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Cory Kim

Dr. Worth

AP Literature

24 April 2017

Literary Research Paper

In Franz Kafkas novella The Metamorphosis the protagonist, Gregor, has transformed

into a giant cockroach. Later in the novella, there is a scene where his father throws small red

apples to the point where one is [driven] into Gregors back really hard (Kafka, 52). While

this scene is comical in context, it is far more interesting in the realm of physics and

mathematics. How fast did Gregors father need to throw that apple to have it embedded into a

giant cockroachs back?

This whole scenario is unconventional in many ways and has several variables that need

to be assumed if we want to start making calculations. The first assumption is that we will need

to assume that the special apple thrown is indestructible. If the apple had exploded instead, the

scene would have been far more boring. The second assumption that is necessary is that there is

no acceleration along the x-axis (). If there were acceleration on the x-axis, many more variables

would need accounting for, such as air-resistance, launch angle, etc. The third assumption is that

this apple is average and nearly spherical. It is assumed to be average so that a value for mass

can be easily obtained; the average apple weighs nearly 1 N, or 0.100 kg (Zitzewitz, Neff, 94).

The near-spherical assumption will become much more understood later in the paper. While

there will be many smaller assumptions made in the calculations to come, it is important to note
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that without such assumptions, finding the exact velocity of the apple would be impossible (for

me at least), as there would be far too many variables to consider.

With our assumptions made, the next step is to figure out in what way(s) can we

approach this problem. So far all we have is the mass of the apple, ma; we are trying to find va,

the velocity of the apple. So far it doesnt look too good, but we can at least develop strategies

by understanding the scenario from a physics standpoint. Gregors father throws an apple at

Gregor, which is launched with a velocity of va. With our second assumption made earlier, we

know that since there is no acceleration, the velocity will be the same the instance before impact.

The next instance later, the apple is embedded a distance s into the giant cockroachs back over a

time interval t. Having introduced these two variables instantly opens up the ability to use two

different methods to find a function for velocity va.

Since we know the mass of the apple, and we are looking for the velocity at which it was

thrown at, we can start out by setting up an expression for momentum:

p = ma v a

Momentum is defined as the product of a projectiles mass an acceleration. The SI unit for

momentum is kg (m/s). Knowing that the apples final momentum is zero, since its final velocity

is zero (apple is stopped completely when embedded), we can use the Impulse-Momentum

Theorem, which relates the change in momentum with an objects impulse. To relate impulse

with change in momentum, we need to start with Newtons Second Law (Newton, Book 3):

F = ma
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While we did assume acceleration would be zero earlier, we are able to leave it alone as we have

not yet applied this expression to the scenario. Since we want to relate change in velocity to this

expression, we need to write acceleration in terms of velocity:

a = dv/dt F = m(dv/dt)

Acceleration is defined as the change in velocity over time. Knowing this we can change the

expression for acceleration in terms of velocity and time, and replace it in our original expression

for force. To get closer to having it in terms of velocity, we will need to separate our variables

so we can set up an integral, to get rid of dv and dt:

F dt = mdv

We want this to be a definite integral so no constants will need to be solved for. Note that force

F is the force, in Newtons, the apple needs to overcome to penetrate the cockroachs outer shell.

Since the penetrative force and the apples dont change, we can pull both out of our integrand:

t 0
F p dt = ma dv
0 va

The upper bound of the integral in terms of time is just t, since the initial time will just be zero,

which goes in the lower bound. The upper bound of the integral in terms of velocity is zero,

since the final velocity of the apple is zero. The lower bound of this integral is va, the velocity of

the apple, since this is the initial velocity. After evaluating the integral, we get (Newton, Book


F p (t 0) = ma (0 v a ) F p t = ma v a

Note that the expression on the right lacks a negative symbol. The negative symbol may be

ignored in this case, as it is only meant to denote direction. We are just looking for magnitudes.
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Now that we have utilized the Impulse-Momentum Theorem, we are given an expression in

terms of Fp, t, ma, and va. Using some algebra we can just rearrange the expression to get a

function for velocity with an input value for time-of-impact:

v a (t) = (F p t) / ma

With this function, an input value for the time-of-impact will produce the velocity required to

embed an apple into Gregors back.

