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/fi63ftL !!

gDa/ a'Fbf
vg]/ x]g]{ xf] eg] oxfFsf k|To]s 3/x?sf hudf
ToxfF kmut xNn} xNnf y'lk|Psf] kfOg]5 .
To;}n] of] xNn} xNnfsf] b]z xf]
of] xNn} xNnfdfly plePsf] b]z xf]
e"kL z]/rgsf] of] xNn} xNnfsf] b]z xf] sljtfsf oL x/kmx?
n] xfd|f] b]z / b]zjf;Lsf] rl/q w]/} xb;Dd lrq0f u/]sf] 5 .
oxfF ;a} s'/f xNnfsf e/df x'G5 . klxn] Ps sfg b'O{ sfg
d}bfg x'GYof] clxn] ;fdflhs ;~hfnsf k|sfzgx? dfkm{t
xNnfx? km}lnG5g\ . ltgd} cfwfl/t eP/ ljleGg a'l4lhjLx?n]
cfgf c8\snafhL / k"jf{u|xsf cf8df b]zsf] e"t, jt{dfg / eljio
n]V5g\ . km]/L ltgsf] n]vfOnfO{ bfjf ug]{ csf]{ hTyf
tyfgfd ub}{ ltgn] n]v]sf] e"t, jt{dfg / eljiosf] csf]{ kf6f]
n]Vg EopF5g\ . xNn} u5{g\ . Tof] eGbf dfly s]lx
ug{ EofpFb}gg\ .
k|wfgdGqL k|r08sf] $ lbg] ef/t e|d0fsf qmddf klg y'k|}
xNnfx? eP . klxn] t tL xNnfx?sf ljifo k|d kTgLsf] afFw]sf]
xftsf] / pgn] b]vfPsf] lzi6frf/ eP . h;n] hlt h] eg]klg / hlt g}
xNnf u/]klg :jb]z kms]{/ kqsf/ ;Dd]ng ug]{ a]nfdf ;d]t k|
dkTgLsf] afFw]sf] xft xNnfpg ;lsPg . xNnf ug]{x?n] xNnf
hf/L /fv] . klxn] xNnf u/fOaf6 jfxjfxL a6'n]kl5 k|dkTgLsf]
cg'xf/ o:tf] / p:tf] eGg k6\6L nfu] . dnfO{ d]/L cfdfsf] d'xf/
;Demgf eof] . cg'xf/sf /]vfx? uf9f x'Fb} uPkl5 pgL klg
To:t} b]lvlG5g\ xf]nL eGg] sNkgf ;Ddn] klg Tof] xNnf dg
k/]g . Ps lbg d]/} klg To:t} xljut gxf]nf / < afFr] eg]
oL xNnfx?n] xNnfPs} a]nf csf]{ xNnfn] lz/ prfNof] . k|
wfgdGqLn] b]z ef/tsf] lhDdf nufP . b]z l;lSsdLs/0fdf uof] .
b]zsf] cfgf] eGg' lg0f{o Ifdtf klg ef/t k/:t agfP/ cfP eGg]
vfnsf xNnfn] d]/f] b]zelSt km]/L ljyf]Nof] . c;dfg ;GwLsf]
lj/f]w ug]{ / ef/tLo lj:tf/afb d'bf{jfbsf gf/f hg:t/df nu]/
hfg]n] To;f] u/] eGg] s'/fn} g} d]/f] slG;/L tfTof] . Ps rf]6L
dnfO{ klg xNnf ug{ dg nfUof] . k|wfgdGqLnfO{ ljrf/sf]
sfnf] em08f b]vfpg dg nfUof] . t/ Tolt ug'{ cl3 s'g s'/fsf]
lj/f]wdf xf] eGg] klg a'g' lyof] . To;}n] ;f]
jQmAonfO{ Ps k6s kl9 x]g]{ dg eof] .
jQmAodf df]6fdf]6L x]bf{ k'/fgf ePu/]sf ;GwL ;Demf}tfsf]
sfof{Gjogdf hf]8 lbg] s'/fx? g} al9 5g\ . To;sf cnfjf e"sDk
lkl8tsf nfuL /fxtdf yk j[l4sf s'/fx? / l;+rf/, ;8s lgdf{0f /
k'nsf nfuL ;xof]u a[l4sf s'/fx? 5g\ . kfOknfOg lgdf{0fsf
nfuL klxn] eP u/]sf ;Demf}tfsf] b|'t sfof{Gjogsf k|lta4tfx?
n] jQmJodf :yfg kfPsf 5g\ . df]lb g]kfn e|d0fsf qmddf
lgsflnPsf] ;+o'Qm jStJosf w]/} a'Fbfx? o;df c6fPsf 5g\ .
g]kfn e|d0fsf qmddf hf/L aQmAodf a? k'/fgf ;GwL
k'g/fjnf]sgsf s'/f / l;df ;d:of ;DaGwL s'/fx? 5g\ t/ o;df To:tf]
s]lx 5}g . k~r]Zj/, dflyNnf] s0ff{nL / c?0ft]>f] hnljB't
cfof]hgf vf/]hL eGbf klg ltgnfO{ lz3|fltlz3| hgtfn] nfe
lng ;Sg] u/L sfof{Gjog u/fpg] s'/fn] jQmAodf 7fpF kfPsf] 5
