Sie sind auf Seite 1von 16

Balancing load and power

The function and operating principle of hydraulic separators

heating & cooling systems

Topic Page

1. Scope of application 3

1.1. In heating systems 4

1.2. In cooling systems

2. Operating states 5

2.1. Volume flow of the heat generator is equivalent to the

volume flow of the consumer circuits

2.2. Volume flow of the heat generator is greater than the

volume flow of the consumer circuits

2.3. Volume flow of the heat generator is less than the 6

volume flow of the consumer circuits

3. Design 7

4. Alternatives to the hydraulic separator 8

5. Integrating buffer tanks as hydraulic separators 9

6. Typical problems in heating systems without a hydraulic separator 11

7. Added benefits of using hydraulic separators 12

8. Sinus HydroFixx, manifold with integrated hydraulic separator 13

8.1. Advantages of the Sinus HydroFixx 14

8.2. Product line 15

heating & cooling systems
1. Scope of application
The term hydraulic separator is used to refer to a other assemblies are designed for operation under
suitably dimensioned container taking into account full load. However, under the climatic conditions in
the defined design criteria through which hot Central Europe, full load operation is only necessary
water from both the boiler system and the consumer during 1.5 to 2.5% of the operating time. Furthermore,
circuit flows. This container is generally formed of a differing mass flows and temperature levels within
pipeline, which has a relatively large internal diameter the various heating and/or consumer circuits in a
in comparison to the pipelines of the flow and system contribute to an increase in complexity, giving
return. Hydraulic separators can either be vertically rise increasingly to hydraulic problems. The pressure
or horizontally installed in the network of pipes. losses in the heating and heat consumer circuits
The difference in temperature and the associated are not constant. The number of operational heat
difference in density leads to the formation of layers generators and the setting of the control devices in
in the separator, whereby the upper section of the the consumer circuits (e.g. mixers, three-way valves,
hydraulic separator contains warm flow water and the thermostatic valves) influence the pressure loss in
lower section contains the colder return-flow water. the overall system. Only if the heat supply systems
are designed in such a way that there is an overall
The main function of hydraulic separators in heating Einsatzbereich
balance between the Hydraulischer
heat generation Weichen
circuit and
and cooling systems is to hydraulically decouple the the heat consumer circuits does the heat transfer
boiler circuit or cooler and the consumer circuit(s) from medium behave in accordance with the design in all
one another. operating situations that is, with the lowest partial

The use of hydraulic separators is the best way to

1. Einsatzbereich Hydraulischer
load operation and when operating at full load. The
system functions as desired.
eliminate hydraulic switching faults, especially when
the volume flows from the heat consumer and the heat In the condensing boiler technology prevalent
generator(s) differ in size. This is also generally the today, this is only possible if the water flows of the
case in less complex systems, as the system hydraulics, heatAlsgenerator and the Weiche
Hydraulische heat consumer circuitsman
bezeichnet are einen un
the network of pipes, the pumps, control valves and hydraulically decoupled from
Auslegungskriterien one another, since, forBehlter, de
the aforementioned
der Kesselanlage als auch generator
reasons, the circuit
der Verbraucherkreise du
must provide varying quantities to the consumer
Behlter wird in der Regel durch eine Rohrleitung ge
circuit. In practice, this balanced operating state can
den Rohrleitungen des Vor- und Rcklaufes, einen r
only be achieved through the use of a (correctly
messer aufweist. Hydraulische Weichen knnen ent
dimensioned) hydraulic separator. The zone in which
waagerecht in das Leitungsnetz eingebaut werden.
the decoupling between the primary and secondary
aufgrund des Temperatur- und des damit einhergeh
circuits within the hydraulic separator takes place is
referred eine
to as the Schichtung
system bildet,
zero point. If the befindet
hydraulic sich im ob
separator correctlywarmes Vorlaufwasser
dimensioned, this takes und im unter
place precisely in the centre of the separator body.
Assuming that the hydraulic separator is properly
Die wesentliche
dimensioned, Funktion
decoupling takes Hydraulischer
place with onlyWeichen in
negligible den Kesselkreis und losses
and efficiency den (oder die) Verbrauch
and flow
voneinander zu entkoppeln.

