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How does the increased awareness and preventative education of youth and adults within a
community decrease incidents of child sexual abuse?

Aiyana Parker

Tallwood High School


Table of contents

Table of contents 2





Literature review13




Child sexual abuse is a very under reported crime. Adults and children alike shy

away from discussing it because it's an uncomfortable subject. If children and

adults are more aware of child sexual abuse, incidents are less likely to occur. The

most effective way to raise awareness would be to educate both children and adults

on all aspects of child sexual abuse so that they are better prepared to combat it if

or when it occurs. Children are our future doctors, lawyers, governors, presidents,

and global leaders and if we properly inform them on the issues that they will face

as adults, When they become prominent members of society they will be better

informed and prepared to deal with these issues.



1 in 5 girls and 1 in 20 boys is a victim of child sexual abuse; Self-report studies show that

20% of adult females and 5-10% of adult males recall a childhood sexual assault or sexual

abuse incident. Sadly, child sexual abuse is extremely under reported because the majority of

children who go through sexual abuse never tell anyone about it. Sexual abuse, especially

involving children, is such a taboo topic that children are never properly educated on it. Parents,

adults, teachers, and leaders in general fail children by not appropriately and properly exposing

them to one of the most detrimental experiences anyone could go through. Therefore, they

become more susceptible to predators and their chances of being victimized increase greatly.

Children and adults lack basic knowledge about sexual abuse as well as everything associated

with it. For example, adults lack knowledges in the following areas: the definition of sexual

abuse, signs of sexual abuse, likely victims of sexual abuse, the psychology behind sexual

abuse, how often it occurs, where it's most likely to occur, people who are likely to be predators,

signs of a predator, and tactics of a predator. Whereas children lack knowledge in these areas:

the definition of inappropriate touching, the definition of appropriate touching, who they should

tell if theyve been inappropriately touched, and knowing the importance of speaking out.

Sexual abuse has mental, emotional, and sometimes physical lasting negative

impressions on a child and because they are still undeveloped in many areas they are

unable to cope with their trauma which leads to them becoming unproductive members

of society. The increased awareness and preventative education of youth and adults

who have an influence on youth on the topic of Child sexual abuse can and will

decrease incidents of children being sexually abused.


Although this research takes the age of children and their surroundings into

consideration, the research on this study still has some limitations. First of all, the

research on this study of child sexual abuse is primarily focused on young children. Its

very seldom any sexual abuse involving teenagers, adults, or even the elderly will be

taken into account unless it contributes to the research about the young children.

Therefore, a lot of information about sexual abuse in general will be overlooked

because this research is limited and only focused on the sexual abuse of children

Another limitation is the accuracy of the data. Child sexual abuse is a very taboo, under

reported topic and many sources have limited and restricted information on it because

children feel they can't speak up or they just don't know how. Which leads a researcher

to question where sources got their information from if most children don't even admit to

being sexually abused. Another limitation is my experience or lack of experience,

because I personally haven't experienced any form of sexual abuse as a child, I'm

unable to be a primary source. Which would of been helpful in confirming skeptical

research information. Another limitation is that I more than likely won't be able to talk to

a child who has been sexually abused but rather older victims of child abuse who are

willing to share their experience. This is a limitation because their sexual abuse

experience isn't as fresh and they may forget details or other aspects of their experience

due to pain or simply forcing themselves to forget the things that they dont want to



What is child sexual abuse? Child sexual abuse is defined as unwanted sexual contact

between a child and a predator. Often the predator forcibly initiates contact and takes advantage

of a child unable to neither resist nor consent. ( pandoras Project, 2009) Child sexual abuse

includes a number of acts: sexual touching of any part of the body , clothed or unclothed,

penetrative sex, including penetration of the mouth, encouraging a child to engage in sexual

activity such as masterbation, intentionally engaging in sexual activity in front of a child, showing

children pornograpghy or using them to create pornograpghy, and forcefully encouraging a child

to engage in prostitution.( Pandoras Project, 2009) The abuse eventually leads to a significant

shift in a childs behavioral development which goes hand in hand with the signs of child sexual

abuse. While there are both physical and emotional signs of child sexual abuse, the physical

signs include: pain during urination and/or bowel movements, bleeding, discharges or pain in

mouth, genitals or anus, sexually transmitted diseases, difficulty walking, sitting, standing, torn,

bloody, stained underwear, involuntary urination or defecation, self induced injuries ie: cutting,