. ;fdflhs ;~hfndf k'/fgf c;dfg ;GwL k'g/fjnf]sgsf nfuL
cg'/f]w u/]sf] 5' eg]/ eGg]x?sf] ;Demgf cfof] . d
k"0f{ ljZj:t 5' eGy] . s7} ljr/f .
h] xf];\, jQmJodf s'g} 7"nf] rdTsf/ g} e} xfn]sf] 5}g t/ e|
d0f kZrft ;+o'Qm jQmJo ;d]t glgl:sPsf] klxNnf] cf]nL e|
d0fsf t'ngfdf o; k6s jQmJo lg:s]sf] eg]/ v'zL dgfpg]nfO{
/f]Sg ;lsGg .
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5 t h;n] ;a} b]zeQmx?sf] dfly+un xNnfof] eGg] ;jfndf
ToxfF ljsf;f]Gd'v b]zx?nfO{ c;/ kfg]{ ;+o'Qm /fi6 ;+3
tyf cGo cGt/f{li6o ;+u7gsf] j[xQ/ ;'wf/ -sDk]|x]lG;j
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d~rx?df Pscsf{;Fu ulx/f] ;dGoj /fvL sfd ug]{ s'/fdf b'a}
b]zsf k|wfgdGqLsf] ljZjf; 5 . g]kfnL kIfn] ef/tsf] ;+o'Qm
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pd]b\jf/Lsf ;Gbe{df /x]sf] g]kfnL kIfsf] ;dy{g
bf]xofpFb5 . eg]/ pNn]v ul/Psf] 5 . zflAbs cYof{pFbf
;a} eGbf 3tnfUbf] cg'jfb k+lQmsf/n] oxL e]6\of] .
c+u|]hLsf /fd|f 1ftfx?n] k'5f/df /x]sf] ;+o'Qm k|]; jQmJod}
uP/ jf:tljs k+lQmx? k9\g ;Sg]5g\ . To;f] uof] eg] d]/f
xNnfx?sf] hudf csf]{ xNnfsf] 3/ v8f gxf]nfls eg]/ klg d}n]
ljZjf; lnPsf] 5' .
of] xNnf olt eP5 ls k|wfgdGqLn] ljdfg:yndf kqsf/ e]63f6sf
qmddf lbPsf] ;kmfOn] gk'u]/ k//fi6 dGqfnon] lj1KtL ;Dd
lgsfNg EofP5 . of] lj1KtLsf] xNnf slt eof] yfxf ePg . ;fob
o:tf xNnf zfGt kfg]{ lj1KtL eGbf xNnf a9fpg] lj1KtL /
ckl/kSj s'/fx? xNnf ug{ al9 cfgGb cfpFbf] xf] . geP o;sf
;DaGwdf klg ;dfrf/x? cfpg' kg]{ . h] xf];\ lj1KtLdf pNn]v 5,
a'Fbf !! df pNn]v ePem}F ;femf rf;f]sf k|d'v
cGt/f{li6o ljifox?nfO{ ;Daf]wg ug{sf nfuL ;+o'Qm
/fi6;+3 nufot cGo cGt/f{li6o ;+u7gx?df ljleGg
d'n'sx?sf aLr ;xsfo{ x'g] ljifo cGt/f{li6o ;+u7gx?
df ljleGg d'n'sx?sf aLr ;xsfo{ x'g] ljifo
cGt/f{li6o ?kd} k|rlnt k/Dk/f xf] . g]kfnn] klg
ljsf;f]Gd'v /fi6x?nfO{ c;/ ug]{ tyf pgLx?sf ;femf
lxtsf ljifox?df l5d]sL ldq/fi6x? ef/t tyf rLg nufot
cGo d'n'sx?;Fu ljut b]lv g} cfjZostf cg';f/ o; k|sf/sf]
;xsfo{ / ;dGjo ub}{ cfPsf 5 . ;fy} ;+o'Qm /fi6;
+3Lo ;'/Iff kl/ifbdf :yfoL ;b:otfsf nflu ef/tsf]
pd]bjf/LnfO{ g]kfnn] ;dy{g ug]{ eGg] ljifo o; cl3
klg g]kfnsf tkmf{af6 JoQm x'Fb} cfPsf] 5 . g]kfnsf
tTsflng k//fi6 dGqL >L dx]Gb| axfb'/ kf08] / ef/tLo
ljb]z dGqL >LdtL ;'idf :j/fhsf aLr @^ h'nfO{ @)!$
df sf7df8f}Fdf ;DkGg g]kfn ef/t ;+o'Qm cfof]usf]
t]>f] a}7ssf ;dodf hf/L ;+o'Qm k|]; aQmJosf] a'Fbf
g+= ^ df ;d]t oL ljifo pNn]v e};s]sf 5g\ .
olt ;Dd elg;s]kl5 t dnfO{ ;f]lx jQmAo ;d]t vf]hL x]g{ dg
nfUof] . cfFlv/df k|wfgdGqL eGg] zAb dfq} x]/km]/ u/]/
afFls x'ax' ;fl/Psf] /x]5 . OIffPsfx?sf nfuL ;f] jQmJosf] k"0f{
kf7 klg t/ ;+nUg u/]sf] 5' .

