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Anti-gravity electronics

Reinterpretation of Newton's Third Law of Motion

suggests that it depends upon an electronic action .
Electronic interaction therefore explains the paradoxical
anti-gravity properties of the force-precessed gyroscope .


nti-gravitational behaviour of force- THE LAW OF ELECTRODYNAMICS

A precessed gyroscopes poses perplexing

problems for scientists who are well
versed in the principles of Newtonian
The Lorentz version of the electrodynamic force law for the force caused by a unit electromagnetic charge
moving at velocity v acting on a unit electromagnetic charge moving at velocity v', separated by a unit
vector distance r, can be written as [v' i.snr[W]vhectopadmuxnresio
mechanics . These machines demonstrate a formulated in scalar product terms it becomes,
lift force that has no counterpart, as required
by Newton's Third Law of Motion, unless one (v' .r)v- (v.v') r
imagines that a balancing force is exerted on This force is not balanced with reaction because it does not lie along rowing to the first term and because it
the ether . changes magnitude if v and v' are interchanged .
Clerk Maxwell knew that a terns (v.r)v' could be added without this affecting the empirical data- Such a
Traditionally we have come to accept that term imparts a symmetry which assures balance of linear action and reaction. but allows an out-of-balance
action must he balanced by an equal and couple .
opposite reaction . It is true that material The alternative- which can be shown to account for induction effects with energy conservation, is to
bodies are caused to move by out-of-balance subtract such a term-
forces, but they then accelerate and there (v' .r)v -- (v,r)v' - (v .v') r
really is a balance force represented by Then the formula assures no out-of-balance couple and so conservation of angular momentum for
inertial reaction . What has now emerged on electronic interaction- It gives an out-of-balance linear force, but it can satisfy the form of gravitational
the technological scene is a machine that interaction- This is easily seen for the situation in which the gravitational effect is set up by fundamental
can produce that out-of-balance force with- charges of the same polarity, same mass and same velocity (v -= v')- Then the first two terms cancel to
leave a mutual force of attraction acting directly between the charges and fully satisfying the
out accelerating . This means that it can, action-reaction law of Newton .
wholly or partially, offset the force of gravita-
tion and so defy the acceleration effects of
gravitation .
impact is - E times the relative velocity of turn . We will, in this special situation, he
Some interest in this subject has been the bodies before impact . Here
shown in the Feedback columns of Electro-
E is what is able to understand how a flywheel can slow
nics and Wireless World (for example, see known as 'the coefficient of restitution', down whilst using its energy to move the
which has a value of unity for perfectly system linearly against the force of gravita-
January 1987, March 1987 and August 1988
elastic loss-free collisions . tion .
issues) . For this reason and the further
What is never explained in textbooks is the
reason that the phenomenon has an explana- THE UNDERLYING ELECTRONICS
chicken-and-egg type of question, namely :
tion in terms of electronic effects, the The implication from this is that Newton's
following account has been written for 'Which comes first, Newton's Third law or
Newton's rule?' Why do we take the action- rule is the more fundamental characteristic
E& WW readers .
reaction law as fundamental and not New- of interactions between colliding or interact-
ton's rule? If Nature actually determines that ing bodies . Flow can electronics be involved?
Newton's rule is the more fundamental of Well, let us not restrict the meaning of
Students of physics, when confronted with the two, then, given that energy is con- electronics to the flow of electron currents
Newton's laws of motion, are led to accept served, we can deduce that action balances in circuits . Electronic action can he that of
that when matter interacts by collision or reaction . the atomic electrons brought into collision
otherwise (e .g. via electric or gravitational Now, of course, it is immaterial to bother with the bodies .
forces) there is separate conservation of about Nature's priorities if both the action- Consider two equal charges of the same
linear momentum and angular momentum- reactionlwdheruanqstiobly polarity and imagine that they move along a
Action and reaction are balanced and this valid in any physical situation . However, common line so as to come into collision .
