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Advanced Living for the Mature Christian

Positive Talker

 Positive Talker
7530 Kite Hill 100
Houston, TX 77041
Phone 713-937-1082
Table of Content
Note from the Author On An Inspired Evening … …………….. ………….2
You Are Not Alone Precede With Confidence ………………………………3
How to Live a Life of Inspired Actions ……………………………….…...….4
Do You Hear The Voice Within ………...…………………………………….5 Using the Will
to Manifest …………….……………….………………….......6 Laws of Belief and Stumbling
Blocks ………………..………….…………7-9
Let's Take A Closer Look Aimed With Intent ………………………..…10-11
Mind Defragmenter for Positive Result……………………………...……...12
How to Find Happiness and Peace of Mind……..……………………………13 Committed to
Spirit………………………………...……………………………14 Meditation for the
Christians…….…………………..………………………….15 Do You Read Your
Note from the Author on an Inspired Evening
Everything I write is inspired on my heart to share it is prayed over, studied, council sought,
prayed and cried over again. What is written within these pages has been compiled over
many years study. I hope you enjoy the information shared here. Below is a special gift
given to me that I want to share. It will let you know a little more about me, my beliefs &
spiritual gifts.
The other night I sit on my front porch enjoying the rain and delighted with the occasional
crack of lightening. Here in Houston any rainy evening is a welcome event as we are always
happy for some relief of the heat and sticky weather.
As I sat there, I was inspired with a short thought and compelled to quickly gather pen and
pad to jot it down. As I wrote, looking at the silhouette of the tree, the lines began to
materialize into full statements and developed into a wonderful metaphor poem about my life
as a tree.
I feel that I received the inspired poem; as a gift from above to help me live right, and to
understand my place in creation, so I do want to share it. My poem is entitled, “I Will Be A
Likened To A Tree” by Becky Marie
I Will Be A Likened To A Tree

Standing tall with limps outstretched in praise of Your Name.

I will enjoy your presents like the breeze and spring rains.
I will be warmed by the enlightenment you give me and find peace in the shadows that fall
I will be a likened to a tree.
I will have offspring and reproduce as you commanded me.
I will push my roots deep into your teachings knowing it’s your Holy Ground.
I will allow others to rest beneath and within my branches as I grow stronger in your
I will wave my leaves as Angels hover near and singing praises with bursting colors through
the seasons of my years.
I will be a likened to a tree.
I will bow and sway to you in the winds of turbulence as if dancing in the spirit with no fear.
In the calm of the evening I will breathe deep the sweet fragrances of your visits.
In the mornings I will savor drinking in the dew droplets being refreshed for the new day.
I will cherish my maturity as this garden of life moves by.
I will be a likened to a tree.

Becky Marie~

What is PositiveTalker?

The mission of Positivetalker is to shed light on the path of the Christian journey while
learning to exist in the human form.

PositiveTalker is about living in the spirit, dealing with the flesh and remaining a Christian
on a daily bases. Positivetalker discusses and analyzes the two entities that occupy the
same space known as the spiritual person and the carnal person. Spirit and mind living
together in one body, both engaged in the waging war of the destiny of your soul.

Our main focus is on positive thinking, self improvements, and achieving success for your
inner person & life. We are convinced that circumstances can be changed and improved,
that everyone can learn how to achieve inner peace and strength. All that is needed is the
will and knowledge to do so.

The topics are very deep, considerable thought, prayer and insight will be required to
understand the entire subject as it relates to your growth. I trust that you will study one
topic at a time and ask the Holy Father for guidance as it relates to you. This should not
be taken lightly as there will be greater benefit to your growth if each topic is understood.
Our main website is there you will find really cool positive products
for all ages, along with inspirational services to fit all needs. Share the good news by
passing our information along to others.
It’s yours for the asking!