xfdL hlt;'s} dfly p7f}+,

hlt;'s} otfplt bu'/f}F,
hlt;'s} 7"nf] :j/df uhf}{+,
t/, xfdL kmut\ kfgLsf] yfkf xf}+
kfgLsf lga{lnof yf]kf
hf] ;"o{f/f dfly prflnG5f}+
/ afbn aG5f}+,
xfjfsf Ozf/fdf otfplt bu'5f}{+
/ cfkm"nfO{ ultzLn eG7fG5f}+
n]vnfO{ e"kL z]/rg s} xfdL sljtfaf6 lj6 dfg{ dg nfUof] .
s'g hdfgfdf n]v]sf s'/f clxn] klg slt ;fGble{s nfU5g\ . cfFlv/
slj tyf ;flxTosf/nfO{ o'ub|i6f TolQs} sxfF elgFbf] /x]5 /
;a}sf] ho xf];\ .

Joint Press Statement on the Visit of the Prime Minister to

August 04, 2014

1. The Prime Minister of India, His Excellency Shri Narendra Modi paid an
official visit to Nepal from August 3-4, 2014 at the invitation of the Prime
Minister of Nepal, Rt. Hon'ble Mr. Sushil Koirala. The Prime Minister of India
was accompanied by Shri Ajit Doval, National Security Advisor (NSA), Ms.
Sujatha Singh, Foreign Secretary and a delegation comprising senior
officials of the Government of India and media. The Prime Minister of India
was received at the airport by the Prime Minister of Nepal and was
extended a ceremonial welcome.

2. The Prime Minister of India called on the Rt. Hon'ble President of Nepal, Dr.
Ram Baran Yadav. The Rt. Hon'ble President hosted a luncheon in honour of
the Prime Minister of India.

3. The Prime Minister of India addressed the Constituent Assembly and

Legislature Parliament of Nepal and prior to the address, had a meeting
with the Chairman of the Constituent Assembly, Rt. Hon'ble Subhas
Chandra Nembang.

4. The Minister for Foreign Affairs, Honble Mahendra Bahadur Pandey, Leader
of the Main Opposition Party in the Legislature Parliament, Hon'ble Pushpa
Kamal Dahal 'Prachanda', Chairman of the Communist Party of Nepal
(UML), Hon'ble KP Sharma Oli, other political leaders including those from
the Nepali Congress and Madheshi parties and leaders of the Nepalese
business community called on the Prime Minister of India.

5. The Prime Minister of India had a meeting with the Prime Minister of Nepal
followed by delegation level talks. These talks were held in an atmosphere
of utmost warmth and cordiality and were marked by deep friendship and
understanding which characterize the close relations between the two
countries. The Prime Minister of Nepal hosted a banquet in honour of the
Prime Minister of India.

6. The two Prime Ministers expressed satisfaction over the excellent state of
Nepal-India relations that encompass a broad spectrum of political,
economic, social and cultural ties that are deep-rooted at both government
and peoples' levels. The two Prime Ministers also underlined the need to
further explore ways to enhance sub-regional cooperation particularly in
the areas of trade, transit, connectivity and hydropower. They underlined
that the high level visits are vital for greater momentum to the close and
cordial ties between the two countries. The Prime Minister of Nepal
appreciated the enhanced focus and priority given by the new Government
of India on relations with neighbouring countries, as manifested in, among
others, the invitation to the SAARC leaders to attend the swearing-in
ceremony of the new Prime Minister on May 26. This provided a unique
opportunity for meaningful dialogue at the political level as well as for
advancing regional cooperation under the framework of SAARC.