Insbesondere wenn die Volumenstrme der Wrme

Wrmeerzeuger(s) unterschiedlich gro sind, ist de
Modern heating system with integrated hydraulic separator (Sinus Caskade Unit)

Weichen die optimale Lsung zur Beseitigung hydra

tungen. Dies ist regelmig auch bei weniger kompl
Moderne Heizungsanlage mit integrierter Anlagenhydraulik, Leitungsnetz, Pumpen, Regelvent
Hydraulischer Weiche (Sinus Kaskaden Unit)
fr den Volllastbetrieb ausgelegt werden. Unter den
heating & coolinggungen
Mitteleuropas ist ein Volllastbetrieb allerdin
1.1. Hydraulische
In heating systems
Weiche in einer Heizungsanlage

1 Heat generator
2 Circulating pumps for
boiler circuit
3 Hydraulic separator
4 Heating circuit
temperature control
5 Circulating pumps for
heating circuit
6 Consumer
7 Expansion tank

In cooling systems
Weiche in einer Khlanlage

1 Cooler
2 Circulating pumps for
boiler circuit
3 Hydraulic separator
4 Temperature control
5 Circulating pumps for
heating circuit
6 Consumer
7 Expansion tank

Hydraulische Weiche in einer Khlanlage

As well as with warm water pump systems, hydraulic separators are also used in cooling systems. Here too, they
provide an effective separation of primary and secondary pumps.

In principle, building such a system is like building heating systems, and surprisingly, the warmer medium is again
connected at the top. The inlet flows are therefore connected to the lower section of the hydraulic separator.
The sensor sleeves for the control system are positioned in this section as well.

When insulating the hydraulic separator, please ensure that an impermeable material is used if the system
temperatures are below the dew point. Furthermore, when choosing the type of separator, the shape of the main
body should be selected in such as way as to enable the complete insulation of the hydraulic separator without
leaving relatively large thermal bridges.

heating & cooling systems
2. Bet

Die um
2. kreise

2. Operating states Die um

2.1. Volume flow of the heat generator is equivalent to the 2.1.
volume flow of the consumer circuits
In this case the hydraulic separator is in a neutral position. The volume flow In die
of the primary circuit (VP) and the volume flow of the secondary circuit Der V
(VS) are equal. drkr

Die Te
The temperatures (T) in the primary circuit correspond to those in the
Die W
secondary circuit. The heat quantity (Q) is also the same. In die
Der V
VP = VS T1 = T3
T2 = T4 QP = QS VP =Te
Die V
T2 =W
Die T

Operating state 1
Betriebszustand 1 VP = V
T2 = T

Betriebszustand 1

2.2. Volume flow of the heat generator is greater than the 2.2.

volume flow of the consumer circuits mehr

In die
This case occurs particularly frequently in systems with unregulated boiler Verbr
circuit pumps. In the partial load range, the boiler circuit pump conveys spum
considerably more water through the heat generator than is required by mehr
the consumer side. V >V
T 2 T
In this case, the required volume flow is taken from the flow water from Wrm
the heat generator and added to the return-flow water from the consumer
circuits by means of the hydraulic separator.
Betriebszustand 2 VP > V
VP > VS T1 = T3 T2 > T
T2 > T4 QP > QS

Operating state 2 Betriebszustand 2

4 heat

4 heat

heating & cooling systems
2.3. Volume flow of the heat generator is less than the
volume flow of the the consumer circuits
The situation whereby the consumer requires more water than is provided by the generator circuit is one that
occurs regularly during the morning heating-up period, for example. The hydraulic separator balances the
circuits by adding return-flow water from the consumer circuits to the flow water from the primary circuit. This Betrie
prevents hydraulic problems and ensures that all consumers heat up uniformly.

