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Aries cp 21 MAR.CH - 20 APRIL

un sign Arians want to stand out from the

S crowd, and have the will to succeed. They
are basically uncomplicated, direct in their
Arians make very lively parents. They
have delightfully simple, almost child-
like, natures which are never entirely
approach, and able to cope in a straightforward suppressed - seen, for instance, in the
way a subject assesses a situation or
way with the day-to-day problems of life. They faces up to a problem. Arian parents
strip away everything that is not necessary to the should find no difficulty in tuning in
achievement of their goals, whether these are to the real emotions of their children.
immediate or long-term - for example, the menu They will also be happy to encourage
for tonight's dinner or the details of a contract. Their them in any number of enterprises and
out of school activities: every hour will
ability to see clearly the essential elements of important decisions is be packed with incident. However, not
both enviable and convincing. ali children necessarily share their par-
ents' enthusiasms, and an Arian should
not drag a child off to a ball game sim-
BASIC PERSONALITY !( ply becausc he wants to go. The child
might be much happier at home with a
Deep resources of determination help
Arians when reacting to challenge,
although a tendency to rush in regard-

Advent1!rous and energetic
. good book, or - if the abundant Arian
energy has been inherited - at ballet
class. Such a situation can reflect Arian
less can cause problems. Observing Pioneering and courageous selfishness: doing what Aries wants,
these sometimes overquick reactions, + Enthusiatic and confident rather than what the child wants.
one reflects that sorne Arians learn the Dynamic and quick-witted
hard way (sorne, of course, do not!) Career
Achievement is vital; if it is lacking, Selfish and quick-tempered Just as an Arian schoolchild must be
either in the carecr or an all-important t Impulsive and impatient given his or her head, so a ccrtain free-
hobby, Arians can become physically or Foolhardy and daredevil dom of expression is necessary in the
psychologically sick and extremely dif- career. A boring and routine job may
ficult to live with. This is often because KEYWORDS have to be tolerated but, in that case,
of their worst Arian fault, selfishness, f
Assertively, urgently,
stimulating outside hobbies must also
which is almost certain to appear to be established.
sorne extent during every Arian's life. forthrightly, selfishly A noisy, busy environment is meat
Arian children must be made aware of and drink to an Arian - a stuffy, claus-
this tendency; it is then much easier trophobic office is not. In choosing
for them to recognize and counter it careers, the Arian could consider engi-
in later life. neering or the electronics industries,
the armed services or perhaps psychia-
try or dentistry. But above ali, the
Arians are extremely passionate. Just Arian should make far fields i:hat
as they need fulfillment at work and at that their Arian child may soon lose cnable him or her to move out in front
play, so they also need it sexually - patience with the new and expensive of the crowd and bccome a successful
probably more so than most other piece of equipment and push it out of pionecr of sorne kind. Arians are ambi-
people. Their partners must be lively sight, ready for the next enthusiasm. tious, but thc achievement of that
and capable of reacting well to the Patience is not an Arian strong ambition is just as important as what is
crackling flash of Arian sparks ( fire is point, so progress at school may be achieved. And the Arian will then be
the sign's element); joyous sexual patchy. One hopes that surges of asking "What next?"
romps with a permanent partner enthusiasm far study will come at the A good head for business is usual,
should not only be the prerogative of right time - just befare important tests and Arians can be very enterprising;
Arian youth, but also of middle and or examinations. Happily, the Arian many enjoy organizing their lives so
old age, otherwise both they and their has only to fail one examination and that they ha ve two sources of in come.
partners will suffer. see friends moving ahead befare If enterprise and caution can be com-
becoming extremely concerned about bined a lot of money can be made, but
Family catching up and reestablishing a lead; a steadying influence is sometimes
The Arian child will display the typical such a disaster will not happen twice. needed if it is not to be frittered away.
livcly enthusiasm of ali fire sign chil- Restrictive discipline doesn't suit
dren. That enthusia$m (which will young Arians. Sensible rules will be Change, leisure and retirement
cover the widest variety of interests) accepted provided they are explained, Change is usually taken in the Arian
can tend to fade quickly, however, and but the Arian spirit will rcfuse to be stride, especially if progress can be seen
before spending much money on sorne dampened by silly regulations which to depend upan it. These people's
new craze, parents should be aware have no apparent justification. lively spirits will acccpt challenge and,



Aries is onc of thc three
firc signs
of Aries COLOR
Red is the definitive
Arien color

Thc thistle, bryony and Thc gemstonc of Aries
honeysuckle are is thc magnificent
traditionally Aricn plants diamond

Thorn-bcaring trees and
shrubs are rulcd by Aries
Spear of Mars Hawthorn

Thc ruling planet of
Aries is Mars - thc
Roman God ofWar

Thc Ram is the crcature
associated with Aries

England is an Aricn

while many will look forward to relax- Adapting to any environment, what- deepest and most personal leve!; mere
ing once they have rerired, after a week ever the social circumstances, is easy acquaintances or even quite close
or two they will revive an old interest for those with Aries rising. If these friends may never be aware of them .
or establish a new one. By then, they people can be a little more low-key
may have culrivated more parience and they will be excellent at self-analysis,
can even end up with a new career and the resulring self-knowledge will ARrns PROGRESSED TO TAURUS
rather than merely a new hobby! In help them to channel their many
any case, they will not want their stan- positive, strong, extrovert qualities. Arian enterprise is emphasized when
dard of living to drop when they retire. Their view of themselves may be the Sun progresses to Taurus, but the
rather slap-happy. While in a Sun sign individual's atritude to finance and
Health, diet and exercise Arian this atritude might lead to slight possessions will be stabilized . Many
Arians need plenty of exercise to keep accidents; with Aries rising it may be Arians buy their first house or flat at
their systems in good condirion. This expressed on a psychological leve! - this rime, especially if they were born
is necessary for everyone, of course, perhaps causing an over-simplificarion during the first few days of the Arian
but for Arians it is as vital as breathing.
They will, in general, be so enthusiastic ._. ..

Sun sign ( the progression will then
occur in their late twenries, at which
that you may have to remind them to time many people begin to think about
modify exercise routines and sporting
ARIES MINERALS the long-term future ).
interests as time passes, if their systems
are not to be overstrairied.
The head is vulnerable; a tendency
to knock and bump the head when
young will probably result in early vis-
The Arian image, tending toward
the casual, may also change somewhat,
and they oft:en develop a liking for
more expensive, well-cut and rather
formal clothes. This may, of course,
its from the Tooth Fairy. Arians' natu- METAL relate to a better lifestyle and increased
ral tendency to rush about carelessly Iron presrige . When this progression takes
may result in cuts, bruises and even place, Arians should guard against
minor burns. The motto "More haste, becoming rather possessive, especially
less speed" is a valuable one for these toward their partners. lt should not
people; they enjoy working with all be too difficult to moderate this, for
kinds of tools, and again carelessness it is always possible to appeal to the
may court disaster. Arians enjoy spicy independent Arian spirit - once it is
Kali. Phos.,
food, but it is not usually good for Nat. Phos. pointed out, the subject will realize the
them. They have hearty apperites, pitfalls of trying to possess another
and thrive on traditional, rather than
elaborate, dishes.
. human being.
Aries rises very quickly in the north-
ern hemisphere, and even if an early
degree of that sign was on the horizon
ARIES AS ASCENDANT at birth, the changes signaled by the
Ascendant progressing into Taurus will
Psychological motivation of problems which, in youth, could occur quite early in life. (This does not
Arians want to win, and their energeric make it harder to solve them swift:ly apply to southern hemisphere births.)
driving force almost unconsciously and easily. lt will probably give the individual a
srimulates them into action. Powerful Theerpphasis on the head may lead more serious and practica! view of life;
ambirion and a remarkable flow of to rather frequent headaches, perhaps the psychological effect will be to
physical energy will be devoted to caused by a slight kidney problem or steady and stabilize the personality. If
achieving whatever goal is in sight. imbalance as opposed to overwork, or the person concerned is committed to
Their urge to win will enable Arians to eyestrain. With Aries rising such pain a permanent relarionship, what were
outstrip competitors, and runs parallel is more likely to be the result of a always passionate feelings will become
with a need to be noticed. This some- physical condirion than circumstances considerably more intense, and care
rimes emerges within the context of provoked by the subject herself. must be taken that outbursts of
the family and, especially if the child The reacrion to partners is interest- jealousy do not have a negative effect.
with Aries rising is a younger sibling ing: there will be great need for a per- The volatile metabolism usually char-
among more successful brothers and manent emorional relationship, no acterisric of an Arian Ascendant is
sisters, ruthlessness may somerimes be matter how many affairs or experi- likely to slow clown. This will be of
a problem - though comperirion can ments take place - or, indeed, however positive help if the individual is past
be an excellent spur. If ruthlessness independent the spirit. An Arian middle age, and it is wise to moderate
does emerge, the natural Arian sense Ascendant brings not only a need to strenuous sports and exercise routines.
of humor should be invoked, and that relate, but also a strong desire to If there is a sudden, unexplained,
innate awareness of others which is a understand and be fair to the partner. weight gain, it might well be due to a
most happy characterisric. These qualities will emerge at the thyroid problem.

The Traditional Thorn-bearing
trees, sorne types
Associations of Aries
21 March - 20 April

The Ram appeared for the first
time in Egypt, alternating with a
goose's head as the symbol of
Aries; its origin
is a mystery

Black and white mustard seed

Positive, masculine
Capers, mustard, cayenne pepper TRJ l'LICITY OR ELEM ENT


Honeysuckle fLOWERS
Honeysuckle, thistle, bryony,

Onions, keks, hops, most strong-
tasting foods

England, France, Germany,
Naples, Capua, Verona, Florence,
Marseilles, Krakow, Leicester and ANIMALS
Birmingham (UK) Sheep and rams

Taurns t5 21 APRIL - 21 MAY

eliability is the essential characteristic of a Even so, caring for Taurean babies is
R Taurean - but if he or she is to function
satisfactorily, it must be against a stable and
usually a pleasure. Slow development
need not give rise to concern; when
this baby learns something, it does
secure background, for emotional and material so thoroughly and for good. But
security is of prime importance. These people despite ali the charm, discipline is
,,..~1'"11!..::ll"'ll'U'// . have a great <leal of common sense but can lack important, for tl1e Taurean baby needs
,.._.v .,_,,_..,.,~ ~ flexibility, and must realize that even well to live within a firm structure, know-
-*<'"'"1 \~~V;)((~ thought-out decisions should sometimes be ing that things will happen at a partic-
ular time. Taureans are at heart
changed. Taureans often surround themselves with conventional, and need rules; parents
possessions as an outward sign of their achievements, and to who themselves might be happier in a
convince them of their progress and position in society. more liberal atmosphere should
remember this.
Taureans want to set up a comfort-
BASIC PERSONALITY able and secure home befare they have
a family. But their plans will probably
Possessiveness, shown in many areas of TRADITIONAL TAURUS TRAITS involve children, for a strong family life
life, is indeed the worst Taurean fault. and tradition is important to them: in
Sadly, the partner can often become Patient and reliable this sense they are natural conserva-
just another well -guarded possession - Warm-hearted and loving tives. When children do arrive, their
loved and admired, certainly, but stub- Persstent and determined parents will want them to be happy
bornly regarded as the property of an Placid and security-loving and com fo rtable, but ironically this can
owner, rather than as a free agent. lead to difficulties, for they may work
The Taurean mind works methodi- Jealous and possessive so hard to this end that they deny
cally, carefully and decisively. Perhaps Resentfitl and inflex ible themselves time to get to know and
the most marked potential is for the Self-indulgent and ifYeedy enj oy their family. If this happens, the
steady building of a life and career. trouble will get worse when the chil-
Short cuts are not for these people, KEYWORDS dren reac h ado lescence, and a
and should be avoided. One of their damaging generatio n gap may result .
most endearing characteristics is natu - Possessively, permanentZv
ral charm, expresscd in a variety of Career
ways. For instance, Taureans usually Taureans are am bi tious, and quite
have soft, gentle voices, and always enjoy setting up a sound career plan
seem able to find the time to listen to and following it through to success.
and encourage anyone who needs H owever, there can be problems if this
help. Their shoulders are always avail- in volves any kind of risk, because
able to those who wish to cry on Taureans functi on best when steady
them, but they are also very good at work is available, with the resulting
offering practical advice. Their generosity is emotio nal and regu lar income. T hey should think
financia!, foras well as being highly- very carefull y before embarking on any
Partnership sexed they make excellent, caring and career where the income (however
Taurus is ruled by Venus, so a success- considerare lovers. There will be no great) is unpredictable. The material
ful partnership is of above-average lack of sensual pleasure nor, usually, security offered by money is very
importance; like their Libran cousins, any lack of physical comfort, to wh ich important to thcm. Thus many will
Taureans need peace and harmony in Taureans are devoted - to such an accept work that they don't really
their relationships. Emotional security extent, perhaps, that they may even enjoy, or aren 't really interested in, just
is vital, and any threat to it may cause grow complacent, and if partners because the incomc is a large one, or
serious damage, making the Taurean accuse them of being bo rin g, it may be because it seems assured.
emotions get out of hand, and the because they have become slaves to a This interest in finance is not only
possessiveness, which will certainly be chosert routine. emotional: Taureans are highly practi-
present on sorne leve) of the personal- cal about it, and are there fore very
ity, may turn into obsessive jealousy. Family good in careers connected with money
When there is tension in the home, A contented child, smilin g from its - including banking, insurance and the
normal placidity may be shaken by crib and always greetin g mealti mes stock exchange . Although any risks
sudden fiares of temper. with enthusiasm, is qui te likely to be a involved will pain them, and they
Under normal, stable circumstances, Sun sign Taurean. There may be some shou ld carefully weigh probable worry
however, Taureans are extremely lov- delay when these r hildren learn to against possible eventual be nefits, they
ing and kind, eager to express their walk - indeed, they will even be lazy can succeed in building up very suc -
affection generously and abundantly. about crawling, Jet alo ne waJki ng . cessful busincsses from small

The Syrn1olism of Taurus Taurus governs cereal
crops, especially wheat

The clear green emerald
is thc Taurean gemstone

Pink, pale blue and
green ( and pastel shades MYTHOLOGY
in general) are Taurean In mythology, Taurus
colors was a bull

The foxglovc, rose
(cspccially pink
varieties ), poppy, Foxglovc
columbinc, daisy and
violct are typical
Taurean flowcrs


Hcrbs and spiccs
associatcd with Taurus
RULING PLANET includc sorrcl, as herc,
Venus is the ruling clovcs and spearm int
planet ofTaurus
Taurcan fruits incl ude
CouNTRY thc apple and pear and
Switzerland is onc of the berry fru its
countries ruled by
Tau rus
Ycllow mountain violct

Dais y
Ali cattlc are Taurcan
animals Crab apple

Dog rose
' !


beginnings, for they have a natural, TAuRus As AscENDANT "earthed" through the relationship.
strong business sense. Sexual fulfillment will be of prime
Many Taureans are very happy Psychological motivation importance, and must be borne in
indeed working in agriculture and hor- When Taurus rises the basic impulse is mind when the subject is embarking
ticulture. The open air life is good for acquisition, and is even stronger than on an emotional relationship. On the
them, and contact with the soil seems with a Taurean Sun. As their self- other hand, it is equally important iliat
to give them special satisfaction. They confidence grows, it will be reflected the commitment is not solely sexual;
often have musical talent, too, and in the possessions with which these frie ndship between partners will make
there are a great many professional people surround themselves. It seems it easier to cope wiili problems when-
Taurean musicians - especially singers. they will never be psychologically ever iliey arise . There may be consider-
whole until they can see around them able achievement , especially wiili ilie
Change, leisure and retirement material proof of their success. (This, help of ilie partner.
Taureans are not very good at dealing of course, is true for Taureans at every
with change; they need a steady rou- economic leve!.) Established in their
tine, and having got into a rut will TAURU S P ROGRESSED TO GEMINI
continue to plough through it.
Change seems to threaten their secu- When the Taurus Sun progresses into
rity, and can be emotionally disturbing. TAURUS MJNERALS Gemini, these people can become
However, they are excellent planners, more talkative or more argumentative,
and if a change is necessary they will at Copper
expressing their opinio ns more openly
least prepare thmselves well for it. and taking life less seriously. They will
They greatly enjoy their leisure hours, be happier to exchange ideas, railier
and their generosity means they wiU than suspecting that theirs are ilie only
spend lots of money entertaining views won:h considering .
friends. They may be rather lazy, how- The iliinking processes will probably
ever, and can ali too easily waste time. CELL S A LTS
speeq llp, and ilie whole mental atti -
Retirement will be viewed with con- Nat. Sulph., tude wi ll be far more fl exible . A flirta -
siderable pleasure, especially if there is Cale. Sul ph. ti ous tendency may develop; coupled
an adequate pension. If they have a with T;n1rean charm, this can be quite
great deal of spare time, they should delightful. They wi ll more readily
develop an interest which will occupy enjoy getting out and about , and be
it - perhaps something they have k ss preoccupied with ilieir creature
enjoyed throughout their lives, and comforts. T here might be an increased
can now explore more fully. If this is interest in fashion; convention may be
not the case, they should be encour- en ljvened by a slightly trendier image.
aged to take up new and interesting Taurt1s rises vei-y qickly in rhe
occupations, otherwise lethargy may northern hemisphere, so it is likely iliat
age them . Gardening and golf spring a Tarean Ascendant will progress into
to mind ; the women of the sign partic- Gemini when the sb ject ts very
ularly enjoy sewing and embroidery own kingdom, they will often feel yo ng. This will be extremely helpful ,
(patience is a Taurean virtue) . uneasy if they have to srep outside it: making the outlook freer and more
once more, it is a signa! of the impor- objeccive ancj positive, and less con-
H ealth, diet and exercise tance of routine and securicy. Other cerned with security. Altogether, he or
Taureans !ove their food, so can put on Sun sign characteristi cs - stubbornness she should become more adaptable,
weight very easily. Members of thi s and possessiveness - are equally deep- and 111pch more able to assess psycho-
sign are reputed to be extremely good - rooted ; these people will know they logical problems . A more rational out-
looking, but too much extra weight are right, and find it very hard to see look should make stubbomness less
does nothing for their fi gures. A rea- anyone else 1s point o f view unkss it is offensive, and if the sbjeq is very
sonable diet is essential , but not always identical to tl1eir own . Self-knowleclge yong, parents shpld find that there
easy fo r them. Long ho urs at an office will be acqui red the hard way. will pe better progress at school as the
desk, business lunches and an ever- The Taurean body .rea is the thrpat, resl t of an increased interest in study
growin g appreciation o f good wines but when T;r nrus rise& there can be ~if and use of the mind .
will not help their waistlines. fi culties with th e thyroid gland (rled If the jndividal was born in the
H eavy exercise is no problem; many by Venus). Any inordi nate weight e;ain southern hemisphere and is q uite
young Taureans enjoy team games, not obviously due to diet may be 111ature when the Ascendant changes
and sorne enjoy weight-training. T hey traced to this. signs, a more yoiliful ou tlook will
tend to move slowly: aerobics or danc- Relations with partners will be vi.:ry develop. There will be an identification
in g will help them to speed up a li ttl e, intense and passio nate. These peopli.: with the younger generation, and the
as wi ll brisk country v1alks, which will make very demandin g partners 1 with a need for intellecnal challenge wi ll
also be more aesthetically rewarding. high emotio nal energy thilt 111ust be enliven rhe s:able T<"1urean personality.

The Traditional Ash , cypress, vine, apple, pear, fi g

Associations of Taurus
21 April - 21 May
The Egyptian Horus was the Bull of Heaven,
and a white bull was sacrificed in Babylonia at
the New Year to placare Ramman, the god of
thunder and lightning



Venus Whqt and orher cercals, berry
fruirs, qpples, pe;rs, grapes,
PosITIVITY /G ENDER artjchokes, asp<1ragus, beans;
Negative, feminine mqst spices


The throat and neck; the thyroid

lrelpq, Swirzerl<nd, !ran, Cypq.5,
~pe Grcek Islaqd5, P;rma, Caprj,
lsc pia

Rme, poppy, fpx glnvi;, laiw, ppplin, +,ncerqe, Mantua, +,eipzig,
pri111u!a, vjpl:t, rnlprnl:iiqe Palcrmo, St +,qq js
Irish Imp


Gemini :u: 22 MAY - 21 ]UN E

Versatility is the hallmark of Sun sign

Geminians. This is the firs t dual sign of
the zodiac, and its subjects find it essential to
to move from one project to another
as the mood takes them and their
interest waxes an d wanes.
Geminian children usually do quite
pursue several courses of action at once . T hey well at school, but they can bluff their
also need to communicate on all levels. T heir way th rough tests. Rcally clever teach-
potential can be expressed in many ways, but ers will soon recognize this and be able
especially through the media. This need for to stay severa! steps anead of their
communication is so strong that they'll telephone Geminian students; lcss shrcwd
instructors wi ll be taken for elaborare
their local radio station with comments on every rides. At examin<1tion time t he
conceivable subject and will even chat to someone in a bus line Geninian wi ll probably write reams
if no one else is available at the time. and reams of opinion, backed up by
too few essential facts : they usually fin d
faqs boring!
BASIC P ERSONALITY lt goes wid1out saying t hat
Gcrninians are lively parents, filling
Supcrficiality is the worst Geminian their chilc1ren 's Ol!t-of-school hours
fault and should be controlled - these with <lctivjcy. They must be careful,
A daptable a,nd versa,ti/i:
people tend to know a little about since J:heir childm1 may not be as ver-
Comm11nicative rmd rritty
many subjects, and sometimes fail to &atile, or have sqch qick rninds, as
acqui re truly deep knowled ge o f the Intel{ectufl.l and tJiaqufnt they the111se!ves. Thcy shm1kJ c.:onside r
thi ngs t hat really interest them . An Yorttbful 1rnd livtJ!y rJic psic 11ccds and tre q~pli ties of
abili ty to q uickly assimi late knowledge Nervous a,nd trnse their chi!clren, wh.ich may not windde
can work well u nd er certain cond ition s
Superficial and incansistent with rheir own. Tflere is a v:ry power-
(see below), but it is important for thi s
C14nnir.g ar.;/ ir1111tisi#re
fLJl critica! streak in evcry Gep1i1iia11,
type to reali ze the necessity for d eep wjiich can pe more darnning than they
thou g ht and serio usly based opinio ns rq.ljz: and 111ay l:iadly deflare ancl upset
on sorn e man ers. KfiYWQR-n~ tlieir c.:hilcjrep; it lihOLi!cl be softeneq
A te ndency to inconsistency is Communicfl.tip{Jiy, fl.dfl.Ptflh!J, with bumor ancj remperecj by praise.
another problem ; t he G emin ian need
vmfl.titely, mt/esJy
far vari ety and change makes it ali too Creer
easy for these people to start a g reat Thc Geminian vcrsq.jjjty allci cornmu-
many diffe rent projects but leave rn ost nicajye skills sholcj idqlly be umi in
of thern unfinished . Once mo re, q. qreer. M:wy Geminians cjo very wd l
awareness of this ele ment in th ei r wo.rking ip tlie rnepia ancj are also thc
;haracters wi ll help counter ir. 11<1J:4ral salqpeople of thc zodis::,
Geminians are very logkal , ratio nal cjping well ip depart111ent store&,
people and, gener<tlly speaking;, iht'.'ir adver:jsing nq <}S commercjI nav-
mind s wo rk very qukkly1 bl! t the inflll - probiem& 1 e&pecjfllly whrn Qpmipiaqs dlers. T)1ejr pee:j for chapge anl yari-
en ~e of their rufing plariet, M errnry, is ari; &till anl rnming to tnms e:y 111usr cjefirntely not be ignorecj:
impo rtant and mu st be can:full y with tlw qpre&&ion nf PnlQtiOl . preqqable rourine is to t)1em.
rn n ~id e red (see pp .239-53). So is solitary wml<., pqt ar lcast when a
Fnily Oerniniar ac.:qires a lonely top job, he
Prtner:hip A Qp111iriiflll ::hill will ~rnrt ml~11s1 Rf she will qever fail to listen fo forrner
Geminians unquestionably 1wecl a and p ml:l~b ly rniwlin~ 1 rhrn w;ill<.ln;, rnHqges, alrbo~1gh this cloesn't
livcly, inrcllectual ra pport with their ar a vny Parly ag~. T lw parpms pf &.cl1 alw'lys p1ean tht their acjvj:e wil! be
partner&. Shared internst an,'. i111por- a ::h11c! shi:iulcl rnak~ ']\.lite &Hfp tli'lt cc:ptcd! 1\ fll q.ncj free interch;wge
mnt, anci the partner should have bis th~ir ymm;swr ha!! plrnlY with wliich qf dqs, ancj rhe paning to anq fro of
o r her own definitc o pinion, whid1 rn keep happi ly rn::::qpii:;l1 'l& bPri:;qpri 4ifferent opiniops, is impqrranr.
wi ll be enjoyably di~rns5ed and ar~11ed will llot l:i~ tPl\.'lrnt~l - inlP~l, Jn business, Geminians can be llighly
over, Al i of thi~ will adc! lively 11pi~e to Ck111iniam almmt fo<1r it- TP gM rn shrewd and cunning, <1ncl if rhey apply
ihe partnerihip , g rip1> v~ry Pilfi)' Pl witii UlP renlenc.:y rhese craraqerjstics to mal<.i11g n101iey
Geminians ofren don 1t entirely mrnt to 1nrnn&i&ti:nn1 ml &\.lperficialiry1 rhe rhey oft:ep clo exuemely well:althowgh
their ernotions. When ovc:rwhc;linc:cl by cbi lc! slim ll l:l~ rnrnurag~l rn fi11i&h sowetiries a faulty decjsion, pi::rlwps
fclings they will immediarnly brin?i 'lll ta&ls~ th<n <ir~ srnrwl1 a!J:hogh it too ~astilY made, wiJI resuJt ip finandal
thdr racional, logical mind& inrn pl<1y, wm1lcl !:le wrnng rn in&i&t thiH hP or co!lapse. Tlii& is nm an averly qf11pi -
trying to explain d1eir ernmionli to sh~ tackk mi:;m mw iH a timP This P,pus sign, PJ.Jt me Gemini inagi11ation
thcmselve& in arder rn give mern a &imply AR<l&l 1t wmk with Qi:;111ini:ms 1 will P'lPPilY enjoy s4ccess pefore ir is
rnhcrem p<lr!!pective. T hi ;n ;rn&<l wlw oP.rnin their PPit ri:;&.lts w!i~n <tP.le 'lC.:Wally ac)Ljeveq, which acts as spur!
GEMINJ t 139