7. The Prime Minister of Nepal stated that Nepal has focused its attention on
drafting a new constitution through the Constituent Assembly, which will
lead the country to greater stability and prosperity. He shared Nepal's
vision of graduating from the status of least developed country by 2022.
The Prime Minister of India conveyed best wishes of the Government and
people of India to the Nepalese leadership and people for their resolve and
commitment to promulgate the new constitution early next year.

8. Both Prime Ministers recalled with pleasure the democratic elections held
in both countries in the past one year with record participation of people
and expressed satisfaction over these successes that reflect people's trust
in democratic values and practices. They underlined the indispensability of
democratic institutions for peace, stability and development. They also
underlined that the Governments on both sides command strong mandate
of their respective peoples providing historic opportunities to advance
bilateral relations to a new height in practical and pragmatic manner to
generate tangible benefits for the peoples of both countries.

9. The two Prime Ministers noted with satisfaction the reactivation of Nepal
India Joint Commission at the level of the Foreign Ministers and welcomed
the outcomes of the third meeting held in Kathmandu from July 25-26,

10.The Prime Ministers directed that all bilateral institutional mechanisms be

convened regularly and their decisions be implemented expeditiously.

11.The two Prime Ministers agreed to review, adjust and update the Treaty of
Peace and Friendship of 1950 and other bilateral agreements. They
welcomed the decision of the Joint Commission to direct the Foreign
Secretaries of the two countries to meet and discuss specific proposal to
revise the Treaty of Peace and Friendship of 1950, which the Government
of Nepal agreed to provide at the earliest. Both sides agreed that the
revised Treaty should better reflect the current realities and aim to further
consolidate and expand the multifaceted and deep rooted relationships in
a forward looking manner.

12.The two Prime Ministers also underlined the need to resolve pending
Nepal-India boundary issues once and for all. They welcomed the formation
of the Boundary Working Group (BWG) to undertake the construction,
restoration and repair of boundary pillars including clearance of 'Noman's
land' and other technical tasks. They also welcomed the Joint
Commission's decision to direct the Foreign Secretaries to work on the
outstanding boundary issues, including Kalapani and Susta receiving
required technical inputs from the BWG as necessary. The Indian side
stressed on early signing of the agreed and initialed strip maps of about
98% of the boundary. The Nepalese side expressed its desire to resolve all
outstanding boundary issues.

13.The two Prime Ministers welcomed the decision to establish an Eminent

Persons Group on Nepal-India Relations (EPG-NIR) to look into the totality
of Nepal-India relations from independent, non-governmental perspectives
and suggest measures to further expand and consolidate the close and
multifaceted relations between the two countries. They directed to
expedite the formation of the EPG-NIR as per the agreed terms of

14.Both Prime Ministers noted with satisfaction the excellent cooperation on

security related matters and directed the competent authorities on both
sides to make sure that the open border, which has facilitated movements
of people on both sides of the border and has been a unique feature of
Nepal-India bilateral relations, is not misused by unscrupulous elements
posing security threats to either side. It was assured that Nepal and India
will not allow their territory to be used against each other. The two Prime
Ministers directed the concerned officials to expedite the signing of MoU on
Police Academy. Both sides agreed to finalize the texts of Extradition Treaty
and MLAT at an early date.
15.The Government of India announced a soft credit line of US$ 1 billion for
the execution of infrastructure development and energy projects as
identified and prioritized by the Government of Nepal.

16.The Prime Minister of India also visited Pashupatinath Temple and gifted
2500 kgs. of sandalwood to the Pashupatinath Temple Authority. The
Government of India also informed that the construction of Pashupatinath
Temple Dharamshala will be commenced soon through GoI grant
assistance. The Government of India offered to assist in the conservation
and restoration of old monuments in the Pashupatinath Complex as well as
in providing sanitation and hygiene facility in the Pashupatinath Complex.

17.The Government of India also offered assistance for development of

Janakpur, Baraha Chhetra and Lumbini, including linking Lumbini with the
Buddhist circuit of India, based on specific proposals from Government of

18.The Government of India announced enhancement of ITEC and Colombo

Plan slots from 180 to 250 for Nepalese students and experts to study in
various Indian institutions. The Government of India also offered short
courses cum exposure visits for the Nepalese undergraduate students in
the leading universities of India namely Banaras, Kolkata and Delhi
University under Nepal-Bharat Maitri Shiksha Karyakram.