Another way to approach this problem is recognizing the fact that a certain amount of

work is needed for the apple to travel distance s into Gregors back. We know that the general

expression for work is the cross product of a constant force and the distance it is applied over.

However, since we are working along a single axis, it is just the product of force and distance:

W = Fs

Using reason, we can conclude that a projectiles change in kinetic energy will be equal to the

work needed for the apple to penetrate into the cockroachs back. There is a mathematical proof,

but it would be redundant as it simply verifies the energy transfer between a moving object and

the work required to stop it. This is called the Work-Kinetic Energy Theorem (Kobes):

W = K = (1/2)m(v f2 v2i )

With this relationship, we can set the kinetic energy expression equal to the original expression

for work. The initial velocity in this case is still va, and the final velocity is still zero.

Rearranging and simplifying the expression yields a function for velocity va in terms of how deep

the apple is embedded (distance s):

(1/2)ma (0 v 2a ) = F p s

v a (s) = (2F p s) / ma
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Now that we have two functions for velocity in terms of time and distance, one major

problem area remains. In both functions, mass is a value we already have (assumed to be 0.100

kg). Both variables s and t arent needed as graphs for both functions will be produced later.

However penetrative force Fp remains unknown, and is a constant needed if there is to be any

graphing. Using a study published by students attending the College of Charleston Department

of Biology, the penetrative force can be derived. The study ultimately repeatedly experimented

on cockroaches to find the biomechanical properties of the compounds that make up their bodies.

Through heavy experimentation, the study found the strength of the cockroachs outer shell to be

around 3.64 mPa (Clark, Triblehorn). Given that the study provided a value for pressure, the

penetrative force may be derived from the general expression for pressure:

= 3.64(10002 ) P a = F p /A F p = A

To find A, the area over which the force is exerted, the third assumption needs to be used. Given

that the apple is nearly spherical, it can be further assumed that the area of the apple in contact

with the cockroach shell is nearly circular as well. Knowing that, area can be found by simply

using the area formula for a circle. The radius of this circle is assumed to be 0.02 m, or 2 cm,

also further assumed given that the apple is ideal:

A = r2

F p = (r2 ) = 3.64(10002 )(0.022 )

F p = 4732 N

Using the now-known penetrative force, it can be used as a constant for both functions of

velocity previously derived to start producing concrete values.

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By simply substituting the numerical value into both functions, the next step can be

taken. Below are two graphs of both functions of va in terms of t and s:

va(s): (x: distance in meters, y: velocity in meters per second)

(x: time in seconds, y: velocity in meters per second)
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As seen by both functions, the speed necessary to throw an apple fast enough to embed it into a

giant cockroach is absurd. If the apples time of impact was 0.002 seconds (typical time of

impact between a baseball and a baseball bat), the speed would be close to 95 m/s, which is

about 212.5 mph. If the apple penetrated just 0.04 m, or 4 cm, into Gregors back, the apple

would need a speed of around 61 m/s, or 136.5 mph. Although these derivations and

calculations are rough, we can at least conclude that a normal person would not be able to throw

an apple fast enough to embed it into a giant cockroachs back.

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Works Cited

Clark, Andrew J., and Jeffrey D. Triblehorn. Mechanical properties of the cuticles of three

cockroach species that differ in their wind-evoked escape behavior. PubMed Central.

The College of Charleston Department of Biology, 31 July 2014. Web.

Kafka, Franz, and Stanley Corngold. The Metamorphosis. Toronto: Bantam Books, 1981. Print.

Kobes, Randy. "Kinetic Energy and Work Energy Theorem." Randy Kobe, University of

Winnipeg. N.p., 9 Oct. 1997. Web.

Newton, Isaac. Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica. 1687.

Zitzewitz, Paul W. Robert F. Neff. Physics: Principles and Problems. New York: Glencoe, 1995.

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