The Symbolism of Gemini


G1.M , "ICl N l-
T hc f\VQ srnrs rcprcscnt Qf ali the colors,
thc sign 's dua lit:y Gcmini has thc closp\
Agatc is thc Gc minian
afl"lniry with ycll ow
ge mston e

Bllln> Hrn11s
Talking birds, espcc ially nitrr.:rswcct is onc o f t hc
parrots and parakcc ts, herbs associatcd wirb
are rul cd by Ge mini Gcn1ini

Lavcnd er
~,iiy - ot: thc - va ll cy,
L]\'Pllicr .rnd myrrlc -irc
ruc Gcminian flqwcrs

Bog myrk

Lily-o f- tlw -va! k y

l\Wl - ! N ~i P1 .<\ Nl-"I Thc trccs ru !>:el by
T ht' rnli11; pl11wr nf Qrn1jnj are hose rh~t
Ckmini i~ Mwrnn' bcar nurs

A NIMl\1-
Tlw 111onky, g >ii:~ CqUNTRY ANi) C1TY
wirwct anct ful! n f rrj: k ~ , Wa!cs is a Gen tinian
i& Ckminian animll counpy anq its cipiral
ciry, Carditf, is ~ J sp
ruled by tJ1c 5igp

Change, leisure and retirement They can get bo~ged down if they l'lter years, to arthritis. Any signs of
Continual change is a way of life for undergo p&, be~allSP the this shm1ld pe checlceq i,vith a qoqor
Gerninians; as we have suggested, their deeper they explore thi,;ir own person- ar the earliesr possjple momenr. Most
chief fear in life is being bored, so will alities, the more twist&<ind rurns t:hey Gernirlians (S1.p1 or Ascenq4n~) like W
continually find new ways of keeping will notice and want ro fQUow, <\clding 1-1 se their banqs in various forms of
thcmselves interested . If they don't question to question 1-111til they a;i,;t lcist ::raft:work 4nc! lceep them nwbile, t:lut
then their nearest and dearest must, at in the thidcet. One even <i&lcs whether those with Gemip1 risina; shol!ld
the slghtest sign of twitchiness, do it thi,;y really want to lcnow tlwrr&elve&. qin&cipusly qercise the jr fingers.
for thern. Leisure? They don't have Sorne intcr!!&ting i:h;.raqeri&tic& Nervpus teflsion pn e4sily p~Jilq llp,
time for any - every mornent is filled erni,;rgl'.l in relation&hlp11. A warrn, pas- arn:i m::y exacerbar: an asthmatic ten-
with activity, even if that is just writing s.ionate enthus.ias.m ami op~mi!im will cj:n::y. lf die s4bjeq is very ym1n~, he
or <;onversation . The thought of retire- deligl-n the p;irtner; l:lm as. wc!I a~ the Qf she will propap!y grpw out of it; in
rnent won't disrnay thern, because Sun Geminw 's. neec! fqr ffirnd&h.ip , Qq:r pep,ple, mar may b.e rrqre cj.iffi-
there are rnany interests they want to tho&e with G.emirn will 41way rnlr, qpcj i:pe qnswer rnay lie in tri;iting
pm&uc (probably ali ar oncl:!!) whcn rhe t:115ipn rarher rbap t-he asthma. '
they evcntually flnd t:he tirnc .
He<llth~ diet and e~erciie
Akhough not nece&5<irily mong1the&e
pcople are aJmost ccrtainly wiry anc! t:i~M&TQt'lli A smprisingly s!".ni:irrental streak w ;iy
apparcntly pcrperually young, P appear when the Sun progresses intp
should not havc too rru1;:h troubk Cancn; the emotiqns wi!I ajso ~ow
with thcir health . Any diffirnltie& that mme reacjily aqq fhcntly. lf the s~m
do ari&c m;w pcrhap11 be for psy;holog- cr anges signs in or jst aft:er acjp,l:s-
ical rnthcr than phy&ical reason&- cen.:~, it wiH gve an excellent exrrn-
Gcminiam havc va11t amounrn of m;r- siP.n to Gerrinian lpgic apd r:n.io11ali:y,
vmrn cncrmi which mu11t be bmmid off. im:reasjpg inruition ancj insf:i11q.
Oi:ii-i:i ll.
They are wmally too Individual r1:1ally l\'li:i&f rnllrs,
Su!Jj:q:.s may sqdenJy want to rent P.
to 1joy rnam ~arneli1 a.nd they can wl:irnlMIY i'~llRw bH Y a place of J:Peir ow11, and deV"elop
quickly grow born with ma &trin rn. - an ~m~resr in pandjcrafts or do-it-your-
tlne of formal cl'erci&c. Thli bc&r &ol-
tion to join a hcalth dub bm to 1-1&e
' g n\. seJf prnjeq:.s. Somef:irres rJ1e vnsat-ili!Y
\:1 'lncl 'nei::cl for change ca11 pe !inJcecj tp
it in combinatlon with mhef, ind.ivid- l changes of mooct, witj-1 clrastjc resHlrs.
ual, formli of cxercisc, 1mch a!i rnnning1 =tH &~ns The Ge111inlan crjtical facl:y fP 'lY
jogging1 wal~n~1 &q~ia11h and remli&, - Mf.Tl\I ~!iMW a!sP. grow, becorring qegative apq rule thti lm1g&1 amt ~un &i~n Mmwy ~ n8 ~iliq qqrifI. The sally fasliionaple a11d
Gtiminiami mu~t wat;b carnfully fm r-eqdy Qe111inian image migl1t pe
liif,!;n& gf br1;atl1k~&n a!>&1 or wh~n a rnkl 111pqiped by a feeling for nostalgia: we
fliOl;!i rn t-h;:ir ~h'1&t. Ir ili vital thati if inqivjcj4;4 wi!I get great p!easre fmrr
pQl~iblth thtiy hm.ild refrnin fmm cpajjrnge th~ir pltllH&l :n::1:mrng~ \rnp:jqg our antiq4e cJoihes in street-
& 1 wm;h, Whik bad fr 1".V(lf}'- thttm to ac rn~v~ mm~ ml rnli:iw th!:'. fllqrkets, <mcl crea:jpg a rrore geqt:Je,
body1 ji particylarly li;mal fm mem - ri;lat.P.lS.Pp Wif-h .iaif fff PfFYf. ~ h;i.m:f somi::wliar rofllantjc l oo~.
Thtiy tl1rivc bc;i1t o.n a light diet of fre11h im~r;&t~' helr tl c~mem th~ ir r~l an:11- Whrn a Gem jpi'ln Asc:nd'lPt prp,-
filad!l and fruit 1 f1&h a.rl whiw mNt &l1ips.: the q:mpl!'. will gilin mm=h imei~ gresses into Ca11::er, rpos.r of rhe' app,ve
l::crnal &ar.i&fq:::jqp fmm f\ll=P qffin. ppssiP.iiitjes polq goocj. There can pe
The parmer may l;v~ li:ip mmi:: versa- an i11.:rqsecj sensi:ivj:y rn the feelinp,~
tili1Y1 whilf m~ Q~miniill ffiflY pf orJter people: Geminian argl-!mem
rnmpl;t~ mm; ai:nvir.if:s.. wjll pe if'.sS jpclineq tQ Ste;tfTlrol!er tpejr
PsyeholPgi~ mPtivatign A &trnngly imi~pe nlrnr &trf* is ppinip,ns ar anitqqes. More prpe wilj
Surpri5in~ly frir ttc:h ~ volatik ?QQf'
li~ely1 \llcl the&~ p;ppj; !='ll t rnP.~ wim Pf'. givp to rhought and refleq:.ior.
rypc 1 p;opl; wim Q~mirn riin~ wam j ealqH~Y P.f flRS!i~&s.iv~n:&& Th~Y hate This pqy ::ase rnoocjipess, apcj sonp-
rn lctitip their ff:'.::t f1nnly plam::q Rl th~ i~aifmsy pilrtlYP.ml4&~ th~Y 1=<m'r tiJllf'.S irra:jonal worry (a new exp:ri-
g;rmmd, How!!vn intern~ted tfa:y mW @l~rnt'1nl ir: ir s natw\ll for thf:m tP
ence for Ge111iri411s), wbich wi\!
bti in tl1ti o;rnlt or th~ spiritual, rh~Y pe imnfs t~l in PthH ml".n or womrn, pttzzle anq clistl!rP rhem. A re11dency
will "n-1e5tion ~vl!ry rnfli(;Pt- t-b i& pm a~ w~ll a&th!:'. Rl~ they MI". wit:J1 . This. . to 11osralgia may also join rhe sqa l
rn th'1m1 and may F~i"n it 1-m.k& ir can might lnr~IPp irrn:.i a s.rrnal imeres.r1 forw;ird-looking pptjmis\11. Most
b@ prnvt'.d cithi;dw M~Yrn"m m ~vi l:mt ir i&n 1t in~virnRI~ - Thf sirnar:ion i111porta11t is r'1e faq ffiat the new-
den;ti, Th"Y al&o qy ti{m ~vny ;mi- &lm1-1ll P~ w'lri:hfl1 Rm it is. nnwi&~ to fom1cj ipt4i:iop sppulcj be acceptecj
nH:k of tbtir own1 w<mlng; w wi;:iw n'lg 1-1nl~&s. it l:l;rnm~ s. rPlllVm:cp11a.ry. anl 5;:q, and these Gernin.jans' 111st
prcd!itily why mcy hav{'. <idopt-~d ir: Th~ h<rnl& VHilH'lPif - pnh'lP&1in learp rn trnst their {;:'.fllotions.

The Traditional ff.lPPHFf S

Nllf&, rl1me
Associations of Gemini i\Pi.wi: grmmd.

22 May - 2 1 Ju n~
- (~ xcc p~ capbag: ),
- carmrs

THo O R.!i!N
Castor ;nd Po llu x, pecul ia rly bri ght
stars, wen; probably rh e o ri gina l
heavc nly rwins (am1ally call ed, in
Egypr, t he Two S t~ rs)
Peas and broad bcaqs
A NI MAi-o
Sirn11l l:>irds, mi11ilb l:iin:J:; ;im1
prrms, ll~1in::rni cs, 1rn:m~~Ys
Ap jseed,, marjoram,
qraway , paln1,

Wall's, lelgium, ll~l\, lcmvi:;r
Egypr, ~arlinii1, Armi:niil pos1 pvrrv /GENDER
Posirive, masc jiqe
~nflnn, PlrmnHrh (LJJ C~n:Jitl~ T RI l'LICITY OR f:LEM ENT
~an frnn~i~rn, M:ll;inurnf!, Air
N1m:f11llHr?;, lrug~s, Pmfli:il:ia,

Jl.p1'~j r~~ N f.T S!iou!ders, 4rms, nerves

F!-0\VF !i&
Lih' rif' rlw-l'alln',
lavrnctff, maictrnhair,
mi'rf)G, tn
Cancer ~ 22 JUNE - 22 JULY

ht'. nced w protect th~ s~lf ami th~ fami ly pjcJcy q ters, SQ the ifQp hanq in fhe
T fro m thr~at i on~ of thl" ,:hi<:! f Can:nian
characteristics. C h all~ ng~ a C<inrnrian in arg-
velvet g!ove may pe neeqcd hrn:. The
C4ncerian diges:jpn does tcnd to be:
sepsitive, bu r giving w4y to food fads
ment and a remarkable sdf-d~fonst: sysr~m qn leaq to prob!i::rns later on.
springs into action, Th!'.! ~xp rns sion tignrens and ff a C4ncerian chi!d js naug!Hy, the
dmids1 a frown quidqy app~ars b~tw~t:n th~ P:'.st reactjon is rr::i say "Yqq've lwn
eyes and thern is an insram 1 ratl1 ~r smippy Momniy by qoing that" <111d appel! ro
answer, This is a rath~ r ~niBmati: :zrn:iia: typ~ , P.m his or her inhcrem sensi:jvicy. ti is fl.lso
importam that parc11rs encom<ige
,, ~ .~ fam iliaricy with a Cancerian r~veals lovin~ kinctness yqpg Cqpcerins to be :idy! The sign
and caring beneath an unprrnnising smfact:. A hi~h ~mmion<\l level is !1QfPPLIS for ~Hltiqiness <!PQhoard-
is married to very consid!irabk intuition. ing; rhere wil! be a bqp:lc whenever
the tQy chest is sprteq Our - CV(.!p
rqppish wi!I pe qeemed to have gre;it
srnrimenpl v'lle.
Caqcerian chftren can pe slw 4qq
Th!i imagination is &rmn~ and vivil 1 wary whe11 rhey first gp to schonl. Jr is
bm limmion lnct imagination rnfll- e froq1 rhis age thar their instinc :jv~'.,
l;:i i111id, if nm rnri,.:f!ly ggvnncrl, fan Ematfrmal ff 11 ff (~rirg proreqive an<.i qefeqsive shells pegip ro
r1i1mlr in aJ rng11Honilm1al wcirry, (.!~p~ Int11ifipr ffnf imfl-oimifiPe qevelop, sppporting the bravery anq
;iaJly ov(.!r lovl'.ci 01wi. Can;niam M(.! ~/.n;npfl fH1f raif timH renacjcy wjth wltir:h rhey can rqnve
1:Htainly hi(lih on rhti fr pf ~:f!ia~ f'f'atMiPr ffn4 ~:rmpq.thrtic fp,rw'lrd in life.
worritirn, l:im W(.!ir i11rnitii:m anct Ohffnaeffhlr fP1fi P'? aa(iy The neecj for P'lrenthooq is i mrir~
Jrntinm 1 if rrustlid, arn &1::mnd 1 and Pll1 tjve apq srrong.Cancerians aqore rheir
!'lti u~c:d rn mititJ;;lfli any rnrnlting rnn -
0-rerrwatirmffl ff 1'f ff tawby chilqrcn anq, if anything, rend ro cos-
l1i1m, Hciw(.!Vlir. a ~cr n~li i:if lqgif Lmu~r Clirt.Dina ffnfl ri1ut4k tafrt fi(J, sf;'.t them, becoming qv;:rcqncerf}eq
afag be; dtiv,:lom:!, rn wm~ in rnnjum:- 'llQ worrieq ar the sightesr prov::a-
rign wirh rlw namrnl imuirii:in . K ETWl1}.QS tion. The seq1ri1Y of rhe lton1e lflQ
1 f<vnily 4!1it is vital to rherp, aq:j wl1crn
Th!i Can,:,:rian mim1 i~ at irn tw~r Prafrrtiv.rl1~ ~rmitiFt:l.Yi
whlifl aJlgw(.!g rn wi:irk inliri11ftiV(.!!y1 rheir chi!qrep jc;ve hqrne rhese parnms
and mi& 11lmnll Dli mi:i&r U&(!ful whrn mrrnfli/J , prob<1PIYsffer more tpan mosr'.
rnaking g,:,:j!liQn& fl.& m~ri;; i& mrn nn
nc;('.d fbr prnfmtinatinn . livrn if rhrn: Career
arn prnbkm11, rlwir narnrnl rnna'2ifY The typjcal C<lncerian tenacicy anl
and lmwlirY in rh(.! fff nf diff:. lti;& q;:tern1ination is perltaps the grene~t
wlll ~ni rhtil! _prnpl!! rhrnu~h .Th(.! 'lSs:'.t of these people. fn rqay ways
wgm Canm'1a11 fimlr rn mgi:idm(.!&&: d1ey enjoy variety an<.i change, bm
onl! fllPmlim t:P~!' arti gn rnp i:if rh; dieir careers rnst * h<1ve <1 ::errnin
worldi rh(! l(!M rht:Y arn &~mk inrn a F!Oh1crnm rn mi:iv~ a r~ hnii:inship fo r- cpntif1!-!IY They can dien take ai:fvan-
dtii;p1 l:ila,:k d~prfl~&ii:i11 . warl. Th:y ar: m'lfv:lr:m&IY &ensml! rage Qf P'lSt experierce anq apply ir ro
IRv:p, tnn Fm PI': li&prnpr::ir:j:nlreJy rh~ present. Canceri;.ns are su <l!ly
Partn~r!!hip .p~er tw s\jgfe&
r imer sirivi:y. extremely shrews:i, 'ln<.i this sign nft:en
Cam:(.!rian mflk; wnnllfrfullv !farin~ Qn:: in l perm'lni::m rel'lrion&hip, rhey confers 'len q::eU~nt psiness seq5e:
panntirn; rht,iy arn vny ;mminrniL am1 will pe PPTIIY cornminel rn ffJlily life, <mOih:'.r qrea in whi::h rheir !Sf:flf=t
havli a :J;FC!at l(.!al nf :mrn lov; rn im=l1-1lm~ :hillrrn. ami inrnition serve them well .
l)xprti&!i, Thc;y ~hcinll r;.jj?'Grh'lr rl1cry The caring prnfessions artr'lq,
rn.n hun thl!ir lnvH~, rt:lrn!iing 1:.twir Flffiilf including reaching, p'lrtiq1l'lrly nf
own 'rensil:m or wmry in !iharp1 !:lvrn ~rn&irivilY wiU :m:rg: vny e;}rly in young chilqren. Nqrsing anq gynernl-
<;rnlll, remark~ , rfo.w~v,:r, if rli~ir p;ln- hfe1 wq evrn C.nci::rim P'lPe& are ogy are ajso popp)ar. lt is <l!so gpoq (qr
nern rnlipPnd m a li1m1lar fahl!=!l1 ffi;y f(.!ffi'l~ilPIY inrnifiv:. Chl11ge&in rhe thern tQ develop anq ;:xpress tfiejr vivjq
don't lllct.J it ar ali! hnm: armmphn; will immeliari::ly \:le imaginations. Any wori< invo!ving rhe
A lllllfl;htfuUy litmtim~nrnl &P-f~ is n:ifl:ni::l in rh~ pi;:p:n.j ffi r::l QA - <md pasr - as the Ptt&in:ss or
11hown HlWMl!l li:iv;l mi; : (J;}n:niam P'lRYCani:n wl (m.r:h more rh411 fJl U,sern wqrk - wi!l appeal m rh;:m.
wlll h11m mn p;auP.ful i:ilct lirrhl~Y nr :ffi::r ycmng&W&J pe lll &mili::s one Cancerians 'le <liso n ral coqks.
valentinli ,:ard&1 11d arcr invrntiV(.! prs;- mi:imi::m rn'ct illl ri::ar&rhe 11qr. A& Fulfillment js more impona11r ro
&tmr giwr&, !:im mnr~hm1ll avi:iil vmm~ Grnff=riID& grnw np rhey will Q'iern than <imPii:ion, P!-it they are keep
btiinii; rno fioying qr QVff!:lf1tin1fmql 9n1!':IPp a &trqng mi::m.lYi &Q!Tletimes ro fla!<.e money, anq soJleQmes :he
rnward& dwir parm;rn, Th!:lY .ji: ftnl m~m rn ffiq'Y mnri:: 'lPQlf rhe Cancerian hoarding instinq qr r1ea11
rn look rn thli paH, ami flllY l~ p;i&r tliln rhe pr~&enr. They r:an be rhr:y are rel ~1ct<im w pan with ir.

The Syrnbolism of Cancer ANIMAi s

Animals with a shcll
exterior, such as thc
crab itself~ are Cancerian
Gr.M.SIONI crea tu res
Thc pcarl is the
Canccrian gcmstonc

Si lvcr is the metal of

TRJl'l ll 1nOR. E1r.\1rs1

Cancer is a water sign CoLoR.s
Cancer is linked with
smoky-gray and silvcry-
F1owr R.S blue colors - the sheen
White tlowcrs, especially of the Moon, its rulcr
white roses, acanthus
and convolvulus are
associated with Cancer HrR.Bs
Saxifrage, verbena and
Water lily tarragon are Canccrian
Mountain saxifragc
CoL' NI R.Y Asn Ci n
Holland is onc of thc
rnuntries rulcd by
Canccr; Amsterdam, thc Ficld rose
capital of Holland, is a
Canccrian city Convolvulus


The ruling planct of
Cancer is thc Moon

Change, leisure and retirement for which is "outgoing". This suggests must be recognized, for peace of mind
Changes of mood are very much part a conflict, but that is not necessarily so: as well as physical well-being.
of the Cancerian makeup, but these Cancerians give out an enormous When Cancer is rising the person
people are much less ready to change amount of energy and vitality - to concerned very easily takes on the
their lifestyles - usually because of the those in an immediate circle. If people color of any powerful influence.
disruption involved. Nevertheless, with Cancer rising do not live within Therefore, any planets in the first
when faced with the prospect of retire- or create a family environment, their house of the birth chart, especially if
ment they will consider moving to powerful caring motivations will be conjunct the Ascendant, will have a
another area, but should think care- expressed towards an ideal, burning profound effect on the personality.
fully about this: they may be parted interest, often personalized in a real
from their family, and if they buy a sense of vocation: they will make the
smaller property it may not be large chosen cause very much their own. CANCER PROGRESSED TO LEO
enough for everyone to come and stay. People with Cancer rising will be
Retirement will allow them to enjoy a fascinated to explore their own When a Cancerian Sun progresses into
new rhythm of life, and they will enjoy Leo, the individual will reap the bene-
following their many spare-time inter- fit of positive, extrovert Leonine traits.
ests, which may include a specialized lt will be easier to have an optimistic
collection of sorne kind. CANCER MINERALS and outgoing outlook, helping to
Losing a job is hard to accept; a mitigare Cancerian worry and appre-
Cancerian's determination to find a GEMSTO N E hension. Money will be spent more
new job should be supported to the Pcarl freely, even if the financia! situation has
hilt, so that the effort eclipses the not changed; more pleasure will be
worry ofbeing out ofwork (which gained from buying the occasional lux-
may demolish the self-confidence). ury. More pride will also be taken in
the appearance, with greater attention
Health, diet and exercise to detail. Self-confidence (not always a
Keeping the sensitive Cancerian system Cancerian strong point) should
in good order requires regular, rhyth- CELL SALTS increase, partly because the value of
mical exercise. Swimming (from as Cale. Flour., the subject's past experience will be
early an age as possi ble) is strongly Cale. Phos. recognized, and opinions will be
recommended, as is dancing. expressed with greater confidence.
The digestion will almost certainly A new tendency to be bossy and
suffer from time to time - especially autocratic must not create problems,
when the individual is at ali worried. especially within the family. Any inter-
A diet rich in fish and dairy produce est in collecting should not be allowed
(provided the cholesterol level is not to become obsessive; while a new
too high) is usually beneficia!, and will interest in collecting more valuable
help stabilize the system. The sign and interesting objects should be care-
Cancer, it must be emphasized, has fully geared to the financia! position.
nothing to do with the disease of the personalities, but if they enter psy- When a Cancerian Ascendant
same name. However, because Cancer chotherapy they should remain aware becomes Leonine, the basic motivation
rules the breasts, women of this sign of their self-defense systems, otherwise to cherish will be blended with a
should ensure they regularly examine they may too readily accept the strongly creative instinct. Cancer is the
them and have periodic checkups with suggestions of the analyst. sign of motherhood and Leo the sign
their doctors. Cancerian men should Particular ambition is shown for of fatherhood - a first baby seems
not ignore any minor ailment, if only their partners, maybe even to the almost inevitable. At a different leve!,
to prevent undue worry. extent of social climbing on their new-found creativity may be shown
behalf. They should recognize that a through the development and full
hint of coldness and distance can mar expression of artistic potencial. Leo's
CANCERAS ASCENDANT the closest long-term relationship; this influence will strengthen organiza-
should not be a problem, but ought to tional ability, so these people's lives
Psychological motivation be watched if it is not to be harmful. may take on a more coherent air. As
When Cancer rises, great satisfaction is Any difficulties should be discussed as with the progressed Sun sign, there
gained from caring for and cherishing honestly as possible. will be additional self-confidence, and
others. Sometimes this instinct is so Illogical worry about the health is the powerful Cancerian emocional
strong that the world outside the likely, causing a vicious circle - worry level will be heightened by the fiery,
Cancerian's immediate and cozy circle will lead to digestive problems that passionate emotion of Leo. These
can be viewed as a threat. Even so, the cause more worry. Cancerians will people will also be less easily hurt, and
attitude is protective, not possessive. search medica! dictionaries for imag- less ready to hurt others. Fixity of
Cancer is a cardinal sign, the keyword ined diseases - it can be a hobby! This opinions should, however, be avoided.

The Traditional
Associations of Canoer
;4 hi ll {J - 24 )

THc 011-1rn1>1
Can~q rhc Crnb prnbabi}'
m iBi1mcct in Ihlwlon; b1.n 1:wi11
rn rrlcs wi;rc as&o:iaw'1 wirh rhi&
&ii11 in Ewpr, wlwrl T horh, JmPng
mh~r 1hi11~~ rlw ~ol of a&mmrnn}',
rnlt'ct rh~ rnnmllarinn Turnips


FoonsTL' FFS
Milk, fsr, fruits and
vege<plcs wjth a high wate
cpn:n, cappa~e, rprnip

Creatp rcs wi~ a shell cqvcring
i\11 trm, panirnlarly rho&tl rlm r~
ri~h in ~ap

Pm!l! \'!TY/NF NPf!'

