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II Job. desc ripti~w. ~j.J1 ~jJl "~ II
1. J ob title: POS Technica l
t,ti '··
~ .bW ~". ~j11
, .. .. ~ .1
2. Grade : ,.,: •·~jll~
• • . • .J jl .2
3. General Dep.: Alham ran i U niv ersal f-" ~WI ~IJ:~;,:•.~H-. : ~WI .. ).~')ll .3
4. Dep.!Branch: Operatio ns w4b-l1 :t£j9i1 /4..:F j9i1 o).l')ll . )~
. ;.
5. Sector: POS Operation s ~I.b~ w4J...c:tLbilI .5

Reporting to : . .. " ;, ..
. :(jA " , :'jJ
0;.' U~ ~
. .......

POS Lead Engineer ~1.blS.;·

•. 0:lY. Jj\.§

Responsible for: - , .
• ~ ..
U---i.'- ~
"," ~,
- .

Jl'~ .-t
• .d: .
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.· ··b~~~\
Receives service calls, Receives service calls, ,~I y-jii J~I ,.bWI ~.l.O... J.= ,4.,jt.,;...:. W\.c~ ~
Completes the service report, Hands over the service ,JJy......l1 .)1 <\..:~I .. I..?--':II ~ ,~.l.O...11 y-jii ~
report, Hands over the defective parts to the stock
'4..i4---a-l 1w\.c~ ~ '4J':I1 4..i~1 0.!.) t'" ~I
keeper, Coordinates with FLM team, Escalates to the
FLM any CM! RP call not completed, Escalates to oJ ,i, . , " yll Jj\.§
<I...U~0:l J~I.)I
. \~
.bL.;.j I f .
CSD any Scheduled activity, Ens ures that he has J ,..:..,\.....~ I",jil':l' 'LUy...J1 ~.l.,? ~~ J.= ,wlS lJJ.~
sufficient stock, Reconciles his Stock regularly, .4.5. y:;J I wi .. I.,?I
Adhere to company ' s policies and procedures.
- .... n •
Responsibility & Authorities : .: ' : ~~~J ~jJL~~
Handles all types of service act ivities in ul.. I.,?) tAlJ ' ul~1 ~ ~.l.O...1 1 ~i U,;i ~ ~~
the field and follows the escalation . ~I

.' .: '
The initial duties: ) '''' : 4, ~.;l\ ~~I.;.l'-J ~~I
1. Receives service calls from the Lead engineer 4..iG.....:JI
• jSY / 0:l - yll Jj\.§'(,)A 4.,jl..J......:,
_ W\.c')l,. ~ I
/Help desk / FLM team / CSD. ... ~I;;"".l.O... ~ /4J':I1 4.,j~I/
2. Attends to the service activity and completes them i..S~ ~liil J~IJ .bWI ;;"".l.O... J-.l ~ ul
with in SLA. ;;"".l.O...11
3. Completes the service report for the attended call ~lii
. t'" <l.....i.i ~"yJI . t)l,11
;;"".l.O...11 Y-Y-' .... J~I
on the site itself with complete details and parts .w)Lo\.....JI .. I..?--\ J UolS
4, Hands over the service report to the Data encoder J ~ )1 .a......Y"'
t...., wwLu\1 .... ~
;;"".l.O...11 Y-Y-'
... .. J,:;..~
immediately after arriving back to the SC, If data uw4,JI j;.a y ~ I~)J Ijl , 4.,j~1 jSY .)1 r-l
encoder is not assigned for the SC updates himself in ~ d~~ ..,b J~ ;;"".l.O...11 jSY .)1 ;;. a. a';' .11
the BAAN system with all the details and parts u)Lo\.....J1 .. 1..?--iJ ~lii ~ t:" 0L,JII'Lhi
transactions 1-
5. Hands over the defective parts along with the copy t'" .~':II uc JJy......lI..,J1 <\..:~I .. I..?--':/I ~ .5
of service report to the stock keeper and if the stock ..,b J J y.....ll·~.. r-l I~I J , ;;"".l.O...1 1Y-Y-' . ~
.... (,)A
keeper is not assigned handles the parts himself. .~. .. I' .,? ':I1~t....,.
. .. ~ · ':II
6. Coordinates with FLM team for any support ~
. ...r .
~ J . .'
j . ) <\J ':II 4..iG.....:J1 ..,
.' 0-'..Y t'" ~I .. .6
needed for downloading the terminal etc .. .. (:-11 ..~
· ':II

7. Escalates to the FLM and his Lead engineer/ ;Wliil

' .
lY'-'-"" ...r. ~.. ... r-l ~I
4..ih....a.l1 U\.c')l, ..
Supervisor for any RP call not completed for
any reason within the SLA and creates an IR with the
help of Data FLM or Help desk and send it
to for their action.
8. Escalates to CSD and .8
for any Scheduled activity like TN! CL etc
that cannot be for any reason within the

and replenishment for attending the service
10. Reconciles his Stock regularly .10
Parts in order to maintain

II Job description
J. Job title: ATM Field Engineer .J 'll u ly-=JI i:i~l LJ-"4-0: ~.,ll ~ .1
;. :f : 419.!);,)1 4.1.l!1 .~
2. Grade:
3. General D ep. : Alhamran i Universal ~I,..JI ~I~I;i;..,Wlo);''11 oJ
" ,
4. Dep.fBranch: Operations ; \
~1:t~1 I ~.;911 ;').J'II .4'
5. Sector: ATM Operations J)i , ~,\l\ e ~\II~\y.al1 ~*\ :5
~ ,

