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1. How do students seem to have been instructed to head papers?

The students put their name, date, and number at the top right of their papers.

2. What policies exist for students for handling incomplete work, late work,
makeup work, and missing work?
They have a folder for work that you missed when you were absent. If you failed
to complete your work in class then you had to take it home to complete it as
homework. Late work was not really an issue because the majority of their work was
completed in class, so they did not have any work to do at home. If they are missing
work then the teacher will have them sit out during recess to complete the work.

3. How are students instructed to submit completed work or turn in graded

When they are done with an assignment they bring it to the teacher so that she can
check it. Once she checks it they either go back to correct it or put it in their leave at
home side of their folder.

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