has come to mean that no self-acting having discovered that the action-reaction Their relative velocity is a measure of the
machine can develop a propulsive force law can be breached, there is purpose in mutual electromagnetic field in the near
without shedding mass in some form- Simi- wondering whether Newton's rule is an vicinity of the collision . The energy in the
larly, we have always believed that no expression of a more basic fundamental field at the moment of collision is prop-
machine having a rotor and a stator can truth . ortional to that relative velocity squared .
develop its own interaction to rotate the Then it becomes possible to say that, Energy is conserved in the collision . There-
rotor at constant speed without applying a provided energy associated with the linear, fore, immediately after the collision the
balancing torque on the stator . trans .[ationa .[ motion of the interacting square of the relative velocity is unchanged
Textbooks then argue from this action- bodies is conserved, there will he conserva- from the value it had immediately before the
reaction law and the law of energy conserva- tion of linear momentum and so balance of collision . Yet initially the charges were
tion that when two perfectly elastic bodies action and reaction . However, this argu- coming together and later they were separat-
collide so as to suffer no energy loss by heat ment permits us to imagine that some of ing . Therefore, the relative velocity before
or radiation they must comply with what is that energy can be drawn from the rotary collision is different from that after collision,
known as Newton's rule . motion of one of the bodies . In this case, we but the square is the same . It follows that, for
This rule, you will remember, says that will not find perfect balance of action and reasons connected with electromagnetic
the relative velocity of the bodies after reaction or conservation of linear mornen- energy conservation, the relative velocity
after impact is minus one times the relative the flywheel processes in a steady horizontal
velocity before impact . This is Newton's rule plane around the tower . There is no defiance
for a loss-free collision . of any laws of mechanics because the energy
If the charges have different polarity we do of the flywheel is unaffected by the preces-
not get the same result, but this merely sional motion.
means that the collisions satisfying New- However, imagine now that the couple is
ton's rule are confined to the electrons not just that set up by the weight of the
which act as the outer guards screening the flywheel, but is also that of a torque applied
positive atomic nuclei from any involve- forcibly about the vertical support axis . The
ment . flywheel will then tend to precess in a
The proposition, therefore, is that, when vertical plane and the key question is
matter interacts or collides, the action is whether the energy needed to match the
really a summation of actions between fun- change of gravitational potential will involve
damental electron-sized charges . For elec- exchange with that of the flywheel rotation
tromagnetic reasons the action must comply or will be drawn from the source powering
with Newton's rule and this makes that rule the forced precession . The answer to this .
the fundamental condition . Thus the deriva- based on observation, is that it is the fly-
tion of the law of action and reaction is (b) wheel spin energy that is involved in the
consequential upon the requirement that no gravity balance .
energy can transfer from rotary motion to Thp conclusion therefore is that flip
the linear motion involved in the collision . anti-gravitational properties of the force-
It will be seen from this that we have not precessed gyroscope are explicable in terms
had occasion to refer to forces on the ether . of the breach of Newton's law of action and
We do not need to countenance such forces, reaction, as applied to linear momentum
because we are not obliged to adhere to the properties . This has been justified in terms
action-reaction law . However, it is necessary of electronic interaction between matter .
to find a way in which to force energy from
the rotary motion of a flywheel, for e xample . THE FUNDAMENTAL IMPLICATION
to allow this to be combined with the linear It is curious that it has taken a discovery
kinetic energy . This is the exceptional role of Mechanism of force-precessed gyroscope, concerning the mechanical properties of the
(he force-precessed gyroscope. Middle diagram shows net lift force result- gyroscope to cause us to realize the true
ing from forces F and F' . Lower diagram electronic basis of the laws of mechanics .
