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Standards-Aligned Lesson Plan Template

Subject(s): ____ELA/Social Studies____ Grade: ____3rd__________

Teacher(s): _____Sarah Moss_________ School: ____Kaiser Elementary________ Date:___3/2/17________


1. Common Core Learning Standard(s) Addressed:

ELA/Literacy RI 3.2 Determine main idea of a text, recount key details and explain how they support the main idea.

2. State Content Standard Addressed (History/Social Science, Science, Physical Education, Visual and Performing Arts):

SS 3.4.4 Students will understand the role of rules and laws in our daily lives and the basic structure of the US government in terms of
the 3 branches of government, with an emphasis on local government.

3. ELD Standard Addressed: (include Part I, II; Communicative Modes A. Collaborative, B. Interpretive, C. Productive; and Proficiency
Level addressing Emerging, Expanding, Bridging) (2 English Learners at the Bridging Level)

ELD Part I.B.6.Bridging Reading/viewing closely Describe ideas, phenomena (e.g., volcanic eruptions), and text elements (e.g.,
central message, character traits, major events) using key details based on understanding of a variety of grade-level texts and viewing
of multimedia, with light support.

4. Learning Objective: (What will students know & be able to do as a result of this lesson?) STUDENT-FRIENDLY
SWBAT describe what a law is, and draw the four steps describing how a law is passed in a
local government. I will be able to describe what a law is
and how a law is passed in a city
Blooms understanding level government.

5. Relevance/Rationale: (Why are the outcomes of this lesson important in the real world? Why STUDENT-FRIENDLY
are these outcomes essential for future learning?)(TPE1.3) TRANSLATION
The knowledge of laws and how they are passed in city governments is key for students to I need to know what a law is and how
understand as they grow into teenagers and adults who are able to vote on laws that affect laws are passed in city governments
them and everyone who lives in their city. because when I turn 18 I will be able
to vote on laws that affect me and
everyone who lives in my city.

6. Essential Questions (TPE1.5): These essential questions are themes throughout the students government unit.

Why are laws needed?

Why are some laws different in different cities? Why are some laws the same?

What are some of our rights and responsibilities?


Class Information:

a. Total number - 26 students, ages 8 and 9. 15 boys, 11 girls.

b. English Learners/Standard English Learners - 2 English Learners at the Bridging level, 1 recently RFEP (Redesignated, fully English

c. Students with Special Needs 2 students are identified with special needs; 1 IEP for speech and 1 Section 504 Plan for severe food
allergies. 1 student is in the process of IEP testing for autism.

d. Academic language abilities, content knowledge and skills in content area - Students have some prior knowledge of laws and
the US government from one week of previous lessons taught by the master teacher. Students will also have just received a lesson
from their teacher the day before about how voting works.

e. Linguistic background English-only (19), English/Spanish (3), English/German (2) , English/Swedish (1), English/Cambodian (1)

f. Cultural background (home/family) - Most students are second or third generation immigrants or beyond, from Mexico and Europe.
One student's grandparents are from Cambodia.
g. Health considerations (if any) 3 students with food allergies to nuts/eggs/dairy/gluten. One student's allergies are severe. No food
may be consumed in the classroom. Any shared surfaces he touches, he must wipe down with Clorox wipes.

h. Physical development factors that may influence instruction in this academic content area High energy level opportunities for
physical activity are important for 8 and 9 year olds. The role play opportunity will play a key role in letting out the students energy that
can be pent up during direct instruction lessons. ("ASCD Developmental Characteristics of Children and Youth" poster)

i. Social development factors that may influence instruction in this academic content area For 8 and 9 year olds, there is a
continuing need for teacher approval and affection, and students are increasingly able and interested in assuming responsibilities
("ASCD Developmental Characteristics of Children and Youth" poster).

j. Emotional development factors that may influence instruction in this academic content area At this age, students react to
others feelings in a positive or negative way, are sensitive to criticism and ridicule, seek a warm, friendly relationship with adults,
and their worries are more evident, revolving around self esteem and threats to security. ("ASCD Developmental Characteristics of
Children and Youth" poster).

k. Interests/Aspirations (relevant to this academic area) - Students are very aware of the national government and the Presidency,
but are less aware of how city government directly affects their lives. This lesson and the kid-friendly examples will target their interests
like wearing a helmet when riding a bike, wearing a seatbelt in the car and crossing the street in the crosswalks.

