Book of Buddah, The Tablet of Adafa, The Tablet of Nergal and
Arishkegal, The Tablet of Ishtar and Tammuz, The Tablet of Etana, The
Atra-Hasis, The Akkadian Tablets, Gilfamesh Epics, Tablets of Anzu, and
the Sumer Tablets, and the events and leaders and their teachings, that
unfolded from those tablets to this present day.

You will not only find that what has been revealed to me is without doubt,
but it will bring you towards a greater overstanding of your inner self. What
is behind the words in this text is all that has come through me to bring you
to the next level. This is why I have been sent to you. In order that you receive
this divine revelation. One that has never before been compiled in one text.
I am one of those teachers who come with a message for a people, so gather
yourself and know that within the confines of these pages is:

The Right Knowledge, the Right Wisdom, and The Right

Which Leads to Sound Right Reasoning

Walk with me on that narrow path and take the over due first step and read
with the intent of overstanding all that I have been given, for in this text there
is undisputed truths, which are facts beyond any doubt. This Holy Tablets
will not only lead you to right thinking, it will take you to the next level! It
will, if overstood, break The Spell, The Spell Of Ignorance (Ignoring The
Facts). Spell of Sleep, Spell of Spiritual Ignorance and Racial Blindness.

Within these tablets, you may find a similarity to many Holy Scriptures such
as, The Torah, The Injiyl, The Zabuwr, The Koran, and many spiritual
writings as well as learnt people whose information in these days and times
are being forgotten or misused. I, having read most of what has been recorded
on this Planet Earth, find the truths of their messages necessary for people of
the Earth to get a full and complete overstanding of the truth. It's no
coincidence that these tablets are laced with these messages for truth and
Nuwau-Bu Surpasses their teacher's interpretations. This scripture is a Holy
Scripture, divinely inspired from the spirits who incarnate in the form of
prophets, apostles and sires who have spoken to my heart and activated my
mind to bring you this final revelation. Within its covers you will find
guidance from this to the next world and on.

My child, in this world you must overstand that the most authentic and safe
means of achieving purity of the soul and contentment of the heart is to devote
your tongue to the remembrance of the All. To know The All is to ponder
over the significance of your growth as an individual, and to accustom
yourself to absorb to facts in your mind and heart in perfect faith and
awareness. The Holy Tablets affirms, you are in The All and The All is a part
of you. And know this, this Holy Tablet that is divinely inspired is to prepare
the way for the end. The best course to achieve this end is that you should
recite the words within the confines of these pages with zeal and fervor and
develop the habit to study regularly. Study also with devotion and
concentration, the teachings of other great teachers.

This Is How It Was Revealed To Me

And This Is How I Give It Unto You.

This Holy Tablet has been improved upon, by clarifying firstly misunderstood
information. This was done by many who have received the First Holy Tablet,
and sent in many corrections, that I felt necessary to clarify. Fortunately, it
wasn't from mistakes, but rather from a lack of overstanding the language
and many of the terminologies of the Holy Tablets. Yet, there was some
intentionally alterations done by the original printers of the Holy Tablets,
who were Christians, who print bibles, and took it upon themselves to change
words, numbers, and even extract parts of chapters, pictures, an intentional
evil, that I felt was necessary to correct in this new version of the Holy Tablets
for you.

The language was originally in Nubic, and even Arabic, but I found it to the
advantage of all Nuwaubians, that it be replaced with our own language
Nuwaubic, that had not been made public in its entirely of the Old Holy
Tablets. Also many mentioned events, that hadn't come to past at the time of
the original released Holy Tablets. yet, these prophecies as to date have come
to past, and they to have come to past as a confirmation of the divinity of this
holy text, and have been inserted. Explanation have also been inserted to
enhance your overstanding of this text. I am sure you will appreciate the
efforts put forth on your behalf.

The Seven Thunders
"The Seven Plagues"
The Seven thunders have been recorded by the ancient for thousand
of years by the Hopis, the Yamassee, and the Nuwaubians, have
logged these thunders as a sign of the coming of a new planet,
"Nibiru", the coming in of a new era, the sign of the end of the
present world rule by evil, and the resurrection of the ancient
mysteries of Egypt, Atlantis rising again in the heart of Georgia, in a
place called Wahanee. These Signs are the signs of the times,
recorded by the Ancient Neteru of Ancient Egypt, and Passed down
through time. They are called the thunders, or the plagues.

First Thunders: Much starvation, sickness, starving children,

homelessness, and diseases. This already passed and continues.
Second Thunders: The sky becomes sick with holes in it, that look
like sores, lung disease spreads, breathing problems occur, green
mist coming from holes, polluting water, growing deformities,
bacteria in the water (little devils), sea animals begin to die, fishes
are trying to get out of the water, water becomes death to them.
physical and spiritual illness, mutations in animals.
third Thunder: Many new species notations in animals, cross
breeding in species, death of frogs, honey bees, turtles, deformed
human multiply, genetic splicing, and cloning.
Fourth Thunder: Sign of twins, Yah and Weh, one guards that
south pole, and the other guards the north pole. Havoc begins with
these poles, structures break down, Religion, Moral and Financial.
The Devil winds "El Nino" Takes over.
Fifth Thunder: 4 Great People will perish. Floods, lightning
storms, tornadoes, land slides, hurricanes, hail in the summer, forest
fires, children killing children, Children killing their parents
rampant insanity and murders, and upsurge in drug addiction, and
demonic revivals parading themselves as righteous. El Nina, "Little
Girl Will Come."
Sixth Thunder: Changes Occur, The Star People return. Signs in
the skies, New Planets, new galaxies, Meteorite Storms, Climatic
Alterations, global warming, Spiritual Revivals, presence Of Divine,
Disregard and Respect for Present For World Governments,
leadership, politics.
Seventh Thunder: The end of the world as you know it. The Year
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