The operating state mentioned also regularly occurs following the cleaning of old systems. The heat generators
belonging to the new generation of heating boilers currently available on the market have only a very low water 2.3.

The boiler would reach the set point value within just a few minutes without
heat consumption. Only the installation of a hydraulic separator can avoid Der Fa
pulsing of the heat generator under these conditions. kreis z
Due to the partial mixture of volume flows of differing temperatures, the
dem V
use of the hydraulic separator in operating states 2 and 3 is of course not leme k
temperature-neutral. If the current volume flow of the circulating pumps Verbra
on the consumer side is larger than in the heat generator circuit, a partial
quantity of the consumers own return-flow water is added to the flow Ebenf
water on the consumer side. This reduces the flow temperature on the rung v
consumer side. The same applies inversely in operating state 2.
VP < VS T1 > T3 Einste
T2 = T4 QP < QS Operating state 3 diesen
Betriebszustand 3

VP < VS T1 > T3 verst
T2 = T4 QP > QS Umw
wird d


heating & cooling systems
6. Auflage, Vieweg Verlag, 2007, S. 107
Auslegung Hydraulischer Weichen

allelschaltung beschreibt in der Elektro-

3. Design 3. Auslegung Hydraulischer Weichen

In order to ensure they are functioning as well as the water quantity from the heat generator circuit,

k und Elektronik eine Art der Schaltung der

possible, the hydraulic separators Zur must Sicherstellung
fulfil certainihrer the
loss in themuss die Hydraulische
separator must therefore
structural design requirements. These Weiche arebestimmten
presented konstruktiven
be kept to aAuslegungsanforderungen
minimum. A recommendedgengen. guideline for
briefly below. Diese sollen im Folgenden kurz dargestellt werden.
the design of small separators is that the distance
between the flow and return nozzles should be ten
Erste Anforderung ist die korrekte Dimensionierung der Hydraulischen
The first requirement is that the hydraulic
Weiche, so separator times
dass auch unter as large
Volllast as the diameter
vorzugsweise of the
laminare connection
bzw. beruhigteline.
is correctly dimensioned so that, even under full load,
druckverlustarme Strmungsverhltnisse vorliegen . Die Flssigkeit strmt in

the flow conditions which are preferably

diesem Fall laminar or
in Schichten, Indie
case of large
nicht separators,
vermischen. the distance
Als Richtwert fr between

te (Zweipole) in einem Schaltkreis: Bauteile

steady exhibit low pressure losses gilt
1 es eine Fliegeschwindigkeiten von 0,2 m/s nicht zu berschreiten, damit
. In this case, the the flow and return nozzles should be at least three
liquid flows in layers, which do notkeinemix. Turbulenzen
The average(Verwirbelungen oder Querstrmungen)
times the diameter auftreten.
of the separator body.Rck-
lauf- und Vorlaufstrom knnen unter diesen Umstnden in einer gemein-
value for water should be a flow velocity of 0.2m/s in guarantees thermal layering of the flow and return-
samen Kurzschlussstrecke zusammenlaufen, ohne dass sich die Kreislufe
order to prevent the occurrence of turbulence
gegenseitig (eddying
beeinflussen.flow water and the laminar flow1 of the medium. As
or cross flows). Otherwise this may cause unintentional such, impairment due to eddying is avoided.
mixing of the volume flows from theFr flow and return.
laminare Strmungen kann der Druckverlust nhrungsweise durch

rallel geschaltet, wenn alle ihre gleichna-

die Gleichung nach Darcy If und
this Weisbach bestimmt
distance cannot be werden
kept to2. due
Im Gegensatz
to conditions
zu einer
For laminar flows, an approximate value for the turbulenten Strmung ist er jedoch vernachlssigbar gering
on site, then sheet layering and/or nozzle pipes und are
bedingt somit nur einen sehr geringen Effizienzverlust.
pressure loss can be determined using the equation used to support the thermal layering and prevent
according to Darcy and Weisbach . However, in contrast
Da die Hydraulische Weiche parallel zum Verbraucherkreis geschaltet ist, teilt
to a turbulent flow, this is negligible and thus causes
sich im Falle des greren Volumenstroms an der Wrmeerzeugerseite die
only a very slight loss in efficiency. berschssige Wassermenge entsprechend der Druckunterschiede zwischen
Weiche und Verbraucherkreis auf. Der gesamte Druckaufbau und damit die