burning, suicide attempts, nightmares, trouble sleeping, and changes in apetite,

( Childmolestationvictims, 2016) Emotional signs of child sexual abuse include: aggressive

sexual behavior, setting fires, showing cruelty to animals, running away from home, acting

especially clingy and dependent, having poor social skills, being withdrawn or isolating oneself

from social activity, depression, fear of recurring attack, bedwetting, stranger anxiety, failure to

thrive and withdrawal from loved ones. One of the most important aspects of child sexual

abuse is that its not limited to a specific race, gender, or socioeconomic class. Every child is

equally likely to be victimized and thats why its vital for any type of child caretaker to have

knowledge of likely victims of child sexual abuse. However, there are children of certain

genders, family structures, ages, and races that have a history of being targeted more than

others. According to some child abuse statistics, While no child is immune, there are child and

family characteristics that significantly heighten or lower risk of sexual abuse. Family structure is

the most important risk factor in child sexual abuse. Children who live with two married

biological parents are at a low risk for abuse. The risk increases where children live with step-

parents or a single parent.Children living without either parent (foster children) are 10 times

more likely to be sexually abused than children that live with both biological parents. Children

who live with a single parent that has a live-in partner are at the highest risk; they are 20 times

more likely to be victims of child sexual abuse than children living with both biological parents.

Gender is also a major factor in sexual abuse. Females are five times more likely to be abused

than males.30 The age of the male being abused also plays a part. 8% of victims aged 12-17

are male. 26% of victims under the age of 12 are male. Age is a significant factor in sexual

abuse. While there is risk for children of all ages, children are most vulnerable to abuse between

the ages of 7 and 13 and The median age for reported abuse is 9 years old.However, of children

who are sexually abused, more than 20% are abused before the age of 8. Race and ethnicity

are an important factor in identified sexual abuse. African American children have almost twice

the risk of sexual abuse than white children. Children of Hispanic ethnicity have a slightly

greater risk than non-Hispanic white children. (Darkness to light, 2011) Any type of abuse to

a child has the potential to leave detrimental scars, however, sexual abuse can arguably be

categorized as the worst type of abuse a child can endure. Sexual abuse is a particularly

sinister type of trauma because of the shame it instills in the victim.(Psychology today, 2016)

With childhood sexual abuse, victims are often too young to know how to express what is

happening and seek out help. Due to that fact that children are in a constant state of

development in not only their physical health but their social and emotional development,sexual

abuse greatly hinders a child in all these areas because of the lasting psychological effects. The

psychology behind sexual abuse is not limited to children and what they go through because of

their abuse but theres also psychology behind the thoughts and actions of the abusers. A major

part of understanding child sexual abuse is grasping why it happens. Why would someone want

to sexually abuse a child? How could someone find pleasure in engaging in immoral acts with

an innocent child?he one fact that many people aren't aware of is that psychological needs can

trigger sexual desire, In other words, a person could get turned on just because his mind wants

him to satisfy a certain psychological need and not because he needs sex.( Knowmyself, 2015).

According to the child molestation research and prevention institute sexual abusers act because

they fit into one of four broad categories: They have a medical or mental problem that needs

treatment, They are opportunists, who lack feelings for others and who have an antisocial

personality disorder, and they have an ongoing sex drive directed toward children. The first

category is supported by the fact that children and teenagers are seuxally curious, The second

category is suported by few sexual abusers will sexually touch a child because they are

profoundly intellectually disabled, or they have developed a brain disorder, or they are

psychotic. The third category is supported by the fact that Some abusers will sexually

touch a child because they have an antisocial personality disorder, antisocial in a sense

that they feel that the rules of society dont apply to them and the fourth category is

supported by the fact that abusers have an ongoing sex drive toward children. ( Child

molestation research & prevention inc, 2016) The psychology behind sexual abusers

and why they act also goes hand in hand with people who are most likely to be

abusers. The majority of perpetrators are someone the child or family knows. In

fact, 93% of victims under the age of 18 know their abusers. Just like every child has

the potential of being abused, everyone has the potential of being an abuser. A

perpetrator does not have to be an adult to harm a child. They can have any

relationship to the child including an older sibling or playmate, family member, a teacher,

a coach or instructor, a caretaker, or the parent of another child. ( RAINN, 2016) With

abusers having the ability to hide in plain sight, its vital for parents, teachers, and