19.The two Prime Ministers witnessed the signing of the Exchange of Letters
regarding Terms of Reference of the Pancheshwar Development Authority.
They agreed that the two Governments would set up the Authority within 6
months and finalise the DPR of Pancheshwar Development Project and
begin implementation of the Project within one year. The two sides also
signed MoUs on Cooperation in the Goitre Control, and on Cooperation
between Doordarshan and the Nepal Television.

20.The two Prime Ministers directed the concerned authorities to conclude

negotiations within 45 days on the Project Development Agreement (PDA)
between the Investment Board of Nepal and GMR Group of India for the
development of Upper Karnali hydropower project. They also directed the
concerned authorities to conclude negotiations on the agreement on trade
in power sector within 45 days. They expressed desire for early conclusion
of other three PDAs namely Arun III, Upper Marsyangdi and Tamakoshi III.
They emphasized that development of projects of this size will be a major
catalyst for the development of Nepals enormous hydropower potential.

21.At the request of the Nepalese side, the Indian side assured to assist the
construction of a multilane motorable bridge over Mahakali River at
Mahendranagar, which will allow traffic along the East West Highway to
cross over the Mahakali River and establish a vital trade and transit linkage
of far western region of Nepal with Indian cities of Uttar Pradesh, Delhi and
Uttarakhand. The Indian side also conveyed to consider construction of
motorable bridges at the border points at Jhulaghat and Darchula.

22.The Government of Nepal requested for assistance to complete the eastern

sector of Mid Hill Highway, namely (Chiwabhanjyang-Ganeshchowk, 61 km,
Jorsal-Tamor-Sankranti, 35 km, Sankranti-Myanglung, 68 km, Bhojpur-
Diktel, 88 km, Haleshi-Hilepani 40 km, Ghurmi-Khurkot, 60 km). The
Government of India agreed to consider the request positively.
23.The Two Prime Ministers expressed satisfaction over the ongoing defense
cooperation. In this context, the Nepalese side requested the Prime
Minister of India for waiver of the dues outstanding as on date owned by
the Government of Nepal to the Government of India on account of
defense purchases.

24.The Prime Ministers expressed concern over the slow pace of

implementation of several projects under bilateral economic cooperation
and directed competent officials to implement ongoing as well as the
future projects expeditiously.

25.The Two Prime Ministers directed the competent authorities to expedite the
construction of Postal roads and feeder roads (Terai roads) and complete
the phase I expeditiously. They also directed to commence phase II within
a year. The Indian side agreed to consider the Government of Nepal's
request to implement the phase II projects by the Nepalese side with the
Government of India's financial assistance.

26.The two Prime Ministers directed to work for the finalization and signing of
the revised Rail Service Agreement, Motor Vehicle Agreement, Letter of
Exchanges on Trade and Transit and ratification of BIPPA.

27.The two Prime Ministers also directed competent officials to expedite

construction of cross border railway at all five agreed border points and the
four Integrated Check Posts (ICPs) which will facilitate cross border trade
and transit as well as Nepal's export to and import from third countries.

28.The Nepalese side requested and the Indian side agreed to take up the
project for the construction of Raxaul-Amlekhgunj petroleum pipeline in the
first phase and extend it to Kathmandu in the next phase to facilitate the
transport of petroleum products.

29.The Nepalese side highlighted the trade deficit it is facing vis a vis its trade
with India and suggested measures to address this deficit through
increased Indian FDI, relaxation of non-tariff measures including SPS
standards for agro products, support in product development, relaxation of
Rules of Origin requirement for duty free access of Nepalese products, and
mutual recognition of standards, conformity assessment and accreditation.
The Nepalese side stressed that the countervailing duty (CVD) being levied
by the Indian authorities on Nepalese exports including readymade
garments, copper, brass utensils, Kattha and other products have had
negative impacts on key Nepalese exports to India and requested the
Indian side to remove it. The Nepalese side also requested to remove
Quantitative Restrictions (QRs) on the four Nepalese export products
namely Vegetable fats, copper products, Acrylic Yarn and Zinc Oxide. The
Indian side assured to consider the requests by the Nepalese side. The
Indian side also reiterated that problem of trade deficit could be best
bridged by development of hydropower in Nepal and export of surplus
power to India.

30.Recognizing the vital importance of transit rights of Nepal, the two Prime
Ministers agreed to take further measures in the spirit of the Treaty of
Transit, to simplify transit procedures and facilitate expeditious movement
of traffic in transit. They directed to finalize and implement transshipment
modalities at the earliest.
31.The Nepalese side requested India to allow three additional air entry points
at Janakpur, Bhairahawa and Nepalgunj, and cross border direct routes to
facilitate direct flights between regional airports Pokhara-Bhirahawa-
Lucknow as this would save time and cost for air travelers and also
improve air connectivity between India and Nepal. The two Prime Ministers
directed the concerned authorities to meet within 6 months and resolve
this issue and similar issues pertaining to the Air Services Agreement.