Pole jeweils miteinander verbunden sind.

Effizienz des
Because the hydraulic separator is connected Systems resultiert aus der Parallelschaltung3 der Widerstnde
in parallel
to the consumer circuit, in the event of the largerWeiche als auch des Verbraucherkreises. Um eine effi-
der Hydraulischen
ziente Entkopplung der Regelung des Verbraucherkreises von der Wasser-
volume flow at the heat generator side the surplus
menge aus dem Wrmeerzeugerkreis zu ermglichen, muss demnach der
water quantity is divided between Druckverlust
the separator in and
der Weiche mglichst klein gehalten werden.
the consumer circuit, in accordance with the pressure
differences. The entire pressure build-up, and thus
Ein empfohlener Richtwert zur Auslegung von Kleinweichen ist die Entfernung
the efficiency of the system, results zwischen
from the Vor-und
parallelRcklaufstutzen, welcher zehnmal so gro sein sollte wie

zahl der parallelgeschalteten Elemente ist

der Durchmesser
connection3 of the resistors of the hydraulic separator der Anschlussleitung.
and the consumer circuit. In order for the control unit of
Bei Groweichen sollte die Entfernung zwischen Vor- und Rcklaufstutzen
the consumer circuit to be efficiently decoupled from
mindestens dreimal dem Durchmesser des Weichenkrpers entsprechen.
Dies garantiert eine thermische Schichtung des Vorlauf- vom Rcklaufwasser
und eine laminare Strmung des Mediums. Somit wird eine Beeintrchtigung
aufgrund von Verwirbelungen vermieden.

