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Pattern of Milk Consumption Between

Teenagers in Saint Maria Senior High School
and Adult People in Sanata Dharma University

Created by :

Carolie Ivonni R.Wangge 088114128

Agatha Ratri Prasetyo 088114145
L. Evy Rahmawati 088115151
Sisca Devi 088114161
Gary Ranteta`dung 088114178



A.Background Problems
Milk is a food ingredient that is rich in nutrients required by the human body. Milk
consumption during youth, especially meant for strengthens the bone so that bone is more
solid, not fragile and not easily affected risk of osteoporosis during old age. For strong bones,
is required nutrient intake that enough specially calcium. Calcium is the main substance
needed in bone formation, and nutrients, among others, can be obtained from milk. In the
milk also contained nutrients that a role in bone formation such as protein, phosphorus,
vitamin D, vitamin C and iron. Besides these nutrients, milk also contains substances other
important nutrients that can improve nutrition.
Teenagers is an important period in human survival. This period represents the
transition from childhood to adulthood is marked with rapid growth and development both
physically and mentally, The increasing activity and accompanied by changes in food
consumption patterns. To compensate for rapid growth and development, body require more
nutrients and better quality, so that if no balanced with a healthy pattern of food consumption,
teenagers can be a period nutrient-prone. One of the necessary nutrients during Teenagers is
During teenagers, occur the formation of bone tissue. The mass of bone tissue 45% of
total body formed during teenagers and bone density achieved the period of late teenagers.
Bone growth is needed calcium which especially can be obtained from milk as the main
source of calcium (Matkovic et al. 1994). Teenagers can be regarded as the last time in the
repair optimal nutrition, because after going through this period, nutrition improvement only
useful to maintain body fitness.
Teenagers is a period of peak activity. At this period, Teenagers are very busy with
activities (curricular and non- curricular). Curricular activities are the learning activities,
tasks and others, while non-curricular activities are play, sports and other physical activities.
Adulthood is marked by the completion of pubertal growth and sexual organs of
children have grown and capable of producing. At this period, will occur physical and
psychological changes with adjustment problems and the expectations of those changes.
Milk is also needed for adults. Benefits provided milk for adults as proteins and vitamins,
prevent osteoporosis and maintain strong bones remain, and enhance and improve the bodys
metabolic system and boost immunity.
Milk usually consumed is cows milk. Milk not only be consumed in liquid form, this
food also can be processed and consumed in various forms such as yoghurt, yakult, cheese,
butter and various forms of processed milk powder and sweetened condensed milk. For
attract more customers, the form of processed milk is fortified with a lot additional nutrients,
such nutrients calcium (known as high milk calcium). There was also a way to reduce fat
content of milk (low fat) proportionately so that the content of other nutrients including
calcium becomes more (high calcium). Based on the above background we conducted a
survey on the consumption pattern of milk nutraceutical product on teenagers and adults.
B. Problem Formulation
1. What is the difference in milk consumption among teenegers (17-18) in Santa Maria
high school with adults (19-20) at Sanata Dharma University?
2. What is the reason for consumption of milk in teenegers and adults the same?
3. How much it costs to consume milk products nutraceutical?
4. What is the benefits after consume milk ?

C. Hypothesis
H1: Frequency consume of milk between teenagers and adults is different
H0: Frequency consume of milk between teenagers and adults is not different
H1: Reason why consume milk between teenagers and adults is different
H0: Reason why consume milk between teenagers and adults is not different
H1: Cost to bought products nutraceutical between teenagers and adults is different
H0: Cost to bought products nutraceutical between teenagers and adults is not different
H1: The benefits after consume milk between teenagers and adults is different
H0: The benefits after consume milk between teenagers and adults is not different


A. Analyzing the data

1. Frequency consume of milk


Score (X )2
4 16
4 16
4 16
4 16
4 16
4 16
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
= 28 = 100

Mean of score = = 2,8

SD Teenagers = 3,33


Score (X )2
5 25
5 25
4 16
4 16
3 9
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
= 26 = 96

Mean of score = = 2,6

SD Teenagers = 3,26

Tcount = = = = 0,1357

H null accepted

-2,0252 2,0252

Result of analyzing data show that the frequency consume of milk between teenagers and
adults not different.

2. Reason why consume milk

Score (X )2
3 9
3 9
3 9
3 9
3 9
3 9
2 4
2 4
1 1
1 1
= 24 = 64

Mean of score = = 2,4

SD Teenagers = 2,667

Score (X )2
3 9
3 9
3 9
3 9
3 9
3 9
3 9
3 9
1 1
1 1
= 26 = 74

Mean of score = = 2,6

SD Teenagers = 2,867

Tcount = = = = -0,162

The reason consumed milk

H null accepted

-2,052 2,0252
Result of analyzing data show that reason why consume milk between teenagers and adults
not different.

3. Cost to bought products nutraceutical


Score (X )2
3 9
3 9
3 9
3 9
3 9
3 9
3 9
3 9
3 9
2 4
= 29 = 85

Mean of score = = 2,9

SD Teenagers = 3,073


Score (X )2
4 16
3 9
3 9
3 9
3 9
3 9
3 9
3 9
3 9
2 4
= 30 = 92

Mean of score = =3
SD Teenagers = 3,197

Tcount = = = -0,0714

H null accepted

-2,0252 2,0252

Result of analyzing data show that cost to bought products nutraceutical between teenagers
and adults not different.

