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Elements of Personal Narrative: Plot

Subject: 11th grade English language arts

s concerning how to structure specific parts of a text (e.g., the choice of where to begin or end a story, the choice to provide a co
well as its aesthetic impact. (11-12.RL.5)
or imagined experiences or events using effective technique, well-chosen details, and well-structured event sequences. (11-12.W
ng in which the development, organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience. (11-12.W.4)

on of the elements of plot by mapping the plot of the Pixar short film, Geris Game.
to their own personal narrative essays by mapping the plot of their own personal narratives independently.

ly identifying 4/6 major plot elements in the Pixar short film, Geris Game (exposition, conflict, rising action, climax, falling a
ly identifying 4/6 major plot elements in their own personal narrative essays (exposition, conflict, rising action, climax, falling a
c to complex):
plot in their own words (exposition, conflict, rising action, climax, falling action, resolution), also indicating that not every plot f
of plot in the Pixar short film, Geris Game, by participating in the guided practice plot mapping group activity.
ot to their own personal narratives by creating a plot map of their narrative independently.
Materials/Technology Resources to be Used:
Pencil or pen
Elements of Plot Prezi
Plot mapping handouts
Guided Cornell notes
Pixar short film (Geris Game)

arrative writing. Students are currently in the process of writing their own personal narrative essays. Today, we will be learning
out their prior knowledge of the elements of plot. Teacher will ask the following questions:
mportant in a story? Think about the television shows, movies, and books you enjoy. Do they all follow a similar plot line?
Student Will:
e guided Cornell notes handout. Students will follow along with the class lectu
lecture regarding the elements of plot in personal narrative, including Students will ask clarifying questions whenev
ng action, climax, falling action, and resolution.
pause procedure, allowing time for students to fill in their Cornell notes

mphasize that not all plot lines follow the same trajectory, but most
nce of these basic elements.

s available, they will work individually with students who need additional help during the lecture.

date students with exceptional learning needs by utilizing the pause procedure throughout the lecture. This will allow students ad

g Strategies: Multiple Means of Representation

erials will be provided in various formats. I will present lesson materials verbally during the class lecture, and visually, using the
so utilize guided Cornell notes that will allow them to reference important information at home.
Student Will:
ents that we will be watching a Pixar short film as a class and Students will watch the short film, referring b
ping handout in flexible work groups of 3-4. Students will work in flexible work groups of
e plot mapping handout per group. the plot mapping handout.
ents that one member of every group should transcribe the groups One student from every group will be in charg
ut, which will be submitted at the end of class. After the videos, students will participate in th
ents that they should watch the videos and pay close attention to how called on, and asking questions as needed.
n each of these short films. Teacher will ask the following questions, also
rd: Does this short film differ from the conventional plot trajectory?
you find examples of each element of plot? Map the plot for each of the

ort film.
discussion, calling on students to identify major elements of plot in the
opsicle sticks to call on students.

will circulate throughout the classroom to answer questions and work with groups who need additional help.

ents with emotional disabilities by allowing them to work individually, if they are not comfortable working in groups.
g Strategies: Multiple Means of Engagement
means of engagement by randomly grouping students. Students of differing abilities will be able to assist each other in completin
ork groups will accommodate students who learn best while working independently.
dents using the Popsicle sticks will ensure equal opportunities for participation. I will allow students to pass to another member
lass discussion.
g Strategies: Multiple Means of Representation
ort film will allow them to identify elements of plot in a different way (i.e., the Pixar short film). Many of the students have alrea
dge to a text that is both familiar and engaging.

Student Will:
ot mapping worksheet. Students will use the remainder of class time
dents to identify the elements of plot present in their own narratives. mapping activity as possible.
ents to complete as much of this as possible during the remainder of Students will complete the remainder of this a
est for homework tonight. This assignment will be due at the beginning beginning of class the following day.

will circulate throughout the classroom during independent practice to work one-on-one with any students who need additional h
g Strategies: Multiple Means of Expression
ith multiple means of expression, as they are able to demonstrate their understanding of the major elements of plot using their ow
using their own narrative stories will assist them in developing personal connections to these concepts.
answers for the guided practice activity on their way out. This will be the groups exit ticket for the day. Teacher will encoura
media they consume.

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