THE FORCE-PRECESSED (the toy gyroscope) shows no anomalous The evident fact that action need not balance
GYROSCOPE out-of-balance force . reaction in the linear sense can help to
It is important to realize that there is no resolve one of the great mysteries in cosmo-
obvious counterpart to Newton's rule when Thus we do find that the gyroscope relies logy. Why is it that stars so far removed from
we consider rotation . Conservation of angu- on the principle of conservation of angular one another can have both linear momen-
lar momentum for motion confined to a momentum . Imagine that a flywheel spin- tum and angular momentum?
common plane is a direct consequence of ning about a shaft is subjected to a couple If there can be an exchange of energy from
energy conservation of a body moving under which acts on the shaft to lend to turn it the spin state to set up linear motion, then
the action of a central force . When two about an axis at right angles to the shaft axis . that need no longer be a problem . The
bodies in rotation collide, the collisions The plane of the flywheel will tend to be angular momentum of a star can still be
between their individual elementary deflected by that couple . This means that the balanced against that which it possesses
charged particle constituents will be those angular momentum can only be conserved owing to its motion around the centre of the
discussed in the linear case . However, there about a given axis if the whole flywheel and galaxy and the energy exchange can be local
is some fundamental mechanism which its shaft are caused to move about a third axis to the star .
conserves angular momentum and so orthogonal to the two axes already men- Of more direct relevance to electronics,
assures a balance of action and reaction in tioned . however, there is the classical question of
that cpnc No doubt this is connected with This motion is that of the precession . In a the electrodynamic interaction between two
that elusive ether or the inertial frame of normal tower-mounted toy gyroscope the electrons. Anyone who has thought about
reference ; which somehow constitute a uni- gravity forces on the flywheel develop the this will know that the Lorentz force law as
versal non-rotating frame of reference . couple causing the precession . The centre of used to work out the mutual forces between
two electrons in motion gives an out-of-
balance linear force and an out-of-balance
THE FORCE-PRECESSED GYROSCOPE linear couple. Physicists excuse this by
saying that all charge motion is circuital and
In the top diagram (above), owing to torque T applied to bearing assembly S' about the vertical axis, the
contra-rotating offset flywheels on pivotally-supported shafts rise, as they precess in a vertical plane .
arguing that the out-of-balance effects then
There are no vertical reaction forces on the central support even though the masses of the flywheels are cancel out . However, they are wrong in this
rising. (Gravity forces are disregarded) . and cannot escape the perpetual controversy
In the middle diagram in order to force the flywheels back to a lower position, forces F are exerted kept alive by those who do believe in the
between the flywheel shafts and the bearing assembly . This results in complementary forces on the
bearing assembly F' acting through the pivots . However, the vertical components of the F' forces, are less search for the real truths .
than the vertical components of the F forces, because the effect of these forces and their reaction is to Ampere is famous for trying to avoid the
apply couples to the flywheel shafts which tend to lift the bearing assembly relative to the flywheels . This issue by insisting on a complete balance of
means that there is an upward thrust P acting on that assembly as it moves in relation to the flywheels from action and reaction . Maxwell, in his treatise,
the position shown in the top diagram to that shown in the middle diagram . (Again, gravity forces are
drew attention to an empirical law which
In the lower diagram, the effect of relatively weak forces F is depicted, with the precession of the insisted on there being no linear out-of-
flywheels needed to balance the angular momentum now being about the vertical axis . Here there is no balance but was tolerant of an out-of-balance
out-of-balance force. (This disregards gravity forces, but note that such forces due to the weights of the couple . I, however, have insisted for thirty
flywheels are analogous in effect to the forces Fin this case .)