Source: Prof. Dr. R. Gross, Physik I Mechanik, with laminar flow states. u Average flow velocity [m/s]
1 Akustik,Prof.
Quelle: Wrme (Physics
Dr. R. I Mechanics,
Gross, Physik Acoustics,
I Mechanik, 2 2Source:
Quelle: H.H.J. J.Matthies,
Einfhrung in Pipe-friction coefficient
Rohrreibungszahl nachaccording
Darcy und to Weisbach
Akustik, Energy),TUMunich University
Mnchen, 2000 of Technol- dielhydraulik,
die lhydraulik 5. (Introduction to Oil Hydraulics),
Auflage, Teubner 5th
Verlag, 2006, l and Weisbach
Lnge der Rohrleitung [m]
ogy, 2000 S.Edition,
47 Teubner Verlag, 2006, P. 47 dl Length of the pipeline
Durchmesser [m]
der Rohrleitung [m]
Bei laminarer Strmung wird der Strmungswider-
stand nur durch die innere Reibung des Mediums Die Gleichung fr Druckverluste in durchstrmten d Diameter of the pipeline [m]
In the case of laminar flow, flow resistance is The equation for pressure losses in flow pipelines Flow resistance coefficient
verursacht. Fr die Bestimmung der Strmung gilt Rohrleitungen unter der Voraussetzung einer kon- 3
Quelle: W. Weigerber, Elektrotechnik fr Ingeni-
caused solely by the internal friction of the assuming constant thickness is:
die dimensionslose Reynolds-Zahl Re=wd/ wobei stanten Dichte lautet:  eure 2, 6. Auflage, ViewegElektrotechnik
Verlag, 2007, S.
medium. To determine the flow, the dimensionless  3
Source: W. Weigerber, fr107
die kinematische Viskositt ist [m2/s], fr Was- u2 l 
Reynolds number Re=wd/ applies, where is the p = + i enieure
Die 2 (Electrical Engineering
Parallelschaltung beschreibt for Engineers
in der Elektro-2),
ser mit 70C betrgt 0,387710 -6m2/sek. 2 d
kinematic viscosity [m2/s]; for water at 70C this 6th edition,
technik Vieweg Verlag,
und Elektronik eine2007, p. 107
Art der Schaltung der
Je nach Gre der Reynolds-Zahl wird zwischen
is 0.387710-6 m2/sec. Es handelt sich hier um die Gleichung nach Darcy Elemente (Zweipole) in einem Schaltkreis: Bauteile
laminarer Re2320=Rekrit und turbulenter Re>2320
Depending on the size of the Reynolds number, a und Weisbach, welche den Term m fr die statische In electrical
sind parallel engineering and electronics,
geschaltet, wenn parallel
alle ihre gleichna-
Strmungsform unterschieden. In technisch glat-
differentiation is made between the laminar flow This nicht
Hhe is the bercksichtigt,
equation according to Darcy
da ein and Weis-
Kreissystem be- connection
migen describes
Pole jeweils a way of connecting
miteinander verbundenthe sind.
ten Rohren
type (Glas,where
(Re2320, Messing,
2320Kupfer) kann point)
is the critical u. U. bis bach, which
trachtet wird.does not take account of the term elements
Die Anzahl (two-terminal components)
der parallelgeschalteten in a circuit:
Elemente ist
Re=8000 mit laminarer
flow typeStrmungszustnden ge-
and turbulent (Re>2320). In technically m for static
[kg/mas3]it is considering a circuit Components
beliebig. are connected in parallel if each pair
pipes (glass, brass, copper), in certain cir- u system.mittlere Strmungsgeschwindigkeit [m/s] of like poles is connected together. Any number of
cumstances it is possible to achieve up to Re=8000 t Density [kg/m] components can be connected in parallel.

heating & cooling systems
6 heating- & cooling sytems
4. Alternatives to the hydraulic separator
As an alternative to the hydraulic separator, the only actuators. In this case, the volume flow differences
suggestion offered up in previous specialist literature would be balanced out on the primary side. The
was the installation of an open manifold (pressureless combined temperature of the flow to the heating
manifold with an overflow line). With this solution, the circuits results from the mixing of all heating and
heat generator was supplied with the required water boiler circuit volume flows. However, in such a case
quantity in every operating situation, thus guaranteeing the positioning of the flow temperature sensor is
operational safety and a long operating life. With problematic. If it is positioned behind the bypass,
manifolds such as this, the boiler circulation pump when looking from the boiler, it will no longer be
should ensure, by means of a design with appropriately exposed to temperature when the heating circuits
large dimensions, that there is always a certain are closed. If it is installed in front of the bypass,
quantity of water flowing, even in full load operation, then the measured temperature will only be that
thus preventing pulsing of the heat generator. of the boiler flow and not the heating circuit
flow temperature, which is lower in the case of
The disadvantage of this design is that there are larger volume flows on the secondary side. If the
always differing volume flows and pressures upstream temperature sensor is mounted at the intersection
of the control valves and pumps on the secondary side. of the bypass and the boiler flow line, it appears, at
This influences the flow capacity of the control valves. least in theory, to precisely record the combined flow
This also applies for the circulating pumps currently in temperature.
operation in the control circuits that must be used with
electronic control in delta P-mode. This results in an However, practical experience and test series have
unfavourable control behaviour. An exact configuration shown that, even with professionally laid bypass
of circulating pumps and actuators to suit the water lines, complete mixing does not occur, even over
quantities required in the control circuit is, on the longer sections of pipe. Here we talk of a clustering
whole, very difficult with open manifolds. flow. Similarly to the open manifolds, here too
Source: W. Zweers, Die Hydraulische Weiche (The Hydraulic separator), the boiler and heating circuits are not completely
IKZ-HAUSTECHNIK, Edition 6/1996, Page 28 ff. decoupled from one another. In the case of oversize
boiler circuit pumps and a relatively small cross-
The open manifold also behaves problematically sectional area of the bypass line, the heating circuits
during the start-up phase and in partial load operating are continually influenced by the boiler circuit. Thus,
mode, as the required volume flow on the secondary even a bypass line is not an adequate alternative to
side is larger than that on the primary side. In this phase, the hydraulic separator.
the heating circuit which is closest to the overflow line
receives only its own return-flow water, if necessary.
Under these circumstances, uniform heating of the
consumers can no longer be guaranteed. Likewise,
complete hydraulic decoupling with the help of an open
manifold is not possible, as the cross-sectional area of
the overflow line is no larger than that of the manifold
beam. This is one reason why the open manifold has
not become widely used in practice.