32.The two Prime Ministers directed the competent authorities to expedite the
works related to the development of cross border transmission lines as
agreed in the Joint Commission.

33.At the request of the Nepalese side, the Government of India agreed to
consider to undertake the rehabilitation of Koshi Pump Canal and Koshi
Western Canal System and rehabilitation of West Gandak Canal System
with a Lift System to irrigate additional Nepalese land. The Nepalese side
will communicate the details of the projects.

34.The Prime Minister of India expressed condolences for the human suffering
and loss of lives and properties caused by the massive landslide at
Sindhupalchowk district in Nepal this week. Both sides agreed to
strengthen coordination and consultation to deal with the problem of floods
and inundation.

35.The Prime Minister of India extended invitation to Prime Minister of Nepal

to pay an official visit to India at an early mutually convenient date. The
Prime Minister of Nepal accepted the invitation. The date will be finalized
and communicated through diplomatic channel.

August 4, 2014

Joint Statement on the State visit of Prime

Minister of Nepal, Rt. Honble Mr. Pushpa
Kamal Dahal Prachanda to India
Posted onSeptember 16, 2016

Joint Statement on the State visit of Prime Minister of Nepal, Rt. Honble Mr. Pushpa
Kamal Dahal Prachanda to India

(15-18 September, 2016)

1. The Rt. Honble Mr. Pushpa Kamal Dahal Prachanda, Prime Minister of Nepal, and
Ms. Sita Dahal are on a State visit to India from 15-18 September 2016 at the
invitation of the Honble Prime Minister of India, Shri Narendra Modi. The delegation
includes the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Nepal Dr. Prakash Sharan Mahat, the
Minister for Physical Infrastructure and Transport Mr. Ramesh Lekhak, members of
the Legislature-Parliament, and other senior officials of the Government of Nepal.

2. During the visit, Rt. Honble Prime Minister of Nepal was accorded ceremonial
reception at the Rashtrapati Bhawan on 16 September 2016. He paid courtesy call on
the Honble President of India Shri Pranab Mukherjee, and held talks with the Honble
Prime Minister of India. Smt Sushma Swaraj, Minister of External Affairs, Shri Arun
Jaitley, Minister of Finance, Shri Piyush Goyal, Minister of State for Power
(Independent Charge) called on the Rt. Honble Prime Minister of Nepal. Honble
Prime Minister of India hosted an official banquet in honour of the visiting dignitary
and the accompanying delegation. Prime Minister Prachanda will be visiting Nathpa
Jhakri hydro-electric power project in Himachal Pradesh and the Food and Herbal
Park at the Patanjali Yogpeeth near Haridwar. An interaction with the Indian business
community was jointly hosted by ASSOCHAM, CII and FICCI in honour of the
visiting dignitary.

3. Bilateral meetings were held in an atmosphere of utmost cordiality and warmth that
have characterized the close and friendly relations between India and Nepal. The
Prime Minister of India thanked the Prime Minister of Nepal for accepting his
invitation, and warmly welcomed him in India on his first visit abroad since assuming
office in August 2016. He stated that the visit would help further strengthen the age-
old bonds of fraternal relations between the people of India and Nepal, and expand the
multi-dimensional cooperation between the two countries. The two Prime Ministers
agreed that the high-level exchanges are vital for maintaining the momentum towards
further deepening of the close and cordial ties between the two countries.

4. The Prime Minister of Nepal thanked his Indian counterpart for the invitation and
warm hospitality extended to him and his delegation since their arrival. He stated that
his visit to India demonstrates the importance that the Government of Nepal attaches
to good neighbourly relations with India. The two countries and their people share an
ancient, deep-rooted and vibrant friendship based on a shared cultural and
civilizational ethos. He expressed the willingness of the Government of Nepal to
explore newer areas of mutual cooperation and partnerships and to take our age-old
and unique ties to new heights, while reinvigorating the existing mechanisms for
enhancing mutual benefit.

5. The two Prime Ministers reviewed the entire gamut of bilateral cooperation and
underlined the need to further deepen and expand bilateral cooperation in all areas for
the mutual benefit of the people of the two countries. They directed that all bilateral
institutional mechanisms be convened regularly and their decisions be implemented
expeditiously. Both sides agreed to hold the next session of the India-Nepal Joint
Commission in 2016.

6. The two Prime Ministers noted the progress in promoting sub-regional cooperation,
and agreed that the two governments should explore ways to further enhance it,
particularly in the areas of trade, transit, connectivity and power. They also stressed
the importance of enhancing regional cooperation within the framework of the

7. The two Prime Ministers noted that the first meeting of the Eminent Persons Group on
Nepal-India Relations was held in Kathmandu in July 2016, and hoped that the Group
would work intensively and look into the totality of India-Nepal relations from
independent perspective and suggest measures to consolidate and further expand the
close and multi-faceted ties between the two countries.