~::mil'f'., f~minin~

T}j!'l-!fTrY n!t f::m'\fNT


(lPl\lllWJlllf'ITY P!l- QfJl\L!TY

Cm1inll H~uis ANP Sr1qs
Saxi fr;g~, verpena, tarragon
~PP\ l\!l-f/\
Chrn 'lllrl l:iri: a~r~ <ncj rtie
'llimrnrnrY :nll

f ~r:l\Vf- !l~
J\:ami1Hs, rnnvr:iivH IHs, gr:qnj.111,
lily, W'lt~ rl!ly , lh!-'. wj1i: fPsl'. 'l!lcl
Cm1Nrn11-,, ~h \ : fimvm in ~rnf'.ral
!lcorland, Holland, Norrl1 ancl Wrn
Afri(a, Ncw i!aland, Parn1m',
Cm1; ~
Mandwmr (UKl, i\nwmlam,
Tokyo, N~w York, hranllul,
Jo(kholm, Milan, Vrni:;, GrnP?,
Cadi~, Maillb~lf$, f:rni;, Tuni&,
Leo S7 23 JPLV - 23 U{liJST
is (:) S~(:llti!l fr L(:lo whQ neeq Lisrening to rhe opinions of mhers,
rgant~ ation
O ~on trol in th~ir Jiye;i: .
With th~ sh~tite&t
~n<::i::n.mirrtlm~nt1 their mganif?:at::mal !lfolit:y will
eve11 if tpe d1ilq d.oes not accepr th<:!m,
shmild. P,e actjvely ern:oqrag;:d. . f[; Qf
p she is tpen less Jilcely to pecpme
spill ov~r into th~ di&Qf<fort'.'.d liv~!i of oth~r~. The n1rrc:: 11 .:hecf in fixed iqeas anr:! P.i:iliefo .
rik li!iS in tht!ir t4king PVl'.'f1 bi;rnu&e they hat~ to Thi:: Leo11i11e srpporr sp-eak rrrnsr also
SI,;(! abllicy waw~ct: Tli'ir wornt fa~llt is in a&HJW- be discour<1.gecj. Try to cjisringui&li it
ing th~y alway&WPW P(:l!it, L"m may 4lsQ pe from qererminatjon, which shm1ld. , p,f
"~!'~~~~~~ t'!nrnmdy do~matif 1. and liQ ITl~l!it niltivat'-' fkxiP.k course, be we_krnneq 4nq _epq:n.1raJ';!;d..
' ~ . ~ _ . . . t ~ r h , 1 . Th . ch ac _ Leo em~~1 s1<J.srns lasr . llfePfll.e: 1f a
' ' ,.. ' mmH llH rn11p~~ i Q m ~Pi QPll Qn& i f~ . 4f tn Lt:o ch1lq IS 1nreresreq 111 a Pan.Jrnlar
1:1t1~ Lconmc war~th1 g~n,,;rmicy and d(:l&J r~ to undtlr& t4ncl othcrs suP.jeq or hoPP.y, it is unlik'c!y rhar it
can th~n b!? fully mdul~tid . will ever be cpnipletely rejeqeq, iQ it is
wmrhw!iilc <mcJ. most import<J.nt rn
n4n:re ear!y irtt:resrs. .
J".:J. ,!'.:..,/ . ~.,.,...-~ ,e--
.,./2~..A Leo parems art: exct:l!i::Pr ar rerng-
~~ ~s nizing 'and cncouragipg their chil-
A powfrfully l'.rnarivP ur~f j prn&mr in 1!_ TMnfTfflN4+- Lf!n TM1~ 1; qren's porential, Pr ~rey 111i-m P.i.:wart:
rn~ry Lrn arici mu!ir P!l tixprn~!lPd1 t (~ pf forci'ng rheir own in~erests aJl
mht'rwit' a V!lfl' g;mn ~foal i::if pPwmial Q:nenm.r fH'fff warrn-hmrted ~ eMhs iasms C>fl rhem. Tjiey wi!I in&isr
will bt' wa11rng. 'Ihi& Qf:ll'li rim m,;an <tll Drrff!:iFr ft rtff mth!J.ffft4fir ~ pn tpc mgjicsr sranqarqs, bPr !11~! st 11Qt
Lrn& at't' pairMrli 1 arn:m or lirnlprnr&: B.rnrHhnir.firfi (lnf, e~fHf1'fsf Pe ~ cxpect more than can bt: given.
crcation :an rnkti plai:t' in rlw kir::hrn1 Fffit!Jfu / ~114 /nping ~ Challcne;e is e;ood, bm incessam
at thc 11cwin~ ma~hinl' 1 in rhl' f?ilnten
m at ctw workbrn:h . Thl' innU!l J-,rn f amPMH IH1ff PMrwrlizing
cmhusia&m j Pp@i!ld iP mhn ari.:a& ~R.f.f.1' nci i11tr:rf:ring ~ Career
of lifo1 mo; m" un rulinp; r~ji &igr11 PlUlrlMir ffl1ff inta/erqnt ~ pmmional invo!vcmcnt ip a career js
givc~ 4i::i~ an 1nf~:w::iu& v1ral11Y-Tlwy ~ t:ssemia! if Leos are m fed folfi [l:p.
m1.m livtJ lifi:l rn rh~ fll , anl likl' rP. ie: KHWllW~ ~ Tht:Y are foqpcj, of corsc, in ali walks
omim cioin~ liQ Wl'll.Tlwy hav; ap
inn"r &un wh:h nm i::in-IY ill1tminati.:&

uf life, br basiqlly are at rhcir l:J:st
when aPle tu Hli!-'. rheir cxci::llent :re-
t:ht'ir own livtls and. ;inivif:i:~ 1 tnn aj&i::i pmrrrfltllY ~ ative pott:Pria! anl organizarion<J.l aP.ili-
liglm up t:h!i livtl& of PUlP&1 m p:;rhapi \:. ties. Tht:ir naniral sense qf cj.r4rpa
givc& thtirn <ll~rzy, Lrn laY& &hi::i1tld. pi:; (i shol q a!so pe exprt:ssecj. Trt: rh:arer
ful!, wim nm a rri::imrnt w.ifi:;l 1 &ipc: ~ is an obvio ~is possibilicy, bur rhey can
la:k of fulflllmPH1 prnfp&!iii::inally or pe eqaJly ar fiome i11 rra<1es 4ssQ~i;itcq
pcrrnnally1 CaJl rnrnlly d.P&P"PY rhi:;m witli 4x1-1ry and. glamor. Many Lrns
arn:I douct rhtJir peri::inalit:iP& are ip rheir clcmem in a courrrrn::irn or
in tht: opemin~ rh!;'.ater: raking q:11rer-
Partn,r!ihip E;unily srnge comt:s natrally ro th~m.
Dmnination of pann1;rn i& a p1:milili1Y Ttii:: &~nny li&pmirii::in <J.mi ri.:aly Jnnatt:!y ambirio1-1&, Leos are imer-
t:hat :annm Pl' nci(lr:;&f:ill<lt~l Ir niay emhusjasm ::f a Le:: chf:l appi::ars <J. t a esrt:d in rnoney ch jefly for the l,xury ir
be well mtlant, whrn mi:;y li::ing rn vny rnrly age1 and. i&alway~ q11iw can P.ring. They !ovt: P.uying apcj
brins out :he P~lit in mi.: mhn Eerii::in1 cJ:lightfl. Narnral wgarn;i:atji::in<tt aJ:iil- enjoyjng bea tif41 things ancj q4alicy
bm nevcnht'h-'li&1 Lrn!i lihi::iulln r ilY &QP.11 &'1qw&jp\e jf1 lm par:11t& clmhes, ancl thi:iy a!so to tm f:I -

alway& bi,: allmvi,::f ri::i w:;ar rhi:; :n:mier&I &hi::i1tll war:h fi::ir any renrtrncy rnwarcls as long as it can be c!ont: in com-
Thc;y arn ~urpriliin~!Y enijf:iv:;1 anl l:lo&&ini:;&&in rh:ir Lrn i::iffspring, whP fo rt! When Lei::is rqcji the rnp of Qie
cw l:lc; hun vcry !.!a&ily - panly pf::a.i;:: may pi:; &f:'.Pn pmt:ing t:hi:i whole tret: tlicy uswa!ly comrive m sray rhere,
t:hey arn ofl:rn c;rrmii::imHv il:;.li&ri:. playi:ji::::j in ir& plflce. anc! to nial<.e quite sure tht:Y are seen!
Wlile r!1111 milkti& th!.!fT! wi::i11lnflly Managing thf:'. livf:& of &illling& is a Leos nial<.e qi:e!lem i:;mployn&,qe
&upportive and oft:cp n:.l powior& di&rinn pnssillify wtien rhf:'. l+P :hilct to their good powers of leartnshi p.
bchinct t:hc; thrnnti, fow pei::ipl(l .: an PP i& oller tli;in thf.!m . Trn& ~elf- a&&f:'.rti::n 1 l{owt:ver, thqi m&r rerain tlit:ir r1aru-
safrly wornh!ppt!d 1 IlQ invariaply Lei::i& hf:lwf:vf:r 1 is nm g4irf: a&mi::ing a& ir ral emhw&i<lsrn for ljfo anl their pesirt:
are gjappoimcd in m~ f:'.ld L t!Q S :;m &eem&1 < ir i& imrpri&i11gly !.!i&y ro tP improve thf:'. lives of mhers. As rtiey
aJo takc; l'ritii:i&m vc;ry mu.:h to hP H li.:tlari.: yi::iung L~P.s - perh.p& whrn i c!i.:plore annhi11g st:coni:l-mi.: or of a
fq~eranr c;njoymt'.m arid pl(.!;i&nre wi::ll-mf:anir g aluh &!;'.vf:rely :rif:i:jzi:;s a low sra11l<lrQ, their eniployef:s will be
are gainect frorn &C.O K1hm Lm& clo11 1 r piei:f: qf wm~ . Jf yi::iu mu&r :ririi:i~t: a wtl!! !ool<.<:!l afwr - but ;ilso expent:l rn
like t:heir Ion~ rn hc: mu~ti ;md. rf:aqy. l.+o :hifl gQ sq wim affo:rion am:l giv: o.f iheir bes t. For this r:a~o!l , Lrn
Thcy almo&r Qtlrnanq m pe wined. 1 trnmm1i:irhn\Vi&e ym1 will li~vrn:ly bosses !=ID <lppi:iar liffiq1li anl ni1-1sr
dinid anct thrn 11ticiu:tici in lu~ury! crn&h ffis P hq iejf-rnnfiqiom:e. s4PQl-I!-'. apy aurncratii: H:11c:icncif:s.
LEQ . 97

Th Symbolismof L~o o
CoLoRs lv\ETAl-
t\N!WI~& !y1pst Lrns enjoy The precious mepl gpjq
'rhll lign, kin~ pf fa: wearing ~he ppulept is ljqkecj with Lf:O
ju n ~k, and mlm :qh:m pf rh:ir sigp -
mt;ml:lm gfrh~ \'al rhpse qf :Ji: &Hf! he fLOWJ!'S
fllmily m rnkd lw Lrn n.1ling phpet) Yeljqw flpwers, like jie
ce!andine afld marigplq,
are associated with J-,eo

Corn marjgold

f.i ~Jl\j:j Jl Lf\l\jf:T Greater cc!ancjine

Th~ fm i 1--rn' rnlin
plam:r H ~- RBS
Lep perps jrclufl~
saffron, peppeqninr 'lflfi
'-ll'MHQNI' rosema,ry
'fhQmpkrnfom fi~ti r;g
rnlw i rhi; Lrn Bog rpserpry

Leo is a fire si;n

T~E I'&
t\moll~ rhi; rm; rnlcd
lw Len a r~ f:hp !:lay <1nd
rhi;: nliv:

Cm +\Nl Crnmr~r:&
twmr; i a Lcq :icy, a!ld
Ital Y nnc nf thtl Ll'.n
rnumric&, m~i;rhn wirh
fulrnania, Cic~hn
lnvaki~ and
Chan~e 1 kirnr~ J.Ild retir~ment Tht w::U - ll!Mf~l LeR will bf'. P!!Y~hq
Lim 1wv{!r nrnh inrn fhant?\c in a fi:iol- lo!?;ically &{lC\Ft'.1 <inl prqvjlel ~litiPn
hardy way, bmnrn{! t:ht!Yarr 11m ov;r- i& haJ~rn;:eq by a Q{!gf{le pf hmrliry, W.e Coping witjl fusw or p~danti:: d<;tails is
fonct Qf it. Howev{!r, if t:h@y flP Jeam innH &rrength pf t:f& cfyn~rn i c &ign i& usaj.Jy cliff:J.llt for Leos. ffow~vt:r,
rn vil.iw iniportant pniod11 of cJ1ae a& Qf fh:; f;r{!ate&r agv;wta~f :al\t ttie wpen :he S4P pmgrqses frnm Lrn
a Hlffes~ion of fhallrn;e!i ami a mi;Uls iPhHrnt Ot&f!! flr p&yctioiogkal imo Virgo mese people are a.P.k to
w pm{'irn&&, t:h~y will rnpt: w;l!. WhQlrn<:; &&will nm ajw<iys p; accomp'l- <!Ssess sit,atiqps nqre careftt!ly, qnd re
Leilmr~ i&an afm rnnf~pt tt:l Lrnih nit:cf py a wilhngnf&&to face Hfl tq peg- far less likely ro ~dopt swe:piJl!?i g<::n<::r-
who ~rnfor- rn fil! ;y;ry rm:imrnt wit:h lVi: pep:mify tra~ (i4::p as vanity), aUzatiqns. They cqn ajsq PP mor~ sm>
nivity. Thl!Y ar@Rmtttmn in t:h{! t:rnr ami rn&a&t{lr& may fRIJ1:nv. cessftly sejf-criti:aj, recogp..izjpg wy
st!nlil;!, 11inrn t:hl!Y hav@ no hoPbit:li <l& Thf icte<tl pannH ha& a &m:mg ;imi tendencies ~q self-!qtisfactjpn (espe-
1mfh; ali th@ir trrrnm; rn ~ inl(;prnlert PliJ1c!1'!gaiiist whkh the ciajJy pver creatjve wmk) anl rajce a
pmfo1:1ional &tandan1 . Ht:lwtivrr, tiwy &ttl::ij~n fill lih-pt:n N& m f!er wits: rp41=h wore qpjective anq jQgj:aJ
mwt nm !=i@ &c;llf- &<it:i&finL <i!i litilf- &QPlf!:me wiW. rnff{lr~m anl a.ttirnqe to lif~. '
criticilim is im;onant. Don't forget thar worry is m:oqd
l\nirnm!im will optm n{lW dRf:lf~ Qf natwe rn Virgoans, so it will \le a pity
Uo: tht:y will llrnaly havi; m4W ff it c!oJ.lQS th: n.ormally
inrnmt rn fi:lllf:lw u~ anl l;v;llp. i,eompe m1r!oolc. They shltth:I warch
Tht!Y will v{!ry Hk~ly rnm &i:im; hob- for rNs, ancf e11joy adqing Virgqan
bk!i inrn mi:int::vmakin~ rnrn=t:m&1 fRr analysis a11d concern f.qr derajJ ff>. W,eir
t:h@y won 't wam rn l{'fept a !itandqrl considerapje orgaization'l! ;ihi!it:ir&.
of livins th<it li:iwt:r t:han rhe ll{l Leo enthusiasrn and optirr*m will ni:it
t:ht!Y havl! b~~n im:l rn. pe c:iimrned, bm they may pr,:q::ime
sligf!t:Jy more ci4tjous a!1cl 'l lin!e
fkalth, m~t w d st~~r~iii{! less cframatic.
~cpin~ an < mm rnm:}r in rh{!jr hvt:& i& Those whos~ crqpve peor lw been
imponant, Orherw1!it.:1 fhpif u& exprqseq in craftworl<, or whP. enjPY
til\f!illtJnt vitaly may P{! bmrn:l llt worl<ing with their pands, shP.Hlcf fi11d
now anc:i a~ain t:hrnttt?\h t:~hlUtll th~ir lexq:rity qpq practico a\ljty
The h~an i11 the Ltil m~<1:n 1 ~l L{ll~ increqses. This wiU 4lso be seep i11
wokl gg wt:ll rn prvem fll&&iPI; ot:her area.s of life, srapi1izi11g W,e
ht!art cii11l!a&r lw fart:ful ru~ ic anl f{lgu- Leqp..ine qtioolc and perhaps aqpjng
lar cx@rfi!iti, Tlit: Plfk j alm Vl-l{!falll!! sqrne caution anq cjcrjmin<ition al:mm
anct &houlct Ptl flrefully t:X,{lffi&~l a& mqpey. This wiU be welcome, :spe-
wcll. Da 11"in~1 if!! - ~katin ~ anl fP.rqu ::f i::i4lly if it rnrnt:s at a time when t,he
cxerd1>@with a f rt!at:iv~ {!itmrnr lfp Leo 1s ea.ming a.P,ility is gro.wi11g. Tf!e
ti&pedally rt!wardillfl; A li:iv~ i:if rifh a.ctrntional common sens~ wj h:lp
food& 11hmilct be rnrl:it!l thern whrn t!rny thinl< of lpqg-t{lrn
savings, insurance, morrgag;es qr
&timttlning ile<is anl <iml:>itinns wo1-1!ct &imilM prnjc;lcts.
lt: pn f~:r ti:l Jq::p the rnrntally anive When a. Lrn Ascencta.nt progr:&scs to
Lrn nn me l::i'l!J. lf a pl-nner i& Virgn t:hert' is a gonc! chapee that sqwe
P11yehQlogiBI motiv<liln &tanlinf!i in hi& m her i:iwn ri~ht, eit:her nf t:h~ Lrn;nism will be mo.di-
The orsani~atiqnaJ al:iilicy i::if any inrn- he~~J..I Se r:if &tti::cs;is Qf &
Qffif'. lt:h{lr char- fiei:t. lnr.rospeci:ion will ;ippeqr ip&teaq
viciual i& powerfully rnhlflf(;l when ln Hi&tii::i &tti:h <i& gr:at P!".lllYi rhrn sq aPc! sr.rcngthen the self-crtical S".lemept
Leo r11@11, U11forru'nateiy1 &Q !i U\: !ik~ mttfh me t:>enn. Ths: ~uhjs:n :ap th()n - <!lway& ~ekorpe where Leo. js a
lihooct of pompmiry anl rh!'. rnnvi~ ba&~ in rh!'. rdl~i::t()l glr:iry. sm:ing inflw.inct' . A 11e~q to serve qpd
tion that the UQ k.rllW& l::inwr mar Vtlin~r<ibililY tA p&yi::hologirnl cJism- help otht'rn ma.y a!so emprg~ anq,
anyone else. Tl-it& 1manrnniv1? <l&&ump- l~rs is filirlYrnmmr:in, ml th;sp a!liS".c:i to th\.l Lrnnille o.rgarnza:iqpal
tfon 11hm1ld btJ comrnlkd . Th!'.'. ct~&i re ailmrnt& frequenrlY~how rhtlffisplv~s <ibility, t:his my well rt'&!-!lt in pi:isj:ive,
to imcq;eci iit ll110 vc:ry !itrnn~ 1 hm may pxrrrml!y. A Pill l::ia::J\. m ntlck.afhr down-tn-t:artli m
leaci to t:h!:i &tifling of crpativt: in&tirwt& ffi"lY lw ::au&er:L for, l::iy <i blow or?;anizati.on& o.r charit:ies.
in favor of mm~&& in t:hp car;n1 whii::h to rhr &~lf- pu:em m sqme r:ivrly h~rsh Tlw nv~ n~i;e11 j ng self-:onfknce of
will be 11ought aftcr ~o a& rn rnhancp ::ril=ifi!im th;n IHs l:lt:rn rnlcrn toR mm:h Leq may diwini11h." Thp Leo will W.rn
th!i lifo11tyk of tht: Leo and hi& m to hplft. Apparent:Jy jpq plifahk bafk- fine! ir ~a&in to. st:t' p<i~t i;rrnrs ml
her farnily, Thl& i~ whi:illy ldmirnl:il~1 pilin !='ln pe 'l mm(; m le&! r~g4j .r ::ir- )t'.arn frqrp th~Pl, ancf will be ks& reaqy
bm rnay well b(: ctamaging if tht'. vital rnrn&ta.ncri if it P.ernrn e~ rti<l!ly to ai:cept hi~ or her lighte&t thf:lught as
CfC'ltiVtl Ur{'j{! Jli n Qt !,!jiV@f1 ,&(@{! l'J Xpres- di&abU11~ 1 fh:se pegplt: &ho41l lnq~ rn Qpd-gj'yep. In mis wa.y, th~ Vi rgQ.
!iiOn: Leo& 111!(:0 rn cn?Mf a& tl),:jr !ife&tyJ:& anl trYfQ fipcj !l pRssil::ik influince is pqsjtive "llA shol-lll hS".IP
well as to prn&ppr. j:l&YfhRiqf!iif<ll p 4se. ri;mp::r mi; i1111~tt: ()gotisw.
The Traditioruil o
Assoclation~ of Leo
2 ~ 1-1 ly = ~~ A1-1t11-1~t Saffron, peppcrmint,
rmem,ary' re
T Hr- !ll~I~
Th~ liRn iij a&&m:ired wim th ~ PaHHn
r:if tlr& in it& rnnijrt!!llrion, pqsT!VJTY /:j f- Nll f.R
may mi~i n al l y hlv~ PPtln &Hf!,f!,;&t;l flq&ifiv:, m&rnlin:
l:iy in it wij pml:i!l:ily l'lmn in
Egypt at l11a&t flOO y~r HC Tmqr::m P!l- f: ~c: M p-:r

Q ApRn1r::m Qt Q ApTY
~mw 1\\
Thf'. h:qn, spinc '111H lH~~

l~Wl l'l !=i P~l\l'lfT


lrnly T!l-ns
pJm, !'lay, lami.: LwJtim, r:i!ivf'.,
fitrn& mi ~~

hPIY ! l''
S.H!lflQwH, marigpjcj, ce l'lf1 Ri %
flfl~~iP.n fl qwer

ltsly, fulmni, f:ily,
C.fef h oi flvaki~, mHhnn lrnq,
_,;pnon, th' lomh rif frnnf!l

fu:lm, Prn;H;, Homl:iay, Mdril, fQQi:i&Tm
Philadiilphi, Chi:m, kr:i& MPat, rj:~, hr:inH, ~rop~ arn:j vjnes
' Anf!,tl~.&, fnh, fimil, P:mmmnh, in g~ niera l ; Vllf!,mllf'.& wii:h high
&yrnrne, Plm fl&rn 1mn rnmrm

' ]r~oami
arn in i;:gn&tam mmimi lll~ rn th~ir They si111p!y like being kept P4W
RaJ:her s!ly, sq J:hat t'1e pjaygmunp can
V afomctant n~ry~u& fnH~ lt is vi~al ~hat _this seem tJi.reatenrg, rpey 1T\Y be ~ee11 a&

