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Disciplinary Research guide


by: Whitley
Table Of Contents

1. Disciplinary Journals and Article ~ Page 1

2. Key Critical Terms ~ Page 5
3. Undergraduate Organizations/ Honor Societies ~ Page 7
4. Job Opportunities ~ Page 8
5. Style Guide ~ Page 9
6. References ~ Page 10
Disciplinary Journals and Article

Psychology of Consciousness: Theory, Research, and Practice

Psychology of Consciousness: Theory, Research, and Practice is a disciplinary journal
that focuses on neuroscience, social, cognitive, experimental, and clinical psychology. The
articles that are usually published contain information on theory, research, methodology, and
clinical applications in regards to psychology of consciousness. Their interest of research
includes: Attention, awareness, and automaticity; fantasy, daydreaming, and mind-wandering;
and hypnosis, suggestion, and suggestibility. There are many other topics looked at in the
articles, but none include drugs that affect the consciousness.

Psychology of Consciousness: Theory, Research, and Practice is important for

psychology majors because it puts all the topics learned in class into action. It is one thing to
ready about the brain and consciousness in a textbook, but it is another to read from an article
that requires active reading and applying knowledge. By reading this journal, it allows
psychology majors to test what they know and also see what needs improvement. All psychology
majors at some point are going to need to focus on the brain and its functions; so this journal will
definitely help students learn the material and not just memorize.
Disciplinary Journals and Article

Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research

Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research is a journal that is suppose to
help increase the knowledge and practice of consulting psychology. Consulting psychology is
not therapy, but is more like coaching. Some of the things that can be done with consulting
psychology is coaching, assessment, leadership, corporate consulting, consulting to schools, and
team consulting. Theoretical/conceptual articles with implications for application to consulting;
original empirical research related to consulting psychology; and in-depth reviews of the
research and literature in specific areas of consulting practice are just a couple of topics touched
on in the journal articles.
This journal is important for psychology majors because it branches away from thinking
that psychology majors are going to be therapists or psychiatrists. Psychologists do research,
therapy, and business type related psychology. The point is that psychology majors can actually
do a bunch of different things within the major. This journal helps psychology majors see there is
such a thing called consulting psychology; that they do not just have to stick to one thing when
coming out as a graduate.
Key Critical Terms

1. Autonomic nervous system (ANS) The subdivision of the peripheral nervous system
that controls the body's involuntary motor responses by connecting the sensory receptors
to the central nervous system (CNS) and the CNS to the smooth muscle, cardiac muscle,
and glands.
2. Bottom-up processing Perceptual analyses based on the sensory data available in the
environment; results of analyses are passed upward toward more abstract representations.
3. Cannon-Bard theory of emotion A theory stating that an "emotional stimulus produces
two co-occurring reactions arousal and experience of emotion that do not cause
each other."
4. Dependent variable In an experimental setting, any variable whose values are the results
of changes in one or more independent variables.
5. Ego defense mechanisms Mental strategies (conscious or unconscious) used by the ego to
defend itself against conflicts experienced in the normal course of life.
6. Five-factor model A comprehensive descriptive personality system that maps out the
relationships among common traits, theoretical concepts, and personality scales;
informally called the Big Five.
7. Genes The biological units of heredity; discrete sections of chromosomes responsible for
transmission of traits.
8. Hypnosis An altered state of awareness characterized by deep relaxation, susceptibility to
suggestions, and changes in perception, memory, motivation, and self-control.
Key Critical Terms

9. Independent variable In experimental settings, the stimulus condition whose values are
free to vary independently of any other variable in the situation.
10. James-Lange theory of emotion A peripheral-feedback theory of emotion stating that an
eliciting stimulus triggers a behavioral response that sends different sensory and motor
feedback to the brain and creates the feeling of a specific emotion.
11. Kinesthetic sense Sense concerned with bodily position and movement of the body parts
relative to each other.
12. Lucid dreaming The theory that conscious awareness of dreaming is a learnable skill
that enables dreamers to control the direction and content of their dreams.
13. Measures of variability A statistic, such as a range or standard deviation, that indicates
how tightly the scores in a set of observations cluster together.
14. Natural selection Darwin's theory that favorable adaptations to features of the
environment allow some members of a species to reproduce more successfully than
15. Occipital lobe Rearmost region of the brain; contains primary visual cortex.
16. Perception The processes that organize information in the sensory image and interpret it
as having been produced by properties of objects or events in the external,
three-dimensional world.

(n.d.). Retrieved February 22, 2017, from

Undergraduate Organizations/ Honor Societies

Educational Psychology Student Association (EPSA)

The Educational Psychology Student Association (EPSA) stimulates and nurtures the emotional, academic, and
professional growth of Educational Psychology students in preparation for leadership in diverse educational settings.

Howard University Psychology Club (HU Psych Club)

The purpose of this organization is to expand students knowledge in Psychology and the research aspects required
in the field. This organization also wants to build relationships with the faculty and psychological community on and
off Howard Universitys campus.

*Unfortunately there isn't any recent activity going on for these clubs within the last few months.*
Job Opportunities

Jobs for Psychology Bachelor's

Case manager
Rehabilitation specialist
Psychiatric technician
Human Resource manager
Business administration
Top- or mid-level management
School Counselor
Marketing or advertising manager
Laboratory assistant Human Resources Manager (HR) $62,133

Law enforcement and corrections Case Manager $34,210

Career Counselor Administrative Assistant $39,651
Executive Assistant $47,095

Websites to Find Jobs:
Style Guide
APA Formating Includes:
-12pt. font
-New Times Roman
-Double space
-Page header/ running head
-Title page
-Main body

Website with examples:

(n.d.). Retrieved February 22, 2017, from

(n.d.). Retrieved February 22, 2017, from
The 50 Best Jobs For Psychologists. (n.d.). Retrieved February 22, 2017, from
JavaScript is disabled on your browser. Please enable JavaScript to use this site. (n.d.). Retrieved February 22, 2017, from
Welcome to the Purdue OWL. (n.d.). Retrieved February 22, 2017, from

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