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Danielle Joanna C.

Asuncion March 24, 2017

Article Review: Beyond Content: Engaging Disengaged Students

This article written by Deborah L. Schussler gave 3 main sections to look into to

help teachers engage their students more in the classroom. She stated that there are 3

elements students need to have to be able to create a helpful environment to engage

students intellectually, and those are, as stated in the text, there are opportunities for

students to succeed, flexible avenues exist through which learning can occur, and

students are respected as learners. The author also claims that Engagement in learning

involves formulating a deeper connection between the student and the material where

student develops an interest in the topic, I agree to this based on my experience in

teaching 5th grades in SPH Sentul. This article, not only helped me assess my classroom

management skills, it also helped me realize why students are disengaged, or engaged in

classroom activities.

The author of this article gives 3 main points to help teachers engage their

students inside the classroom and those are, Academic Challenge, Academic Support, and

Instruction. These 3 main points will lead readers to come to realize that in order to have

a healthy classroom environment, teachers should move beyond the content. Teaching, I

believe, is more than just what we teach, but how to teach, why we teach, and who are we

teaching it for? Once a teacher comes to answer those questions, it will be much easier to

engage students in the learning process.

As a professor of mine always states we should always have positive

expectations for our students. We, teachers, should believe that our students can do great

things. If we start believing and showing them that, then it will be easier for them to
realize that they are destined for great things. Giving challenges to students, as much as

they would hate it, is actually one of the best ways a teacher can engage his/her students.

The article says that students want a challenge in the classroom. Challenges are good. It

will help them think critically, and go beyond what they think they can achieve.

Challenges are also a way to show you care towards your students. When teachers show

that care, students are more likely to engage themselves in the learning process. Although

I said challenges are good, great teachers should know the limitations. We should have

high realistic expectations from our students, always considering how much can they

really do. The greatest teachers in the world are most probably the balanced teachers. We

should be able to, as the article asserts, provide the right amount of challenge along with

the right amount of support.

One of the best things I took away from my practicum, is probably knowing how

to support and encourage students academically. Students, no matter their age, wants

someone who believes in them. I guess one of the reasons why I was able to connect and

engage to my students, and their parents is because I show them that I care for them. One

of the most important attributes a teacher should have is a supportive spirit because

students are yet to discover what they are good at, and as teachers, we should be

supporting them appropriately.

In conclusion, in order to engage disengaged students in the classroom, we need

to provide hurdles they need to face, supporting them as they go through it. Teachers are

called to go beyond content, giving out activities and opportunities for students to

overcome. We should always be flexible thinking beyond what is written in the books,

always differentiating instructions so all types of learners are able to learn as an

individual. Through this, we can help our students be active learners all throughout their


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