Another alternative could be to install a bypass line on

the primary side, in order that the primary-side flow
is not interrupted in the event of closed mixers and

heating & cooling systems
5. Integrating buffer tanks as
hydraulic separators
In a lot of cases, buffer tanks will have to be integrated in a warm or cold water pump system. This can occur
as a result of many different requirements, such as a reduction in pump frequency or the storage of unused
amounts of energy.
There is often the possibility in such a situation to use the tank that is going to be implemented as a hydraulic
separator as well. Connecting up such a tank can be done in several ways.
Some examples are:

Separator circuit

Connecting the buffer tank is carried out

- as with classic hydraulic separators - via
four nozzles that separate the primary
and secondary circuits from one another.
These connections are often linked with
nozzle pipes to avoid turbulence. With
this system, it is only the difference in
water volume that is passed to the tank,
filling or emptying it.

Cascade circuit

The tank in this circuit has two nozzles.

The system of filling and emptying
is based on the same principle as the
separator circuit, whereby two or more
tanks can be connected in a row. The
advantage of such a series circuit is ideal
layering with a relatively large storage

heating & cooling systems
Series circuit

To optimise the running period of a warm

water generator or cold water system,
a buffer tank is connected in parallel
with the primary and secondary circuits
and thus functions simultaneously as a
hydraulic separator. The greater water
storage enables the efficient operation
of a solid fuel boiler or reduces the pump
frequency of a cold water unit.

Layer storage

A storage integration variant that

is becoming increasingly relevant is
the connection of layer storage to a
multivalent heating system. In accordance
with the temperature level that is to
be stored, the tank has connections at
various heights with which containers
can be filled or emptied, with or without
control valves. Layer storage optimises
the energy yield of a warm or cold water
network. It is important to ensure the
layering is not destroyed by excessively
high flow velocities.

heating & cooling systems
5. Typische Probleme bei Heizungsanlagen
ohne Hydraulische Weiche

Typische praktische Probleme von Heizungsanlagen ohne eine Hydraulische

6. Typical problems in heating systems
Weiche sind im folgenden zusammengefasst:

without a hydraulic separator

a) Im Volllastbetrieb knnen die Wrmeerzeuger nicht den erforderlichen
Volumenstrom bereitstellen, so dass sich in den Sekundr-Kreislufen
zwangslufig hydraulische Beeinflussungen der einzelnen Regelkreise
einstellen. Dies zieht eine Unterversorgung in gewissen Gebudeteilen
Typical practical problems in heating systems without a hydraulic separator are summarised below:
nach sich, die den Unmut des Verbrauchers hervorrufen.