You Are Not Alone Precede With Confidence
In this very instant the Comforter is here with you, no matter the directions you turn good
or bad he is still there.
You are not alone!
Put the Holy Spirit in charge of all decisions; ask for His guidance in making choices. If
you are uncertain he will give you answers, you need only ask. If you need guidance he
will direct you in the right path giving you peace and protections. Just ask for it! You will
receive stillness with peace and a tranquil open mind, to understand all possibilities are
for you.
Put the Comforter in charge by requesting help, he will answer you and speaks from the
Holy Father’s vision for you. Listen when you hear the voice of the Holy Spirit.
You should proceed with confidence that the knowledge of the Holy Spirit is there for you
always, you need only ask for help. When in doubt just ask, you have a direct link to the
Holy Father, The Almighty One and He is listening.   
The majority of Christians are taught Bible stories about the life of Jesus, using his
valuable parables and teachings just like he used with the disciples, but Jesus is not with
us now the Comforter is. As Christians we are taught to live as “Christ like” as we can,
and rightfully so. But the key factors of how to do that in today’s world are not clear or
left to our own learning & discernment.
Christ was led by the Holy Spirit throughout his life so we being “Christ like” we need to
seek the leading of the Holy Spirit.
You are not alone precede with confidence! There is a Powerful Force that abides with
you! Learn to use it.
Ask for the understanding of the reciprocity we share with our Creator. Ask for the
knowledge and power of the Comforter, The Holy Spirit. There are privileges promised to
Christians that learn how to use the Comforter in daily activities an exchange of blessings
that are gifts from the Holy Father.
Set aside all denominational traditions of what the Holy Spirit is or is not and ask our Holy
Father directly, find out what God has to say about this important topic and how living with
the Comforter at your side can change everything on your spiritual journey.
One of the best reads on instruction concerning the Holy Spirits is done by Paul the
apostle he talks about the gifts of the spirit. It’s found in I Corinthians chapters 12:1-31;
13:1-13; 14:1-40. He starts off by telling us he would not want us to be ignorant. In those
three chapters he teaches us that there are many gifts and that they are essential for
spiritual maturity and ministry but they also prepare us for Christ's return.

How to Live a Life of Inspired Actions
We all want to live a life of inspired actions otherwise known as being led by the Spirit.
That’s Gods way to show you the road to being able to manifest anything you desire. We
all want to know our purpose in life and how to succeed, but the truth is we were created
to worship God first then all other things are possible.
Most people spend their lives struggling to be successful materially in one format or
another, some spend all their energies building an empire, professional career or some
measure of wealth. We are taught that to obtain success you must set goals and work out
the action plans to manifest these desires. Some of us can’t even come up with an action
plan, we don’t know what we want. At the same time, it’s in our nature to strive to prove
our self worth, to better our position and keep up with the Jones.
We experience and create a lot of painful struggles because of the choices we make, not
realizing our actions are not functioning in line with our true being. Our innate purpose in
life is to prosper and benefit from cause and effect, which is a direct stem from our
Creator. He gave us the ability to create too. God created us for a purpose, it is our nature
and desire to want to fulfill that purpose, but we get caught up in the "how to" causing
We have to stop doing things in our own way! You can try setting goals for things you
think you want and succeed in achieving them along with tons of mistakes, but your
achievements will be small in comparison to what God already has for you. Its true, you
can manifest with intent, you are a creator, but there is a missing link in this modern
message of teaching, its "Inspired Actions".
Inspired action comes from the Holy Spirit, He who knows all and can enlighten you with
the knowledge to do good will to benefit all those around you. You know the “win- win”
scenario that we all want. The key factor is to listen to the Inspired Spirit. Simply put…
God should be on the top of the list!
Only after spiritual union with God and seeking His counseling should you proceed. Trust
the Voice of the Holy Spirit, this will give you peace and understanding, you will be
tapping into the infinite power source of All Power.
After seeking counsel and praying if you still do not have an action plan, simply moving in
the direction of the goal, will guide you to the next level without needing to figure it out
beforehand. Just take the next step.
That’s why life is called a journey or path of life, because it’s one step at a time. All you
have to do is take the next step wherever your heart is leading. Listen to The Voice within
and move in that direction, you will see the next step is just waiting there for you. You just
couldn’t see it before.
Some may ask how I will know if I hear God speaking. You have to become accustom to
listening to the Voice. You might need to stop talking so much and listen more.

