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A doctor is a graduate of the Faculty of Medicine, Private, lately seemed sad and confused

determine his future career as a doctor, knowing she had just graduated from the Physician
Competency Test Indonesia is famous for. Various road unfolds before the eyes of Doctor J for
career, including private practice while applying for a faculty member at his alma mater,
registering as a candidate for Civil Servants, to register as a Candidate of Students Education
Specialist or set up private clinics private. Amid the confusion Doctor J got an offer to work part
time at clinic A, he was immediately accepted, although not as a solid choice.
A doctor on duty at the time of clinic A, the problems arising between doctor and patient J, he
complained of by a patient's mother that the child's mother snapped the Doctor J at the doctor-
patient communication. Problems grow complicated for Doctor J at the time a new career had hit
a problem, indeed Doctor J problem in communicating, he is more quiet and a history of failed
communication courses in college.
Actually a lot of information to determine future careers through the Internet, but Doctor J
stuttering technology, so it does not keep abreast of Current Medical Sciences.


Clarifying the terms / concepts that are less known (keywords) SCENARIO 2
1. Determining future careers.
Career is a necessity that should grow in a person workforce, so as to encourage the
willingness of its work. Career development needs to be done through the growth of
labor career, creating the conditions and career development opportunities and
make adjustments between them through a variety of personal mutations. If viewed
from the perspective of the organization, career involves a process in which an
organization renews itself for effectiveness towards a career which is the limit in
which a series of career attitudes and behaviors can satisfy an individual.
Determining future career means making a plan carefully for the future that can be
realized a career person in accordance with the ideals of the person.

2. Medical Student Status.

Status can be interpreted as the view of society to someone about who we are
based on the results of our achievements at that time.
Medical Student status means that a confession of a Student of Medicine in the
Public and the scope of the University.

3. Clinic
Is a health care facility dedicated to outpatient care. Clinics can be operated,
managed and financed privately or publicly, and typically include primary health
care needs of populations in local communities, in contrast to a larger hospital that
offers specialized care and inpatients admitted to stay overnight.

4. Alma mater
Alma mater, or sometimes written as a connected alma mater, is the Latin term
which literally means "wet nurse". Use of the term is popular among academic /
education to refer to a person completing a college place pendidikan.Apabila levels
we see today, his own alma mater is more synonymous with educational institutions
that provide teaching and education to the participant students, particularly college
(PT) or the school. Regardless of the few override the spirit that emerged from the
initial term alma mater, but is evident in every educational institution there
(responsibility) the protection of participant students, and there is a process of
mutual transfer of knowledge or knowledge of the educator to the learner, then the
learners prior to the learners the next.

5. Faculty of Medicine, Private

Medical school or medical school is a Tertiary educational institution or part of the
institution, which is involved in the education of future medical actors (doctors).
Admission criteria, methodology of teaching, and medical programs offered at
medical schools around the world varies.
College education is a unit of higher education providers. College students called
the student, while educators called teachers colleges. According to its kind, the
college is divided into two:
Higher education is a state college management and the regulations made by the
Higher education is a private college management and regulations made by the
private sector.
So medical school is a private educational institution or part of the Tertiary
institutions, actors involved in the education of future medical (physician) that the
management and regulations made by the private sector.
6. Internet Network
Internet Networking - Understanding Internet Network. Technology developed
rapidly so that there is a slogan that says "The World in Your Hand Gemgaman", one
of the truly phenomenal technology is the Internet, a network that is so complex but
it is amazing what we call the Internet Network. The Internet is a network of
computers that can be categorized as WAN, connecting millions of computers
around the world, without borders, where every person who has a computer can join
the network by simply connecting to the internet service providers (internet service
provider / ISP) such as Telkom Speedy , or Indosatnet. The Internet can be translated
as an international networking (international networks), because it connects
computers internationally, or as internetworking (network inter-network) for linking
the network of millions around the world.
7. UKDI (Competency Exam Doctor Indonesia)
UKDI (Competency Exam Doctor Indonesia) is a test that is intended to prospective
physicians Indonesia before officially becoming a doctor.
8. Stuttering Technology
Stuttering is often called technology or clueless is a condition where a person /
group who are unwilling or intentionally or unintentionally avoid the existence of the
technology. It will interfere with the effectiveness of the development of their
science in the modern era.
1. Dokter Spesialis
Dokter spesialis adalah dokter yang mengkhususkan diri dalam suatu bidang
ilmu kedokteran tertentu. Seorang dokter harus menjalani pendidikan profesi
dokter pasca sarjana (spesialisi) untuk dapat menjadi dokter spesialis.
Pendidikan dokter spesialis merupakan program pendidikan profesi lanjutan dari
program pendidikan dokter setelah dokter menyelesaikan wajib kerja sarjananya
dan atau langsung setelah menyelesaikan pendidikan dokter umum. Pendidikan
dokter spesialis di Indonesia dinamakan Program Pendidikan Dokter Spesialis
atau PPDS yaitu program pendidikan untuk melatih seorang dokter umum untuk
menjadi dokter spesialis tertentu. Lama pendidikan ini bervariasi rata-rata 8
semester. Program ini baru dilakukan oleh beberapa fakultas kedokteran di
universitas negeri yang bekerja sama dengan rumah sakit pendidikan. Dokter
umum yang melanjutkan pendidikan sebagai dokter spesialis disebut residen.