Whereas the lower diagram Is representative of the non-anomalous behaviour of the toy gyroscope, a years that the real truth rests in accepting
combination of the actions of the top two diagrams can result in a machine with an anomalous net lift force . that there has to be no out-of-balance
Such a machine was recently demonstrated by Scott Stratton, an Edinburgh research scientist His couple, but there could be an out-of-balance
machine incorporates a cam profile in the bearing surfaces of the bearing assembly . This allows the action linear action . This is exactly what has
to altercate between a progressive rise of the flywheel shaft and a lift-developing reset by downward thrust emerged from the gyroscope experiments .
imposed via the cam surface . The fact that the machine develops a sustained lift force in defiance of
Newton's Third Law is indisputable, owing to the placement of the demonstration machine on a balance Why is this important? Well, it comes back
with a knife edge support and the use of counterweights. to that problem which Einstein could never

solve . I low can the law of electrodynamics teracts or collides . Starting with Newton's Strachan and Frederick Scovell are also
and the law of gravitation be made compati- rule and allowing energy conservation to likely to feature in the technological race
ble? Remember that Einstein was locked draw on the spin energy of a flywheel there is that lies ahead . The patent literature extends
into electrodynamics that could he deduced physical basis for understanding why an beyond UK and already adds other names of
from the Lorentz transformations . The out-of-balance linear force can he produced . inventors contributing to this field . This is
Lorentz force law could hardly fit with In its t urn . as a pplied . t o the electrodyna- revealed by a study commissioned by L .F .
gravity, which does require a force to act mic charge interaction, this condition Holihan . Director of the Advanced Energy
directly between the interacting particles . allows the unique law of electrodynamics to Research Institute in London .
Ampere's old law bore no resemblance to he determined empirically .'I'his law happens We are on the verge of a transition
gravitation, because it gave different forces to he of the form required to comply with concerning the viability of Newton's Third
at the same distance for different relative gravitation, hence advancing us towards Law but, since the history of science and
orientations of the particles and their mo- that ultimate goal of field unification . An invention cannot he written as it happens,
tion . incidental result of this is that the difference we must await events. In this regard, how-
Equally, the law mentioned by Maxwell between the Lorentz force law and that ever, and concerning the author's inter-
was not of much use, because it involved a deduced in this way is precisely that needed pretation of the phenomena discussed
turning couple as part of the interaction . in electronic interaction to account toy tile above, it is appropriate to note that, in
This leaves my law and this works for gravity . effects of magnetic induction . accepting this article, the Consulting Editor
because the imbalance of linear force In writing this article no specific reference has stated that he is mindful of similar views
vanishes in the special case of mutually has been made to those who deserve praise expressed to him over many years by Alex
parallel charge motion and the law then fits for their efforts to get the world to wake up to Jones. This article therefore serves essential-
the form of the gravity force . However, more the practical significance of the precessing ly to reinforce the prior work of others and .
than this, the law is merely based on adding a gyroscope's anomalous-force producing hopefully, will further their cause .
term to the Lorentz force to account for properties . Readers who do not remember the photo-
Faraday's inductive action . Supporters of Einstein's theory acclaim graph showing Professor Laithwaite sup-
Einstein for having shown Ihat Newton's law porting a heavy precessing gyroscopic fly-
of gravitation was inadequate, but arc all too wheel with his little finger and his arm
ready to assume that error is involved and so partially extended should refer to Alex Jones'
Thanks to the development of force- scorn those who demonstrate precessing contribution on p . 64 of the January 1987
precessed offset gyroscopic machines it is gyroscopes operating in a way which defies issue of Eel W1t'. Surely Isaac Newton would
now established that Newton's law of action Newton's laws . have burned out many a candle revising his
and reaction balance stands disproved . This Who then are the pioneers that attract this laws had he been aware of this phenomenon .
makes it essential to regard Newton's rule as attention? Are they just those who have
more fundamental than his Third Law of received media publicity? So far as the writer
Motion . Newton's rule can he deduced from is aware, the primary credit of long standing Or. Aspden is in the Department ofE'le ctrical
electromagnetic energy conservation as goes to Alex Jones, Sandy Kidd and Eric Engineering at the University of South-
matter, which is electronic in content, in- Laithwaite . but names such as Scott ampton .