8. The Prime Minister of Nepal thanked for the prompt and extensive assistance provided
by the Government and people of India in the aftermath of the devastating earthquakes
of 25 April and 12 May 2015. He conveyed his gratitude to the Government of India
for the latters special assistance package of US$ 1 billion for Nepals post-earthquake

9. The Prime Minister of India welcomed the setting up of the National Reconstruction
Authority (NRA) in Nepal, which will coordinate post-earthquake reconstruction
projects. The two Prime Ministers agreed that expeditious action should be taken to
implement mutually agreed projects in the identified sectors for post-earthquake
reconstruction in accordance with the bilateral MOU signed in February 2016. At the
request of the Nepali side, the Indian side agreed to extend assistance to the NRA,
including through sharing of experience and capacity building by the National Disaster
Management Authority of India. In response to the declared policy of the Government
of Nepal to grant NRs 3 lakh to each beneficiary for reconstruction of houses,
Government of India conveyed that it would increase its contribution for 50,000
households from NRs 2 lakh to NRs 3 lakh. For this purpose, US $ 50 million will be
drawn by the Government of Nepal from the LOC of US $ 750 million for post-
earthquake reconstruction.

10. The Prime Minister of Nepal shared with the Prime Minister of India developments in
Nepal. He conveyed that the promulgation of the Constitution last year is a historic
event in institutionalizing federal democratic republic. He also shared the efforts made
by the present Government to take all sections of Nepali society on board for the
effective implementation of the constitution. While appreciating the importance of the
constitutional consolidation of democracy in Nepal, Prime Minister of India welcomed
the ongoing efforts of the Government of Nepal to take all sections of the society on
board for effective implementation of the Constitution. Prime Minister of India wished
the Prime Minister of Nepal every success in this endeavour. The Prime Minister of
Nepal thanked the Government and people of India for their goodwill, support and
solidarity in Nepals peace process.

11. The two Prime Ministers believe that both countries hold similar views on major
international issues, including the comprehensive reforms of the UN and other
international organizations, affecting the developing countries and work in close
coordination with each other in the United Nations and other international fora. The
Nepali side reiterated its support for Indias candidature for permanent membership of
the UN Security Council.

12. The two Prime Ministers noted with satisfaction the ongoing defense and security
cooperation, and the recently concluded Home Secretary level talks and the meeting of
the bilateral consultative group on security matters. They stressed the need to ensure
that the open border, which has facilitated economic interaction and movement of
people and goods on both sides of the border and has been a unique feature of India-
Nepal bilateral ties, is not allowed to be misused by unscrupulous elements posing
security threats to either side. The two sides committed that they will not allow their
territory to be used against each other.

13. The Prime Minister of India expressed Indias commitment to continue the close
partnership between India and Nepal for socio-economic, scientific and technological
development. The two Prime Ministers directed the officials to closely monitor
progress of the ongoing projects under bilateral economic and development
cooperation, address any bottlenecks, and to complete them expeditiously in a time
bound manner. In this regard, both sides agreed to set up an oversight mechanism
comprising senior officials from the Indian Embassy in Kathmandu and the
Government of Nepal, which will review progress together with respective project
implementing agencies/developers of ongoing economic and development projects on
a regular basis, and take necessary steps to expedite their implementation.

14. The two Prime Ministers expressed satisfaction at the steady growth of bilateral trade.
Prime Minister of Nepal expressed concern over Nepals growing trade deficit with
India and underlined the need for taking measures to enhance Nepals exports to India.
The two Prime Ministers noted the successful conclusion of the meeting of the Inter-
Governmental Committee (IGC) on Trade, Transit and Control of Unauthorized Trade,
at the Secretary-level in June 2016, and agreed that the IGC will continue to discuss
trade infrastructure and trade facilitation related measures to boost bilateral trade.
They agreed that the Trade Treaty between India and Nepal would be renewed in
October 2016 in terms of provisions of the Treaty, with the aim of enhancing the
bilateral trade. Both sides agreed to hold civil aviation talks to discuss air services
matters, including request for additional air routes.

15. The two Prime Ministers noted the successful completion of two roads totalling about
71 kilometers under Phase I of Terai road project. The two Prime Ministers directed
the officials to expedite the construction of postal roads and feeder roads (Terai roads)
and complete them expeditiously, in accordance with the modalities for
implementation agreed by both sides in February 2016.