4. The benefits after consume milk between teenagers and adults


Score (X )2
4 16
4 16
4 16
4 16
4 16
3 9
3 9
3 9
3 9
3 9
= 35 = 125
Mean of score = = 3,5

SD Teenagers = 3,727


Score (X )2
4 16
4 16
4 16
4 16
4 16
4 16
3 9
3 9
3 9
3 9
= 36 = 132

Mean of score = = 3,6

SD Teenagers = 3,830

Tcount = = = = -0,0591

H null accepted

-2,0252 2,0252

Result of analyzing data show that the benefits after consume milk between teenagers and
adults not different.


From the above data can be seen different usage patterns of milk among teenagers in
santa maria senoir high school with a student at Sanata Dharma. The most product that consume
by teenagers in Saint Maria Senoir High School is MILO and the most product that consume by
students at Sanata Dharma University is HILO. Things to look at is the frequency of milk
consumption, milk consumption reasons, the cost incurred in consuming milk, and the
perceived efficacy after consuming milk between teenager and adult groups.

From data of frequency consume of milk on teenagers, obtained by the following


Blue color ( 1 ) is frequency consume milk if only needed.

Red color ( 2 ) is frequency consume milk once a week.
Green color ( 3 ) is frequency consume milk every 2- 3 days.
Purple color ( 4 ) is frequency consume milk every one times a day with regulary.
Blue sky color ( 5 ) is frequency consume milk every 2-3 times a day with regulary.
Data show that 40% of teenagers drink milk if only needed and 60% consume milk
every one times a day with regulary.
While in adults, the following data obtained :

Blue color ( 1 ) is frequency consume milk if only needed.

Red color ( 2 ) is frequency consume milk once a week.
Green color ( 3 ) is frequency consume milk every 2- 3 days.
Purple color ( 4 ) is frequency consume milk every one times a day with regulary.
Blue sky color ( 5 ) is frequency consume milk every 2-3 times a day with regulary.
Data show that 50% adult consume milk if only needed, 10% consume milk every 2-
3 days, 20% consume milk every one times a day with regulary, and 20 % consume milk
every 2-3 times a day with regulary
If we see result from diagram we can see that many teenagers consume milk every
one times a day with regulary while, adult people consume milk if only needed. This thing
can be affected by adult people (Students in sanata Dharma University) have many activities
and most of them live in boarding house and they lazzy to make a milk. The other factor is
economic factor.
From this data we can use statistica with T test to conclused that frequence
consume milk between teenagers and adult is not different.

The data about reason why consume milk following :

Blue color ( 1 ) is consume milk because interest with advertisement

Red color ( 2 ) is consume milk because advice from another people.
Green color ( 3 ) is consume milk because can increase health body
Purple color ( 4 ) is consume milk because prevent diseases.
Blue sky color ( 5 ) is consume milk because doctors advice.
From the data, show that 60% teenagers consume milk because can increase health
body, 20% consume milk because advice from another people, 20% consume milk because
interest with advertisement.
Blue color ( 1 ) is consume milk because interest with advertisement
Red color ( 2 ) is consume milk because advice from another people.
Green color ( 3 ) is consume milk because can increase health body
Purple color ( 4 ) is consume milk because prevent diseases.
Blue sky color ( 5 ) is consume milk because doctors advice.
From the data,show that 80% adult consume milk because can increase health body,
20% consume milk because interest with advertisement.
If we see result from diagram we can see that between teenagers and adults have
similliar reason to consume milk.
From this data we can use statistica with t test to conclused that reason
why consume milk between teenagers and adult is not different.
The data about cost to bought milk on teenagers
Blue color ( 1 ) is cost to bought milk very lowest
Red color ( 2 ) is cost to bought milk low
Green color ( 3 ) is cost to bought milk usual
Purple color ( 4 ) is cost to bought milk high
Blue sky color ( 5 ) is cost to bought very high
From the data,show that 90% teenagers spend money is usual to bought milk, 10%
teenagers spend money is low to bought milk.

Blue color ( 1 ) is cost to bought milk very lowest

Red color ( 2 ) is cost to bought milk low
Green color ( 3 ) is cost to bought milk usual
Purple color ( 4 ) is cost to bought milk high
Blue sky color ( 5 ) is cost to bought very high
From the data,show that 80% adult spend money is usual to bought milk, 10%
teenagers spend money is low and high to bought milk.
If we see result from diagram we can see that between teenagers and adults have
similliar thing about spend money is usual to bought milk.
From this data we can use statistica with t test to conclused that cost to
bought milk between teenagers and adult is not different.
The data about benefit from consume milk on teenagers
Blue color ( 1 ) is nothing
Red color ( 2 ) is not benefit
Green color ( 3 ) is usual
Purple color ( 4 ) is benefit
Blue sky color ( 5 ) is very benefit
From the data, show that 50% teenagers feel the benefit but 50 % feel the benefit of
consume milk is usual.

Blue color ( 1 ) is nothing

Red color ( 2 ) is not benefit
Green color ( 3 ) is usual
Purple color ( 4 ) is benefit
Blue sky color ( 5 ) is very benefit
From the data, show that 60% adult feel the benefit, and 40 % feel the benefit of
consume milk is usual.
If we see result from diagram we can see that many teenagers feel the benefit from
consume milk and many adults also feel the benefit from consume milk.
From this data we can use statistica with t test to conclused that benefit of
consume milk between teenagers and adult is not different.



From analyzing data, we can take the conclusion is

1. Frequence consume milk between teenagers and adult is not different.

2. Reason why consume milk between teenagers and adult is not different.
3. Cost to bought milk between teenagers and adult is not different.
4. Benefit of consume milk between teenagers and adult is not different.

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