.1 -
scope life test exceeds 12 years
. . .p
after runigalmostcnuy
for' '12.-years, twelve . gyroscopes
based oil this design have outlived
their running equipment. Originally, their
Ce test was intended to run for two years
jog :Ministry of Defence funding; tile
tract was extended to five dears and
i continued ,urh funding from' the
ropeama 'Space' Trrhnolnl y ,Centre and
tish':1c!rospace in support of the,Eur--
n Space Agency's Olympus cn! '
iication sateihte .
lie ),racticahiiit' of expensive con-
unications satei ; :tes depends on . the
slong-tern teLahi[ity . of :~'roscope-based
~?rtrtt.itude , contrbi and pointing --systems,
This T r!!ru'ar ,)scope the 125 is
produced by .Fe?'raiai for tras, Exosat and
the F:urohean pacciab Instrument Point-
ing System . . It is 11s, used in the inertial
,guidancc and night cconti'oi s stem for the
Sane l .a ,nchel,
tart from four, for',rOutinc tests;-the
ehve : . ; i rn,rr.>lar" I .r, e 'lily nccasionally
exri ;rdccl bieai .< ,iur .r"M -! -twelve
r rnarathon,=;fii :the late i 970's-iddust-
ral1 action bk'.,power'ivorker<, re cited in
low mains c'o(f Q4 .whit !t ; ; ,J . ,ut the
~lufininfi't{ ldr the-that month,tir,e-
I' 'men's'stnk~,reduced tl'e mining-time to'
ford-ho ui'ti'a wech t "l. safety reasons . The
gy oscnpes Rave one achieved over ten
years contilluoUs running since the, .sttir`t
of the test , an d there t ,) run them
for n lei 0


u. . forty ye. .3a a . .d rnl lit u1 .u~J ii .Jenlilt,l'y anJ that U11 -
last twenty:five years or more number of elements, all positive,
and Reaction" in this issue (p .29)
was written before the news that
Smps waveform
anti-theft devlces Were an option within the second set of brackets the lift forces in the Kidd distortion
t ~ . . .~- ..~ ~_~ , , . ., cars but equals the value of n . For ex- machine were confirmed . Read-
standard 'n Cadillac . They made ample, ers may have seen the front page I am afraid that Dr Pedder in his
use of u .e fact that any door x 11
-y 11 =(x-y)(x 10 +y u'+xyf' story in the Sunday Express of 23 article 'How to combat waveform
which ..,.zned operates a light +x"y+x`y$ + x"y 2 +x3y' October and the following BBC distortion by switch-mode sup-
switch -and as there are also +x 'y-f +xay6 +x y +x' y5 ) reports- The device has moved plies' on page 1016 of the Octo-
lights ..nder the bonnet and from the realm of being a scien- ber 1988 issue, has got it all
under ~i .e boot lid, that informa- Of course, x2-y2=(x-y)(x+y) tific curiosity and is headed to- wrong . I went through the same
tion is red into a control unit wards commercial technological calculations and found that the
which tomes into operation and x 3 -y3 =(x-y)(x 2 +y2 +xy)
application . There are input currents are much
when ~'e central-locking system x4 -y4 =(x-y)(x -'+y ` +xy2 +x2y) tremendous prospects ahead in smaller .
has been activated by key . the space and aviation fields . During recharging of the
Any "tempt to open a door, xs -y5 =(x-y)(x +y +xfy+xy3
+x'y2 ) From the layman's point of capacitor mean current is,
oviinc . or boot immediately sets
ad infinitum . view this is not perpetual mo-
an alarm off which, in my opin-
ion, is the obvious type of alarm So, regarding the equation
tion, but a means of 'swinging'
through space, like a Tarzan who
i=C d
in that alternately the horns a2 +b2 =c2 and the supposition can hook the end of a rope to any where dV=20V and
sounds, followed by all four a"+b"=c", c-a must always be a chosen point in the sky . 10x20 = 10
headlights flashing . This goes on factor of b" (or of c"-a") and dt= g ms .