Do You Hear The Voice Within?
The one speaking to you about big and small stuff, the self talker, the ego, the one that is
always talking to you about everything and everyone.  Yeah, that voice kind of chuckling
at you now as we think about it. That’s the ego of self.
It’s important to point out there are two voices speaking in our minds which one we hear
is left up to us. 
The ego believes it is completely on its own and in total control, it’s the minds way of
being powerful. This is why self-esteem is vulnerable when there is a threat to the ego’s
existence.  In some people the ego has been allowed to set up belief systems that are
just illusions of reality and even mythology and magic, this is a way to preserve its self. 
When we stop listening to the voice of our inner ego that is trying to control everything,
and start listening to the Higher Power Voice of the Holy Spirit our ability to understand
and see things clearly change.  The world and ego looks for powers though psychic,
intuitive, clairvoyant, etc, but those things do not hold the answers we seek, it is the
power of the One Voice, the one in the "big picture"  The Comforter. 
With the knowledge given though the Holy Spirit there are no limits we live in the
unlimited ability given from God.  This shift in awareness changes perceptions from
illusions to reality, the Voice of the Universal Inspiration can teach you to do miracles and
The ego arises from our separation with God, The ego lives in the consciousness of the
mind it delivers a temporary existence of self-worth from whatever venue you allow it.  By
listening to The Voice you can see the illusions of the ego and the world around you for
what they really are. Self-awareness comes from listening to Holy Spirit.
The ego blows everything out of proportion like a drama queen on steroids in full
theatrical actions.  The Holy Spirit brings peace of mind and comfort, awareness and
enlightenment.  The voice you listen to will be demonstrated by your attitudes, your
feelings and your behavior, you will be known by your fruits. 
You are deprived of nothing except by your own decisions. Which voice do you listen to,
the self talking ego or the Higher Power Voice of the Holy Spirit? Start to distinguish
which one you are tuning into and taking actions steps from. You might be surprised at
how easy the self talking ego has deceived you.
This shift in your awareness changes perceptions from illusions to reality, the Voice of the
Holy Spirit can teach you to do miracles and manifest. It’s your decision; it’s your will that
makes the choices.

Using the Will to Manifest
One of the first problems encountered is the active thought process in the mind the “self
talking ego”. Our minds are multi-faceted like a diamond has multi-facets so does the
human mind. It has many different functions operating all at the same time, so many so
that it is like a wild animal when you ask it to meditate or stay totally focused and still. The
thoughts can dart from one point to another, leaping from one subject to the next almost
uncontrollable. It takes practice to stay in control and focused.
Thoughts can make one calm or aggressive within seconds, with countless other
emotions available at a whim. While in the moment of thought there is a need to monitor
and drive the direction of the thinking process to manifest planned events. The direction
can vary from moment to moment even with discipline it is hard to stay focused. Discipline
refers to "will", the will to make changes in life or events.
In St. Matthew 15.28 Our Lord was approached by a Canaan woman after conversing he
told her, "O woman, great is thy faith; be it unto thee even as thou wilt." Wow! So he just
gave it to her. Whatever she “willed”.
We have all been taught about faith, but not so much about the will. So what is "Will"? Will
is the part of the mind that you consciously decide things with. It’s the ability to stay
focused, make decisions with determination. Using your will is the power to decide on the
outcome of reality. We call it "will power" for those who stop smoking or drinking, because
it’s a battle to be successful at changing these habits and patterns. But the determination
of your will is much more powerful than just the ability to drop addictions. With the power
of the will you can teach yourself how to create your desires.
All that you see around you is simply what you have willed to be. Every thought from your
mind is a communication of faith and will. Your thoughts are always creative whether it is
good or bad, and you can add a power boost to that effect by listening to the Holy Spirit.
There is a reciprocity effect with our Creator from our faith and will, its privileges given to
us to create and manifest our desires with help of the Holy Spirit.
Do a little experiment: Whenever something happens, good or bad, look within yourself
very carefully to find out how you created it. Everything is created within your own
consciousness at will, with faith, it’s a God given power you have. The trick is learning
how to control the cause and effect of our thoughts in good ways; the cause and effect
make up the complete whole of our reality.
The results are not always spontaneous and may take a while to develop, but they are sure.
Use your gifts wisely, learn how to use them to the benefit of all those around you. Ask the
Holy Spirit for the understanding of the reciprocity we share with our Creator. 

