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Name : Sokya Imaningsih

Class :B
NPM : 713.6.2.0491
Course : English
Lecturer : dr. Rahadian Ayu Nurfatoni, M.Kes

The chili is healthy

Like spicy food ? There is good news for fans of spicy food spicy chili and various spices . Not only can make the
body more fresh , sweat and bad effects on the tongue , chili also has tremendous benefits , especially for people
with high blood pressure .

Many people eat bad if there is no sauce or spicy chili . Although the price of chili being bounced up , still hounded
by fans sauce . There is noticeably less complete , less spirit if eaten without biting chili or spicy flavor . Not only
gives a sense of spicy , chili also has benefits , can lower blood pressure !

Based on the latest research results , spicy foods can help lower high blood pressure . The researchers , Third
Military Medical University , discovered the existence of compound contained in chili peppers known as capsaicin
( 8 - methyl - N - vanillyl - 6 - nonenamide ) . This compound is able to relax the blood vessels .

In laboratory tests , a rat who suffer from hypertension , given the compound capsaicin , and observed its
development . Found a decrease in blood pressure in rodents is lower from time to time .

The findings were published in the Journal of Cell Metabolism , showed that capsaicin elements that can trigger an
increase in production of nitric oxide - a gas molecule that has the ability to protect the inflammation of the blood
vessels .

However , further studies are needed to determine the required amount of chili consumption per day that must be
eaten , to get the health benefits . High blood pressure often does not give a clear sign of an impending stroke , heart
and kidney disorders . Today , heart disease has become the number one killer disease in the world .

Nothing wrong with eating spicy sauce bite more often , who knows the benefits will be felt in the future . At least
the body more refreshed because of sweating and even eat so much gusto ! Huah huah .. !

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