Physicists need something 180
fo . ~ ty minutes, ceasing just c-b must always be a factor of a" more by way of scientific justi-
befo. .he batteries run down . which gives
(or of c"-b") . fication and, with this in mind, I
It is interesting that if anybody Regarding the supposition, a" feel 1 should comment further on i=450 20 9 = B .IA .
n .ars a car horn being used they 10
and b" can be factorized in the electronic explanation in my
turn round to see what it is, accordance with these rules only Mean current over one period is
article . The 'relative velocity' therefore,
whereas there are so many alarm when a, b and c values match sets proposition from which New-
noises now made by sirens etc . of integers applicable to the 8 .1x20
ton's rule is derived is really =0-9A
that nobody takes any notice of equation ; for, if a" and b" are 180
better formalized in Clerk Max-
them . respectively divisible by c-b and well's treatise by what is termed With the 1A switching converter
1 have all the circuit diagrams c-a then so must be a2 and b2 . 'electrokinetic energy' . To derive current, it gives a mean input
. .ailable of the General Motors Name and address supplied the more familiar forms of elec-
system and in my view it would Western Australia current of 1 .9A (not 9A) .
trodynamic law, Maxwell used Also, the rms value of the
be quite easy for a person with Fechner's hypothesis . This says
reasonable intelligence to make
use of all these door switches as
Mine not Wien's that an electronic current is real-
current pulse of trapezoidal form
ly attributable to a counterfiow
described by Mr Stevens. Many thanks for publishing my of charges of opposite polarity . In .-(3+(112x10 i/.,) x 20
Joshua Sieger articles on "Remotely controlled modern scientific parlance this 180
Poole RC oscillator" in October and implies electron-positron pair
Dorset November of 1988 . 1 would like creation and annihilation in a =(3+2 .45)9 = 0 .605A
however to make the following way that corresponds to current
No integers for comment .
The original title of the article
flow . I emphasize this because I and not 3 .2A as Dr Pedder stated .
well appreciate the problem of A . Bouhadjera
a +b --c was "Another look at RC oscilla-
tors", this was changed by your
defining proper frames of refer- Basingstoke
ence for electron collisions, Hampshire .
.as to be no magazine
1 n,,, 3,
.- staff to include the wording "Re- especially where electrons col-
in Australia which invites letters motely controlled Wien oscilla- lide when moving in the same Dr Pedder comments : Dr
of the range dealt with by the tors" . Although the Wien-bridge Bouhadjera has misunderstood
direction .
incomparable Wireless World . I circuit was referred to in the the article . Firstly, 9A is mean
The following references to
am sure that this will interest article the various forms of the my prior published work on this current level during the recharg-
other readers . oscillator described were of my theme will help readers in- ing pulse, not the whole cycle .
The following, in which all own design and not based on the terested in this subject . The recharging current is
. . .fiables are integers greater Wien bridge circuit . 11 . Aspden shown, when idealized, in Fig-3 :
than zero, is offered as a proof Austyn J, P . Williams Department of Electrical Eng . 15A peak, 9A mean during the
that where n>2; there can be no Raglan University of Southampton pulse and JA mean over the
integers for a'+b"=c" . Gwent whole cycle . Secondly, the rms
Where n>1, x"-y" can always 1 "The Maxwell-Fechner hypothesis
input current is 3 .2A as stated .
as an alternative to Einstein's Dr Bouhadjera has somehow
r:, divided into two factors, one
of which will be x-y. When such
Anti-gravity Theory", Spec . Sc- Tech ., vol .8, 283 calculated an rms level below his
exercises have been carried out a
few times it becomes apparent
electronics (1985) .
2 "New perspective on the law of mean level - a form factor of less
electrodynamics", Physics Letters, than unity -which would he very
that the process could be con- My article on "Electronic Action Vol- 1 I I A, 23 (1985)- useful-

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