@n~r~ firtct a pq& mw Autkt1mh~rwi&t: n wiU &taqofftsh. farepts shqlq dq ':Very-

b@frin~rnct away in rn!itle&& twit~hin~&&. Viq~oans possiQle tq peJp J:hem devf!np
&hmilct alg kam rn i;:~mer tht:m~~lvt:& anl self-cqnfidenq:, espi::cj;.ijy a~ exafllini-
ai;:hi~v@ irmN i;:alm. lf th~y lqn1t1 t~n&ion ~ap pe tiqn pme. Tht: Virgoan tenqency tQ
.._..""'.,_ - a &~vor~ prnbkm am1 1 rnix~l with th~ Jmo1>t worry wm o.therwisi:: be overwh~lmwg,
in@vitabk Viq~oan WQfY1 wiUl~<il m! mysteriorn iUnesses will appeM.
Virgoans will wqrJ<. from dawn fq
~~~" _ nt!rv~u~ ~~~@t~, Wor:ry i&n the nNt pf mo&t_p~rsonal q&k ro builq anq wairnqip thejr f<Ullily
prnl1 emfi for tlurn~ mctivilual anl l&Pt:H q::mm~r~cf by thnr hqllle ir a way th~t saP,sfies J:heir mvn
amtlytical ~ criti~al anct pranifal qualiti~s. rnghly critica! stanqards. Career
wornen will make time for qqmqtjc
work, l::im Jllusm't 11penq so rnucp f:irpe
deaning and polishfug that mey nevn
efljny the eflvironmt:nt they so. li:i~ingly
Mo11t Viq;oan&art: prani:fil1 llm rhP&~ T'JM.p.ffflN4f Yrn.f:> Th4w ::rpite. Jf a partnt:r accuses them P.f iW
who aren't rnn ali rno tia&ilv P(lrnmi:; ! op&ession wit'1 &pjt apcj polish, rhey
bosged down in me &mal! letf Rf Mat#e.ff wrui .fPY shnuld ta.kt: note! Similarly1 l::ioth sexes
prnbkmfi. Thi ~, ifidtied1 i& ime of their Mrtirnlatt:r ffnd rr/iab/r &hmllcl try to avqjq brin9ng work
;;fii@f diffk ultitili; that mt:ir :riti:fil ac4-
men can be overappli'1d1!lom tP thi;m-
dve~ and rn om'1r p(!opl ~ 1 rnwiin?i
probkm11 in prnmnal relatii:in~rnp&.
fu'.lentlc1111 1 ;;arpinf:?; :ritki&ITI i& t:ti~ir
' .
.flrffi:fipffl fP1fl diliJJrnf
f ntrlligent 1111d ff11Cf/JrimJ
fU.fUJ ff pi a W(JfYf(Y
Orrri:ritirnl ff Pff hffrs,h
11001<0, othprwise thH'U. nevt:r have
timt: fo.r th~ir family.
T'Q wor~ ~t tlrnir very best, Vir~oan&
wom faulr. frrfe;tiarii.rt ffrt4 ;on.fffpatipr i:irnlably n~c;q &l.lPnvisjQn. Not only is
What ii; need1;1d irJ ;} prniitivP &ymhP&i& it pft::p 4iffic4jr fpr t:lwm rn 1:;e wpat
of th~5c:: qualitieri1 prndu:in?i prnpli; N.Jirwmw~ shmilcl p~ rlonp, P4t t:vpn if mey cm
who are h ard c WQrl\in ~ and prn:tipil 1 dn &P rht:Y may pe appret1t:11sive abi:mt
and who will 11tanct no nomm&1;1 q':a} '
Orifimlly1 anff/yfirn#Y1 ta!OO~ maners inrn th~ir nwn hllld&,
11rn11ibly witl1 prnbl~m ~ (their qwn1or ;arpir1g/y feiflg themselves inrnmpet~Ilt Q
otlwr peoplti 1), arn:I arn mn&t Uk.PIYtP wn.q('.fir~. hPw P.ther p.cropk wiU
rtia.liit: tht!ir ful! pmrntial. q;:eve t}1eir i::ffrt~ . .J31n ~yi;n ;m
Virsrnm!l a.rn talkaJivt! 1liv{!ly in M!'Jitt- iri&tfu:tipn th~y wiU fo!lnw it to th~
mtim and 1 like thcir M~ rrnry- rnh:l very P':&t of thiir ahiUticr&. They mfl.k:e
cow1in& Geminian~, enjoy rnmmunirnt- crxcellem prrsonal assistw.ts mq herel
infi t:hi;ir ii::leali 1 which arn w1ually with - um, are tP~ narnral frrn al cntics :f
out frill&1 and ckarly anct 1;:011omi~<\1ly m~ zpcf1c. As wntprs mcry havl". a sh;:.rp
cxprc:1mid, Hern, hgw~v~r1 a pt'.r- PID &top them fuUy ~:JCprfl~sins tmth in:ijve &tyl<; wrni=h ~ P.f grcr:t alvan-
cham fbr cti;rnil "' n-ap th{!m into thi;ir pflysi:aJ :ml t:mltii:m'll li:wcr. tige if th~y ; in ~he nmlia.
ovc;rnlabo.ration; cirny mtt!it karn rn &PI:' l'hcry mu&t lcrarn tQr'. lax1 ilnd if (in MllY milkr p~:pl lem tea~hcrrs 1 11P
the brnad"r gutlin" of thin~&- & cas~s) mey hve tiU1phi thn11- qrhers qq welJ in me megictl prqfoi-
&Plv~s m rngarl scrx wjth suspicign, &iP,n, ~qrh in c::nvenP,qn.j m
Partn,r!ihlp karr1rn cr: it 'l . happy :xpr!?!ii{..ln qf :qmplqpemary mrlicine.
Stilfcttlni~ration " ofrnn ~~t in th~ th:n emAtinrnll levm:m wfch t.hey
&PQttld allnw ih~mselves tQ shgw tl=l 'l
Vjrgqans 'lre flOt frnnticaJ)y ampi-
i:im1~; in H~p, jqps thH nrnst w<it~h
way whtin 'l Virf:?ioa11 i!i thinkin!'Ji of

dt!tipim in~ pt!rmnal. rnlatinn&hip:
"What QQ!i!i ht!/!ih{! !i~~ in md - rm
P!l"t:nfr. Thc qffier IT\Q&{ inhilliting fa;:- thair tenq{:n:y tq ca,rp. if rj1ey want to.
tnr ii meir t{ln ~:fonf'y rn !1 ~1 whj;:h l:l~ P.P.P,ttlar as well a~ ~ffi~jent . A hi~h
nm SPQQlillPllj;i;h fr him/h~r. n This ffi{ly muH rnrl, salary will pe carefuJly managcrf, hm
;an be Ft:nuin@ molP!i1)'1whi:h (ti~pe ftiey 'shP,,ld try tl mjny &pemUn ~

i;ially in younf:?i prn1on in lov" fr th" Fflmily
flm tiinl') can b<i ;h armin~ - bm mi:m,~ The Virgq ~hild is l<:lt, c\pn ;mp a
mprey as well ai invef:iflg ii.
ofi:en dw prQblern i&leepc;r1<md y<Jry wiUing work~r at &chogJ. Exarfiscr Change, leisure and retirem<;11t
Vir~oam lihi:mld &triv!'.l fr th(! &elf- PPlk wi!I l tptajly gevgg qf fty Virg:us 1 in generaL Jook fgrward to.
rnnflct'1nrn-which will allow them to &mm:lge 1 :imi th~ h:imtwriting wilj pe retirement as '!fl P.p:mrtullity rn rnlti-
am;pt :nmplimrnt!i ~f'li;:~fully1 and :lfar ano l~!liille. Wfjng wpr~crr& whn v:ite anl :tevelqp t:h~ hnlP,ic;1 with
(mut iwpcmant) to btllkve thl!m. trnly rnjoy pejn9 ~vrn thim~s ig qq 1 whic\) they have ajways filleg t:hcrir
Kind and wlll\n?; to :lg anythin~ for these ;:rnlcirrn pm earn ri; pmation 'l!i spare P,me'. Thesf: wilJ almot l;tlrtaiJ11y
thi;:ir partntJrn 1 thcrir narural mPl'.lilY teachern 1petsi P i nm mcr f!Se , including garqeipg, f.or Uiey arn .
VIR!=;Q . HH

The Symbolism of Virgo


Tlw Vlr:illll !it:m&tmw Th: &ii;r !ia& 'ID affi11i1Y

i&th~ rcddi&h-lm:iwn wj- lw v!)sf ri nw ap q
~arcimwx t!i!-'. feq nqi:y of fhe
earfh - Vi fipliq:y or

F~ W l'l~ ~
All l:irl:ihctr rnlnrnd,
& m~ll llwm ar~
'-Tr!Jer IJj d;irk l:irnwn
re fav:rif!l Vj rgp~ r
Hlp mfoil

A r., JMt\! -~
nr. rn1~t1 11 n "1
Vir!;Aln& mw1lly rnjl!' Ali 4oTTJmic p<:rs - in
garrip1 lar, cat&anq 4oi;s
wrnin &ma!I dmili:d - fa ll !-! nder r!ie r~1kr& h 1 p

l\l'i ll\l~j Pi-1\l\IH Nut-q:arin g m:q,
Mi::mm' isViriA'& sucji <s ~lw lrnz:I,
rnli n p!n~r <\C Vir&l~ n mi;:&

t= TY
Jlri is tw ff rfiP.ll
a Vj rg~i~ :jry
narnral lfld i;mhu11ia&ti( ~anfon!:lf&. have a n<'l mr41 imtincr. r.har. heips t:Jiem inner w4rm:h ani:I sensitjvity wj g,ij
Any dimin utin11 of inrnmi;1prnvicfol ir. ilP1tifY with all Mercmy-rleq i:harac- r.Jie slig) britr.le eqge of their rea:-
i11 nm rna1111ivi;1 will b.~ ~rn~rnq wiW. t:Hi&ti:s ai well <\& th~ pa&ic principies tions anq, WQ tenQH, lovip~
equanimity rnrnful wim mon~Y1 mt'.Y :f ~mini - A& <i rf&Hlr., t:hH ar~ wmally sentimi;:nts will pi;: cjiaract~ris~c. Th:i~
are not d!!vor.i;d rn it, .k4(k of &~!f vn y w~ll im~gr<it:fd psychq)p~jcaJJy, prnple rnay :a)ce ~e eaw way mn Qf
rnnfid(!n;:e ;:.n makt: chIDg!'&ar. wmk ami pmviln::l 'meir pmenr.i'll i&rnn- argume11ts and pro!Jlems.
rathcr diffirnlt to rnp{l with . The muctiv~ IY apq pA& itively 4jr~:te.:j , Worry is more likely to affeq :h: sys-
thrnat of beine fimt i11 fri!'ljhtrning; m~re js <i gi:lPl chance mM r.h~ir lives t:ems of r.Jme prnple, for ex<impl: ctus-
om of worl<, they ar~ fl!'Hle!i&in m\:'. ir wiU be &pkmf:jjy fulfilJq:j. ing constipar.ion anq sirnilar prlti!em&.
cffon to flnd a n~w jnl ml1wiHing The VirnRaP tef\Qency mwarg11 Hypo.:honcfri4 is very ljkejy, in wJiicfl
and hard work{lrn, t:h{ly ~hmilf1 do !iR wmry ang hypncritici&m !11<\Y P~ .:ase r.hi;:y sh1:mll <is&e&s any healr.h
more ea11ily r.hiin rlio11t . rnrn~l inw<irl&An me se!f. Thi& is pro!J\i;:rns lo~iq.IJy qnq not rnake
hlq:jy m giye rise rn the same prpple m~ mq1.nwlins Ollt qf molehills.
Hcmlth 1 diet ami @J(effie :f jieq4i:hes anq mi ~ri.ipe& r.l.t w~
It i&c;1111ential fr Virf!;Ollli to &penl a&
ffil-lfh time; illi flOlilii bk fl me fr;&h VJR.Go PR.oGRE&sEn TO Lrn~
andi if po&&iblei in me rnumry.
Childrnn of narnrtl 1 th~ir &pirit <1+e When a Virg;oan Slln pmgresses imo
rnvived by lonij waJJq and ;:yi:k ridl'~ .kil:lra, Jife nllY b.ti rn.J<tip l fr.Je rpqr:
Thi!1 ili a!lm a !ii~n nm;:h rt:ln~d r.o rnsily, ;im:! wi:ire time inay pe se: <lsid~
whokfood dii;t&and V{l~ctariani11m . f:r ki~re . Morp mon{ly wiU prnp.bly
The Vir:iQan di{lt mu11r. p!rnry pe sp~n t QP simple pleasim: . h will be
Qf fiben thhi ~un &i:in rnlti& r.hti PQWel&1 C\!i':r fqr f.h~S~ p~op l~ f.Q r{laJj?:C tPtiy
and rnniitipation " rntrn('. prnhlerns1
Yl-!ally bticaw:1{l Qf an rnihalam:~d iliet .
fTls: rn11 t:ml tht'.ir trn&ion, <Wd fincf
ways qf QP,ing sp. They wi ll b: l:ss
Mniirnlly admirn&Wmi ct rn~& don't hard Rn r.Jien~e lve& anq r.he~r pqrf.Q:rs.
. uir. many Virgoam1 and t:h{ly &hmild The ~hange of ~ n ign may ocrnr iH
1way WH<;h ~arnfully fr any allermr- a ti111e wh ~ n :he jp::!iviq4al i& rnmin~
f~li11ti c ami lmmrnpaffii;: m& rn term~ wi:h hi~ :r hn pmotion<ll lifo
;m: gft:rn fvmi;ct1wtth @~;:cJJt:m anq peeq~ . lf SI=}, j: will llflW p(l (la!iitir
r 1mlt1>. RYlflfti r.lw bi;&r. anw~r w fqr :h~r to shi:iw f.heir lqve ano .ff~c
VirgQan healr.h prnbkm& 1 plu @l<'.c;rcise tiqn, ang thejr na:ural Virgoan rnod-
n~ fnrnh air; ir. rn a mi1ltiilie n:i saHifiq: esty wi ll ge temi:wred. Th~ Lihrnn
th~~e fr family or wmk, Thti<l pei:i.11ti need P.r pe<\~~ and h<irmony wiU
aJq lrnef rnnliidt:rnlly fmm rd ;pcc pecome evjgept 1 anq as a r{!imlt r.hi;
<lQQl techni Qll~& lil-lfh il YCJ~il i pq f4- incjjvjdual wi p qe <11:lle to takt: a mor~
tjgn i ti. pi;fillly ~ood if r.htiy qri; pro ne pajanq ::I iew qf ljfe. The chara:feriiitic
rn worrY1alm1:m~h rt:llitinti; imrmiptif - peat, busip e~~like Virgo<in imatlitl may
tl!:m JlW t:;acHl:larn r.h@ pmll@m, $ive way to a softer1 mqre rpmanti:
As il re~ lllt gf wmrie (PHhilp lP94t hav rnfnP qc:;q abgve. The s~n e solu- lok: dark cglors and small panc;ms
he rnre r gr fmiMi VirgAllS <1+e tic:m 'lpplifs - partiq jqr q e wim qiet, becomin pastel shades and larije, ftQ-
oft:tn v1n rnl:>lll tl &evHe htllache m ID p,roper meqjcal 'lfiviq: . Very often ral designs. Ven4s 1 sign placintli in
vep migrajne&, 1\ hange Qf dii;t pqy W.@se pegple neel tQ work hqrqer to natal chart will assu me grear.t:r impm -
h eJ~ morn m<Yl mc:;y rrn4zti 1 q r.htV <> ta!Jhsh a re4sonaple jegree pf self= tance, and its inquenrn on thti
shoylg seek mi;;gjca.] advi~e if r.h~y gq rnnflcttinci:; tlHl q14 S ~m Virgoans. Cfo individual will no\.\( be morn mark@d,
b ve pajnfi.11h{lgache. 4ssess mis fullYi other plaf\etary posi- When a Virgo Ascendant pm~rn&~s
tio s anc:t relationsmps ip me chart into Libra the nm:d t relate ln d@p d~
mim pti ex<WJ jpeq. Confc s rejating to a partner, and o develog . rnally
tl self-cri8ci&IP pe Wfkeq clase and satisfaqory rapJOFt wim 'm m
mm hi an iruportant way Qf building or her, is strongly enhanced. lf th@('.
Psy hologiaj mgtiY'lti9l llp confidence is to aj}ow sorne self- people are unattached, care rn u~t be;
Q .te freg mly whrn Viq~g ri~es w pr se, rather :han invariably denigrat- taken that in their anxicty tg @l'prn~
finq the otber Merrnry- ruled sign 1 Hrn gersgnal achicvements. Sccess in themselves in this way they fon 1t rn~h
Gq i ni, n tJ"ie Midheaven. Thi pffers rn'js respeq will depend tQ a large into a relationship, ignoring thtiif nat-
~ rU . ~e psycpglggirnl pmen~ al fDr ~ne G~t: t on uppringing and the attitude ural Virgoan criticl sense. h@Ywi!!
mqvid4iJ cpnc12rptid: Wti pnn 1pl & gf gf gar~ms~ if this was highly critjcal, also be ablc to take a more rn!a$@d
Merqry - w e nepg tP, q minti t very roe problqns wiJI be more intractable. view of life, and the whole pemmajity
sination in Jife in &re!J dernU -= are l n pqe-tq-one rejationships, in spite should develop a potential inn@r- :aJffi
hardsomely un i ~fl t9 th fl<'; t cl rn of Pie ttndency to pag, a remarkable which will do much to case away Wlc
communicare. Th{l{l imJivjgyaj will emgt:igoalresponse will be seen. An sion , worry and nervous restk;~~l@& ,

' r
V IRqQ 9 103.

The Traditional
Associations of Virgc:>
24 A1-1j!j1m ~ 12 :prt:ml'lev

T11~ i\WIN
Ni~Mrn, E.zyprian ;mll1t~~ nf !!irniIJ,
wa& pml:lal:lly rlw on;1IJal of iJie
Virgin (rlw li:zyprian hefV!!H Rt\!!inl
whtln th11 Mm111 waij in rhi~
rnn&tdlarion). In S.imnia t:tw
fill;.irn, filr fmm l:t11in~ a virgi n, wa~
rhat ffhQ Qr:ar MmhH, wh&:
la.igbrrr wa& &Qm~riml'~ Wt'
j!j~mlian f tlw harvQ~t

AJI l:iri:;htly cplqrel, sm'lJI f.1wers:
p~ rri q. lilrly wim l:iJ.: m yi: llnw
rnlms; m'lnY Rf ffiqs: :irnibmi.:i:!
rP ris:inini
A~~ame lf MnrnrY'& rnrHI
rlJlmhip, ali nm-lwa rin~ m:e&( a~
wirh (l:minil - nm ~nl('.ly G l!ll~
mm, hlwHH

Pm1r1v1F/(:i rnn!R
Nf'.Jiiltiv;, f.qpjnjri~

Til-m-1nn f11l- JO,p.1f1"IT

AN l l<\ALS
Qi\fl!lW!lr=iTY q<. Q App
Al j cjppesti c pn~
AlnY Alj.f.A
Thi: n;rvAll~ mr:\11, mirn ai:h
anl inr:~i:i1w&
fir.!'B& !\~[1 jijf:f&
ThR.f a gcim! wirh l~rnini,
\pin pqoa p~c ::f rhe li ll ~ rhrm.g

G,{~PIRII-> ~
(l rcccc, rhc Wcst Indies, Tm~:y 1 .
!P.e mtc ofVj rginia , SA, Braril 1
Crctc; Yugosiavi'l, M;opota n1H,
~pwcr Sibia
~pston, H eidelberg,, Paris t'\rhem1 fP O DSTl.!jr rS
hyons, C<1rinth, 1m1st spa ~ nl Vegetables grown uncjer the earth ,
hcalth rcwrt' and als ~ h ose n iled by Gernini
h~ &~al~!i1 th~ !iymbol nf this &
ign1hav~ <i Q!'.'.cisive (s,:e al:icive ); given a :h0,jce,
ct~~ply &ymppf: m~<inin~ fr &nn !iign .j..,il:iran c'1j)cj.rep wiU o.f:en ask "\Vhat
Li\:mm&1 &in~e the ne~ct fm halan~~ anct harrnony wou!cl yqu choo.&e, Mornmy?.n Do.q't
give i11 rn t:hi~ plo.y! Poinr mn l!'.
in th~ir liv~& i&parami:mm. Th~y n~~d a harrno- v;ios oppons 1 anct QO ali yqu PlP
1 n::rti& hilck~n:nmct 1 fr~~ of undm: pre11sur~ lnl tp rr;.ke yong Lj\)rans 1-av~ p-i:
__ ar~Ym~m~ in mcter t:q h~ happy. Th~y will &onw- conficirnce to 'ihink for therr&elves.
timt'.s ~V~P mak~ &aqific~& fr th~ &<lf:.e of p~<lce l-hppiness at :pool is jmportOPt for
\ \ , anct q11iN 1 ~ivin~ in rno ~<isily to presimr<;! frorn oth- nfajrly aU chi!Ciren, twt a Liprap chilq ~fateg
("It's not fair! 11 is a comrno.11
- ~rn~ anct wh~n ~onfrnm~ct wh l prohl~m tlwy wiU sit rnmp!aint) will magnify tj-ie irj4&tj:e ro
on th~ fon~c umil th~ prnhkm gu~& lW'lY1 rnthH th<in ~nmmit si.ich an ext,:11t mat it will interfere
thcmsclv~s to onc &ict~ m th~ of~r. wim W!'.'. t,:achin~ process, anl up&n
t:Pe chilct for muct jppger tP4l rnight
l:i~ expeqeq. Creapye pQt,:n:ial & h1=J4ld
(.oj;~~ ~~~~~~ , ,..,~ be reccigniz!?cl and erico4rag~cl; theri::
Ded&ion-malcing1or 1mpponing om: 1~ ~f~IDN~.L~~~TR4f~ ~~ is oft:en real talent h,:re, p.t if left: to
i ~~e lf it Jl1Y no.t levelop a&quickly as
5idti of an arsumem 1ofi:rn involv:& witP &OJl1e p:her ~ n &fgn&.
taking one per1>cm 1 iiidti again&t Dip,/a1m1tic anfi urpflnr ~ Lil:iran parenrs are k.inct 1!o.ving a.nd
anmh~r1 and Libran11 havti a detip rns- r' lt llrnff ntic fl1Hf chftrrninp ~ g~nt!e, PIH 111ust pewqre of l:ii::jpg o..t-
like t~ ~m~n~ mhn p~opk . '* E!H]f(f1ing fl- p d ffia4ir ~ a q11icl<;n -111indeq chil~ p!ay-
Ind~"mon lli t:he wom Libran firnk ~I Idrqlfrtic q.~;# pearrnhle ~ jqg Pl tlie Lilra.n teni:krify tci ~iv~ in
Librani1 find it morti difftrnlt rn rn~(l
with km~lin~i1 than any othtir siri of ~, I nflffiS.iFr a;;{i :pqngr:ablr: f rnmer than in&i&t i:m thi; rnurne thl-'Y
know rn P.e P.e&t. h is tpQ e;t&y tQ &poil
the ~odiaf. Complete happinti&!i fP.r , (.!ul/ibJe nfi eas,il.y influ,rnfrd
. ~. a dl q fm we 11ike nf P,!'!t!? and 9uiet,
them mNm harmg thtiir livtl~1 Flir-tatirmJ anfi s.rlf-iri-fiit-larrit ~ espi:;ciftlly Ry qfferin~ bri\Je! lt is al&i:i
altlmut'!ih when thtiy arn alonti1 othn ~ tqQ eaw rn alll'Y Qfledf to pe worn
arna& of th~ir birth fhan11 may &how J4rwrnw.~ ~ lP.Wn by adft1&pjeas fqr m e~pf,'.0 -
qm1fi'!i whkh rnahk thtlm io rnmti
to tt:rm11 with thi& prnblfm.
LF<ine!l ;md rnlaxat:iori 4n; ofwn
H qrm.rnigv,.f/11 'rymptftbrtirn-Jl:y,
~jve rny s:ir pi~~~ .lf ~quipment; cml't
&ive in tp,q 9HickJy (if at a!l), !?&ptlcifllly
~ if fasaj pp js 111vqved. A J-,jbrnri pare11f &
agciattll wim thi &ign bm that iii nm in qeci ~iQfl cm jnf.1ri;ne ru& Qr h~r ;pij-
emirtlY fo-ir: Whik Libran~ may not
rnjm1 heavv1diny jol.111 1thtiy firrninly
1 i
rtren: q~fi ~jpn & shqHll nm P.!? &P~lv~ct
qr hanqeq r.ver rn me p,arrner (ffWait

dPll 1t lad~ phyical ~.nn~1 ept:fiillly if unp( p acj.dy CpJl1eS roflle'' },
thti m hall a utia~ve el!?mtim;
indeeg1 rq:ern rp&r,:m:h ha &hmvn that CJareer
thqe bm11 wimin thP ftm ftvp or &i;x: Libran ~ enp,y IHn ry anl a p:imfort-
QlY gf this f.p ign pnigg rnay ~tlm A1th1:mgh Hs11'llly pqce-lwing1 LiRrans aple lif~sty e, R tJiey ne~g tl earn
rel,xeg Pf!=iUJe mev mil-ka time m h- p,rnet:imi::&prnv9k:e qffilrr1ents (even Rlenw qf m p m;y. Tpey q n ijsp Ptl
tt:n tl ftienQ 1 prnhlem an9 ymp<i- fHite serig_us :mes) with t:heir parruf".rs Qverly ge pcq::p&, whi:h can an a& 4
thi7jf in orrpw or harn ji:w1 hm to tt&t thfl ilffticp:in llfl reassurn sp,yr tq 'often in.p,re&sive carHTli, Tp~j r
crn;iUy they are VHV anive and themse}ve mat thf p<irmershig is rnally wgrking envirp,rf11e'1 t i; f\P.t qf grn;n
anythim~ bm t:-ime-watt:rn, lf.:vin~ - 'Ihcy shm1ld pe:; aware of this iniportapce t then, lwt r~ei r rnl -
tl:'. mirncYi H'.fl 'ltel!y upseniog me leagues arn - tl1ey ~f!ike f_Y prnpk ,
fartn~rsrnp PPH jusi in gp::\er tg be rescueq can pe ~lave drivers and erpp,loyers who won 1t
Thti mP. r im .. P~rrnn_t liphern lf _a Lilrw irrjta:ing tQ pffiqs. J..Jgrans qn pe ajlow them tp ' at heir qwn plfl,'..
lifi i whewer l.,1gra I& me frn liHP1 Ar e;x:p,-enejy genernys, l:ir s~qylq recog- Tlieir nced fo r harmqny is $hQw11 her~ :
Ase; mia11t1 is t-he ~m:- rn- one r~latis:m rnze th pigm mwhen thelf motives like-minqed colleam. e~ are i P.rion .
shl Libraps ar nm p~yfhnlo~ifa1h1 become not tf1e givir& of pleas4re but Any profession calling for taq ano
whP.lf umil t-hi hii~ li.;en lll=fffu!ly m pun:hase gf effeqjgn. diplomacy offers them great gppm=ru-
nities'. The luxury p-af!es (fasru'on 1
'l .hieves:t, ang their 1-lYal inlft'QP
mw w 11 tak~ a l!:~k ~eat when i.t liamY beauty, cosme:ics) are popular, whil~
q:pie& g roman:ic rnmmitmrnt. fin Thr i,lt?rnn i:nd is ~IHrmins ;mq the qualities of their polar sign 1 Arle 1
sign J.,jprans are flllt rnmantit1 llQ ea9~ r rn pl(la!p. Jlarenrs spo~ld ~atch sometimes attract them to he .rrr(;g
will be st rry-~yeg for mm1m~ whfn fgr my ren tg prncras:mauon or services, where they may attain rnnk.
planning t-heir we~hUn& 1 withmn 1 fleI'- la:z:jpes i whjch Cqfl qevelop into seri- They are ambitious 1 but shoulcj t:hink
hap~1 givin~ 4fficiem Thmmht rn WP'lt O lJS prgplem later in life. !t is essential carefully before taking a lonely rnp jol'!:
comes aft:er t.Jie cerllmony. that tJle cNJd enc4raged tp, pe isolation does nt agc:;e with thtiw.
Sapp!ii re
Sapphirc anci jci; l fP
Cr:ippn i~ rlw mml
~hiafh1 a&~nl'iar;ci wirh

Llri,~, o p11 l:m rm~& anci
any l:ll 11~ fiowm, rn~h a& Ljbraq cplors ipcl>Jtj~
l:ll11:1:ll1 &, m rPlawcJ pink, pa!e green ancj
to Lil:lrn various 'shadcs ofblur

J_,ipra, likc Taurs, is
as~Q~jarccj with cerea is
SYMl0!- 1~ ~,
Th~ ~~ak& of Lil:lra

!l,>;Q PiANl'I Ljz4rcjs and othcr srp;ll

r~p,fi!i::s <ire Lipra -ruled
VenY~ l Lil:lra '~ rulin~
plantJr cre:i.turcs

Thc 4sh ancj popl~r ;re
COUNTRff~ rei~req rn )..,jpra
fiyrma, Til~r anct I ncio- Pop!ar
~hina m~ rn1mrriP~
rnl~ci l:l11 Lil:lra
Chang~ 1 l~iimrti ami r tirem~nt oftrn thf !=l&~ wim a Lil:lran Sun. The escaP-ism. If Neptune is in LiP,ra in th~
Movin from onf dimin rn :mmhn im:tivichl.J &h@ll P~ 'lW'!tf Qf his P :welfth h~m&e, ibcre can pe 'l-l jpc!in;i.-
