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1s & 2s Teaching Plan

9:15 A. M.
Jesus Returns to Heaven
Acts 1:6-11
KEY WORD: Work/Wait
KEY VERSE: Do not let your heart be troubled, nor let it be
--John 14:27


same as 9:15/3s-K
Supplies: Color pages, a plastic globe ball (to be provided) or a map
of the world laid down on the floor, a bell or noisemaker
Tell your children that Jesus loves all the children of the world.
Point to each one of them and say: Jesus loves ________ and Jesus loves
_______, etc. around the table.
Explain to them that we need to tell everyone that Jesus is alive and that He loves
us. Ask the children to turn to one another and tell them that Jesus loves you.
Sing the song Jesus Loves Me or Jesus Loves the Little Children.
Explain that in todays story we are going to talk about Jesus going back to
heaven. Say: Lets see what He told us to do while He was away.

CIRCLE UP (5-7 minutes) The info under Circle UP will be duplicated

in lessons plans for 11:00 for 3s-PreK, 9:15-11:00 for 1st & 2s and in
Kinder lesson plans.
Leaders Bible Background: The time had come for Jesus to return
to His Father in heaven. During a 40-day period after the
Journey 9: 1s & 2s
Resurrection, Jesus had appeared to over 500 different people. The
disciples were convinced that He was alive. Jesus told them to stay in
Jerusalem until the power of the Holy Spirit came upon them. He told
them to take the Gospel into Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and to ends
of the world. He told them not to be afraid because He would be with
them every step of the way. Then He was gone! Two angels came to
tell the disciples that one day Jesus would come back the same way
He had left. Nowwe wait for His return as we spreade the Gospel
message around the world.
Call the children to the circle.
Provide each one with a Bible to hold. Ask them to find pictures
of Jesus in the back of the Bible.
Explain that todays lesson is from the book of John in the New
Show the Teaching Pictures as you read aloud the information on
the back.
Be enthusiastic. Engage the children in conversation about the
Close your circle time with prayer.

PROJECT (5 to 10 minutes)
Sharing the Good News about Jesus
Supplies: Picture of the world printed on cardstock, cotton balls, and
cross stickers a verse label for Acts 1:9, glue sticks or glue dots
Provide each child with a project sheet, five cotton balls and 10
cross stickers.
Have the students put the cross stickers on their picture of the
Have them put one cotton ball on each of the five clouds.
Glue a picture of Jesus in the middle of the page.
Remind them that Jesus told us to share the good news about
Him with the whole world.

Journey 9: 1s & 2s
BIBLE MEMORY (3 minutes) Same text for 11:00
Do not let your heart be troubled, nor let it be fearful.
--John 14:27

Explain to the children what this verse means. Jesus was going to
leave His disciples and He wanted them not to be worried or
afraid. One day they would see Him again.
Lets practice saying the verse together using these motions.
Do notShake your head from one side to the other.
Let your heartPut your hand over your heart.
Be troubled,Make a heart by putting your fingers
together and shake them.
Or afraid.Point upward.
John 14:27--Open your hands out like a book.
Have the children walk to the window and say the verse
loudly so the whole world can hear.

BIBLE WALK (3 minutes) same for 11 a.m.

These activities will help the children learn how to use the Bible.
Give the children pictures to represent the first five books of the
Bible. Explain what they mean. Help them say the name of
book the picture represents.
Have them practice saying aloud: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus,
Numbers, and Deuteronomy.

WRAP UP (3 minutes) ) same for 11 a.m.

Ask the children some review questions about the lesson.
--Did Jesus tell the disciples He had to leave?
--Where was Jesus going? Would He ever come back?
--What are we supposed to do while we wait?
Try to get them to say the first five books of the Bible in order.

PLEASE NOTE: Snacks may be shared at any time during the morning.

Journey 9: 1s & 2s
Check the master schedule for the time when your class goes to the Big Room

3sPreK Teaching Plan
11:00 A. M.
Jesus Returns to Heaven
Acts 1:6-11
KEY WORD: Work/Wait
KEY VERSE: Do not let your heart be troubled, nor let it be
--John 14:27

WHAT YOU DO same text as 9:15 3s-PreK
Take the children to a window in your classroom.
Ask them to look up into heaven and tell you what they
see. (sun, clouds, birds, airplane, etc.)
Explain that in todays lesson the disciples of Jesus saw
Him go right up into heaven

Journey 9: 1s & 2s
Tell the children that someday we will see Jesus in the
clouds coming back to earth.

CIRCLE UP (5-7 minutes) (Same text as for 9:15 3s-PreK)

Leaders Bible Background: The time had come for Jesus to return
to His Father in heaven. During a 40-day period after the
Resurrection, Jesus had appeared to over 500 different people. The
disciples were convinced that He was alive. Jesus told them to stay in
Jerusalem until the power of the Holy Spirit came upon them. He told
them to take the Gospel into Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and to ends
of the world. He told them not to be afraid because He would be with
them every step of the way. Then He was gone! Two angels came to
tell the disciples that one day Jesus would come back the same way
He had left. Nowwe wait for His return as we spreade the Gospel
message around the world.
Call the children to the circle.
Provide each one with a Bible to hold. Ask them to find pictures
of Jesus in the back of the Bible.
Explain that todays lesson is from the book of John in the New
Show the Teaching Pictures as you read aloud the information on
the back.
Be enthusiastic. Engage the children in conversation about the
Close your circle time with prayer.

BIBLE MEMORY same text as 9:15 3s-PreK

Todays verse is: Do not let your heart be troubled, nor let it be
--John 14:27

Journey 9: 1s & 2s
Explain to the children what this verse means. Jesus was going to
leave His disciples and He wanted them not to be worried or
afraid. One day they would see Him again.
Lets practice saying the verse together using these motions.
Do notShake your head from one side to the other.
Let your heartPut your hand over your heart.
Be troubled,Make a heart by putting your fingers
together and shake them.
Or afraid.Point upward.
John 14:27--Open your hands out like a book.
Have the children walk to the window and say the verse
loudly so the whole world can hear.
BIBLE LEARNING PROJECT: Jesus Returns to Heaven
[Children who did not attend the 9:15 service are to do the craft
Sharing the Good News about Jesus. Children attending both
services will do the following.]
Supplies: Cardstock cut-outs of a large cloud and a picture of Jesus,
8 of string or yarn, craft sticks, tape, and a verse label for Acts 1:9
Attach the verse label to the cloud.
Tape the string to the back of the cloud.
Have the children color the picture of Jesus.
Tape the picture of Jesus to the craft stick.
Tape the bottom end of the string to the craft stick also.
Have the students move Jesus behind the cloud to show how He
returned to heaven. Remind them that one day He will come
and take us to heaven to be with Him. Until He does we must
tell everyone the good news about our Savior.

WRAP UP (3 minutes) same as 9:15

Ask the children some review questions about the lesson.
--Did Jesus tell the disciples He had to leave?
--Where was Jesus going? Would He ever come back?
--What are we supposed to do while we wait?
Journey 9: 1s & 2s
Try to get them to say the first five books of the Bible in order.

BIBLE WALK (3-5 minutes) Same as Bible Walk at 9:15

These activities will help the children learn how to use the Bible.
Give the children pictures to represent the first five books of the
Bible. Explain what they mean. Help them say the name of
book the picture represents.
Have them practice saying aloud: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus,
Numbers, and Deuteronomy.

PLEASE NOTE: Snacks may be shared at any time during the morning.
Check the master schedule for the time when your class goes to the Big Room

Journey 9: 1s & 2s

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