Laws of Belief and Stumbling Blocks
The biggest stumbling block that you will ever overcome is your self-limiting beliefs. 
These are mental beliefs that you limit yourself to, what the “self talking ego” has taught. 
These mental beliefs even stop you from trying and they counter attack you when you do
try to manifest your desires.  With the information shared here you can change your life to
have your desires come true. 
There are three categories of beliefs that people have regardless of religion: 
Some see the world as a good place to be.  They have tendency to see the good
situations and believe the glass to be half full.  They tend to see the good in people and
look to the brighter side of any situation.  They are optimistic and positive in all aspects of
their lives, but have no direction of intent manifesting anything on purpose.   When
circumstances or things are created they are done either unconsciously or by default.
The second type of person feels that the deck is stacked against them, that it’s just their
luck.  They generally have negative and pessimistic attitudes towards themselves and
others even the world around them.  This type of person sees injustice, oppression and
undesirable events everywhere.  They believe they have no control it’s just a fact of life.
They believe that the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. 
The third primary largest groups of people are in between the first two, they are neither
really positive nor really negative. They coast along taking life as it comes, being thankful
that things are as good as they are, or thankful it’s not as bad as it could be.  Believing
that it’s just the facts of life, it’s just the way it is.
With practice and training any person can manifest desires.  First you must analysis your
belief systems and change the negative roots of belief.   You can take control of situations
and manifest too! Regardless of which category you aligned with, you just need to know
You can talk the walk!  Your belief becomes your reality, even if your belief is wrong.  You
behave and interact with others and situations in a manner consistent with your mental
beliefs positive or pessimistic. 
Needless to say, the optimistic and positive path leads to a successful journey in life.  It’s
important to point out:  This is a developed and maintained life style of aimed intent.  You
can start right now, develop a positive view point and practice it daily even in life’s ups &
Analyze your thoughts & beliefs prune or delete those that bother you.  Get rid of and
change the less desirable ones to a positive viewpoint. Do this intentionally!
It may be useful to even change some attitudes towards your own self worth.  Beliefs in
yourself when positive will propel you to a more successful level of understanding making
you more powerful in the realm of manifestations. 

Let's Take A Closer Look Aimed With Intent

People have been practicing positive thinking for years now, as a way to better their
position in various situations, but not everyone knows how to use this power to fulfill the
ultimate desires of your heart. Positive thinking is a byproduct of Faith.
In recent times there has been a lot of attention given the Power of Attraction one of the
“Universal Laws” in different publications. But there was information left out of the
teachings and done so on purpose to sell tickets for retreats or conferences to the non-
believers as well as the Christian. They had the positive thinking part right, but not
sharing how to manifest with intent using faith accompanied by the Holy Spirit guidance.
Without the second part of the equation you are only coasting on positive thoughts with
no real destinations, just floating in a stream of aimless dreams and thoughts of better
tomorrows. This mind set will do good things, far more than negativity will produce, but it
was not targeted with intent.
Here’s what I mean, when looking through binoculars you can see a wide range of
objects and terrain or you can focus zooming in on one object. Much like the magnifying
glass working with the sun’s rays on a large spot has little effect, but pinpointing the ray to
one area empowering the ray to cause flame. That is the change you can experience
when consciously controlling your thoughts with aimed intent.
First become clear on your desires, most of us have lots of small wishes that are so
varied with no direction. Worst of all some of these desires actually conflict with each
other causing counter productivity; you end up just spinning your wheels. Get control, pin
point your pure intent, and get focused on your true desires. Aim! Aim high too with Holy
After distinguishing what it is that you really want then use forceful thoughts, visualizing in
detail, deliberate outcomes, seeing & feeling these desires as current happenings, being
grateful for their existence in your life. This pattern of thoughts also know as faith will
program your subconscious mind to work on manifesting your desires into your reality.
Some things may happen very fast, or within days or weeks others may take time to
The key factor is not losing sight of the clear desire, stay focused, repeating the
visualization every time you can, restart it as if it were a movie, replaying and feeling the
pleasure and desire as often as you can. Control your thoughts to not go back with
negative thoughts of destruction destroying everything that you have already positively
reinforced for manifestation.
Pay special attention to opportunities that come your way, the Holy Father will begin to
place things or people in your path that will get you closer to your intended desires and
goal. Don’t be upset if you miss the first few opportunities and see them in hind sight; just

