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Charlotte White Evaluation Unit 14

Image Production and production process

The type of images that I used on my front cover is very simplistic she is sitting down with a direct
mode of address. I have not used much image manipulation on my magazine apart from correct
colours and change the contrast and brightness. The time I used manipulation the most is on the
article page. I added a full purple filter to the images and for the little Polaroid pictures I edited the
artist onto a few of my photography work and adjusted the colours. To allow me to blend the images
shown to the right of the page I first had to do the background. I
went to the bar at the top where it said image then went to
adjustments and pressed black and white, I adjusted the different
colours to become either darker or lighter in areas. To adapt the
image of the artist I used the magic wand tool to cut out the
background then I moved the image to be in the centre of the
background, I then merged both layers together and added another
black and white filter. The image that I used for the background is
quite abstract and therefore somewhat easy to manipulate. I used
this image as she has not got a direct mode of address which
somewhat disassociates her from the reader and the fact the image
is in black and white could show that the music she is producing is
somewhat dark but pure. She has quite a friendly facial expression which could represent innocence.

I did a very similar thing for both other Polaroid images for the middle image I just
got the leaf paint brush I changed the colour to black, I then covered the images in
leaves and changed the opacity of the image.

For the final image I did a very similar thing to the first but instead added a checked
black and white filter to give the image texture. I have
manipulated the images quite a lot when it comes down
to merging and filters.

For the images I used on the first page and the last page of the article I
had to adjust the colour with the curves. After I had used the curves I
changed the image saturation so only some parts were purple and the
rest was a white and grey colour. I then used the paintbrush tool on a
new layer and coloured it all purple and changed the opacity so it looked
like id added a purple effect over the top.

For my front cover of the magazine I used an image with a direct mode of address as this is a very
common thing it is very rare to not have a direct mode of address on a front cover. The image I used
on the front cover was not manipulated very much the only things I did was change the brightness
and saturation so it looked a little more professional. My magazine cover appeals to my target
audience as it is very simplistic and basic it isnt too overwhelming when looking at it but has a slight
burst of colour to grab some attention. This will make teenagers more likely to buy it as they are not
too overwhelmed with information however its still eye grabbing. It will mainly apply to a female
audience due to the fact a female artist was used and the magazines target audience is
predominantly female.
Charlotte White Evaluation Unit 14

My magazine doesnt really compare to other rock based magazines as there are no rock magazines
aimed at teenagers and especially girls I have the main conventions like using a direct mode of
address and a quite dominant facial expression. No rock magazine is aimed at young girls or has
other genres mixed in, therefore I wouldnt say my magazine was very typical but rather aimed at a
more niche audience who know what they are looking for in a magazine.

Before we could start making our magazines we had to look at others first to get a rough idea of
what we were going to do and also give us an idea of our own to develop on so before we could start
using anything we had to educate ourselves a little. We then had to gather our collection of pictures,
some for the article page and some for the magazine front cover. Then we used Photoshop to edit all
of our images and manipulate them to look exactly how we wanted them to. While using Photoshop
we were learning new skills and were able to experiment with our images. Photoshop allowed us to
achieve our desired outcome as it allowed us to experiment and change things about the image so
even if we messed up while taking them they could still be fixed and used.

The sources of information we used during the production to inform the planning of the overall
production was mainly key conventions typical iconography on the type of magazine we was trying
to replicate but change to become our own.

Cultural contexts
My magazine doesnt really compare to other rock based magazines as
there are no rock magazines aimed at teenagers and especially girls I have
the main conventions like using a direct mode of
address and a quite dominant facial expression.
No rock magazine is aimed at young girls or has
other genres mixed in, therefore I wouldnt say
my magazine was very typical but rather aimed
at a more niche audience who know what they
are looking for in a magazine. The magazine it is
most similar to would be NME as it has quite a
simplistic layout and somewhat covers more
than one genre. Both my magazine and NME
have a simplistic layout and a small use of a
bright colour to attract attention they both use a
direct mode of address which is typical for
magazines in general as it creates a connection
between the reader and artist. The titles are
both going across the artist to show who the
article is about and to make a bold statement. The central image on NME is larger and less spaced
out whereas my magazine has a bigger image and is more spaced out and simplistic meeting the
target audience criteria as a 13 year old wouldnt be interested in something that is a lot more
crowded and requires more effort to read. NME has pictures of other artists on their magazine
however I do not as I wanted to make it more simplistic and not to overwhelming.
Charlotte White Evaluation Unit 14

The article Layout of NME is very simplistic, it is also similar to

the one I have apart from the picture being on the opposite
side and NME has less oictures on the article page. The colours
on NME are very simplistic whereas mine ae quite dark and old
fashioned. They are very
similar in terms of the
article page the layout is
pretty much identical one
thing I feel I could
improve on my article
page looking at the NME
one is my use of space and maybe change the layout a little bit
so it is a little bit more roomy and not overwhelming.

Target audience is important in magazines as it helps you to determine what content you
need to supply in your magazine. For example if I was to aim a magazine at 30 year old men
and put childish games in it I wouldnt really be appealing to my target audience and the
magazine would not be very good. We need to have a target auidence so we know what
type of language to use or who to include in the magazine or what information they might
be intrested in. I made sure while making my magazine to chose bands and artists who
appeal to the audeience of 13-18 year old girls. Like dodie clark she is a very icoic female
ukulele player and her target audience is teenage girls the type of language she uses is not
colloquial at all.

Finished Products
As I wanted to obtain feedback on how my final magazine could be improved I went on
survey monkey and asked a few questions about the magazine and article I had made. I
mainly asked questions about the colour schemes, genre, name, and price. I asked if the
colour scheme I had used incorperated the idea of the
magazine being a rock magazine with other genres added and
these were the results I got. Some people said that the colour
scheme could have been a little different but others said that
the colour scheme matched the genres. I now know that if I
was to publish the magazine I would need to change the
colour scheme a little to make it match a bit more. I asked if
you was able to tell if my magazine cover and article were part
of the same magazine and all of the responses were yes
showing that the article was clearly linked to the cover
Charlotte White Evaluation Unit 14

showing a consistant house style across the pages. I asked if the

name of the magazine Teen Spirit was appropriate for the genre
and all of the resposes were yes. The name is an intertextual
reference to Nivarna as they have a very famous song called
smells like teen spirit. The font I used on my magazine was mainly
typewritter style as it adds a very old fashioned effect. My target
audience for my magazine is 13-18 year old girls I implied this
through the artists on the cover. 9%
of the responses said you couldnt
tell however most said you could
implying I showed my target audience through the
presentation and the cover. The results showed that the
cover was aestetically peasing and stood out showing the
magazine grabs attentionothers said it didnt really stand out
showing I should use more colour next time. The survey
showed that the pricing on the magazine was reasonable.

Sources of information

Some information sources that I used from online was news on the bands and artists I used in the
puffs I looked at news on the 1975 and dodie clark. I also used the internet to come up with my
target audience as I realised there wasnt a rock magazine aimed at this type of audience. We
analysed Covers and articles so we knew ideoligies of the genre and knew key elements and
conventions to include

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