will n" v(lry d!tim_rninj:"!i rn a Lil:lrn~1.&o h~r uncharanni& :j: lqning rnwarcl& :jq11 rn experjrnent wjth qr4gi. Th!!
chang@& of thi!i ki rid hnuld tm m1m- &~lfi&hn~&& in :jm~ relarion&hip&. neecj rq escape is qenn rel~asel
mii"ci imlc~~ IB!'! individ.aJ i A rrnlrn!=Y N ignme p~r&Pnal fau!t& t:hrqgh art, Q perhaps religjos or
of dwir many lrn!'!f, Th~ idt1a qf f<lt'1er uian frngnjpe .nq rnni~ tP. spjrirual imerests.
approachirig Fti tirfmrn~ will tw l:lli&&ful
- in rhrnry noming ili mmp mrnc:jyp
tf PT1S wit.ti mern i& hf.e jy: self-
&a:isfqjqn ii lllt fqreign rn rhfse
rhan thll tholl ghr of nm having rn ri&P prnpk. N'lrnr<tl !=hlrm' may 'lt fim lis- L IBRA PRPGREssr;p TO Sq:rn+iJQ
carly1 go to wnr~ 1 rnpP with ~llP peny . m.1i&i.: thi&, tmt nm fm long, f.:Jf-
pmblnn& of a lifo. HnW':VH1 amttY&i&i&:he l:>e&t way fqr rlm&e with When the i,]Jr;i.n STJ progrqses iprQ
withom a rnm!'l@llin~ intHf&r in life1 Lil:ir<t ri&ipg tP &ee :jearly rh':if ch<l-fqC- Scorpio, the incjividuaf will havc: new
retirnmtim will bf I!'!. & fulfHHng UHl ter Wfl~nisses ID el rnrr~q m~rn. h is determinarion ancl purpose. Tite
thllC pcoplti imaginf1 am:I th!'!.Ymay alrnnst ~1se11:jaj rn invnlvi:: <l panner or Libr<m emoQons, rrieaningfqJ bm
cven finci tht!m&e)v!'!!i a~in~ qui:k.Jy. rarhi::r !igh:weight, wi!I po.w iMrnsify,
New and enjoyapk hnl:iPif& or a::jvi- ;mq rhe rarher cjjffi.seq perso.n'lJity will
titifi will rclc;vc; frti11h ar!!a& nf pml'.'. mial. gain foci anq 'l q_tpng edge. ~q:irpjQ
is the energeric of signs, so. rh~
Hcalth 1 dlet and ~:i;~rfi11e CA~All-
,jprqp epergy kve! is liJ<.eiy ro. l:ie
Ir i~ ali too t!ai1y fr Lil:lran&ro ~frni&& ~ h~qe~ Af Rlll ~ strengthen! . Consic!ering ,Sq::rpjo.'s
rhc idea of rngul;ir tix!!r:i&f1 bm rhfY fm111 p~I: m . rnjoyment af thi:: go.acl !ife anq whar ir
really do nccd iL Jndtitid1ir &hn.Jd bi: t .Jmim<1rnf'. ; p.m~ h;is rn o.ffer, it woTJ 't pi:; sl-!rprising if
an intqi rnl pan of thi::ir lifo. H i& qcfl- arflp* i,ipra 1
s lov;: af ;:asy livjpg qfiq si::!f-
km fi:lr thcm to join a h~alth duP<it indulgeru:e is even more cieMIY shawn.
offorn a gom:! social li f(! and a plea11;ii1t lf ungavernecl 1 rhis cap o.l:lvimi&!y h<lve
ambiem:c1 !iO thH can nm only wnr~ an ;iclv!!rs!'l !!ffeq on thi; hqlrh.
om bm <iJo mt:~r rnngrnial p~ople.
ln Pllsiness :qrcer, Scorpio's i n~,
Th!i !ixcrciliei im;lf &!muid pe &teady Ci!'IvJ HQNE .:n:e on a Lipri.p personalit:y can pe an
rathcr man &pa&modirnlly en~ rg('.:j c. ~~riph i r:, j~~~ <tsser i~s pawerfu.I PHsine&s
'fhc LiPrnn liking for rich, &\Weer forn:I srn&e wi!I PI! rnori:: thiln useful. Jp
&hm1lcl be rn&i&tpd whrneover po&&i\:lle; a mwi.: dorneHic :jrcHrnHances thi.:
li?;hrnr dic;r i& Pe&r1 ami ina:tii:m can rnfTlan:jc Lipran image will l:ii.:corne
tinrnurngc weoil:l;ht . The kidney ~exier; rlw w<trclmpe ffiilY now com'lin
arn rhc Linran mgan&, and rrn&i!:m m mmf \:liad., :ml wo.mp1 may spo.n
wmry <;: an wovok'1 h<."la cta<;: htll. lf th ei~ clel'.'.P!'lr d~rnllet~ The s~x lifo shmilcl
pn~ilit ~ ml!dkal actvif:i;; j ru:;li;;l. impro.v~ pecnue ir will <tssHrni:: gn:;iti::r
imporpnc!, p.g Scmpio jeoalo.u&y rnay
appear and shi:rnhi pe g~1ardel agaimr.
A Libran Ascrnl'lm pmgrf&~ing inro
fritlnd with whlm rhey ;:an ralk ijling~ ~rnrpip, gjves aPjeqivi:y am:I a s~nse nf
Jliy~hglofjiBl mqt:ivaticm throttg;h1 amt whg js ai:ilf rn pti severely pwpp,se, which will he!p in q.:cisian-
Librn i& P~t " of rlw &trnn~e&r &i~n&
nf tlrn mctia: any mlwr pownful
~rj:j c<i! when lf;:fSS<lfY milNng. Jndeci11ivenes will srnn ro

WPrry m tensign li:m 1t H~H ally lffliq rn~e s~at, CQ!.!nterl.'.d py Wf
inf1tlnfi> in th! birth chan :qn ~ap it& thlse wirh "hilm. ri&irrn1' P. !lf .pli~fly ~:::r:jp, detHmna:jnp and srnmgrh of
poj:ivp fh'4rai'tfri&tif!i 1 tiliptlcially when rn be the Pm~~ jf th s.[lj~n Qf:en his will. Scnrpia's mength will Peo a posi-
1t i.&the ri&in~ !ii~n. Hnw~vn 1 many healq<;:h s. lf thf~e persi 1 neqical :ive q::mrril:iHtiqn to tpe p~rsonali:y,
ypj;ally Libr.n tlltimPm& wiU PI> a pln qgvirf PQHld R ~p11ghr a. they may :rqvjfiecj rh'lr (qS wirh ttle pr~if!'s&ed
:f thtl pt'.nmnlli1Y1 t>!iip'1fially tlw al 1- Pf QHP rn !l light k:ney cjiqrq~r. .. qn sigp ) jealmlsY<tnl &P~picion clo.
impgrrnm ntinl rn rnlart> wh:h unctn M;iny chqrn wjll revpq.j peoplf pqrn nf:Jt pecprpe P.RSe&&iqns.
th~f firc.mranm1 P!!rnme tlw i:laif with Nepnm(l cjq&e rn tlrn Ascfnqant. Jirnorionaj saP,sfaqipn within
p&ychnlo.:i;ii;:a.I mnt:ivation . Very nften lf in rhe fsr hmr~e gf the pirtfl chm , cari.:er may l:cp,me nimf imponam,
thti wjl:lf prnmnality j f?;Nfcl rn thi& it q p weqk n the persqna\jty l:w . anq so rh~ &pbject wil! pe k&~ q::rr -
enl 1 witb p~Rp lp rni1hing inrn pnma- incrf q~imi th~ biPPlP t~ m:j <mcy tQ rake plaisant abp,Lt ~P.~ whif:h offop :nly
nenr rfl tinrn1rnp&. Sactly1 1mfh prnma- me line P.f least resj til!1C . The gpn~lerl an incpme rarber thp1 jP.P 11aP.~fonio.n .
rnrn rnrnmitrnfnt& fln rnct in ~gfter f!Blitie:; gf the&e; peqpl: will In ppr opal re !atjpn &~ ips, thi~ p1;1 r~o n
heanlmilk and ctivmni. The nmor!mrn then ge trrngthen l l?y NPrttni;'s
will warn m::re rhan ju~t r:1n;:p1:j:
~il:lrnn rnndrni;:y rn fll in Jgv(l with &ign pl<lcingi very pleasant, n: gq4l:Jt 1 assqciatipq - t~Fe will pe a neeo fpr a
h:JVG i. hHt'1 hnWtl\!C1!ipicnl itb livtlly l:mt full of inheren pr . l<>m . Thcse
littje grir 1 somf i;:hallenge, &!lmf :f
~HHlilY lflQ l grnatH rnmwj&rp for indi jtj ) m4 ii::arn ro face 48 ro p4f:pse an:j a feeling rhat the
tlie phY&irnl a&pfm of love tha11 i req)i:y an4 nm r(l cm tP pegq:iv gartnerhi::i is gqing ~p,n ewh{'rf .
LI!lRA . lQ7

The Traditional
Assoclation~ of Libra
43 S:prl'.lllPQr ~ 23 O~ tri\:JH

T H~ Oi>lr.ill\I
Thg ima,w rif rhg &~ll!! nHY \:Ji: rnrnwm9
wirh rlw w~i;hi111Ji rif rh~ :zypt:ian haA'rn
fi:lr rlw l~~"~mwm pf r;mi&, m a&&P~if~9 wirh
rhr llalwlRniln rnnm:it:irn1 pf rlw w:igl1ing
of nn~'& vil'P& ~m1 vin:~e~ lft:H g:~rh '

karger rqs".s, hYlnwgea, blrn:
f:iwi:rsir g~ni::ral; f.hpse istel
\.ll1RH Tawus (pq:;.sr: Pfrhe
fJ INU PIANl,T ~ h i!m:I rnl nship qf V~n4s )

P.mrnvTY / c:Ji;NPJ'Jl.
r1.1~i:j v~, rw~rn lini::

TJl.!P~JPTY lfl. J'O~fM~NT

Ht:!llls ANp ~nq:~ Q~n1wn 1r:m q. Q A~m
Mim, qri::nni:: ~arclinI
~nn v AwA
Thi: ~i cJ n:ys

~,:rry fTis

Aumia, f.Jr11ia, Jpn, Arn;ent:ina, p rj g l,e:rns
Upm !i,ryr, C~1mla, Til:l:r, lnlR-
~ni11a, min~ .imnh Pl~ifi~ i&la11l&

(::fil-.& fnnnm1Fp
Qpwnl1awn, JRhann;&l:luri,, Whmn ;imj mhn t:Feals, l::rry
Vienna, ki&~1on, Frnn~furr, frq jrs, flf11 G~, pGa rs1 grap:s,
Anrwup, foil:lur!Ji, k~!'.9& , arri:h11!<~, j~para;H~ 1 t:an~;
Nonin~lrnm mmr p 1 c~~
~.~orpio Ji;:orpio cap. be encor<iged ro tal~ Qver
T_ a
h@ d@ f t!ri.&rif of a Sun &i{?in
&atd that thi&
i~ rnmarkall~
rn&trve qf tJWrgy. lt is
Hwm&t11 pf Sim &igs. Of
i~ th~ th~
o~ep a!lY prqplems, the pen~r; J:he tenqency
fq bmtle :.Jngs p can lead m serious
qjfficultjes in later life, w!ien he :ir she
;;ourn~ 1 this in t tr-ut1; th~ &ign1& ~n~rgii:>s ar~ &o
PlilY suffer J..lnnecessarily. Ali cpjlgren
~tr~n~ .th~y can & e@m_ nvpr-powerifi{?i1ev~p nee.q rnmpelling intqests, lwr yq4qg
7 mhibmn~~ tht: Sfmpm cm fottl lnv~n PY ther. Srnrpiqs qq SQ wqre tha!l nqst; tht'.Y
Bm if th~Y arn fuUy am1 po&itiv~ly txpr~&seg 1 sbqu. ld pe encq4r<.g'.eq tQ t<ike.qp a
hmh tihy&irnUy anct ~morionaUy1 the inlivifi<il wil! inrerests hp,ppy, preferqp)y ope that qeeply
them, <md will bum HP ::mo-
b~ a bi ~ lfhitiV@f. liOWtVtf1 if the ~ ltfW flow is Pon<jl as well as ppysical energy. This
inhibited or unq:mtrnlltd it rnn b~ cti&a~trml& 1 with wpi~al r.eacht;:s :.hem how tQ use rpa:. ::n::rgy
rescmtfuln~!i~ j calm1~y anl Prncidint&&. evenly. They wiH probab\y enjoy h~avy
:.eam garnes, sports or, fq r :he
wore crea:.ivt'. types, skating apq qmc-
: ~ ~ ~i f tJ.lfleq Scorpip p<l.fems def11411q
Jcalou&y i_&r.h ~ "'.or&t ~:q rp. io fl~l t, inq TMJ.UT~lN4t- ~CDRilfP TR-Af~ !Tlllch of their chiid-en - so111etirnes
nm. only in rnlat:Jp nihip~; :)rnrpm11 :;m
be jcalous of "olka~u~& a.JlAof mh~ r
~rtrrmhu:ilfHHf fm4nl ti:io much. They wi\l be especiq.lly
eqger to encorage their children to
people 111 po!it!!lliion!l. Thi& !=iln1 how- .Prrrntiarutl ffnd intuitf pp ~~ rnk.e :he parh they have foijqweq, qj1Q
cver, an a&a &mr: ~t>~ing thll prngr!l&& Pawrrfttl ttnfi pq.r.rirmrm-: Pt'.CQme sccessfu j ip tlieir QWJl. rigpf.
of orhm11 Srnrpio&may Pl' in&pir~l tP Ex;ifing flff fflflJI1W: '~ Oeeply imm~~lired in their chil~frrn anq
do equally wtJll or bnwr. f~ their qevelopment, J:hey nay go rnn far
J;al~m fl11ff mrnifi+I
Thc Srnrpio boqy art'.a i&tllt'. ~rni Caw1111l.riy.; ffnd ab.fC.f.ffpe
ip their Qesire to lmow everyUii11g
ral111 and thi& may pan!y pcplain th!l ~ i 'lPPl!t them, anq sho1-1lq remem per
S;;r~fiPr fH1ff a/J.rtinMr
5itJ;n'& overly m1y rnputatim1. fm &i~n '- i th'lt chi!qren need privacy, tQQ. The
Srnrpio11 need ju11r a& mu:n &~~1-1a! ful- inte11se relatinnship they desire shi:mlq
fillmem a~ c:verymw c:!&t' ami ffii!Y ,s~if , 1 inclule fim anq h1-1mor. Narurljy
fr morn if they don1r ai::hi ~v!l ir 1bm !
Inrrn.rrlY1J1ff.f.fianMr/y., 1. 1 nn!ier m iq, Srnrpio parrnrs m1-1sr re<iJ-
that ;:c;rtalnly dotJ&11 1r flW41l every jmfou.rpy ~l j;t;: that sorne chil.iren rc::aq Pener ro
Srnrpio i&a pmativ~ &!lic-mmia:! A f.i Jess mi11gept rn&cipline. Their tt;:p -
e;rnat rn:my of thtlm l'~p re & rneir &ex n
lern:y tQin&ist on what t!iey think brn
ctrive thrnugh &porti th' womrn may qp mal.ce tht'.111 Sfem inm:iqaple tQ
evt'n devm'1 thc:m&elveli rn l:wrnwi11g tlieir chillrrn 'lnrl incapa!Jle of srn&ible
perfoct h outiwiv~& . Tht> imporrnm ~ disqmion ar l arnllment. ' t.
> ~ ~ f.
rhin{!; i that thtl drivtl i&prnp~rly Less tha11 sq:essf l Srnrpios whqse
diri;cri;d and fully enrndt:d1 and nor ~~~~~~~~~"'~:,~~~il chilqren are really wel11111-1sr pt;:
allmv~q rn 11ragn;irtl anq wa&w. excepP.Pnqlly careflll that jea!ousy, per-
Mot Srnrpo& arn i::apaPk of l~~p, in sorne way thmi will R~ prnPlt'.!Tls 1 so h;ip r:Jieir chief folr, qo~&n 't spoiLtbc
in:i1iivtl a11d ana!ytii::a! thoughti thH it is flli:l~t impmram in a p!lnii:lPI relac relatiomhip. Thi:y shou!rl rew ~ m per
have a powerful urgtl rn g; rn th~ mm tim1ship that r!ic; panrer i& rm:. rnll m rha:. t.he chillrrn 1s s4c:e&s is their )
of any prnblt\rn, They al&o wam rn :i;et unl ernon &tn:i v~ . ~ cprpiosl nver- s,ccross, tnrn they prgught rne1n 4p!
th~ mo&r o~n of lifo1 nammi11?; i:v~ry wh~l !Jl qf py r.he 1mrnniqns p,f a pm~ i
day with wmk and dtlmanlin~ &p'lf~ Rle panner1 e<in pm ajj thfir ttqergy Car~er
timtl inwrnm. TlitlY may for:!l them - inrn J:h.; ;:has.~1 an9 p~rniH ttv<m when ir A!1P.v~ all eJ&e, mq rnme than Afo&t
&tllve rn l!l\lrnrnPli i:if ai::i:ion , and q is o!1vil:ms that th<i g\ljeq lf iheir P.r!Wr &igm, icorpios r~'llly nrn:l to pe
&hould rry to rnlea&e thi;ir rn!lrgy a& qff(:'.;:P,ors is lin~i.ii taP, le . Qiffiq1ltie&wilj ewqtjqnaJly ipvqlveq in tht:ir CMt.'. efll.
c:vmly ai1 po&&ibk. foll:w. ln the . rrfful pf riP.9s nf a J-,j~e mm~ of their pplar sie;n, Ta rn&,
ll~twc:Pn HJS4 :md rnQ~1 Plmo, th~ 1
rnlatio11ship tlitt ~cprpio s, renq.;11cy tP. they n.;t'.l emP.tiP.naJ <!lQ ft nanci41
rul in~ plaiwt of liirnrpio1 i travding !1e 1eq efive a!lc1 vjnq!qjvl! {evep tl m~ &ernricy, anp ar:: willing rn work. harq
thrm1~h i:. ow11 &ign, Tlii&1rnd"rli1w poirn c:}f m1e)ty) ffiilY e rntr~e 1 lm m ilchiev.; anct m'limafn it, anrl m
a!I thQ mo~t rvpi:aJ characr~ri&ti~li of otlier am1!' of <in im1iviluaf P,irth charr imprqve rheif stanlirq qf living. Their
~rnrpi:, whidi wi!I be lip~cia!ly litmng may mgqjfir m e~e char4qeri1:.ics. enerw can &P.!111-'times SetJJll t:n~jrely
in thl&t\ born luri n~ th1& ptlrimt q::vowd to mak.ipg money, <ind ~ht;!~e
Family Scprpj: b q ~j ne~mpcn Qf wornt'. n will
PMtn1:rship When s.nmnhirg wrqnP. wirh q havt'. fmnq rhe way in whi:h to. :Jir::q
1\ liirnrpio1 who i&ali ent:rfil\ need&a Srnq:iiq ~hfi he m s.he w P,ernrn~ rheir kern &rnse Rf P llPP~tJ . Otht:rn
W!ldY'H:l lf m' rnngy i& rmt abl!! tQ tt11lrerpejy 51uiet, <lflQ :rqP, rejcq rn;iy nave; m srrive a l it~c; hard~ r rn qi&-
miktl brnntl am:I btl rn'iiv~d 4!ld 1-1&ed ~ve n fovrime f::p,q. ThP QQp!fr yn ng CP,Ver wqy~ P.f ll~i pg their abtJ.nlant

S!=ORf!O lp~

The Symholi~m of ~QLQRs

Scorpio las a special lin~
wiijl :he dramatic tqnes
of de:p re<! and marqqp

Th"1 iridiemim pil i J\1YT!-fOLpf;;Y
thi; i;;mmmc rnpni;:mj Tpe scorpian rqse u11
m s~mpio fi-om the earth arq
mackeq Qripr

fJk!Ni:i flkr\ Nn
fllurn i& Srnrpiq'& rulin; TRq:s
plant'.I j3ecause Scorpio W'\S
rled py Mars i-mtil
PJuto was q:creeq ifs
modern rulq, !TJ!lY
s~o(ljq q"apit-ions ~ri:
simil:ir to those of Ari~s:
Dark rnd tlnwm, Scorpio tq:es, fpr
l!m:ally gl!rnnium& anct inmnce, ar: also mose
rhndd;ndmn&, m whii::p bear thqrns, sucl
aOciarnd with thi &ign, as tjie paw~pqrn
l& Wllll 6 thP&&
sQciarnd with Arii;& -
( l&'lll~ Qf Ihll ANIMALs
trndiiinnal rnlcr&hip with Inseqs and oiher
Marn, whn rnli;d Srnrpio. i11vi::rrepran:s fall urcjer
b@frn fllurn) :he rJership pf Scprpjq

Syria i& a nipirnl SrnrpiP
rnYntfY, &n~rin~ ijimilar
l:Jarrrn 'lamlscap~ rn th~
nthllr rnumrit: ft:lltnl
rn ~cmpi - A!:cria, thi
Trnnvaal , 1\fam~rn,
fu:mrn, Nmway

energy ami a;hkvin[!!i their flltemiat . q,afjes, nor forget that r.hey nave J:he
Whrn om ofwm~ 1 Sc:mpil la~:k ::i ability reajly to enjoy life.
daily mnk t for their rncfID' lnd m1:m :P~fh~JpgicaJ ffiPV'ltiPn ln partnership, with S::orpjq
licek 1mmehow rn nprnd ir - evrn1 &rnf1l 1& fll\VCf..) fl!".fSQnaJjty rfaits ring wjll sl)qw their affectjpn iP a
perhaps1in pan-time, Ynfll-il wqrk. wilJ cqjm ffie WhRle clHrt when Uiis ch;i.rrning and tenqer way thar w, P.e
Otherwi11e, it i~ aU mo ea. y fm the &ign Ji&e&1 <ml mlwr elemnw iViU i.q very private and no.t qlwlYS ctiscqpqp)e
force~ to ~e ne ~ative_Iy ued 1 perhilp& ffil&t ca&e& pe &ulservient- The chi.rnc- rn mmicters. p111otjpnaJ seq.tjcy wi.J! pe
even m ;rime. Srnrp1011 neel rn ~ti teri&tif& ilnfRllted tA the l:l..n sj~n are as imporqm lS firnmcial sec,ri:y, P.m
under pre1111ure - thi;y mu&r have &i:ime- likflY tQ pe A!".eper lll rnr.:ire meaning- jealr.:iusy is possiple and may be exc~r
rhins againlit wrn~h rn te&r their mu~ fl-IUy pcpre&&el whm ~rnrpir.:i Ji~:; . Plteq py possessiveness. If this is
dc11, mema!" phy&irnJ, Tht:Yd11 weU l'hHe will he a &trnnger &en&e of pm- .lloweq to rake hokl, a clastrRPhlP. ic
in 1.mgineering 1 the minin~ incimifrY1 pr.:i&e qpq nen1 rn ~l!".&tiq every action atrnosphere may qevelop which sqwe
thc naV)\ the wine traclc fupy qrp arn:i the renle n~Y rn l:le sei:retive ~a panners will fipq exrrernely rrying. An
mmirnl remycher and der~iv~&. l:it:rnme <m ol:l&e&&im1. jqahililY rn qiscqss prol:!kms, with rnn-
seqJ..lem wo.rry ipon them 1 mly pm-
Chan~e, leiYre ami retir~ment vqj\:: physicql symproms - nmably a
Srnrpio11 wm pmbably rn&i&r rnfi:m:!".d lesseajng of th: i:Jmal clrive.
chan~e their natural & tubbornn"&& will SClR-Nl MfNEy:,~
rille rn the mrfoce. How~ver, thm: will ::o,, !it>H S
be rime11 when thcy fcel that .;han~e i& ~ ::aj:. & 11lp'1 i f:::pEflQ PIWGW~St:P
absohuely vital, and roen n orhin~ will N;i~ . S11IRh TQ SAGITfNITT-1&
5top them 11eekin ~ ir, ,wt!epin~ , drnsri~
chan~e5 may rnini!t, afi:er wh:h thi;y Whrn a lcorpio Sim prowe&ses imo
will !ilmk happily inrn a new hfostylei ~~ ~a~inllis 1 rtet~rmin!ltion is spiq:q
ready m arn~pt new rn11pi::m&lbilitis:11. ~~ with a Jivtily, e'4trovs:n, enthu&ia&tii:
Carn i&nee:kd 1 of rnurnti, thar 11m:h rn challeng_:. lr will pe qsier
chang;e11 are mad@ fr rhe rie;hr rea&Oil& fpr :he supjen tP. be open, and l;&s rif
and thar vahrnble e.icperirnfe and hani a tendency rn pe ~ef r!".tive mg bottle
wmk qrc; nm thrnwn away. 4P prql:ilem~ a.qq ernmiqn. Sagjqarj,& ,
Sittine; abom doin~ nothine; nm i:mly als: i &i~n that li~e~ to !".njriy lit~ 1
i&n'r thei avera~ei f::orpio'& idea of pla- ~~ wmi't malee it iy r:l&i~r fpr SmrpjQs
Un;, hm may @vtin bi;i bad fr thi;m. rq W<fch fhejr Qi!".t& - ~specially SID!.":!".
Thee ptioplt; wiU wi;Irnmt: retirt:mrnr tj"iqe peqple rniy etr!1 plepty Qf mriqey
a&il chance m do ali thti thingi fi=>r to spend pn _:xpepsjyp mi;al&anq other
wrn~h there han't YPt Ptltll time, incf u\gence. W~jgl]t ?iain inQ. ind.i~ei
althm1~h they may tiU lafk timt ro do gpn may gecome pr:: pl~ms ,
evnytfiing tfy 1ve ~m planned . ~m at 8agittarius m<y iwrsuaqs: the SmrpjQ
lll evem (hgwevfr unlikely it i) persqn tq talce mpre fisk& 1pqtl physi-
Srnrpim &houldnit lm:ik forward rn cq.l and finapcial, tji.qn nqrrpa1 1bi.n th<:ly
days lf &ining; in the Yn 'Thtiy net:ci a \Vhen &cmpiq rise 'llQ }".,eq js P.n the may qnq it much eaiH tQ stqy in
rnmpellin~ i mern~t imrnact. Milhf v n, &q1rpio's 4riv(l wi:i tlmo- dept]1. The $cqrp,ip irnage, urnJly
tilnal f&PHfCes lfe enricpe gy }".,epls rathfr ew anq q~;:n exgre ed in g.rk
HeaJth~ ru~t ano ~Jt:er~i e qrg.lqj zat\~n<\l. ID~ le ger_s.hif} pgwtlrs. cglors 1 will nqw peq::rne mqre qy;i.J;
Jim as .rnrpig rnHW mut be rvrnly 'fhc cpm lmauo111~ fgqrw:!lp)e1 bt sometirqes cpqvent:inal ip g4tJook1
pent ID cgqg-gJlHl 1 l the physjfaj ~ resHlt in l rell neeg fgr power anp ~e irffivid4al nay ctlpvate a rnorn
y ~em n eq& a ni&Ula.r1 rnntroUed liet. l t<0mltin::y tP qomin te pthers for elaxeq, perhaps sp:rper IP.qk.
hat m Y nm 9t ea}fi thm; i a trn , ~P.lQ qr . A Sl)ll[<; gf r mMkapJe When fhe Scorgip As~fnqanr prn-
ftency tpward elf- irnjyl~rnfr in fo:q 8memial1 it .qp al~Q make the jpqiviq- gresses into Sagit:taris 1 fhe p~yc hrilg~
qnd 4rlrnc1 whifh oft:en prqvgke w:imc 4aj h.igh\y aytoqatic ang sgmetimes i c~ outlook will b,e le~~ intense 1 with
ach f)Se pr CQPP,ltiPl M:gerangn evtlp ggwer- rnacl. the individual be::oming more philP.-
qoesn 1t cprnf fs~ily tQ :\iforpjg l:mt .P~gp)e wjrh Sco.rpio rising generally sophical. As a result 1 there will b' k&~
tJ:i.ey ffiY&t ql tivlt~ it 1 bmh in dlet <ml foel 'I strong nee.q to J<no.w themse)ves. obsessive worry a!:J1=1u personal pmb-
xq cjsc fpr what ~tilrt mu l l k~en They g:m 1 G\re to reveal fh~mselves f lems, which are fherefore less. u~,y to
nter & in spqn a,nd Herfif f<m gc:; t mhc:; r-s P\.l t.lleir a!Jiht:Y fi r self-{lnalysis provoke physical ailments. If an @irly
om ofji an1 e usim~ &trnin -Trey mu, t is. q.~nsiqe r le, and ~hey q,re sqaijy degree of Scorpio "Ys risi11g at binh,
not tiesita e o lmv ggwn whln nece - f plJJje of seeihg their p,w11 proplems the progression will possibly qcrnr
sary. T e martj.J tn s wiU iMfrf~t cJearjy and nonestly. This irurospective when a permanent emotional r:hnion-
:hem 1 l t only fr ffie phYicaJ lspe t 1 t~lQ<O ficY ruay resJ.l)t jn tl)e f~ e)ing ffiat ship is being formecj, in whlch QQtl th@
but aj p for their &pirirnal and {2qterjc t:hef qq nqt like thelllse ves very much; Scorpio problem of possessivt;n@ anl
quali ~es . Swimrning i very genefifi ~L they &!ioulq not discg4nr 4J.eir positive jealousy will happily be less ap1m~m .

The Traditional
Assoclations of Scorpio
2il- Q:rqber - 22 Niwi;rnlm