keep visualizing your clear desire, and focus your thoughts, the Holy Spirit will continue to
bring you closer to obtaining the intention, but listen to his voice of direction.
Here’s the Golden Rule of Manifestation & Creation:  Identify and deal with Effective
Thinking, Creative Thinking and Negative Thoughts. Processing the information correctly
from each source takes practice.    It is essential to set-up an active, ongoing monitoring
of this information, as described below.
The active monitoring is critical, without a specific action plan of monitoring and being
aware, random thoughts of negativity will sneak in and cause damage even downright
devastation to your planned manifestations without you recognize their
counter productivity until it’s too late.
First up:  Incoming information:  this is people (friends/family) you come in contact with,
TV programs, news, radio, reading materials, any avenue feeding information as  in-put.
Guard against the bad stuff getting in.
Second: Thought Processing:  This is self talk, messages that you say to yourself.
(Examples: “I am so stupid, it's just my luck, I could never do that, I don’t deserve better) 
You get the picture; just listen to your own self-talk to know what it is that is attacking you.
Thirdly: Outgoing communications:  This is every spoken word that comes out of your
mouth, towards someone or a situation.  This spoken word is not to be taken for granted it
is a very powerful influence in your life.  Remember that our Creator used the spoken
word to create us in His image and also gave you that same creative power.  Be very
careful of what you say as if will become your reality.
One of the most beneficial actions to any type of success is an awareness and
accountability plan.  Use your active monitoring plan to determine if these actions are
beneficial & uplifting or negative & destructive.  Learning to do this as a habit will allow
you to overcome any obstacles and be successful at creating and manifesting anything.
Just do it!  Do it on regular bases every day with all your thoughts in-coming and out-
going.  Ask yourself is this a good thought is this beneficial to me? Become aware of the
status of this information and be accountable enough to yourself to fix it, categorize it,
delete it or deal with it by changing it. 
Positive thinking allows your mind to accept new ideas and creative thoughts, but
effective thinking involves setting goals.   Both creative & effective thinking are important
to being a positive thinker and doer.  Even goals about your thinking process need to be
made, learn how to handle the information effectively within your own mind.
We can choose our thoughts & control them, that’s the beauty & underlying premise of
being a child of God. It's true of effective thinking and creative thinking, as well. You make
the call; it’s your choice to focus on those thoughts that bring you closer to your Creator,
reaching your goals and accomplishing achievements maturing as a Christian, learn to
deal with it.  Dismiss negativity as not true of your nature or not being important enough
to dwell on.  Keep your thoughts up lifting and concentrate on positive concepts that help
to be more successful and more like our Divine Creator.

Positive thinking takes practice and determination, it takes aimed intentions.  We have to
make positive thinking a habit.  By getting in the habit of always thinking and speaking in
a positive manner you’ll be able to meet future challenges as they arise, with a great
attitude and success. 
Also important to remember the power of positive thinking is contagious.  While you
exhibit great attitude and positive thinking skills to your co-workers & family/friends, you
may get some strange looks it first, but soon your optimism will catch on.  If so use that
doorway to sharing the good news about our Lord and Savior. Christian living and
positive thinking are like a song or melody that you carry with you.  People will soon start
to hear it and see you in a different light; hopefully they will start singing the same tune
too! You too will be surprised with the changes occurring in your life,
I am convinced that circumstances can be changed and improved, that everyone can
learn how to achieve inner power and strength by hearing the Holy Spirit’s guidance.

