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First assignment:

You will research three different assessments to share with the class.

What does it assess?

What can you learn from it?

Is it approved by the Department of Education?

Write a summary of each one to turn into me.

Write about the assessments you use in your district.

What do you learn from them?

How do you use that information to help guide your instruction?

Assessment What it assesses What to learn from it Dept. of Edu. Approved

Scholastic Reading Measures reading Identify student No
Inventory comprehension on comprehension with
the Lexile Framework literal and inferential
for Reading questions from a
reading passage

DIBELS NEXT- nonsense Student reads non- Identify student's DIBELS NEXT- 1st-5th
words sense words for 1 alphabetic principle grade met minimum
minute. skills, including letter- requirement
correspondence and
the ability to blend
letters into words in
which letters
represent their most
common sounds.

AimsWeb- Oral Reading Reading R-CBM is a 1 Identify children at- Yes- 1st-6th grade met
minute individually risk of reading failures minimum requirement
administered and those students
standardized measure significantly below
of oral reading of grade-level
graded passages expectations
Assessments Overview:

Scholastic Reading Inventory-

This computer-adaptive reading assessment is designed to measure how well students read passages and texts of
varying difficulties based on the Lexile reading score. It can be used to identify struggling readers for instructional
planning. This assessment is administered K-12 and is not timed, but typically is completed between 20-30 minutes.

Dibels- Nonsense Words-

This assessment is used to identify students alphabetic principle skills by verbally producing the individual letter sounds
in each nonsense word, or reading the whole nonsense word. The words are randomly VC and CVC nonsense words.
This assessment is 1 minute long and the final score is the number of letter-sounds correctly produced during the given
time. The intent of this assessment is that students are able to read unfamiliar words as whole words, not just name
letter sounds in isolation.

AimsWeb- Oral Reading

Students will read a passage for 1 minute while the teacher records any errors (words that are mispronounced, omitted,
etc.). The score will be determined based on the number of correct words the student read. This assessment is not a
speed reading assessment and can be used to for teachers to plan out instruction based on student reading behaviors
(strategies for unknown words, student expression, self-corrections).

Assessements used in my district:

Currently we use the FAST assessment (PreK-6th) as a universal screening (3 times a year) and for progress monitoring.
This is the second year our district has been using FAST. Prior to using FAST, we would use the DRA (2 times a year) in
Kindergarten. From these universal screenings, I am able to see which students are considered at risk or which
students are progressing and on grade level benchmark. At the beginning of the year, when we assess students using
FAST, we tend to have many students who score in the red- at risk. We begin intervention with these students and
progress monitor through the IOWA Tier. The scores on FAST and through classroom observations, help our
Kindergarten team to form our intervention groups ( sight words group, letter naming/sounds). Because concep ts of
print is only tested in the Fall on FAST, we also do an additional concepts of print test with each student individually. I
personally find the DRA to be more helpful when placing students in their initial reading group at the beginning of the
year versus using the FAST scores. With the DRA, I am able to see more of the reading behaviors from students versus
the FAST, which is quick and to the point for each skill.

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