16. The two Prime Ministers stressed the need for early development of infrastructure at
integrated check posts (ICPs) to facilitate smooth and faster movement of people and
goods. They noted with satisfaction the progress in construction of Integrated Check
Posts (ICPs) at Raxaul and Jogbani, and agreed that work on the Raxaul-Birgunj ICP
project will be expedited with the objective of completing it by December 2016. It was
decided to immediately commence construction of the ICP at Biratnagar, and to
expedite the Detailed Engineering Reports in respect of ICPs at Nepalgunj and

17. The two Prime Ministers reviewed the progress made in the implementation of the two
ongoing India-Nepal cross border rail-link projects (a) Jayanagar-Bijalpur-Bardibas
and (b) Jogbani-Biratnagar, and agreed that both sides will take further measures
necessary for expeditious completion of both the projects. Both sides agreed that steps
will be initiated to facilitate development of three other agreed cross-border rail-link
projects (Nepalgunj-Nepalgunj road; Kakarbitta-New Jalpaiguri; Bhairawaha
Nautanwa) so that the land acquisition can commence on the Nepali side.
18. The two Prime Ministers directed the officials to expedite the construction of sub-
station at Dhalkebar so that the Muzaffarpur-Dhalkebar transmission line can be
operated at its full capacity as planned. It was decided that the construction of
transmission lines (i) from Kataiya to Kusaha, and (ii) from Raxaul to Parwanipur will
be completed by December 2016 to augment grid connectivity and power supply
between the two countries. The two Prime Ministers expressed satisfaction that both
countries are engaged in preparation of a Master Plan for the cross-border
interconnection for the period until 2035 and Action Plan on power trade until 2025.

19. The two Prime Ministers reviewed progress of other major hydro-power projects,
Pancheshwar, Upper Karnali and Arun-III, and noted that various issues be addressed
expeditiously with a view to implementing the projects in a time-bound manner so that
their benefits start accruing to the people at the earliest. It was decided to expedite
finalization of the Detailed Project Report of the Pancheshwar multi-purpose project.
It was agreed that both sides will continue to take measures to operationalize the
Power Trade Agreement signed in 2014. Both sides agreed to discuss all water
resources cooperation related matters such as inundation and flood management,
irrigation matters and other major projects, at the next meeting of the Joint Committee
on Water Resources at the Secretary level, to be convened at an early date.

20. The two Prime Ministers welcomed the signing of the MOU for the construction of
Raxaul-Amlekhgunj petroleum pipeline in August 2015 and directed that construction
work be undertaken expeditiously.

21. Both the Prime Ministers expressed satisfaction at the utilisation of the two Lines of
Credit of US$ 100 million and US$ 250 million for development of roads and power
infrastructure in Nepal. The two Prime Ministers welcomed the allocation of US$ 200
million for irrigation projects, and US$ 330 million for development of roads and
Mahakali bridge from the LoC of US$ 550 million. Both sides expressed their
commitment to early implementation of these projects. At the request of Nepal, India
conveyed its willingness to extend an additional line of credit to take up projects
namely, Hulaki Rajmarg (Phase-II); cross-border transmission line connecting Butwal,
400 KV sub-stations at Dhalkebar and Hetauda, and a polytechnic in Kaski District.

22. The two Prime Ministers expressed satisfaction at the performance of the Indian Joint
Ventures in Nepal and emphasized the need for channelizing more Indian investments
into Nepal according to its development priorities. They underlined the need for a
secured environment for the investors to project Nepal as an attractive destination for
foreign investment.

23. The two Prime Ministers welcomed the commencement of work for construction of a
Dharmashala at the Pashupatinath Area. The MOU between the Pashupati Area
Development Trust and the Archeological Survey of India for reconstruction and
renovation of the monuments at the Pashupatinath Area will be finalized expeditiously.

24. The two Prime Ministers stressed the need for taking forward the cooperation in the
fields of tourism and ayurvedic system of health care. In this regard, both sides will
take steps to fully implement the MOUs on cooperation in Traditional Medicine and
on Tourism Cooperation, including development of tourism in the form of Buddhist
and Hindu pilgrim circuits.
25. The Prime Minister of Nepal extended an invitation to the Prime Minister of India to
pay an official visit to Nepal. The Prime Minister of India accepted the invitation. The
date will be finalized through diplomatic channels.

New Delhi

16 September, 2016

Joint Press Statement on the official visit to Nepal by Sushma Swaraj, Minister of External
Affairs, of India - See more at:

6. Both foreign ministers shared that both countries hold similar views on major international
issues affecting the developing countries and work in close coordination with each other in
the United Nations and other international fora. The Nepalese side reiterated its support for
Indias candidature for permanent membership of the UN Security Council. - See more at:

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