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Using Technology in CO150

o Google docs Google Docs will integrate right into your Canvas pages.
Both students & teachers need Google drive accounts.
You can copy the link to a public Google doc from your Google drive into a
module. Students can then edit the document within Canvas in real time.
You can also use the Collaborations link on the Canvas menu.
Possible uses:
Group projects
Conference sign up for A4
o Peer review
Create an assignment called Peer Review and ask students to upload their rough drafts.
In the assignment options, select Require Peer Review.
You can assign groups manually or randomly
Once assigned, students will be able to see that they have been assigned someones essay and
be able to View Feedback. Their peers essay will open in Crocodoc (like what we see) to
give marginal comments. They can give end comments in the text box or attach a file.
They cant see other students comments on the same essay, nor can they see teacher
I would recommend including the link to the help guide in your directions for students to
troubleshoot if they have problems:

Adding Apps to Canvas

Overview: Apps allow you to embed content from other websites into your Canvas pages. So, rather than hyperlink
students to another website, the video or tool opens within Canvas. Some apps will ask for a Consumer Key and Shared
Secret to access it (which we can request for some); many do not.

To find apps: Settings Apps View App Configurations See some LTI tools. When you find one that you want:

1. Copy the configuration URL.

2. Go back to your Canvas Settings page and click Add App.
3. Set Configuration Type to By URL.
4. Write the name of the app in the Name box.
5. Copy/paste the URL into the Config URL box.
6. If the app requires a Consumer Key and Shared Secret, copy those codes into the corresponding boxes.
Otherwise, leave blank (you can filter your search by Open Access to avoid apps with keys).
Some useful apps for CO150

o TedEd (no Consumer Key needed)

Embed Ted Talks on the class theme to support other readings and discussion

o Flinga: An interactive white board (Consumer key needed, but you can request that they email you
Online discussion
Publish group work in real time or for homework

Relevant Canvas Help Guides for Apps:

(To add an app) How do I configure an External App for an account using a URL?
How do I link to an external URL in modules?

Additional Online Resources

Diagnostic/ Assessing Prior Knowledge:


Create videos for flipped classroom:

Create timelines:

Create mind maps: ,

Collect & organize sources:

Block websites while working online:

Poll Everywhere- use phones to anonymously poll


Screencast- record lecture for flipped classroom

This handout comes from a presentation that I went to as a part of my CO150 Graduate Teaching

Assistantship. We learned of different resources and ways to incorporate technology into our classroom.

Specifically, I plan to use Kahoot in future classrooms, and I already used Padlet in my CO150 room. I find that

I tend to shy-away from using technology in my classroom, so I found this presentation informative and helpful.

The handout provided came from Composition Administrators at CSU.

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