7. Anticipated Difficulties (Based on the information above, what difficulties do you think students may have with the content? Please
specify anticipated difficulties for English Learners, Standard English Learners, and/or students with special needs. )):

My ELs like to hide the fact they dont know some words. Many words may be challenging for them, like law, council, bill, debate,
mayor, obey, and fine.

One student, the one being tested for autism, exhibits inappropriate social behavior like frequent shouting out, not sitting in his seat,
and not following directions.

Another student, has a hard time starting independent work.


8. Modifications/Accommodations (What specific modifications/accommodations are you going to make based on the anticipated
difficulties? Ex:) Please specify modifications/accommodations for English Learners, Standard English Learners, and/or students with
special needs. )

For my ELs, I will be giving a 15 minutes vocabulary pre-loading powerpoint presentation before the lesson. The powerpoint includes
the target words (see section 7), their definition, part of speech, two sentence examples and a photo.

For the student who has a hard time with appropriate social behavior, I will follow the behavior plan his teacher has in place and prompt
him to be making good choices and remind him to pay attention to the lesson/text/activity and redirect him to the activity with cues
like Is that what we are focusing on right now?

For the student who has a hard time starting his independent work, I will walk by his desk during independent work time and ask him if
he needs any extra clarification about the task, then prompt him to get going and begin his work. I will use the tally sheet the teachers
resource specialist has created with + and - signs. When he is starting his work promptly, I will give him a + sign on his chart. If he does
not begin his work after a warning, I will give him a minus sign. The student earns rewards for the number of + signs he gets in a day.

9. 21st Century Skills Circle all that are applicable

Communication Collaboration Creativity

Describe how the 21st century skill(s) you have circled will be observed during the lesson (TPE1.5,3.3):

Communication- Students are talking with one another as we debate the law to be passed.

Collaboration- Students are working in their table groups to vote on a representative for the class mock council.

Creativity- Students will act out the process of a bill becoming a law.
10. Technology - How will you incorporate technology into your lesson? (TPE 4.4, 4.8)

I will read my copy of the student unit packet under the document camera.

11. Visual and Performing Arts How will you provide the students with opportunities to access the curriculum by incorporating the
visual and performing arts? (TPE1.7)

Student representatives will act out the process of a bill becoming a law in front of the class.

The teacher will dress in red, white and blue to symbolize patriotism.


12. Assessment Criteria for Success: (How will you & your students know if they have successfully met the outcomes? What
specific criteria will be met in a successful product/process? What does success on this lessons outcomes look like?)

a. Formative: During the reading, I will be stopping at specific points in the text and asking questions using the name sticks. This will keep
all students engaged, because they all must be paying attention, in case their name gets called. Also, I will have all the students
highlight or underline the points in the text that answer my questions, again, engaging all the students.

b. Summative (if applicable): At the end of the lesson, the ticket to leave will be completion of two questions in their unit packet. These
are questions following two other questions on the page titled Leaders and Laws in the Our Government unit packet.

#3 What is a law?

#4 Draw a thinking map to show the steps of how a bill becomes a law. (Hint- you are putting the steps in order, or sequencing them.)

c. Attach rubric here (and copy and paste your objective above your rubric):

SWBAT describe what a law is, and how a law is passed in a local government (4 steps).