caretakers in general to be able to identify the signs of an abuser. Often times we come

to think of sexual predators as these sneaky, sleazy characters. If that were the case,

kids wouldn't be at as great of a risk. We could more easily spot a potential abuser and

avoid them. In fact, they need to be charming, funny, nice, talkative etc to gain the trust

of parents and children. Often they don't need to gain trust, because they are

themselves the family friend, youth leader, or relative of their victims. It's sad, the media

certainly doesn't want to address it, victims don't want to talk about it - but incest is a

real threat to society. (The mama bear effect, inc, 2016) Some abusers may be socially

awkward or unsure how to appropriately behave, have psychological issues, believe

they have special rights or privileges, be undergoing a stressful time in their life

( unemployment, death in the family, failing relationship, etc.), or abuse alcohol, drugs,

or other substances. ( The mama bear effect, 2016).

Perpetrators of child sexual abuse (CSA) may gain the trust of potential child

victims and their caregivers by methodically grooming them. Child grooming is

befriending and establishing an emotional connection with a child, and sometimes the

family, to lower the child's inhibitions for child sexual abuse. This process begins with

identifying potential victims, gaining their trust, and breaking down their defenses.

These grooming tactics are often directed at potential youth victims as well as the adult

caregiversparents, other youth-serving professionals, and the community-at-large.

After gaining access to children and youth by achieving this trust, the perpetrator

initiates some kind of contact that s/he finds sexually gratifying. This sexual contact may

range from voyeurism to rape and other forms of child sexual abuse. Grooming helps

the offender gain access to the victim, and sets up a relationship grounded in secrecy

so that the crime is less likely to be discovered. ( Victims of crime, 2012) Grooming is an

abusers best tactic and it includes many steps. Such as, targeting the victim, gaining the

victim's trust, fulfilling some of the childs needs, isolating the child, sexualizing the

relationship, and maintaining control. (, 2015) Its just as vital for children

to know the potential dangers that they face as it is for adults. Child sexual abuse is

definitely a taboo topic and not easily understood by children. Therefore, the best way to

introduce the topic in a way a child would understand would be to break it down. Instead

of trying to explain to a child what rape or molestation is, the more proper approach

would be to explain what inappropriate and appropriate touching is or good touch and

bad touch. Good touches are touches that keep children safe and are good for them,

and that make children feel cared for and important. Good touches can include hugging,

pats on the back, and an arm around the shoulder. Good touches can also include

touches that might hurt, such as removing a splinter. It's important to explain to children

that when you remove a splinter, you are doing so to keep them healthy, which makes it

a safe touch. Bad touches are unwanted and forced that make a child feel

uncomfortable. ( Family help center, 2016) Children also lack the knowledge and the

confidence to tell someone when theyve been touched. The most important thing for

them to know is that they didn't do anything wrong and that they should speak

out.Specifically to an adult that they trust and are most comfortable with. From there

they can regain their confidence in their worth and take all the necessary steps to heal

and become productive members of society.

Literature Review

Signs of sexual abuse

According to the U.S. department of justice ( NSOPW, 2016)The occurrence of one

indicator does not necessarily mean a person has experienced sexual abuse.

Additionally, indicators of sexual abuse can vary widely from person to person. The

website then goes on to break down the difference in the signs of a child being sexually

abused, a teenager being sexually abused, an adult who might have been sexually

abused, and a potential sexual abuser. The multiple angles that the website tackles

contributes greatly to the depth of this paper. Another website, (Parents Protect,

2016)focuses on non-physical aspects of sexual abuse. Such as, showing pornography

to a child, inappropriately photographing a child, and encouraging a child to watch or

hear sexual acts. This website reveals a different side of sexual abuse and really

broadens the definition of sexual abuse which allows this paper to be versatile. Another

source, (child molestation victims, 2015), focuses on physical warning signs of child

molestation. Such as, pain during urination and/or bowel movements, bleeding,

discharges or pain in mouth, genitals or anus, etc. This website highlights the

most taboo pat of child sexual abuse, and that's the actual evidence of it.