CPNS (Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil) adalah pelayanan publik dan

penyelenggaraan pemerintah merupakan fungsi dari berbagai faktor. Salah satu
diantaranya adalah faktor sumber daya manusia, yakni Pegawai Negeri Sipil
(PNS). Dapat dikatakan bahwa baik buruknya suatu birokrasi Negara sangat
dipengaruhi oleh kualitas PNS.
Di Indonesia, sektor pegawai Negara yang merupakan sub sistem dari birokrasi
secara keseluruhan, belum dijadikan sebagai fokus reformasi birokrasi
(Prasojo,2007). Sebagai konsekuensinya, kualitas dan kinerja birokrasi dalam
memberikan pelayanan publik masih jauh dari harapan. Konsekuensi lainnya
adalah masih belum terciptanya budaya pelayanan yang berorientasi kepada
kebutuhan pelanggan/costumer.
Kondisi tersebut bila berlangsung terus-menerus mengakibatkan kekecewaan
masyarakat yang berkepanjangan terhadap birokrasi. Guna mengantisipasi
timbulnya implikasi negatif lebih lanjut dimasa mendatang, maka perlu dilakukan
perubahan kearah perbaikan atau reformasi birokrasi kepegawaian Negara
secara keseluruhan (Kasim, 1998 dan Prasojo, 2007).
Salah satu agenda reformasi kepegawaian Negara yang mendesak untuk segera
dilakukan adalah reformasi dalam pengadaan (rekrutmen) Calon PNS (CPNS).
Hal tersebut mengingat proses pengadaan CPNS merupakan proses yang paling
kritis dan beresiko dalam keseluruhan proses manajemen PNS di Indonesia.
Disebut sebagai proses yang paling kritis mengingat proses tersebut sangat
menentukan dalam membentuk profil PNS yang handal, berkualitas, dan relevan
dengan kebutuhan organisasi atau justru sebaliknya, yakni PNS yang kontra-
produktif terhadap organisasi. Di samping itu melalui proses pengadaan CPNS
diketahui gambaran awal (umum) tentang CPNS yang akan diperoleh, guna
mengantisipasi ungkapan yang menyatakan Garbage in Garbage Out (GIGO).
Dengan kata lain, proses pengadaan CPNS merupakan titik tolak yang dapat
menggambarkan apa dan bagaimana profil CPNS yang dikendaki sesuai dengan
kebutuhan organisasi.
Selanjutnya proses pengadaan CPNS disebut berisiko artinya mengandung
konsekuensi jangka panjang terhadap investasi asset ke depan, mengingat
CPNS yang nantinya akan diangkat menjadi PNS tidak hanya sebagai asset
penting organisasi, melainkan juga merupakan partner organisasi yang perlu dan
harus dikelola dengan baik, karena sangat menentukan efektifitas organisasi. Di
samping itu, proses pengadaan CPNS penuh resikodari praktek-praktek KKN
(Kolusi, Korupsi, dan Nepotisme) yang dilakukan oleh pihak-pihak tertentu
dengan masyarakat. Dengan kata lain proses pengadaan CPNS sering
menimbulkan banyak masalah karena banyaknya ketidakpuasan masyarakat
terhadap proses pengadaan CPNS yang dilakukan.