4 3 2 1
Description of a law Student correctly defines a Student defines a law with Student defines a law with Student defines a law with
law. 75% accuracy (ex. A law is 50% accuracy of the proper less than 25% accuracy
Ex-->A law is a rule that a rule that people follow) definition. (ex. A law is a (ex. A law is something you
everyone must follow. rule OR people follow laws) write)

Describes the 4 steps Student correctly writes all Student correctly writes 3/4 Student correctly writes 2/4 Student writes 1 or 0 of the
to passing a law 4 steps of how a law is steps of how a law is steps of how a law is 4 steps of how a law is
passed in a local passed in a local passed in a local passed in a local
government. government. government. government.

d. How do you plan to involve all students in self-assessment and reflection on their learning goals and progress? (TPE 5.3)

Students will complete the ticket to leave, and at the bottom of the paper they will write down a number, 1, 2 or 3. 1 means they did not
understand the lesson, 2 means they sort-of understood the lesson, 3 means they completely understood the lesson.


13. Instructional Method: Circle one Direct Instruction Inquiry Cooperative Learning

14. Resources/Materials: (What texts, digital resources, & materials will be used in this lesson?)

GoogleSlides vocabulary presentation

26 copies of textbook, pages 228-230 from From Sea to Shining Sea Houghton Mifflin Social Studies 3rd grade textbook, 1999.

Student name sticks, from master teacher

26 Unit packets, from master teacher

Document camera and screen

15. Procedure (Include estimated times. Please write a detailed procedure, including questions that you are planning to ask.):
OPEN: (5 min)

Students are seated at desks.

Teacher Hello boys and girls. I will be teaching the next lesson in the Government Unit today! Can someone tell me one thing you
learned about yesterday from Mrs. Molstad? (Allow 2-3 students to answer about how leaders are voted into office. Make corrections if

Today we are going to start with a vote about whether or not the class should keep the Star Bucks class money or replace it with real
money. Now, with your table groups, I want you to discuss whether or not you think we should keep the fake money or start using real
money. You have one minute, go!(Students talk for 1 minute.)

1-2 (students repeat eyes on you.)

Okay, now we need to vote to see if we should keep the Star Bucks or get rid of them. All those who vote to keep the Star Bucks raise
your hand. (count votes) All those who vote to use real money raise your hand. (count votes)

Well, it looks like we are going to use __(fake or real money)__ in class! As the class leader, I will sign this into our class law. (Make a
fake signature in the air.)

Now, wouldnt that be cool if that were a real vote? This was an example, but it shows you exactly how a law is passed.

Student friendly objective Today we are going to describe what a law is and how a law is passed in a city government.

BODY: (45 min total)

(8 min)

Teacher displays vocabulary powerpoint to frontload vocabulary with words, parts of speech, photos and example sentences. Last slide
links to the city of Costa Mesa website with an example of laws about barking dogs in backyards.

(2 min)
Students remain at desks. Students pull out their textbooks. Teacher begins circulating the room.

(15 min)

The teacher has the text divided into sections and reads aloud as students follow along. Teacher asks questions after each section by
pulling names from the stick jar. Teacher uses accountability game called gotcha to tap on students shoulder as she circulates the
classroom. When tapped, the student reads the word aloud so the class can hear.

Teacher reads paragraph #1 aloud. Questions: What is a law? Do you know any laws that we follow here in Costa Mesa? (Give them
prompts like Use the crosswalks.)

Teacher reads paragraph #2 aloud. Questions: Can regular citizens make laws? Who do they have to ask to make the laws for them?
(Introduce what a city council member is.)

Teacher reads paragraph #3 aloud. Questions: What is the first thing the council member does? What is a bill?

Teacher reads paragraph #4 aloud. Questions: What is a debate? Why do the council members debate the bill?

Teacher reads paragraph #5 aloud. Questions: What do the members do after the debate? What does the mayor do if the bill is
passed? What is a bill called once it is passed?

(8 min)

Use the break between pages to call four students up to the front of the class to act out the four steps of how a bill becomes a law.
Choose one person from each table group.

(7 min)

Student reads paragraph #6 aloud. Questions: Why do communities pass laws?

Teacher reads paragraph #7 aloud. Questions: What happens if you do not follow traffic laws?