. R eporting to : : ,(.).4 uly!t~ ~

ATM Lead Engineer .)YI ul~1 oJP..i J:!.) .J.i\.9
R esponsible for :
',. ,,
, ','
. 1, '
. ,;1,:,"'"

Specialist: , " ', '
'\0, " e,


.• ~Lw:::I~"J I

Implement SLA, Practice and observe, assigned all ~~,,., . - ,4...,!lyJI :i.k)lJI ,;i;..,.b..\1
r.s~ - _ :hli:i
4...,!\.ii1 _
calls, Provide Technical assistance, Ensure all G\..c~1 ~ ejl ej\......:o ,~I ;'.JeWI ['":1.lli ,GW\.S..JI
assigned calls are done, Ensure to have necessary ej\......:o 'C~!ll.J..h.JI L.>9.,l1 ~ u...:;.J§ GW\.S..JI,.,
Tools, Ensure all company assets issued, . Ensure J.J'-"'I ~ ejl tY> .JSlill '~j)!JI uI,.,.JYI ..)c J~I
all assigned calls and spare parts are updated, all
M .14iJ1 e;b!,., GW\.S..JI ~ ejl tY> .JSlill ,G.1~1 4.SySJI
documents are surrendered promote good
. , - ,,,' L:.. ~'
.dJI..l....::!.l1 Y-Y-J.JA, - ~I 0'
_.1~- r". --Ij.,ll ~ ,~.l.:>.J
ResJl_onsibiIity & AuthoTiti~s : .l+i
• W ·'
~~J" ~.;ll
" .. ~~
Handle daily calls and activities as assigned by the - ~I ~.JJlI
. lY' lA .J1.)1 r".
JJ§' - - GW\.S.JI ,., ~YI C" J..1..Lil1
Lead engineer and Supervisor. .u~I,.,.J.iWI
The initial duties: ,,' .
. , " '. : ~'~Yl ~~I)IJ t"1ofJ1
1. Implement Service Level Agreement (SLA) to all 4.SY"> .. ~ F- .
;i;..,.b..\1 -
<.S~ -
4...,!\.ii1 iW:i
­ .1 I
AU clients. .cs-'' I~I
2. Practice and observe proper escalation .~WI GI .. I.,?-YI,., d..b~)LJ] ~lyJI,., :i.k)lJI ,2
3. Ensure all assigned calls are attended within the L.J)h.JI L.>9.,lI l.>""-'"
' . GW\.S.JI . -, \......:0 ,3
'. ~~U
required response time.
4. Provide Technical assistance to his team
.yYI 1') I'}!~.) .. LAcy ~I ;'.JeWI ~ .4
members if necessary.
5. Ensure all assigned calls are done within the ~ u...:; .J! GW\.S..JI,., G\..c)41\ ~ ejl ej\......:o ,5
prescribe MITR (Meantime To Repair), 'L~;;U ~I L.>9.,l1
6. Ensure to have necessary Tools, Spares, FIs, IBs, ' .J4iJ 1e;b!.5 ;i;..,j:;U\ GI.5.JYI ..)c J~ I ej\......:o .6
Spares, Utilities and others. .lA.J:!C .5 .j9lyJI.5
7. Ensure all company assets issued to h im are ~WI M.5 4..l G.J~i A..SySJl J"......,I ~ ejl tY> '£lil\ ,7
properly taken care of. .~
8. Ensure all assigned calls and spare parts are ~.l.:>.J M .J~I cW.5 GW\.S.JI ~ ejl tY> .JSlill ,8
properly updated on the system on time. .~I G!.,lI~.5 1'U:ul1..)c ~ ~
9. Ensure all documents for submission are .9
. ~. - ~I
_.J~- r" "li.,ll
_ 0' ~ U. I·lY' .JS~
surrendered immediately
10. Should promote good camaraderie among his uI).J)' I,., .!,.j)l.,j <P. ~I ~)lJI,., dJl..l....::!.l1 J:!.)1J
teammates and other departments.
Qualifications, Experience & Skills ",
~~\ ~'.)lf-.J1J ~I~\J ~~)iJ1
" 0
I . " J o;1;jl1
1- Qualifications ~1~J.l1 ~~~1-1
Bachelor of Computer or Technician Diploma ~ f'.P.~ 3\ ~';J\ ~b.l~ lY'3:UY~

2- Experience ~1JP.l1 -2

At least one year of relevant Experience. .J,L,]\ \..:Xo L..l}~\ LJA o.b..i 3 ~ uc- ~ ';J \...,
- --
3- Skills ~1.)~1 -3
English language ~roficienc)' ~yi::...;)' \ w\ ;;~~\
Computer proficiency ji~\ f'\~\ :;~~\

r ;
. ~..)GJI J ~b'\l 4l11; . .J\
. w1..9~\ .6· .. "

:~1..:i..I1 ~.JWI w'lldY, 1'-?~ ( 2/5 ) :~Wl I ~\ ~\ w 'lI.....d:JY, 1'-?~ ( 115 )

0 0
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0 0

GM Signature ~.;I J~I ~~ .):!J.4 ~.§J

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