1. Physician communication with patients.

a) How does good communication with patients?
b) How does the communication to the patient and the doctor's own? And What are the causes of
poor communication?
2. Knowing the development of technology.
a) Why is the technology required in the health world?
b) How to use information technology like the internet?
c) What is the relationship of technology with a Doctor's career?
d) How to make people become clueless?
3. Determining future careers.
a) How to plan a career with capabilities?
b) How do I choose a good career?
4. Course communications.
a) Why communication is very important subjects for a doctor?


1. Physician communication with patients.

a) Good communication can provide a lot of convenience for the doctor.

The good doctor is not someone who can heal the most because in several Specialties, healing is
not the outcome (results) are frequent. Not someone who can make the best diagnosis because in
some cases that can heal itself (self-limited) or abnormalities that can not be treated, the
diagnosis does not give different results for patients. Nor is someone who knows more scientific
facts because in medical science; ignorance is still rampant in several diseases. The good doctor
is not someone who is gentle, merciful compassion and honestly to the patient because these
qualities are often not sufficient for effective medical treatment. Nor is someone who finds a new
fact or treatment because nowadays new information is just a small fraction of the science to put
in the puzzle of enormous biomedical research.
The good doctor is:
caring and competent, and good companions for people in the adventure Respect people,
healthy or ill, regardless of who they are.
Support patients and their families whenever and wherever they need.
Promoting health as well as treat the disease.
Reaching out to the power of information and communication technology to support patients
with the best information available, while not forgetting to respect the values of each individual.
Always ask open-ended questions, allowing patients to speak, and listen to them carefully.
Provide clear advice, allowing patients to actively participate in any decision relating to health,
to assess each situation carefully, and help whatever the situation.
Using clinical evidence as a tool, not as a determinant of service, humbly accept death as an
important part of life, and to help patients develop the best plan if death is imminent.
Working with other members of the healthcare team.
Being a good support for his patients, mentors for other health professions, and ready to learn
from others regardless of their age, role, or status.
Some of the benefits of good communication to the patient's physician is:
The doctor made an accurate diagnosis, thorough, and related.
Information obtained from the patient will be more.
Can detect emotions in the patient.
Able to calm the patient so that it can also reduce the pressure (blood pressure).

b) Communication with patients who are less well will cause losses on both sides. For example,
the doctor will find it difficult to infer the disease and treatment. For the patient, he will
experience distress either of disappointment or loss of faith in doctors and the medical world.
Therefore, a physician must be skilled in communicating to others, especially in patients.
Communication education should not be underestimated, because the communication also helps
doctors diagnose the patient. If a doctor wrong in communicating to patients, can be fatal
because it can affect the final result of the diagnose. In addition, if physicians are not good at
speaking can offend patients, if it occurs can be dangerous, because the patient will feel cured,
and did not want to come back for treatment, and the worse the patient will report to the
authorities. That's why as a doctor need to know how to communicate well to patients.
Causes of poor communication to the patient that is:
Using medical words that make patients difficult to understand.
Does not provide options to patients or to use his own will.
No focus or cool when menganamnesa so patients feel less attention.
Asking too straight and always repeat the question so that the patient was confused.
Less to be friendly to the patient.

2. Knowing the development of technology.

a) Technology make things easier, as well as in the health world. Based health care information
and communication technology (ICT) computer, or commonly referred to as e-Health will
provide the opportunity for all parties to collaborate, collection and analysis of health data that
goes beyond the physical boundaries and time. Can also assist governments to develop programs
that help physicians, nurses and other health personnel to exchange information electronically,
retrieve patient medical records when and where needed, and gives a collaboration with other
health services in real time via the internet. Health services such as this would give a lot of
savings from the cost of paperwork and administration services and benefit of the best health
care decisions to patients.
Health service providers, like doctors and hospitals, also can develop Internet-based health

b) How to use information technology such as the Internet is to use it positively do not use it
with negative things because the Internet is easier to find something that complicated or difficult
to quickly without having to go through the book. Besides the Internet can be used for the media
to communicate or discuss with people through the accounts / website / blog without having to
come face to face.

c) technology with a Doctor's career, namely:

Technology can simplify the job of a doctor. As an example, namely for the diagnosis.
Provide information about health or medical fields at the times the global as well. As an
example, namely in drug development and disease.
Technology can help doctors to store patient data.
Technology can be used to check the progress of the patient such as medical equipment in the
field of medicine.
Technologies such as the Internet can facilitate business communication relationships between
doctors around the world (without face to face).

d) How to make people become clueless as follows:

By learning to recognize all the operating systems on computers and the internet works.
Frequent use of technology to perform tasks or find important information especially in the
field of health.
Frequent follow new information or updated from a variety of print and electronic media.
Trying to want to know the information technology used today. By the way can learn together
with your friends so that they can arise curiosity is more about information technology.