Psychology behind sexual abuse

There's an extensive amount of psychology behind everything and when it comes to child

sexual abuse its focus is on the behaviors of abusers and victims. According to ( Child

Molestation Research & Prevention Inc, 2016), sexual abusers act because they fit into one

of four broad categories:They are children or teenagers who are sexually curious or

experimenting, They have a medical or mental problem that needs treatment, They are

opportunists, who lack feelings for others and who have an antisocial personality

disorder, They have an ongoing sex drive directed toward children. The website then

breaks down each category and where those feelings and actions stem from. Another

resource , (Psychology Today, Sussex, 2016), describes a story of a former Penn State

assistant football coach, Jerry Sandusky, who is on trial for allegedly abusing ten boys

over a period of 15 years. The website states that there isn't one description that fits all

predators. However, it does state that Pedophiles are often placed into one of four

categories. The first is the mysoped. These offenders are interested in molesting and

sexually abusing children because they want to physically harm them.A second type is

the regressed child offender. This individual generally has relations with adults, but

offends against a child because of a stressful event in the offenders life that makes him

seek someone he can control. The third is the fixated child offender, he/she is stuck at

an early stage of psychosexual development. He has little to no activity with people his

own age and is often uncomfortable around adults. He loves children and does not want

to hurt them, so he rationalizes that abuse is actually affection.Finally, the nave

pedophile is the individual who, for all intents and purposes, has no sense of right and

wrong. The offender is often mentally retarded or unstable, and does not comprehend

the rules of normal society.

Preventative methods

According to a child welfare site (Directory For Child Welfare, 2016) one in 10 children in the

U.S. will be sexually abused before the age of 18. This website discusses 5 steps to prevent

sexual abuse. The steps include: learn the facts, minimize opportunity, talk about it, recognize

the signs, and react responsibly. Another source (Stop It Now, 2016) focuses on the

importance of education on the topic of sexual abuse and how families can develop safety

action plans.

Effects of sexual abuse

An informative sexual abuse website (puts the effects of childhood sexual abuse into five

categories: psychological affects, long term affects, the child sexual abuse accommodation

syndrome, post-traumatic stress disorder, and the stockholm syndrome. This website discusses

the basic effects of child sexual abuse while another source (RAIN,2016)goes a little deeper

and gives more details. These details include depression, flashbacks, disorders, and forms of

self harm.

Types of sexual abuse

According to a self help website (SOULSELFHELP,2016)there are multiple types of

sexual abuse. The website defines child sexual abuse as The sexual abuse of children

by adults or by older children or peers who dominate and control through sexual activity.

Older boys who make girls undress and then fondle them, for example. It can be

committed by strangers but most often is perpetrated by adults or older children in

trusted caretaking roles. Child sexual abuse can also be broken down into breaks down

into contact and non contact categories (NSPCC,2016). Both of these resources

contribute to the paper as a whole.


From a young age children are taught basic concepts such as stranger danger and not

to wander off alone. So why not teach them about one of the deadliest dangers of them

all,sexual abuse? The average child isnt educated on what sexual abuse is and that's

why they are targeted the most. Parents, teachers, leaders, and all caretakers of

children in general are responsible for their welfare. Therefore, its essential for them to

be able to educate them on all the aspects of child sexual abuse, in an appropriate way

of course, and to be able to identify potential sexual abusers. By withholding information

from a child we only set them up for failure. Sexual abuse has severe physical,

emotional, and psychological effects on a child and a situation unaddressed can lead to

them becoming unproductive members of society. So society must overcome barriers


that are set up when it comes to children due to the fact that they are too taboo to

discuss so that children can have a better chance at a brighter future.

Bibliography - Prevention and Treatment of Child Abuse. (1959, Summer). Retrieved

October 20, 2016, from
This source includes statistics, stories, and solutions to child abuse prevention and

C. (2016). Directory for Child Welfare: Adoption / child abuse ... Retrieved October 20,
2016, from
This website give information and statistics on child abuse and neglect

RAINN | The nation's largest anti-sexual violence organization. (2016). Retrieved

October 20, 2016, from
This website gives information about child sexual abuse, statistics , safety and

. (n.d.). Stop It Now | Stop It Now. Retrieved October 20, 2016, from
This website define child sexual abuse, explains touching and non-touching behaviors,
and describes how sexual abuse is a gradual process. The website also includes
prevention tools, resources and other forms of help and guidance.

Child Molestation Research & Prevention Institute. (2016). Retrieved October 20, 2016,
This website included excessive research on the psychology behind child molestation. It
also includes the cause , treatments and prevention methods.

V. (2012). United States Department of Justice National Sex Offender ... Retrieved
October 20, 2016, from
This website includes statistics and facts about child sexual abuse ,multiple stories of
victims, and programs that help victims.

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