Mind Defragmenter for Positive Results

When first learning about my computer I learned that I should do maintenance on regular
bases, a little housekeeping. One of the suggestions was to do a “Disk
Defragmenter” and to remove the “cookies”. The need for the process was explained to
me that, as data is saved it is put on the hard drive wherever it can find room.  Overtime
the data is spread here and there or fragmented on the hard drive, therefore to assemble
the information becomes harder and harder eventually slowing the computer down. To
make the process even faster I was told to remove any unwanted data.  Well long story
short it works and it works great! It is the same with our minds and our way of thinking
about life in a positive way.  Yes it works for the mind too!
Much like your computer needs a disk defragmenter session to make it work faster your
mind could have some emotions, judgments and beliefs that are making you sluggish in
your life.  We like to say “garbage in garbage out”.   Stored garbage is like pollution just
sitting up there in the mind poisoning our attitude and life.
Here’s what I mean:  Our brains are multidimensional, they are affected by everything
that goes on around and inside of us, good or bad.  We are affected by suggestions from
our environment, like newspapers, radio, television, family, co-workers…  Along with
these environmental suggestions we also have our very own belief systems at work in our
minds, sometimes these factors are working against us.  It is important to take an
inventory from time to time to see just what is causing negative effects in our lives. 
Just like the maintenance & clean-up on your computer is important to functioning
properly, so is the maintenance and clean-up of your Beliefs, Judgments & Opinions.  
The easiest way to do this is to take an inventory of your fear based beliefs and
emotions.  Determine which ones are holding you back from being the person that you so
desire to be.  A good start is to immobilize and clean-up these fears by understanding
what they are, where they came from, you may see that they have no value in your life. 
You may want to speak to a minister or coach, share your thoughts and fears, and then
allow the listener to replay or repeat what you have expressed from a different
Remember the disk defragmenters’ process on a computer takes some time to complete,
depending on how fast your computer is and how much junk there is, so the cleanup of
your mind with all of its multidimensional facets may take some time too. 

The important factor is to do the cleanup and avoid any clutter that causes crashes in our
lives.  Don’t be like many and live with fear based emotions, bad judgments calls & wrong
options about yourself, rejecting advancement, and never having any of your dreams
Be a positive winner clean your mind. Do regular maintenance, practice prayer and
meditation and choose thoughts on purpose causing a positive result.
Lastly, I need to make it clear the negative stored data in your mind is like pollution and is
a poison that is seeping into your life and the lives of everyone around you.  Remove it! 

Choose your thoughts on purpose!  You will be living them soon. 

How to Find Happiness and Peace of Mind
Happiness’ and inner tranquility come from the development of love and compassion for
others. Genuine sympathy and working to end the suffering of others brings about the
greatest degrees of happiness. Just like the joy experienced when you give a gift to
someone is far more enjoyable than the experience have when receiving a gift.
Having affection and respect for others is vital for our own happiness. Just like the joy of
giving is experienced by the giver, so it is with happiness for the compassionate one. You
must be compassionate to others to be happy and at peace.
It is a mistake to place hopes for happiness on material values and external possessions,
just like it is a mistake for your personal needs to motivate love, over genuine care for the
other individuals. Genuine love and compassion does not change even if there is
negative behave such as displayed by a child or even an enemy. Unconditional love is
real love.
As infants our innate recognition of interconnectedness with the mother starts at
conception, a pregnant woman's mental state, be it calm or agitated, nervous or stressed,
has a direct physical effect on her unborn child. Even as adults, studies show that
negative emotions such as anger, fear, greed, hatred and envy harms the immune
The most destructive emotions are anger and hatred these can be overwhelming and
over take our entire mind. They produce evil conduct within us. Nevertheless, they can be
All beings are equal; all have the same survival needs including the need for love and
I have found that each time I meet someone it is in both our interest if I will remind myself
that this person is a spiritual being just as I am, and that we both have the same desires
and needs. By maintaining that thought it is easier to look for ways to help him/her to find
happiness and by doing so I too will find it. Don’t take the Golden Rule Jesus taught for
granted, there is much power in acting on it. St. Matthew 7:12 “Therefore all things
whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them” and then again
in & Luke 6:31 “And as ye would that men should do to you, do ye also to them likewise.”

 We do and will encounter difficult situations in our lives. There are people that will be
disagreeable and full of anger even without reason. These are opportunities to have
more compassion for others and therefore find more happiness and tranquility for your
own life. Use the opportunity to share love and kindness, remember the aggressor is
hurting deep inside; he is searching for help but not knowing how to find it, so he is
lashing out in defense. Show compassion for his need and pain. He has the same needs
you have. Genuine love and compassion are gentle, peaceful and soft by nature but are
very powerful if you are being sincere and concerned with the needs of others.