3. Determining future careers.

a) Planning a career with the capabilities and take advantage of the opportunity to get ahead by
working hard is a key to success. The trick is:
Immediately take the time to start designing for the future career. Think that will be carried out,
record, and see his reaction. Do not let the opportunity come just disappear.
No need to worry if expectations are not realized. Setting up a backup plan.
Do not allow shackling in a career. One's future depends on the decisions taken.
Avoid working alone. Ask for opinions from others or try to relate to other parties related to the
job professionally. It should not be ashamed to ask for the sake of progress.
Try to open the horizon. If there is the challenge of luarsana a more attractive and professional.

b) How to choose a good career

When we finished school we get a very problematic for some in life and is a career option and
chose not only to study, but we choose our future work and a part of our life plan. "Said a bunch
of my friends".
Generally, they sometimes do not have much time to decide clearly as a general recommendation
for parents is to begin studies in the shortest possible time has been added to other variables such
as little information you have about careers as university entry.
No doubt the first recommendation is to have a career guidance by a qualified professional but it
is not possible orientations are not made in full must take into account some additional points.
First test the program at the school where you see if you fit the area you have chosen to study as
a medical career (which is in the field of biomedical sciences) or another requires knowledge of
biology and chemistry.
Reflect for a moment if the career you really think that looks like or you just follow the advice of
your parents or friends, it is possible that you also rely on other subjective sources as the most
profitable, easiest to get a job, most popular, it requires business, and so on.
Another important point for a career choice is to find a career that carries into the future is that
certain functions must be professional rather than looking at the books advise you to find a
professional and you comment on how it goes.
This point is much to do with the earlier in the race and your situation is that the average wage,
employment status, number of professionals in this race I know that many do not taste good to
worry about the last point, but it is recommended to do so prior to reaching year end and realize
that not doing activities that you think or get the salary you have to think about too.
So the point is, before you go to university, you must think about what you want, follow your
heart and your talents, if something is born from the desire, then your career did not feel
For that I choose a good career and the right is where we can define our goals for the future later.
4. Stuttering technology.
If there is a doctor who stutter technology, it is detrimental to everyone not just doctors, because
the technology is very helpful in any case including information search on the internet, if
someone is experiencing stuttering technology there will be difficult for him to get ahead,
because the Internet can be said window of the world, because there we can dig as much
information we need, and also the technology can facilitate our work. As a doctor certainly
should not experience any such thing as technology illiterate, because if the doctor's experience it
will be difficult for physicians in the works. Hence the need for knowledge about the advances in
technology, so that is not obsolete. Nowadays no one is clueless about computers except those
who do not want to get to know the technology. There are several ways to overcome stuttering
technology: Sealu follow the information on technological advances Do not be a passive, if you
know there are advances in technology If you can not use these technologies try to ask other

How to make people not gaptek namely:

By learning to recognize all the operating systems on computers and the internet works.
Frequent use of technology to perform tasks or find important information especially in the
field of health.
Frequent follow new information or updated from a variety of print and electronic media.
Trying to want to know the information technology used today. By the way can learn together
with your friends so that they can arise curiosity is more about information technology.
5. Communication courses.
a) The subject of communication is very important for a doctor because, if the doctor is not able
to communicate, then there is the misconception that tails on a complaint by the patient either to
MKDKI or directly to law enforcement agencies. It is therefore very important study of
communication education in medicine, so that the prospective doctors understand how to
communicate well to patients, so it does not happen again misunderstanding the public.

Jadi, untuk menjadi seorang dokter yang baik harus dapat berkomunikasi
dengan orang lain dan menguasai teknologi informasi untuk membantu dalam
menyelesaikan pekerjaannya.
Sebaiknya, kita sebagai mahasiswa kedokteran mulai saat ini harus mampu dan
terus belajar untuk dapat berkomunikasi dengan orang lain dan melatih kita nantinya
untuk berkomunikasi dengan pasien. Selain itu, pentingnya penguasaan teknologi
informasi untuk menambah wawasan dan informasi secara global bagi kita khususnya
dalam bidang kesehatan.

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