T h ~r i& a $:prpiQ11-11w1 in rhe ~apy j oian
1,ipi: ofGili;am:sh (2000 UC); rh; &ympg
app~arn in MP&Qpotamia, 0nc1 ~ rhm.w1nc1
yer5 lati:r, in E?;Yflr i Pl-lt rh;
' pri$in i&nkrJQwn

Nlqcjo :j~np ron, geranjm and
orri::r ~ qw::rs lisrecj fpr Aries
(j:1ecaHse ::f :h:: ancj:m
qssp~j;::j q n wirh 1'{ars )

Nrn<l:jv:, femin irii:

TR!rJ-!r::JTY Pll ELEi11f'NT


Upx Q..ApR.. pqqTY Qt QUA LITY

fi xp:j
j:\qpY }\NA
The sexgj qrgaris
HJO!lll& ANI1 &rrqs
T hP&!? as&p~iae q wi:h Afi:& 1 aloes 1
'Vir~h p ::i;~:j, carmi p:

T RE!i
f\l;:fkrh om , hf!Sh)' fecs

Most insccts

Mqrqc~o, 1'jprway,
he T ransvaa j1 Aj gerj~,
&yria, Kpr::a, Urg4ay

Ni:w Orleans, Was hj ngfon DC,
Cjncjr, naj, Mi jwak e:, 8t Tqhn's
(Ncwfmmcll anq), Fcz 1 V<1le ncia, f DSTU HS
i.,iverppol, H alifax, Hu jl Strong- tasting foods , as with Aries
.. 23 N OVt:M:BER - 2 1 DECEMBER

eh<lllen$e is importam iP a fulfling

Sqgit:taria lif~ . When an qchievement i&
accomplishecl~ Saginlrhis soon pegins work on
the child's knowJeqge ). Achievement
wiU feed en:lmsiasm, whether in class,
on the sports field or during out-of-
school hours. Sagittarian chilqren find
the n~xt one. The compulsion to s~t new targets it difficult to abey school rules but
mcl ffi~et them is !O &tffig that it Cap pecome aren't blind to reason, and sensible
alh~ngro&&in~, with presenr aqivities being restrictions will be accepted. Their
skimp~cl beqse me eye is aJway&on fut re reading and Janguage skills should be
plan&. Saginqri<ln enthsiasm,, optimism ancl zest for encpragecj frorn an earJy age.
As parents, Sagittarians are
life ar~ s~concl to npne bllt must p~ controH~q . The acjmirable: they respond in a lively way
worst faultl retkssness~ can pe <i sev~r~ problem,, for Saginarians to their children 1 encourage their
don lt alway1> l)e~ proj ~ns throgh to the ern:t. interests and help them build up good
libraries. H owever, it is vital that a
Sagittarian mother doesn't sacrifice her
(J 411~ own interest&eqtireiy to those of her
family bt tries i:o ser time aside far
N<ltr;iJ exciiem~nt and enJ:h4sia&m TJuwITION4L herself. No man er how much she !oves
can fet:i:i th~ inn.te Saginarian ien- e S4:;m 4p..n1s TM.rrs her cjlclren 1 their limited conversation
d~m:y to tilk . e risks1 which can become is not always sufficiently en~rossing;
r~aJ foolhardine&s 1 ept:ciaUy whe11 ) Optimistic and f reedpm-loving restleisness is certain if she ha& no
yi:nm{!i- Dt:velc:ipinf'j their inherrnr ~ jppial ft-n d g ppd-hulflp. red meaos of escape. l deaJly, new projects
irnel!e:maJ pPW~rs will rn<l!Jle ffiese i Ffr1m t and r{raightf(J,rward sli.ould be sJ:arteq as soon after i:he
prnpk to avoid imn~:es&ary ri&l;.s.
! '/'l.fellertual ap,d philpsophicaJ ( pirth of a child as possible.
They hPtik\ aJ&P cJtiv.te a more
IJlinfi,/y optilfJi$ rfl-re/ess
philP pphictl qmJ oq~ . If J:heir narnral Career
ex\.lt:>erance isn 1t :qntrqlJeq it wiU
j)ecome bpisterow. 'fheir rnjqynent
of ijfe and ien~e ofhumPr .re r.:h;{rm-
i11g but qn 11o me:i111e&get gt pf hanq
l Irre$PfJnsible and sup:rficiaJ
Tartless anfl. res#ess

Once again, chaJJenge is e5senpal, and
boring, repetipve work m11st be
avoided if at ali possi ble. Environment
is also important: small , stuffy pffices
- th~Y &holllct rememl:>er that prnctic<\l
jplces <\fe rarely fimny fpr tlieir vjctims.
Philpsoppifal/y, f ree/y,
or crowded workshops are eqaJl y
intolerable. Acquiring money i not in
One pf J:he Q\.lal i~P& qf th~ zmfic1 explorfl-tip#y, pffhand,:dly itself very important; Saginarian U-
8agina,ri s give&v{lrnatify which nay ally manage to finq it when nece&sy
q:mrril:>~ tg the Saf'jitt<\i!ln t!'lmlency ~ Hard-earned cash is more likely to be

~. x
tp nove too q\.licl<Jy fn:im Pl~ taslc to spent on study, books and travel than
(\flther, or to le invg!v q ip roo many on impressive material possei;sions. A
thjngs at once. Greater liltifac:ion wiU spirit of adventure (not always physi-
cpwe frorr steamly wprlQnp throi.igh cal) is important; work which t<\kes
one projc;q towarq the next, wh.ich, Sex is greetec! with customa,ry these people out of their own environ-
aft:er all 1 they C3Jl e111mre is \S qifferenJ: Saginarian enthsiasm and exuber- ment is good far them. Talcing short
as possible. ance; when they are very yon g, a pos- cuts to success can lead them intp ~ ri
Tls sigo coqfers g;reat l:ireadth of sible partner's sexual attractions can be o us errors, usually because ihey
visjpn <me! the 'IPify l \SSifTlUate irresjsppJe. With experience they will haven 't attended to enough cletail.
94ickly what may ge a cqrnpJex sirna- look fa r orher q11alities: so rreone While not resting on their la11r~ l ,
t1on . H owever, J:!iee people are not whose intelligence at least rratches Sagittarians aren't overweening;ly
usually gooq at cp:jng wjth cletai\, their own, and with whom they can be ambitious - at least as far as wgr\dly
which bares therp . Jn ignoring the friends as well as lovers . progress or status are concerned .
minutiae, they caq rnn i11~0 c!ifficulties, Meeting intellectual demands, gr see-
so should always reaq the ~rnall prinJ:. Falllily ing their own decisions bearing frit 1
Eqthusiasm is a wonderful element in will be much more important they like
Partnershlp any child, but in young Sagittarians it to see people profiting from their good
No true Sagittarian can cope with can be so generous that it needs to be work or influence. Publishing, the law
claustrophobic conctions (they mst channe\ed and not frittered away. and even the church can ati:ract them;
have a room with 'l vew, fa r ins anee ), Sinilarly, boisterousness may need to teaching at university is perhapi ~v~ n
particularly withiq personal rel<\tipn - pe calmed . The parents should dis- more satisfying. There is a
ships. A possessive, suspicious or jeal- cover as early as possible in the child's link between this sigo and sport 1 ptit
04s partner will not last long: their life where his or her true interests lic. while sorne Sun sigo Sagittarian& n<\ke
independent spirits won't tolerare any There is tremendous potential here, the grade professionally, this connec-
restrictions on personal freedom . bt it must be properly led (without tion should not be overstresseq .

The Symboli~m of Sflgittariu~ Ash

TPpa<'- I&rqi;ard ed <\& rhe
a:rnmm: for Sginari1-1&

Fww~ll& TREE ~
Oani.lcllcm& l nd The birch, oak and ash
'amatiQn&m: are trees related to
Sagimrian ngwcr& Sagittaris

DamkliQn Oak

Ric\1 purples and
dark pl ues are
Ruw-10 P1ANn Sagittarian colors
Jh; rnlina plan~r g f
Saain ari &i&J1-1p\t,:r

,) YM ~Q!,IC ~ l(.IN
The m lpcrry ancj
!iagimrill& i& fht\ a r~ h H;
pilberry are Sa gi n~ri an
half ni rnal and half
fr i~s
B,i lperry
c;o.J NTRY
Aw&trn l i ~ i& rnmilm:q AN IMA J..S
mlJ; a Sagin arian Hnted animal&1 s ~ h
rnm ry as dcer, are rled
by t his &i~n
Chan~e~ lehnu:e and retir~m~m mq ve forwarq wj:h ever-ip.creqsing psychosomatic liver-related ilness,es.
Change, or the m:eq fPr it 1 wiH qro~e self-cqrf:jence, and t he grear expeqa- When life offers no challenge, the
Saginarian ~nthu&i4&rn 1 anq m ese t:jpns, wirn wj-jcp a positjve 1 optimis:ic 4s,uaj op:imistic, enthi.siastic qtl ook
peopk rnpe partic4larly well with :on - q mloo k e nqows tpem wm prpbably will be cjoudecj , anq qncharacteristic
dition rhat other 1 mo.rt'. &enleo 1 zqqiac Re acq::iwplish eq . q epression w jl! set ir. A cpange of
typc~ may find very di&rpti ve . Their Srq:ipgjy aware o f th e wor\l abo t ljfestyle apd perhaps of scene is proba-
love of change is so strQPg Uiat they11\ then 1 a :o ps:iously :jevelopeq 4epth bly best, but escapism must be avoideq
provo ke it for it& own &;ike, sometine& o f c'1<1r<1cter - perh<1ps. thrQl.igh a true and physicaljy r nning away is not a
duc to momemary por~qpm . rart11ers <,s,nent o f J:.tieir nwn shorrcqmings long-term solution. A full <1ss.essr:nt
11hould cnrnurage J:hem to thinl< care- - will e pal:ile tres.e peo ple ro achieve of the problem shoulcj be m<1de,
fully when rnn&ic!cri11?; i:h ang~, w hiE='1 pers.onal ti<1rmo ny whii:ti rnighr o ther- h owever tedious this rnight seem.
may not aJway& pe a& prngre&sivp <1s wis.e pe lenieq py their volatile
they imagine : the gm& i&n't always l'ltJ.leS, . They <1re Pbjeqjve ap.d eager
greener on the other &ide . Ri::tirement ro )cnpw rpore abo m thems,ejves, and SAG.JTI1\.R.IUS Pa.oGRESSED
wi ll offor ex~iting possibilities1 <1nd TO APIUCORl'j
Saginarian& will be &me tP tt&e the
extra time available - pcrhap& for S4n &ign Sagittarians, are nconvep-
phy&i:aJ or lmellecn.ql mwcl. S A(JIITARi fJS lf{I N ERALS tio naJ ap.q 41ua\Jy lack worldly am pi-
tipn, p t w hen the Sun progresses into
H ealthl diet and e~eri:ise ~H1STfl t-i E C aprjcorn they become more conven-
1\ love pf nearcy food and qrin.l< m ean& ) Tnpaz tional , more traditionaj <\Ud perhaps
that pi lio&ne&& i& bighly lcely jf the lJ rnore am bitio s, . They will noti:e &ta-
:::;~~ $,AJ.TS
diet i&n 1t wat:hect :4refu lly. Althou;'1
Saginarlans neeci <ind rnjoy q er:ise
they can &till to put on weight, anct
*~ S,ilicq, l(ali Mur. - ts, symbols, anc! m ay even s,tart tQ b y
sorne of t hem.1\. yp ng Sagittarian
m ay put a relaP.ons.hip qn more for-

nost .Saginarian \VQme n wi!l at sorne m al foo ti ng ar t his J:ime. The cas, al
time noti:e an accumulatipn armmct Sagittarian image , o ft:en a han gq ver
the hips . Th e dare~fovil trait founc! in frorn st4dent q ays, rnay soper 4p and
rrmst S4gtn<in<in& &\.1~gem that thc becorpe m ch neatq . For thase bprn
inwrest in &pon& may re&\.llt in &light on the first o r sccq nd d ay of the
a&:cicierm : p1-1lleq Jl1ll=les, fqr in&i<1n&:e, Sagittarian S n sjgn period, thi& pro-
4re rnmmo 11 1 e&pe:ially ham&.tring& anq g ression will coincide witj1 the firs,t
thigh m :lp. They mwt remenper Saturo Returp (se: p .3 2) 1 s,o an
thi& panii;: larly 4~ they grnw o lder; im portant period o f charge anq
they will wam to cxeri;:i&e ju&t a& d evelo pment is ajnost inevitable.
viqlentlY at &ixty as they die! at tweflty1 When a Sagiw.riqn Ascend;mt prq-
pr thi& wo1-1ll Pe i.inwl&e g resses into C aprjcorn, :.j1e wilder areas
Any form of &pPrt:ing activicy js \.l&tt - o f the psyche will pe tamed, with the
ally we l:pmc, trnt if rhere i& np inrerest individual becoming more reflecp ve
whats,oever in &po n (w hk h o:cl&io n - l-lnlilce sorne people will npt shy away and better abl e to absorb the impf:a-
'lllY pappens ), they 111u&r t<tke &llfficient from the trail ro self-knowlecjge : in tions of important issues anc! think
exerci&e in sqrr c r:ith~r W'IY1 fo r they faq, it wiU f4scinate t he m . However, more seriously a pou ~ them . lfncj
will almost cenai11Jy be intl'. lh;cma!s they must allow tiw e far t hoqght; their enthusiasm is less li kely, o r will pe tern-
whose minds ne::j rn be re!lxecj , prop- cjownfaU can le in t hjnking they have pered with cau tion; in ner restl es&n~
ably witP th c '1elp pf qme rrpq:r4te 'lll the answi:rs, when in faq impo rtant will be calmed by g reatcr patien:e.
physicql fatig e . ~irnilarlyl rhme whose d etails ari: missing t hrough a lacjc of If the individ ual has been rpp:h
work is physiqJjy PIH1-1sting s.hq!-!ld rhoroughness. At their most highly involved in sport , exercise or physi:1J
try to relax thro.:gh rnm~ intelJ:ct4al qevelopeq, th ese people are t he activicy, vcry great carc shoulq b~
spar~:- tim e pr .:its . pn ilospphers o f the zpqiac, wit h a taken that joints don 't start tq s[:jffen 1
peer!ess imellectual capacity. or arthritis d evelop . The nced rn ~ee p
A healthy leve\ of friendship and moving is, o f cou rse,
ipteljectuaj rapport is needed in rela- Sagittarian ambition, which is mosi:ly
tionsnips. There is sexual exqperance, personal, will be an evcn stron~er
Psycjlological mqt ivatjqn Pllt a partner who only satisfies their motive when the Asccndant prqgre&se&
T hc necd for challe rge 1 so irrpo rtant sex4al needs will vcry soon bore them. into Caprico rn, and it may be mad e
to a Su n sign S4gjmria11 1 is ever lnte!lectq al challenge is also essential; a more cffc ctivc by being more :learly
grcarer whcn Sagin4ril-l rises . Ttiese clastrop pobjc li festyle will havc disas- ami narrmdy directed. In general1 the
pcople havc whqt it tal<cs to explo it trous psychological effects. Thc indi- subjcct will become sclcctive in choo&-
th eir potential to the full arq, provjqeq viqgal may go on eatip g or drin king ing those personal prioritics whi:h are
carly cncouragemept was givep, wi ll binges, for instance 1 or devclop at thc top of anv list o f objcctive&,

The Traditional
Associations of Sagittarill~
2a Nqv~n1 b~ r - 2l P~~~rnb.: r

THE Rf(:il
Ofnknqwn Pri?;i n; tlwre w~& f\fl TREES
Prly rnnfu&ion bmv:rn S~i;ina ri u& Lime, birch, rnulperry, oak , ash,
ilnd S~PrpiP, for W\'. find C:nrnw ch:stwr, rhisrle
fi!_!,l-lt'. witti SrnrplP mil& in :ver pirch
B ~byl oni~

C rranrs anq sulrarias

frlp vegq<p j:s, ;rapefrHir,
AN IM.\~& rnrram s, SHlrar<s , q '.\ey , :mipn~ ,
Hw&e&, hfllt~ 4 flnimal& \ ~:ks



F ~ qWflS
Pink anq carnatio11 1 qa pgcl jq11

Bo rage

Sagc, aniseed, balsam, b,1lm ,

POS IT\\'IF/G E:--: Dc.I\ pi lbcrry, porage, ci nnamon, dock,
Positive, mascu li ne Ill OSSC S

T1ur uqn OR Er 1 M1s1 Co, :--:TRlfS

Fire Sr.ain, Australia, Hu nga ry, South
Afric a, Arabia, Yugmla\ia
Qt;AD RUl'l ICfT\ <lll Qr Al IT\
Muta ble Cr TILo
T o lcq o, Sruttgart, Budapcst,
Bon\' ARI ~ Colo gnc, Shcfficld, A\ ignon,
H ips and thigh>, and thc her Toronto, :-:aples
- - - - - -- -

Capn corn )4 2.4 DECJ!:M~ER - 20 JANUARY

hi& is a si~n of comr;i&t&. There is a great well -reasoned en~puragement - on: of

potential for succe&& in ev~ry Capricorn,
thOlJ-~h &ornetirne& mey refl.l&e to recognize it
the besr reward is extra responsipility
and pocket money. Their self-
conficfence, sense of fn and e~pecially
<mq th~f outloo~ cq pe pe&simi&tic, &O the their sheer enjoyment of [jfe need con-
pot~ntial may r~main unqev~lopeq. n the one stant po)stering if they aren't tQ grow
hami, &om~ rnempers of this sign 4re ambitiot:J-s top serious and old befare their time.
ami aspiring, with the energy <lnq will to Ir shoqldn'r be depressing if the child
~~~~~~'1f 1mcceeq in whfltev~r th~y set themselves to qo; on hovers near t:he bonom of the ~la&s as
long as steacjy progress is made; sud-
' .~ ' the other, there lfe tho&e who may have me de&ire to den leaps towarcjs the rap are nqt
do we 11 but ar~ himiereci by inhibition anq l4ck of self-confiqence likely. T tie sense qf ampition sho~lp
( som etim e~ di ~gui~~ci by a f~igneq lazines&) . always be cu)pvatecl and encora~ed .
Capricorn parents are eiger far their
children's sq:ess, but should always
rememPer ta stiaw rheir lave, iffec:jan
anq appredap pn apenly - not jnsr with
Ba ih cypes of Caprirnm are convrn- './)l4DITIQN# irnpressive pre1:np 1 put also by giving
cion ancf &Prnt:cirne&t:vrn slaves ta TMrrs rhe children their time. Ambitioqs
rnnvrncion; th;y wam alw<iy&rn l:J;
0 4f_fuooRN
, C;ipricorns can pe &o involvec! in their
&;rn tP c!a " the rj ~ht thing'' . J3 oth Practi fal anfi. prudrnf careen anc! in majcing money ( alpeir
have <l ipl;nc!idly pffu~<tt &rns; pf 4rnf1itipus anfi. fi.iscip#ned far the benefit of the family) rhat they
h1-1 mor, vivilly rnmrn&cing with <l ool Fa(:ipp.t and carefuJ have no :\me tq enjoy their home lives,
&tmng trnlem:y tQ grttml:ik . nmh ;ir; Humprgus rinfi. res~rp~d
prmtent ancf !lleth ::~f:~ . Sometime&
, anq in extreme qse&- especially if the
children went to pparding school -
the s11cces&fl Caprirnrn ;ichi;veri &ttf-
f essimisfi; anfi. fatalisti r they will sudqenly find themselves
fer 4 1<1c~ qf conf:lrnn:, whHe the less lrfiserly rind g rud4 in4 sharing a home witfi adults they lon't
~o p fig,;pt <lllQ s11cce&ful ffiW &llp Pm Opercpnv~ntipnal and rigid know very well. The importan~e qf
pf their neg4civity a11c! m<l~e thern -, moral discipline goes withonr saying,
&elv; enja y !ifc; in a rnm<ir~<l lly light- K1iY ffl)AfJS but Capricorn parents can pe over-
he<ln el w4y. (Thi; infl11rnc!:'. of striq and heavy-handed, espe&:i411y
Prufi.ently) a~pirin4ly)
Mercr y may pc; &ee11 uncfer &uch ~i r cjuring the teenage years when chil-
cumf;ince&: when that planet is in calr;ulatedly1 rumbingly dren naturally rebel against parental
Sagjn4ri &, fm i n&tance ~) control. An unbridgeable gentlrnt-ion
O ne of the mo &t emlewing chflr<lc- gap must not be allowed to cj;vt:lop .
teri s~cs is the clour &en&e of h umo r
alreaqy menp opeg : evrn <it their rrost Career
serjms ancJ formfl.l , t N&c;in &Yc\lenly While members of rnany zodiac &ign&
eriwt- Parie11f e i&lll!:'. ::f th!:'. ir virm es, find it hard to cope with respons,ibility
as is jnsight, l:mr rhe l!,'.&~ & lf-confident choose someone whq is 4 parent fig- because of the loneliness that i often
may not believe thi ang &hPnlc! be pre, ar at least cornrnands admiration involved, sel f- confident Capricqrns,
pers~ aqeq to c!evpllp the <iPililY anq ilPcl respect . They q ;+Isa marry far may welcome the chance to sit in their
rely Pl it jn jo ng- rerll plan11ing. money a r socjqj st4rns. They have a own offi ces at their own desks, 1 ~eeping
Confid ent, aspi ring Q<lpricorns <le rather low emo tio11a\ leve! ancj may even their closest colleagues at a c!i&-
usuaf very dj~ci pli n q 1 pr ;igaj n lack fin e! it harc! ro show their true feelings, tance. They may of course still h4ve to
a f sejf-conficfc;ncp Pin resqlr in lisci- especjally in inriwate relatiopships. seek and takc advice but they ::411 fln(i
pline being thrown rn th~ winc\s. lt is They shoqlq reajize this , and accept this rather irksome, probably became
not easy to fi nq loval:lle1 tenq::r rnuts in rh<lt very often their partners need thcy feel thcy should know everything 1
a Sun sign Capriq::r11. Fo n uniltely, this reqsswance that ihey are still )oved , and don't like bei ng rcmindcq othf r-
is ollJy o ne sjcje :f rhe charaqp- q ther especially if rhe Caprjcorn is much wisc. It is, once again, a q uestion qf
elements in the fi. l) l:rth chart will invo\ved wiJ:h a career and time at sclf confidcnce : they find it distr ing
without do ubt aqq warmrti ro rhis '1ome is ata prernium . if anything tcnds to undermine thi&.
apparently rather chilly personali:y. Not ali Capricorns may be as au to-
Family cratic as wc suggest, but thcre i
Partnersh ip Capricorn children are very la ya! and almost always an el cmcnt of aqtof r cy
Capricorns abhqr ~r: r~g fll arrieq life peed to express natural pridc in their somcwherc in their character.
in a garret and may postr o11e erno- parents, whp ip turn lll llSt realize that The Capricorn laddcr to succe&s
tional commitment 1mti tpey are these ~ hilcfre n are highly conventio nal , must be stcadily climbcd; attemprn tp
firmly establishec! in a career - perhaps anc! need a secure , stru ctured and dis - scale seYe ral rungs at once may pe di&-
qu ite late in life. They may then ciplined bacl<.ground . They also need astrous . On thc other hand, tlrn top gf