Committed To Spirit
After learning that the Holy Spirit moves about me, ready to assist me at any given
moment even when I am not aware it, I realized how naive I am. I realize I have a lot to
learn about life and Spirit! About who I Am! I need to learn how to commune with the
Holy Spirit while moving about my daily activities, even when I am not being the
“wonderful positive spiritual person” that I have to strive & work to be each day; He is
there and he is ready to help me. It’s hard to believe that He is willing to help me even
when I am not helping myself; He is ready to commune with me and show me how to be
the very best that I can be. This communion when I allow it gives authority to me and
the ability to make changes in my live.
The sad part is I forget about His presents. Being too busy, to full of myself to
recognize He is waiting there for me. Then without thinking about it I start taking
matters into my own hands without asking for direction or help and then I can really
screw things up. I get so busy with the “me, myself and I” that I forget about the very
One that has been sent to help me. He is right there with me patiently waiting.
It’s the ego that gets me in trouble, pushing me though my day, rushing me to the point
of forgetting that I have the Comforter with solutions to all circumstances. The ego takes
hold on my thinking and ticks me into thinking “it” knows what’s best for me. It’s like the
evil twin flipping everything around making me believe. Then before I realize it I am in
over my head in some stupid circumstances with consequences affecting others and
twist my world into a darker side of reality full of illusions. I am left there alone in my
mind thinking, “what was I thinking!”
I can’t help but laugh about the memories of this happening over and over in my life, the
ironic part is I am just like everyone on this planet.   Everyone is faced with being
committed to Spirit or to the ego.  It’s not easy being a Christian and living in this human
body at the same time, but that is why the Spirit is called the Comforter and always
abiding with us.  We are never alone!  He is always there to help… only if we will allow it
and just ask.

It’s a hard lesson to learn to ask or remember and then allow for help because it takes
the ego out of the equation.  There other alternative is getting in over your head in some
stupid circumstances that ego is involved in.  It’s well worth asking for help!

Meditation for the Christian
What I soon discovered was I could carry on a conversation with my Holy Father and if I
“shut up” remained silent long enough and really listened he would speak back to me.
This is also known as meditation a form of being committed to listening in silent’s to the
The subject of meditation is referenced in the bible several times. Meditating in biblical
times was a very strong form of prayer which people used to try to get closer to God. It is
still enjoyed by many people today, as a way to get closer to the Divine Holy Father.

In Joshua 1: 8, God says to Joshua, "This book of the law shall not depart from your
mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do
according to all that is written in it."

Meditation is again found in Psalms 4:4, 19:14, 63:6, 104:34 with its final mention in
Psalms 119:97, "O how I love Your Law! It is my meditation all the day." There are other
references not listed here, you can find them in the concordance in the back of the Bible.

Although meditation originated from religious purposes, meditation has branched out in
today’s circles yielding other beneficial uses such as for relaxation, medical benefits,
memory improvement, and ways to develop psychic abilities, to name just a few. Our
purpose for meditation here will be to get closer to the Holy Father and reflex on his
teachings and communication with us.

Be Committed to the Spirit of God. Allow him to ruffle your feathers, to inflate your tired
soul or deflate your puffy fat ego. Listen to him in quietness and meditate on his word.
One of my favorite verses in the Bible is found in Hebrews 3:13, it tells us what the word
of God is:
“For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to
the division of soul and spirit, of joints and marrow, and discerning the thoughts and
intentions of the heart” (Hebrews 3:13).
You truly have no closer companion!

Do You Read Your Bible

In 2011, English-speaking Christians will commemorate 400 years since the debut of
the King James Version of the Bible.
Death row is a surprisingly good place to write letters. Impending death can really
sharpen the mind as to what is important, and the task of passing on wisdom to others
suddenly becomes urgent.
Paul one wise Christian leader facing imminent death decided to pen a letter to an
emerging preacher called Timothy. Paul’s last preserved letter (2 Timothy) is a confident
testimony of a man ready to meet his Maker.


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