CLOSE: Ticket to Leave (TTL)

(5 min)

Okay class, now that weve learned so much about laws and how a bill becomes a law, lets see what we can remember. Everybody
turn to page 16 in your government unit packets. Your ticket to leave is completing #4. For #4, I want you to use a flow map to help
show the four steps of how a bill becomes a law a city government. Remember the four steps we talked about.

*Teacher walks around the room to check that the students described in the anticipated difficulties section are beginning their work in a
timely manner.

*Teacher uses this question as the ticket to leave before recess.

(This lesson was used with permission from Amy Molstad, grade 3 teacher at Kaiser Elementary).


1. Please include your rubric data here. Include 5 student work samples low, medium, high, EL, & Student with Special Needs. On
student work samples, please include scores according to rubric categories.

4 3 2 1

Description of a law not not not not

measured measured measured measured

Describes the 4 steps 24 1 student 0 students 0 students

to passing a law students
(1 student was excused from the activity because he was in a speech class pull-out.)

2. Were the students successful at achieving the lesson objective?

a) If so, explain which areas in which students were successful, according to your data analysis.

According to the data, 24 out of 25 students (96%) met the objective of describing the four steps of passing a law with 100% accuracy.
1 out of 25 students (4%) met the objective with 75% accuracy.

b) If not, explain which areas in which students were not successful, according to your data analysis. Why do you think they were not able
to achieve the lesson objective in these areas?

As a flaw of my lesson, I did not directly go over a powerpoint with the vocabulary slides I had prepared. There were technology issues,
so I continued with my lesson. Because of this, I did not frontload the definition of a law and did not think it was fair to ask the students
to describe a law. I did go through the presentation at the end, but it did not have the same effect as frontloading the vocabulary. This is
evidenced from the 1 student who earned 3 out of 4 points, who did not understand that before a law is passed it is called a bill.

3. What instructional strategies did you use to help students achieve the lesson objective? Which subject-specific pedagogical skills did
you employ to help students be successful? (Reference TPE Part 2: Subject-Specific Pedagogy)

Independent reading with accountability - While I read aloud to the students, they each were directed to follow along in their textbooks.
By tapping on students shoulders as I passed them, they were all motivated to follow along. By asking questions with sticks, instead of
having hands raised, I was able to increase the buy-in even more. This way, students were always ready to answer a question,
because they did not know if their name would be called to answer.

Using primary sources - Once my Google Slides presentation was up on the screen, I was able to go online to the city of Costa Mesas
website to show students some real laws that might affect them, laws about barking dogs in backyards.

Student role play - I chose 4 students to come up to the front of the class to demonstrate the process of how a bill becomes a law in the
four steps they had just read about. The intent was to use a visual display to help students understand the process as it was acted out.
How it was executed by myself was unclear for the students, which is something I could improve upon in the future.

4. What would you change about the lesson and why (according to your data analysis)?

According to my data analysis, my methods worked in helping the students learn the second part of the objective. However, because
my technology component was not functioning, I was not able to measure the first part of the objective. This could have been avoided in
a number of ways, starting with more planning. If I had worked with the document camera before, or even asked the teacher how to use
it instead of assuming I could figure it out on the spot, the problem could have been avoided. Front-loading the vocabulary would have
made the reading much more clear, and would have allowed me to assess the first part of the objective.

Also, the role-play activity was unclear for the students. I asked four students to come to the front of the class, but had forgotten to print
out the descriptions of the four steps. So, they were not sure how I wanted them to represent the four steps. This could have been
avoided with more planning on my part. If I had printed or even quickly written out the steps on four pieces of paper, the students would
have been able to arrange themselves in front of the classroom and the activity would have been more beneficial to increase students
Classroom Lessons ONLY: After presenting your lesson in your BST classroom, please review and reflect on student work related to
this lesson. Make copies of student work for levels of high, middle, low, EL, and Student with Special Needs, and write your comments
on the copies.

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