The Symbolism of Capricom

F ~l~Hl N f.h
Amnhy&r and rwq q i &~
ar~ rhc wm&rnn~ & fLOWERS
rnmmonly a&&odar:cl Ivy and pansy are
wirh Caprirnrn Capricornian plants


M n i1~
Lcad i& rlw mm! of COLORS
Caprirnrn Capricornian colors are
gererally subdued and
Tn,., incjude dark green,
Willow, pi11C ancl ~lm gray, black and prown
rrm lin k ~d rn
Willow (&har~d Comfrey, hemlock and
wirh Pi&m) pen bane ;re associatccj
wirh Capricorn

Pi n: Hr::mlock


Fi~ld pan&\'
Whi le the goat is thc
anirpal o f rhis sign, ir is
always rcpresented wirh
<\ fish'& rai l - ill qsrrating
the mnr thar r~ l are& ro
{l ~lliH P. ANH Caricprn
&<1rnrn i& rhc rn lin g
pl<1n~r of (J;ri~Pri1 ANl1'ALS
Goats and other anima l&
with clovFn hoofs 1 such
C l NTRY as pigs, are govcrn:d
lnli<1 i& p 1ii; lf rhP by Capricprn
p (J;prjcp rn

th~ l add~ r i& a!Wn'& a~hiPvallP1 ;mg for leiswre activiries, relxarion amt
thcy &hould &t>t thiir ight& at k\IH a& soine physicaJ q:rcise. They can be
high a&its topmost rnrig. Fw:hqlpgjpI Jllc:itivatiqp roo e<sily qepresseq, even py rrirm
The anin.idt> rn mon(ly is a carPf11l Tlie mmr :rncial prnl:llem can l:le serbacks; pes&imis111 qp pe a prqplem.
eme and Yi&1 thar may llti a 1wm:iriyrn wavering &elf-rnnf:!ern:e: c:inp moment Physiqj actjvicy :an pe a great <1milote
for meanne&11! Early in mtiir rnrtiPr& me&!'.'. pP6pie rhinlc mn :an rnle me anct m4si:: c;i.11 help ro caj111 a11d :heer
r.hee people will prollalh1 &ul&nilP N wmll aml me ne~ t thn r lqupt meir rhr;:m, !Jut qpove ali, thcy shq~ lq HSP
&avi ngs 11chcmto& 1 and if thq ' arto frq: ai:liliw to write a nme fc:ir me rnilkman. rheir inherent rational qqfies. Trey
wlth thc:ir rnonPY it will ofm lP lipPnt Thi&far mean mey are very rnnfiem shm.1lcl <l.)io make room in their !ives
on people who c;in ht:lp thern wirh in & & arn:! very nervous in for the spiritj as well ils the f11aterj;j .
thcir carncrn1 t:mcrrn!nin?; mtim rn din- mher&: theYmay J:ie ~ ui tP &ure they :n
ncri perhap&, Althmigh Caprirnrn& .re rnpe wi:j1 their jnl:l, liur havti 110 rn11fi -
found in ali wall<&of lifo1of rn1m:, qrnq: that mey can &u&rnin a fli:ise per- CAPR-H:::QJ!N PWGITTlSSJ'.P
many do partirnlarh' wt:ll in lornl &onal relariPmhip - m oven PH'lPlish TO AqUl\.JUlJS ~~~~~~~~

gcivimmem, bankirg ancJ finanrn ,

c:Hilte mana~c;mt>m , tlw Pllilding When the Swn progre&ses into
tmk&, tlw demal prnfo&&ion ancl i11 A91tili~1.s, tbe neecj f.or jpcje-
Q&teopath}1, Thti ~df-mad~ !lu&ine&&- pem:irnfe ji:iins rbe Capricom's li:vi:i-
man i oftn a Caprirnrn. tiori to gpirg ir ajp11e . Howcver,
.. Caprirnrn i~' rhe rno~r rn11vemion4l
Chang'1~ hliimr(i aml r~tirement ~ign apq A~.q.rjus the !Tlosr u11conven-
Thl:.l C.aprimm ai:lility fnr lcm?;~ t@ rm {}:M~Tll'lf. tiori;iL so thP omh::io~ rn~1ld rncJica.lly
plannin~ &hmild m@an mar pirimi& pf Twq4:j~:, arr:fpysr chapge. Jf the &un emer& Aquarills
iih<intJif wi.11 !lto amifiplrnd , Typiq lly1 wpen a C<ipricP.rn is coming rn
tia~h chan ~@ hould rnimlt in po&irive terms with his m her pnrnna!i:yl this
mar~rial pmgrtili1 adding rn me im:li- will \J,e very peneficial am.J mrnmage
vioual1 tilf "fonffonc1:1 anct.o~jtjve grfater fretiq::111 P.f qprc~sinn. Evtin
omlogk, Prndrnr &avmg an 111v~r l, :are is p,pvjnusly m:ce&SiffY 1 e&pt>
ffi(llt will en& urti a ~om! tandard c:if ri;:1.Jly if the &igns :han ge in :hi!dhoc:id;
living pn r,;tirfmPnL Th@(l prnpl~ r.;belliq;nes& .rpay rhin mak.t him or
&hm1ld hav1:1 no prnlll~m in fllng her rirhara:teri&r.iqlJy qiffirnlr,
rh;ir welh:arrpg frt'.{'. time v jm ali mti Tqqc is oft:en s~ientific i qg matbe -
aniviriP th(ly hlVt'. lm~ked OW\lQ tQ 111atic:al Pl~<'.l 1ltiaL jn whic:h fil&e these
rnfklin~, An ~i.nh &i~11 1 Cpricqrr wr- taj<mts co4lg qeve jpp in an imere&ting
m<ldt! ir~ lrnizm inrn :jrn ~Wlf n - and l[igjnal W'})' when fh; ~Jfl pnrerS
m rnrrnl11ly inm the frc:; ~ h air. am rlli Aquari4~ anq sl shoulq l::ie rnrnm-
i ~ si: il v~rv mmirnl &ignl 'll1Q a lirer- ageq, since they rn419 evgri rually kad
i.ry g1w1 . l mu~if and PRO~ will flelp to a ~ cces ft!l f=areer qr ~J l t'l&t a
tg fil! :hti Q<ly~, re!"ardi ng sparp-timf interet, The
pne. T~i s qfien 'lfie frnrn ap inability infl uence of Aquari4s wi ll mc:ilify rlw
fteaJth, cf:t lllQ e~ rcie w ee treirsejves cle<\}Y, so they. convemi9nal Qap,ricgrn ima:;e inrn
Q~p ricorrrn ar~ i:m rhe whole vtiry en- ypqere lmate rheir owp at hiev m<>nts . liking for very tren y qr i.nti9~
sil:1le a!lR4r th:ir liNi fl:'rngrii zirn~ the They m st tll<e thtimselves ~t o~h ers ' clothes 1 adgipg a da p pf wclrnnw bril-
rawpac lf ~Plf- inlul gi.;)1fcr1 RIH thH V'llwltiPnsi &ccepjng co111plimcnts liancc to t)1e <\p,ricorn oytlook. A t~m
shm1lci perhll~& watfh rl crir rnlcium grarnfully apq beli ving t:hem. dency to unpreqic:table ang Huhl:imn
leves. perhlfl& the mc:i! impc:irtaN perhaps sHrprisingiy, once these 1 behaviour will sqmeti mes ari~.
agv"ce pne c:an givi:: tl1fm rn ~crep pegplti. s ~~ e \ptg a permaner . re}a- When a fapricorn Asteridam
mqvj11g 1 fi r flliln}1 pt'.nd l c:im~ hm1rs ttonsh t ey ecome v ry carng, very becomes Aquarian, the psyg ho.lg~irnl
p ~j1j nd a e~ iHll filfl N ilY gevej:.p osttive tQ ~r eir parrners' neeqs and outlook will pe frecr and l e~& rnnvgn-
stiffn~ss in rf1e jflinrnl lcfiin g m pften their emotjons flow more posi- tional. More extrovert qualitiP& will
r hnpc q111lm::m. Th@v n ~m t~f gv ly. These traits will be n10st notie- appear, th sugject will become f11Qf!!
particular ( r P.f their lgi.s;~. -igint (this aple tQ rf1e partner, anq even close objective and optimistic, ;J..11Q pp rhap~
is he Gapric:grp ~md~' areG). Tperh and friends nay not discern thcm. A ten- minor mattcrs which o 1e ~litl mict v~ry
skin are als rnnc:er11 gf thi~ ign i!nq gency rn wqrry may increase with their important will now assu111c thtiir ffllP
need speciaJ fare. RathF ljke P-rnir natraj co11:ern for their partners . perspectivc. The Gapricorn ntif!d ro
r~rtn e rs aC:r r'1 @?ilcf iac tJ1cr Pro!Jlems may digestjve diffi - keep moving will be even mc:irn im pnr-
Cancerians, thpy ~ hm1lc.i be very fare;fu l lies whicb in exrrene cirtumstances tant, for Aquarius is linked wi th rh!!
pf their s~n 'Yhf ll in trqng .mJighr; a will Jeaq to qlcers or .skn disorders. To circulation; the subjcct m4H Kl'!:!p
high -grade fn -&freen fllter hP i qvoid tbis bi1ild -up pf interna! tension warm during cold weather, Th@rn rnay
ajways pe ~mig when sHn-l:Hthi n . tbey neeq a roqrine which allows time be a sncaking regard for glamc:ir,

--~~-~~-~- -- - - ~ - -
The Traditional
Association~ of Cap:r:k~om
Ja p;~rn1b;r - :10 Jamrnry

TJ-!E Qqr,~
Th~ aal'tylPnian ,m.l !Oa wm~ a
doak dl&igncd a~ a fth '~ &~n
rnmpkrn Wirh b!ad anl ,
arnPn. hi&nam~~ Wl~ 11 Al1t!!lPPf.1 of
rlw ~ka~" - wlm bi,:m;r jmiprion
ofa fbtailt!l ;oari H!i p rrw fmrn
tht! OGlan~ ro rna~h wl~ctPm tP
land -Mn:illln mn

f.m !T!YITY / :]f.NPf.Jl.

Ni:g<tf:iv:, fi:rninin :
TITTrHr.m ni. !O!-EJ\'1ENr R uuNc; P LANET
!Omh Saprn

Q 4 Y flJl. Q fJA j.ITY


~mir An'\
Th e Jm ~ :s , & , j:ip ri.:s
qm1 rmh


f- !~A& 41\JP ~Pifio&

fmp, q:irnfrH, knapWf Pl,
ht:rn lP~~' lwnbani.:

1 ------~
ni Milh-""a..__
vy, !wm&r<l&I'.,
ilrnmmhH&1 p.anw

'3Wl:!JIW ~
lrnf.1J\1pi ffh Afghmimn ,
~1 aG10,cjon a 1 Thr~ifF. 1 AHHni~ ,
~flll\'~ I\ Hl~ara , l-:Uh H~lli~, thf
Gf1~~~ ot' YHffl~! vi i, Qrkq:y
aiq ,Sh ~fl~nsa
~ r pi~ f lq ii~'T.;f I'' .
O fi;in!W* h flhii Mnirn !=in', l\fot, p l_1W [!, b,~r! q;, h<'.f, sp11m h ,
@henr 1 Pl'Jn .Sajfj, ~rm~; is, , malt , mediar, p ni on,.quirn;c;
fp n&t~im , lv.!cckJmlmrn; lm srard1y focid~
tl1 c adminis,frari vc: Eemri:~ lf ~ 11
Gapita l titici arn fF:Ninmil!\' rnl~l
b:" lapriccrn
Aquari ;s
h@ i\quarhm ne~l fqr incl~p~mkm:~ rnn't }3ear in rnind P.ey will mily peeq to pe
b~ un<i~res.timate<t ~ :mcl it is. ~s.s.emial tlHt
1\~uariam ct~v~lQp. lml S.llS.t'lin the right lifes.cyle.
pconvention;il, so a schoo! qev:n~q ro
rigid cfcipline, with very &tn:mg p,r
opse~sive acaclemic ili111s, may lQt pe
1\lthcm~h mey have the r~plltatiRll pf P'-'Pg suitaP,le. They are qtiona\, tiowevn,
partifularly fri~nlly~ in manYw~ys. tlwy ar~ vt.:ry ancf ajways listen ro reason. Tris wi!i
privat~ ami cti~like havin~ th~ir priv<i~Y invad~q. Pe a distjnq assef in later life.
Their narnr<il is. lin~~q rn l gt!nine Aguaran cllpreq are natra,Jly
fri~nqly, P4f alas rhis neans J:hey lllY
., d@s.ire w l:w hl!lpfuL s.o ' in m::m\Jl~ will
~~~r;cz;,.~ always. finl thi;m reaqy tq help ~ 'lpprna~hin~ mhen' pe qverfrnst:ing md tQQ rea,qy rP. w;in-
qer offwit:h p;issipg sp-angers who take
problems a~ th(iy apprna~h their own - logi~'lHy1 qetach~rl <incl agvarnage Qf rhar friencf.liness . Jt mi.m
without undu~ cmmion, be very firmly irnpresseq Qn th~m frnm
<m early age riot to qo this. h is pan:ic-
u!arly gooct for ypung Aqarjap& tQ
Qecpme ipvolvect in ch<!fity w:rki it
will help them develop their s~Pllg
Aquariam havt! an originaL ilt:'lfti: hrnanitariarnsm wlct1 is like!y N pe
&tn.iak and ID!i morn prntivtllY i:hi&i& one of tj1eir & rnq mo&r pr:isi-
~hown 1 IDtl mort: fulfh':d IDt:Y will pe. s J:ive rrajf&. Creative and scienjfic flair
Howt:vcir1 thi11 oriBinallt:y muH nm Frinutl:Y q11d bttmfH1itaria-n &hmilct pe qgerly enrn4raged :.vhen
P{'.WmCl rno idio&ynuati: m pnvn&e flanr.rt and laya-1 ;inq jf it deve'i6p&. These :hillrrn often
a& omtirn ;an mm he ar hl'l&t ~ ml1ar OriinaJ ffrut i11Ffrifipr hav~ ;m imeresi:ing ~ense of ctrarni 1 lwr
ra&tid ami at wom 11erimrnly annoyeq. I11drPflUFPPt flrtfi intrllrftl-tffl ir Pm pe exa?;~nilrect.
l\quarhrn ili an ;1-ir 1il~n 1 and ir& inh;ip-
hftrn1:tffklP anfi rnntrary
A9uarian parent& :m have a very
itant& n ~ed air1 hom phy&i;a!Jy inl inqivjqaj attitude tQ thr ~Q!.!C<l:J:Q!l Qf wnd nnPrf1#fta#fe !=hilf:Jre;n. They IPUSf r~rri~mp~r r.Ji;it .
mt:taphorir.:ally, They m1m rnali:z;ti hPw
v'ry ruhhorn th~y ;an Ptl and &hmilct VnemafiP11aJ wd clptarhe4 chilq may P.e mme cQnvention41 mm
try rn rnum~r the rnnd~my When me pilrem&1 aq if i& a pi&tak~ ro fpr:e
ymmlli1 r.hiy <!fe urnally kall'lr& p( t:h~i r hirn pr her into l par:jrnlar moukl ju&r
~e l tilt:ill 1 but mmnim~s mt:y W fl qe:ai.rne tll~y wjsh' ir. S~rnriy apq Pi&-
Ip4ependpnfly~ fmmanrly1
tim1e rn "lin['; rn ym.imful opimon&1 &ci :jpline mw hr rea\ly import;mr tn a
lHt what wa on"tl a lipkmfUy fr- dtff rf rl:p crujql 'llQ the p.rentsl llowever alven-
wirdch)Qjgng narnrn h1;mmt1&ultrn- twrm~l ihnlq ac:ept J:hi& . Aq~1ari.n
rnn11tirvativi;~ Agi\i n1 awarrn'1&~ Qf m~ parenr& shm1ll a! way~ a&~ th~rn&~lve&
prnhkrri will ?ci for rn rnume;r it- whethl'.r f:hey hayt: r)QVGO wi:h th~
Pwlitiv~ ami nptimi!ltif e;vt:n whrn tirpr~ . Their' iwrri~qire r~ply will pe
lifo f!i~Hi difftrnlr 1 Aquarian& rnr~IY IP&e YfSi P~H tji.ey slm4lq r~il!ii!! ir i~
hope, ig mi;ir natural hi.imaniry unlikely ( ~specially f.or p1ern )1 tnd
llway,& ri;m i nl~ mem l1at many orner& mter imo a relat=m~tiip 4pjl t}ley are shqulq ngt 'ass4rr~ aprQmirii:.: !llld
Me llf&& frruaJ e (in tivery !lrn&!;J) than lil set in their w;i}fs ti1'lt it ali seems mmplet~ ppg~r&:aqing pfffirir
th~m&elvt:!i, 'fhrir Ghitif fault i~ urne.Jly impos11fle1so remf\in pe;rrnaneprJy flren. They m4&: jearq to r~!.l ly li&reri
lllpmtiftabi11ty1 PYt IDl'. ifl!lpen- &ingle. ~ve:; p sg 1 there 1 'l sqgngly tR :nerr. Qespi:~ f!P.&sipl~ prnb l~ m&,
grnc~ can al.O m<tkt: l1eni vi;ry rnrnaritic trealc in many AQar~1rs 1 ijiey .~qal ly rp~e lively par~m&, illw4ys
rcmqtr1 G<lUing emmilnal prnhk:m, \Vh P jke:; t:h gl1nqr qf mmance, <1!14 reafly tg pring ~wr their childrrn 1&
P<lrWer amt frlrnl&may be jutifi;q in nni:e CQffiffiHPcf 'lfe - li~.; Ylfir !Ntcn:ial and n~e the m QH Qf ir,
&.sp1?cti11g IDlt 1mmNimti A91Hriln& Oagricorn cousins - very joyaj. The
aq Rlit of liht:H pervN&W. plai:ing of Ven ~ will color ijlls as:ect Career

qf an f\Ri..iari;in'&litei <llq ffi Y rpq}jfy
the attjruqe cqnsideraply.

Aq4arii,l m.&t tiave free rtiin rn do
whatever is ex:ectcod pf rhtirn in rh!!ir
Qf aj the ~ ll ri ign&1 !\q1nriari& rnn own way, pninhipiteq lw continmiJ
fipq it ffiPt ctiffirnlt rn liflttlr irrn anci liamil}' advice or. the in~i~tence 911 ! panirn!ar
S!:J tai n a fl~i:. pfl(:ltQlij reiltllllfl Aqi..iartan orjgi141i:y qnq he:; reeq ro regimc. They have to q:pr~~~ thtiir
Th ir pqw~rful need [Ar inflepe;m:l<mqi pti c;ljff,er~ n t will s on emerge in chil- i nven tivenes~ in thei r wqrk, wh~th~r
rTJl~es it parti:.hrly h9rq fgr tn~m rn gren P.f mis sign, w)lo Qn the wholu creative or scientifi (or tmm) . ThtiY
!et Pt:h<>r ifltl tl1eir liv~l 1 fr tlrny real- will pe happy <md positive, wi:h a great may becorrp ipventors of ~Offi(: kinq.
jz tb is will m~ll mmfving meir lif~ desjn; tg qo t:heir pwn ming; Parents Smf do e; :remc!y well wmkin~ in
scyles ang ti::ilernting ap fp 'ai:n pf &l10ajd w'\tch for w ywarqness; fh e tomm u nicati~n ~ - the airliIW, gr tbc::
:I eir living pi.q: - 'pych:lf::gifal as pes anjdoro is hQ suggesr mar bey do technical arcas Qf relevsign nr rndio,
w 11 as plWic.J. TlitiY::ft:en f.ii1::li11e tP the opposif() gf what yo. rea)ly qesirel fr instante. pes:itc their k:.~!il ~rn&~


The Symbolismof Aquarl11~

Ch- ~1HPl\lf, CpLORS
Aq1wnarinP i& thi& &i;P'& fmic blHi: ~rl f.Oll'ER
wmmm rwq w~is~ ire rh~ \q:y The orchicj is ~n
1\9Harii!n colqrs Aqqarian plaq

T1t1111 .1c1n ni' J:01t:ll'!r 1'I T Most fruir crees fall
Aq11ari11& i& a11 air &i;n uqcjcr Aquarian
anci 111a11y a&trnlogm inlucpc~
foil rhar h! i& pmrin,
lifo-rnhanfini &piri inrn Apple blossom
rhc nht:r
B 1 1rn~
Pear t-cc
AqYari.i& mi:rm bin:I&
(apabk nf loni - cii~rnm:p
fliihr, ~>ifb a& t\.i- #Ail
rh~ albatrm&
1.Jr<\!ll!S is he
ruling p\anet
qf \quariLIS

is an
1\quarian coqnry,
~bi!c irs cqpip!,
MQ~!=QW, is ao
Aquari;n ciry
of ambition thH t!11jciy anl 'lJ.; g!=l!=lH H i& liff:.Jr ro fi::l :Jn&;: ro rh;: qug- on thc re!;itionship; do they rq!)y wa,nr
work whi;h 'lllw!i rh~m fQ pcprt&& mil: per&nn wirh A9 Hariu& ri&ing. Th;: a. p:mner, m jl!H a p;irrrership?
tlwi r rnn;crn for humaniw Tht!Y ma.k.!". li ffn.;n ~: P{;'.hV!".rn incteprnlrnc;: arn:! Aq.aria11s who grow r0Q i)wwl-
im:cllcnt fl,: ld or &o:ial workn& Qf i&l=lhHinn mmr PP rm:: i gn.jzpl: ro. m<iP looki11g can bewm: hypoch~:mlriacs.
adminisrrarnrn for lar?;~ :harirnllJ.; i& an i&lam:t. P&y~ lmlo.giql whnlPlP&s is flowever, p;:rversicy cq.jcj clrivc rhen1
or~ani~arion1; . Nm l=lP&!:l&&iv!:l allmn li kf:IY rn cnm;: rhrmrnh aw;ir:npss rhar in rh;: other cjireqjop, so that rpey
inrnmc, tht!Y m1m avi:iil wa&ring rlwir rhpir i:lf'H 9i1'llitif'& ar;: &hl=lwn rhrm1 ~h ignore th;:ir sy111prn111s; rhey q1p a,lso
money on tri;mdy fripp!:!ri e&. jtjnlne&& row;irl& ami appr::iariqn of p: <mracn.:q rn rile latcsr fsbioqa,ble
mhn prnpJ;:. When rh:se ar: m::ipro- hc<J.lrh cme. As th!.'. cirrn!arion is
Chango, loi11uro and ret:tremem ='l f:;:.f, rh:;y &hm1ll nm p1-1sh rhern aw;w A.qiiari4s-rulcl, anq thc hearr is rhe
Aquariam arn oftrn q1.Jiw & lis- or pm up llarrins, l:im i::t:pt rht:m. LP"o orga.n (L:n is rh!.'. po\<1.r sigp), thf'
mrbed if thcy art: kt'pt wairing fl:ir fi nal ;:;iger for self-lmowl::jg:, rh:;y ar;: vqy laner shoqJ:j be kepr heihhy rhrmigh
dc;i~lon~, ur forl &omt' :hang!:l hover- ~mbllmn <inl may ri:si rhp rea!iz;;irio11 rcgiilar cxercise. Psycbologica! p.rnb-
ing ovcr thrn1 wirhom knl=lwing pn:- rhiH rhey &h~mll :hang:;, :;vrn whi::n Ielis or :vep sin1plc worry niay' qi.isc
d1;cJy whcn it will happrn . A !i~lllrn orhcrwis\.' inpxpJicqbJc back p;iin.
dcc;i~ion (wh;th;r rhrir ow11 m &orn:-
ont! cl&t!') nm nt:arly a diffirnlr fr
rlwm. Tht!ir quids, rPa~riPn& m<iy t'Vlll
makt! rlwn1 ~w.;,;p mir of a w~ll
c!irnllli!ilwd jPll ttivtin rnrrngh prnv1=Jrn- Wlwn rlw liH!l prn?;r::s&;:~ inrn P.isces,
tki11. Tb;y hmild rry nm tl=l l,ir rfl,; Aq.arians fo~I rnnfi.i&.;l Pl:'.rnus!.'. rheir
prn&p!!n of r,:ti rrnwm makt' rlwm mi&- crnorio.n& lo.w nlPri:: .;;isijy ;ml ilr;:
9rnblc for rnn rt:im llcforn rlrn ;v~m, 111nre o.pc:;nly s)lowp. Tht:y wi!I also re!y
imrnad ~raduallr buil~nl3 up n~w ratht'r 111ore qq inrnirion. Tht.:r!". i&
ar.;a of i11rnr1m whi;h c;an fill 111orr of grear rnnrmr bnwm1 th;: warm,
rlwir llvt: wlwn rlw rinw rnmp. lf t:mq P,Qni.I approa:h :ypiql of rhi::
rlwir worl<; h a~ lltirn :h11l, w1inrnrHin!.Ji pi~cqp il!lQ rl1e nlpcji, liHam,
m rnn rnnvPnril=lnaL rhcy &hm1ll .m :Jy li:igic Aq~1arian. h's nnr &wpri&in~
lnl=lk furward rn Ptiilll3 al:* tQ .;x prn~ that Agparj<ps f.:; thf' grmnq &h<lking
fl-111\' rlwir nrisinaliry and :fPrivc nr. .qdcr thPir f;n whrn rlw Pisi;:.:111 gi.ial -
.:j.;ptjfk fl air: Thnr &h"mll givt: &pt!cial itics brnin rn )lqk; thcnvwlvt:& t"lr.
rhm1~ht fn illlY IW'fl!iliary adjH&flllt:nt I)Qn1t f" r!!e t thqf rre n:mpt>rnniuma.1
thP\' 1rnw hri;; rn milkP, pPrhap rhink- change&will pe grnlH;il, nm rhar rht'Y
i11; of wa~1 in wh.i'h !ipart'-timti wnr~ wi jl ge ofq:p&i!::ic ri1 ~! c 4qvamag;. Th;:
~iln l:inlfr rlwir rnirnmrnr inm 111~ - m: nqy ang ~liBhtlY gq:G1Hfi!,' Agimrian
image rp~}.' iil&n j:.: &nfr!-'.!W~i, ilrn.i rh;
tteaJtl11 qi6t am1 6Uf~i~e rQpru ic ;j.:111e11r, nft:n l~irit:l , will
Thtl firrnlarion rnn bi;; \'HlntlrilPif nm\' appear 1 e~p.:~ial\~ in tlw i;:lmlws
. 9Ha ri ~ 11~ ilff ofrrn ilt rhi;;i r !lPllr in which may. Lw &ltfcr ami Plnt'. ldii;:ar;: .
cgjg W~'lrlwr iHll 1 likg C.aprirnflli, ~J SH rJ1<.l r. ;icceit ir j11te\lccrn;iJly. fiheadeq- In thc northern l1cmi~ rJ h i,;rti,
al[\I. tiPjOY ih ll-H th;y ~hf-rn l l ~tlPP lPS. amj V'lOi t}f tjo n qr l' ecomti thcm. Aquarius ~mi P.i ~:q ri~e fa irly ~Fli,:k.Jy,
' 1 rrr 1 wtlarinf:!i light lm wim1p.rnp,f Thc 13rnt?lern pf saqificjig inge:e , so nen if an, prlr tiq~rq;_ gf Aqi1ariw
Ejm he whifh Wlll 1t tlfin tlWif :jGncic f(: r <i pe rm;ip~nt rnl<itinnshi P, ar is risi n'g at birq1, fhc:; ,sup,jer,:t 111W pi,;
mq,c1nc:m1i . JWgulil P>tHfitl ~h1:ml!:1 nc:;vr fa r away. The jf:l eal p.<1 r ~ncr ma)4 quite young vhen fhcAscendamro-
be gr ''l jw ri th~r rl1an :j~ll m rnwri- Pi~ nnio williqg tl t<\J<.e 'l t1ack ~qf and grcssi:i,5 ,1ntt) Pisce . Parcpt ho~!I look.
tiw;. ,ike al! aj r jgm 1 Af}m1ri ilP~ r hrj v~ pl ~v ~ pHr<;b4 ~mp poni\'e role. Tj1cy will out fr subtlt 8cr p,nalit)j cJ1i111~c& and
P t m a li hJ 1 m:iwilihirg diN Tht> ~~ rta in l~ neeq fl ge prg.q f their . ensure that thsc are po itivtJI)'
an kles are ryj Rlw thi~ ~ign aqf1 rn n ~P p:i rm~rs 1 _a ng tq e,: & qpc yery .~pe,c 1al expresscd ami tQntribute tt) tht' p~y
\'LJlnerablci CS~H~i~~li t~ frc:;!lUPc:;n qwl11p,;$ 111 rJi;:m (part\}<~1C(a se thcy chologiul dc\'eloprnent. Tht: Aquri;m
th , pcrhaps ~ll l!f w1rp ggg:j ankje El1 if1~ !1ese refkct thjf QWjl ()uafics~) opcnncss and frankncss may lw
sqnprt; are g c~irnlltl 1 f . ~~cj a ll\1 if Ttw ' qre normally Yf:fY gcncrcius ~, put clouded b\' ,l rathc r SCCrcti\'C t!ildtJn'Y
sking r wintc:;r ~pmr~ are ~PiP.~P d ar 4n:j cr\yjqg nccq m pe bP.~ ' tan be If, fo r instance, th changc t<ikP& pli1:.;
h<1rd o livc witji, and infl cxi pility can \\ hcn thc chi(d is \'e r\' \'OUn ', &i;h ill1
~a , &e extra prpplems, sp it is viral that e\'cnt as the birth of .1 \"Oun gr &illling;
rl1ese pegplc learq t(l mpromi e. cern id rcsult in thc ncgati,c gp ::f '
~vc ry meaningfol relationship to some Pisees prm oki ng dcccption, worn' anl
Psy hologjcal mfltiv:atiqn s;xtent invo!ves s"llcrific;:., and if they confusion. Thc increascd se11;lrivitY of
As with S'un N1~rnri p 1 thG nc ~l fnr thl qnable tp mqdify their own necds Pisces \\ di , ho\\'ever, grcatlqQft:Pri
1miepcndcn<'.'e ~ r:;r-r 13rcar 'iti thf'. ro r;ike, actpwnt of their partncr's, they an\'onc \\ ith Aquariu s ri singJ 111 akin~
pcrsonali tYt r ~:~111 1n pG d i~fl'1t\ it l1ould thi nk twice bcfore cmbarking thcm more pcrso1ul h S\'mpafhnk .

. '

AQUAR]US . 12~

The Traditional
Associations of Aquaclu~
J l him1a1J' - l8 Fd:irnary
Hti'fiS AN P Sr1n.s
THI Oi\!1-lN Trqse ;virn snarp, 4114&<11 flavors
Tlw Erprian ;nd Hapi w~rmd
tlw ~mil frnm rwn j1-1;&; bq r h m~
~g~1m a l ~o an m-iciarinn wirh f~
( ~G~ 1-1nd1! Caprirnrn ), ~Pmnim~&
~a l l~d rlw Gnd wirh nrn i t rPam~

PV l-! 1'!1-; fl ~/\:wr

j_J r ~ml~ ( ~n~irnrlr , sm1rn l

Footjs w!iich prcsi;:rve we!I:

how1- 1\~ frmrn fopq,
qriej frqiVi
~ ppl,s, cjr4s fruirs,

Or~hict, ;oldrn rnin

PP~1111 1 1 r/l-inmi- 1t
Pn~itl'f , nmrnlinP
T l1 IU!l fll} -; .-'.M- N!

Q1-n1w1111r 1n mi Qi-'M-rrr

Hnnr AJl-E.\
Th~ ~I in ai1:j ll~l~~ i rhP
cira il;fi:p

(JjT lfS
fv!oscow, 'i a l ~~ u rg,, Rp.:111;p ,
!iamburg, Sr l'crcrsburg

GoL .' 11u"

U:SS R, Swcd cn, P lan d 1
A byssi1~ia , Isra el , l ran

nvn fisht!& &wimming
T .in oppo&h~ .dir~niom - &iigg~st& th~ main
h~ iwml:ml of Pi&;.:~s - FamiJy
Ir is viral rhat rhe pa,renrs of a Pisq:an
chilcl train him o.r her tp pe hqpesr :!
t~m1on m thi;:l fl&;.:ean ~h'lrn~u:r: a naPlr<tl str<iighrforw<ird. This may not pe eaw,
pllrvN&tY I<indn~&& join11 with ke~n inrnhion to bm rh:: rendency ta cmbroicler rh::
make Pi&;.:tJam th~ b~&t son nf fritmqi . Tlwy art.'. rrth wirh plency of irnagi11arive q~ lm
frindlY1;.:haritaPl~ anct &~lf-&<lcrificing1 bm th~ ir can mean me less clesirab!e Piscean
willin~nt!s& m h~lp mh~r& ha&a ctrnwback in th'lt ms qo. seriol!li clamage. Any iptf:ff::&t
th~y too oft:~n maktJ it an ~xcmt:: for faihng rn whic)1 flres rhe imaginarion po&i:jvely
~hm1l cl be encoura,ged anc! prq.isecj
exploit th~ir own hif?;h pm~mial i tPi;:lY ar~ &o l:liisy frnm in ::arly ag:. This may also pe
wiing their cmergy on lehalf of th~ir fmily and frit'. nd&that they lifflp.h - Piccans a!ways lu1ow Qrnc-
have little left for their own affirs. qpe who can qo rhings bi"'.tter th;m
thf:!m . rr is !10 se lrnyipg this; bt-i.t
poim 04r thilt ~om: dilcfren wi lj gq
jj .... - - ~ ~ ~ rhi11g& les& wel!. Th::ir conficlern::: n,st

lt i&ofnm very diffirnlr for Pi&;~an& m TR4PITIPN4L PPiCfS TMini +~ Pf.l !:i'o!swr::d at ali P.nws anl rheir PlW-
f.lrs of qm.::f:!nrrar:io.11 1m1sr a!so b:
lcarn rn f;t'l realicyi 11tmn gc.r ;aring
IntP.J1i11Mf P!i ffflff .r1m.ritip;
st-rnrp~n.icj if cjri;ami11::ss is nor rn hin -
pQop l ~ lihmild t'ln;":rnra~@ rh@m rn ito ln progr:ss. Any &.::ienf:ifc fl air shm1lcf

liO ar evny oprornmity. The p.';jj"f mar; M/.4 .::ertaif1ly be .::rcQ,rag::q; s.::i::nce i&
''wharnver wil PQ1 wHI !:ii; 11 rnn !:ii;rnm~ Selflqs ff nft ttmrarldAy pm.inf:ially <i gi:iog fi:'.A fm rl1cm ro
a VQrlra!:iltl rrap fr thtlm 1 in Ihe wo.m I ntuit{rr W'f ff .ryw.p.afb;ti: \vmk. in, prnvicj~d m he r areas of t:he
;a~e mmltin ~ in rnmpkIQ inanio.n . s chan show rlw neq:s&ilfY rnet:irnlos
E.rrnjlfff ff Pff f{i{Jlfli~ti:
'falctn ~ fhQlin!i :f !12a&r f.';~i rnm;v1 inq crm.::ern fP. r <iNail qn !:i~ iq:1',:q to
$e:r;tipe Cf f!:ff p:ig14;
fo;~ivinf'j dwrmtilv"& btKl4~tl Ihtry thei r mvn imaginar:iP.P ancf jnspiration.
don 1r wam rn fo;~ 1-1p rn hm h milirv1 Wrn:k-wi/!;d ff ~ff prqily {efi Pi&ft:'l pn;nrs are e;ig:r to .im:mir-
arn rn<ijm fimlrn , :.~1 ag: tpejr chi lg l:im th.iy !=ill1 b~ rno
The ;q!orful Pi&'2Nn imagi rrnr:ir:in 1 Knwow s p&ygoing with thcr1; Pifff.lntal Ya~c
;rnarivtllY and p:iir:ivtJly tl ~Pf"&el 1 i~ Np(;ulgu~Ay,,

iwiJr:mionff PIJI,,
n~~s pn pe .ivcp nmr!" infuriqtiP-!; tA a
an rnmmo.ll&afiC. t1 !:im Pi&;tlan& m1-1&r :hile! rha.n overstricmess. They pm
l~arn nm m aj!r:iw th~ir irna~inar:i o. n & rn
fim1itfulfr tP.eir cpilcjrep firsr, waqf:ing rhem to
ww~ nt:s ar:ively1 ma~nifying &mal! :t~v~IP.P their pp,t:nrial ro rhc ful!est-
prol:Mm inrn majm Qftt'J, Tha ltl~il
lv;; Pi~W!Il charannilf~ will mrn Gareer
rak~ lVff If thcry '2 h4nlf:ll th air imagi- MNHYl Di&.::qn'& qre:r s!101-1 ll !:iri11g
rnnill cr'arivffy1 fimHn!li a pt:;iftc llH rpe tijeir fP.r .::qfjng wjiich is on~
llJlft fp r the111 (pgrhap~ in ~Qmt> form of rh e ~igq '~ irrongcst anrillurn, !!P.
qf <in m crqfr)1 U!t>Yf ll lfhitlVl2 n.i ~ult~ tpey are agpjra.P,ly &1-!in:cj to wmk in
wpicp will Wpi&e rnem ~tllVti~- f '\rtners)lip the caring (.1QfossilJlS Thf".Y ar.i Por
'fr cfjgn!J) y1 Pi ~,:ti& i~ ~f.lWJ11l rhg Pis,~ean t:mltim1 is re::iliilYpmm~f! jnJo very gp,qq ar P.rgri~a~ion ancj 1-1&1-lilllY
pper pf.P,l{l ?;Adiilf 1 l:im tlk{l rhi i11 rhti 'll c;111 o~ om1l fHflliH~hir , 'llld loveq work selflq~ly in t~~ pack;rmmq, Y't
pr9aqesr ene - it appliti rn rhe lll'.S 111'l}' cve11 g.t> gverwpejrpeq with they ar~ qfi:en t:xcellent ancj s4.::.::t:&!iful
q earjve . ~e gf rb; imagirnHiQl in any afftqjgr . prpvidt'.9 th::ir fPQtign are actrs . This ~ ~cca4se, Qn tl~~ 1 th12y
area qflife. ~~pt \.lllder rnntrnl Pi&Cl'l <\QS can pring can tonceal tjiejr qwn gersoqalif:ii;&
'Thcr refu i.l rn face tillity can tl n1Fgc; lJTlf".~h!ng vl'lry specjal W a parplfrship. behind those gf their charactcr.
iri n inapility N &ee rhin~ l~ rhn' l:mt their feelings are 'l}wws very clqse Being so aware qf the ffri n~ qf
reay are. Thi~ kinc;i Qf t;lf-c!fff ppQn tfl ~he Sij fa~e, ancj S!Jrprising)y ~rivial others thcy can majse exceptiqqaJ
can e rea Iy gangerpJ& fs!-ilt 1 pl'lr- marter qp SQITTCQij1f".S trigger a scene. counselors, and a tne sense qf vo;a-
saqjng Piscean& rn lie gefa lJ~!f rlwy fulfTJarti c a1cj se ptin~ma} wi1en they tion ofi:en takes fhem into rc.ligiQM
tell themselYl'lS J rh~ tnHP will hlln - f'll! in lave isccags we;ir pe rn p cnt orders. But glamr a ~tracts tq9 = tht!Y
rhose rhey lqve . Qn thti rnmrlf\' lf fP.~ c cglgrecj glasss; tbcy w11l n\y lave designing anq rnaking btiamiful
cpurss:: 1 piey arn lmBlly pnly milkin13 qisfl l'lll&e wirh fben as e resi.1lt of tlothes. This is one qf the LJai i?;m pf
rnaners worse. f. p &igp pisce.ns l:liner experjepce 1 \~ihen the pqrtner's the z diac, so Piscear. , , t: n havt: rwo
shopj:\ trive mg;v;Jlp. mi11gs qf rh~ir f.auJt <tfe ruthlessly q:pose{:\. A cear jobs ar thc samc ime ~ with a &partl-
own 1 thus avqigirg eva1P qijd inqecj- viGW of reajicy, bowever, stql!y time occupation whi ch (i f they lwvt:
S'ion whenev r majw gefiiqns JT)s t pe enaqles th::ni ro lmfl t,he relationship help with thc orga.nization ) c 11 !:iti ~y.::
maqe. The po if.iRn nf MerrnrY (whjcp pn fmer fo~md<ttions. Not overly pas- cessful and remunerative. Varit;ry ami
rJes the mind) in rlrn rnmplcrte pirth jgp<ire1 their ri:irpanf:ic view Qf sex can flexibility ar needed i strict rgytfot:
chart musr be qrn~ !lv m1clieg . ge renclerly ancJ h;mcjsomely exprcssed. and time-keeping 'are tricky tbr th11m.

f1sq:s 12~

The Symboliam
of Pisces Water li!y

YMfl~IC iJr.;N The water ly qnq
Tlw fh gf Pl~> ><& wiHow, togq,er wifh
mtier p\ants growipg
ncar water, <ire
naruraJly Piscean


T !liPl-!f!Tl' flR far-MrNT

Wam l&rh ~ fh'~
~l~mrnr - Pi&c i& Ql>l COLOR
nfrlw wam &im The color of Pisc~s is
a, sPft sea-green anq
f!owers jp that shape are
H r fl il > typiplly- Pi~ce~n
. ....
Chirnry i Ql~ gf rlw
lmb a~Q>'iam:l wirh
Any animals that are qt
hPf11e in water are
Pisccan - ali fisii are
nle.j py this sigo; tpey
WHl TON~ ;re IWHllY 5tqw~ jQi\eR
Th~ rn l ml1;~ , ma ~i'al fgerher, hqldjng a rnrj
mllnmni; i rhll i;:m ip th:ir-mmnhs
ill~iaml wlrh rhi & in

Co 1wr !lit' ~
. mrh Afri~a , ;inl rh~ jlu.,1NG PLA NET
(Jgi'li l~ m in Neprure is t!ic rling;
panirnl;ir, a r~ pl;im pi<J,flf'.ts qf Pisces
rn 1~: l:w fi::
Sun 11ign Pi&:t'.an& are nm &tn:mgly &pm;rj111es pra:J:icqj pelp Pll af:viate wim Pisces rjsing to try to see hinse)f
ambitkm&bm &::ar11 Qf rnur~e 1 P~ fin;m - m: sHff:ring whi:h P<ls PHWQ~ecj meir as 411 unf lfi lled Rampo anq qecj:f~ to
d ally y;:;:e1111ful . Huwtlver-1 t:h~Y 11hq J::j &ympathY in m: fim pl'lc:, ami thi&is be a wqrld leacfer (ever1 in a lq~al cqn-
~cele prnfosskmal ::jvi"e in mi:im:y rnflt- ln AtwiPHS wwpf ;voicfing cfiffi etIJ:ies. rext). Pisceans shoujd, be very can:ful
tern1 for a5 wdl a& nm Pei11~ tl&p~:j iHy ThH ffiHSt p~ rarilni41 hpw:ver, an::j befre <cceptjng alY leaqersrnp P.le,
guud at oqi;ani zill~ mtiir AWP fi11fl.Il:e& 1 trY to gi:t tni::i anxinH& i::iver pmJJ- for they are rP llYat their pest wqr!tj n;
ciwy art'. &oft m u;:htl!ii ami 1=a11 ~ivti l:m~ fpr iVhich mere i&nci snh.mi::m. - very va) apjy - in the packgrqund.
more money away mm mtlY:. m+lly Th: r:hgi.lY& Pisc:m will tak: refll gi: lt is valid, rn a!k wpemer .i n
afford (m t:han i&.fai r m mtlir familitl&) . <1nl rnmfort in pray:ri spirirnal rnm- Pis1=eans really want ro kpqw rh efTl -
fr:in :an a.i&l Pftrn Pe fmmd. in th~ s:lves, br when :he sign js rjsing c h
Chan~e, lei ure ami reiir~ment im piriticmaJ aspen& uf ~pm e fmm& of d,oupfs ire even stronger. It qft:en
Faccd by ;:hange1 Pi&<;: tiam qn itll tm:i p~;r:j &e, &H:h as ypg;. Oenf!e 1 rhyth- &e;ms thar :hey inven t a pern::na qnd,
Ca~ily work mcm&dVtJ Yp imi:i a rnn - mi:qj i:x:r:i&e is gP.i:il fr Pi&c~ ans, cfrn:ite ali their consicferaple imagipa-
N!il)d and apprchenivc ~me . Nm P.nly h;lpine; them l::is::i'm psy:hcJce;ically <lld. J:iv~ powers rn fitiing mernselvi:s inrn
will meir imas lnaiiom wqrk uvnti11w1 it 1 rather ct"i<ln re~ly trying to d,isq:iver
bm thei r lac;k of ri:;al mganii atiQpqj ra.1 - what tr4jy millc~~ th:m tick. This is nm
em Cil-11 prevem mtim &~tli11g clearly pecessarily d.isasrrous, ;specially a& they
what mim be done m cop; with mt: qQ it wi th copvictj: ; pf jf rrey
ncw 5in.1ation, wht:th~r emotionally or really <l;:hieve sdf-1<.nowled,g:, ir gjv:s
phy&irnJly, Jli!i:;ean& who emer retire - (::Q~Qll them a sense of s~lf-conficf ence <illR
mrnt wim a &pt::;iaJ imcrti&t will fi ncf l:fr ~rn -gr:e r power whi1=1l will b~ :f !Tlore p~ q~ f to
me Pnf<l time availaPk a 11h;i;;r dt:light1 ttiem rJi an m any mher zm!ial= :yp~.
t:nn if tfa~rn i11 nu rn;:h imc;rc&t1a di&tTt They nt 4!&P. p:vare pf peing tQQ
of uno;:rnpitid time di&Qtlnt<lte :ritif'I! nf thPir panner&, a& tri&. P n
rhem1 11d rnftln:ed retiremem rnn <\ge &nml'nmP~ , @fPrnmirely, pe 1:.k~rr4c
them ali mg rapidly, They &h:yJ::j fin d 3Efvl ~ TQH tl\'e . Th; te n::j~q:y tP. pypQ;:horcfria i&
a hgppy wim whi;:h mfl meir hmm; lvlnPnmine, ClfJ&iclerabjy in:rpi~~ cj .
wm~ in the rnmmunitv m il:wa.I i;:hariw lllll*fnf)f !i,
wmlc arn Plvigyi antidme&,
H@alth 1 digt and g.:gf;ie Plnim1m, pn
Pi111=ean ea~ily pii;:k YP vi!Jratim1&i11 me When th~ 4p npy~s fron Bi~c~~ inrn
atm.lpr ern anmnd mnn &P. Pm pe f\ri e~ tlw phy~ic al ~ nprgy l~v<;l! will
phyliirnlly aff~m~l PY rnch things a& an increa~e, anl it will p~ ~asi er rn pe
llnkind wmd1wmh:f ill!il&tern1 rl ' nr qssertive aqp ~pt :hajle fJJ;~ for
evrn cte pre~iin:!i weamtf 'l'hi t:l&itiv- instance 1 se n~iti ve, cr~aJ:ive Pi sc; an~
ry Pll Vtry !J&ily ~litllfO me pj~cNn will find i! less diffirnlt tq PQW meir
:pqstutiPll1 Yp. tlt~n~ meir &mmaf h work ro peogJe W~P. WY appre"iate it.
m q ysjpg h ea9ai::h~ , :a i;in ~ awartl gf The Pj :ean image rpay peCQfTle
tPi&~ay .rm Wp ~e prn!Jlem 1 lm at physjp~Jly. cpmforrnble shqes smarter, with a sqgen liking for w~ll
leat tt w1ll et ttle1r mtndH tit Pll ~e 'l pr gJ~ m (.Pisces r~\es the ct blaiers 1 pleateq slgrrn and brif1;'1t
whrn~vtl r UlEY are Jgw PYwh<lt aJe foei} j f!i9llg w1tl19ut ~h oes t fine 1 qut wool sw~iters . The pace cf lif~ mui
really emptJgn.lly- pa~Q ai!mtnt, ~ ar hm1Jd l=lfl t'l:l<eri 94 -Qf-loqrs . ~peed up, anf.i ther: night pe l trn ~
Thi ~psj J:ivj ty. w armg~ph@rn a.l&o dency to acciqe nr~ . Mcr~ serjo.ly1 a
m ~ill th~Y can rnmfon ttl em~jvp gy hint of Arian elfishqess may &'1ow
;ati ng qr dri ajtjpg !QQ mufh1 and thgy itself - about which the caring, 11rn&i -
'l p<irtjqtliUIY H&'.!:'.~tipje ~g nirn:ine, tive Piscean will feel guilty. The 1:kvel-
lt i~ mow er ispeq :f th ~ Fi. f C!Jl top- l}sychglo gj.:a.J m o tivJipp opmen of what is &ttally.cqnidtiral?lk
epq i ro fiJld the oiw WlY q l}t pf <l sit, \Vhep Jl srns rises, ihe peqple con- Piscean potencial, so often unger-
atign pr eve11 n er10ti11n . Thi i::an q~rrie d. 4n pecpme sg much a part of estimated, is"perhaps the best rnins
even <tp;ily t imple ffi t Uifal r;megj : w eir ~IJf[OIJ n<li gs fpqt hey ajmost that can occur.
:hey will reacp ftir rn aigjrin timtle a! vanjh. Others m<1y t4ke p,-iem for When the Ascendant prqgre&e&imn
the !e s provgcetiln tmt hoyq l:ie grantel and f.".ven cf eny fhem proper Aries (usually early in life) the imbj~n
very carefuj, for th~Y pft !1 reaq b<i4!y recognjt\gn , :amwithmn mer he)p, a will malee strides in persoqal dvtilop -
even to nedically f}resqjgecj qr4g, cop~il.erahie ga: will qppear, fr the ment and psychologjcal problerri may
(MaW p ~cea o 1 '!lW~VF 1 regJ(j w r~ they dq js 4sua!ly of real value. be resolved. The way ahead wi!I !;)
dru gs wi h qee: ~\.l&:Jifll=ll an q arf Tf!ey 4st not 4nclervaJye them- clearer. A sens of ambition wUJ ll&P.
rn ucl1 ha:pi r with hglitic ffitfiicjne . eJve , P4f recognize their pwn wprth appear, the sex ~rive will be mm~ pQ~j
Provigeq piey QP.l 1t q;ly pn it 'll vaJwi to the conmnity. lt would tive and there will be added fir in m~
obsessively, it i mi,u:h llfr fo.r thnn.) be a rr!srnke, however, for someone Piscean emotion and talent .

L_ l

' f

The Traditional
Associations of Pi TRf-ES

Wil\qw, fig, tre:s
grmvmg near warer
19 fd1nrnry- 20 Manh
T!-iE Q.~iJN
011 it~ ~arh~t pprnrnm::~ iP th>l
Babylonian zm:lia~, !li&~f& wa&
cal l~d tlw rn1mcllation ofthP T<lils;
tlw two fi&lw~ wm' <1mwiarnl wirh
th~ oldll&m Am111itmn and
Simrnah, onP &\'mboli;iimi; thf ri\'H
Tigri~ anl onG rh\! f1phram

PmJTIY!TY/ lrNnf.Jl.
Nrnariv>, f~minin:
T.rLW!TY PR f:~H1P'T

QU.\PRl-'Pi-![ ITY Q<. Q pqL!TY

. @pn111P (an~is:11tly, Ji.n1iml l:\rnw \.EA
Thi f;n

Cllrnmbq, p4111pkn, leq.ce,


j>grtu <\J Scanqjnava 2 manr ~ mall
N" i e.rranean i$)and ~ ~he G;bi
ans. iliara desqr~
(! E S
Jerua!crr, Warsaw, Sevjlle, fLOWERS
!irll-H~ A;-.;p ~pr rS Wafer lily tq9se blooming jp
~~:;chafjn, ~hirnn,
Ajtexardria, Saqfiagg de
Gomposrell~ rscean colqr~
p1G, mm~:~


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