a) In full load operation, the heat

b) generators
Wird dem cannot
ein zuthe required
hoher volume flow,durch
Volumenstrom meaning that hydraulic
influences on the individual control circuits inevitably occur in the secondary circuits. This results
Pumpen zugefhrt, so kann es aufgrund turbulenter Strmungen in an insufficient
supply to certain parts of the building,Materialabtrag
which in turn causes annoyance on the part of the consumer.
im Innenbereich des Kessels kommen. Die Lebensdauer
des Wrmeerzeugers wird in diesem Fall stark beeintrchtigt.
b) If an excessive volume flow is fed to the boiler by the secondary circuit pumps, this can result in material
deposits inside the boiler due toc)
turbulent flows. The service
Im geringsten life of the
Teillastbereich (z.heat generator is significantly impacted
B. Sommerbergangsphase) steht dem
in this case. Wrmeerzeuger nach der Abschaltung nicht der bentigte Volumen-
strom zur Verfgung, so dass es vielfach zu einer berhitzung kommen
c) In the lowest partial load range (e.g. In diesem
summer Fall kann
transition diethe
phase) Restwrme nicht mehr
required volume flow isabgefhrt werden,
not available to
da die that
the heat generator after shutdown, meaning auf dem Verteiler
in many befindlichencan
cases overheating Regelventile
occur. In thisbereits geschlossen
case, the residual
heat can no longer be dissipated, as thewurden.
controlAuch unter
valves diesen
on the Bedingungen
manifold ist mit
have already been einer sehr
closed. geringen
Under these
conditions, a very low service life of the heat generatordescan
Wrmeerzeugers zu rechnen.
also be anticipated.

Only the proper installation of a Nur der ordnungsgeme

hydraulic separator, which isEinbau
properlyeiner Hydraulischen
designed Weiche,prevents
and dimensioned, die fachgerecht
ausgelegt und dimensioniert ist, verhindert
identified problems and ensures that the system functions according to plan. die aufgezeigten Probleme und
stellt sicher, dass die Anlage planmig funktioniert.

Temperature close to the wall

Temperature in a vertical section

through the centre

See a) Siehe a) See b) Siehe b) See c) Siehe c)

heating & cooling systems
heating- & cooling sytems
Zusatznutzen durch den Einsatz Hydrau

7. Added benefits of using

6. Zusatznutzen durch de
hydraulic separators Hydraulischer Weichen

The main function of the hydraulic separator is the hydraulic decoupling of heat Die generator and consumer
hauptschliche Funktion der hydraulis
circuits. In addition to this, hydraulic separators available on the market offer additional Entkopplung
benefits von Wrmeerzeuger-
that promote
and support the proper operation of the heating system. hinaus zeigen am Markt verfgbare Hydr
die den ordnungsgemen Betrieb der He
A hydraulic separator provides the best location for the positioning of the flow temperature sensor (sensor for
boiler circuit control). It must be mounted in such a way that it can measure both the boiler flow temperature
Eine Hydraulische Weicheandbietet den optim
the mixing water temperature in order to control the boiler sequence if the secondary water quantity is larger(Fhler fr Kes
than the primary. angebracht werden, dass er sowohl die K
die Mischwassertemperatur zur Schaltun
wenn die Sekundr- grer als die Primr
Due to the low flow velocities required on account of the respective function, the separator is also suitable for
the separation of gases and entrained particles. While gases rise and can be discharged
Wegenthrough a ventilation verlangten g
der funktionsgem
nozzle integrated into the dome/lid of the separator, entrained particles accumulate on the bottom of (siehe
eignet sich die Weiche the hier Typ Hyd
hydraulic separator and can be disposed of from there through the sludge removal nozzle.
ebenfalls zur Abscheidung mitgefhrter
Gase aufsteigen und durch einen im Dom
If new condensing boilers are installed in renovated systems, deposits and washouts Entlftungsstutzen abgelassen werden k
from the pipeline systems
Schwebstoffe am Boden der Hydraulische
and heating surfaces within the sensitive heat generator can Hydraulische
result in theWeiche
accumulation of sludge. Ultimately this
als innovatives Produkt:
durch den Entschlammungsstutzen entso
can even result in the destruction of the valuable condensing boiler. Therefore, in their separators, Sinusverteiler
Sinus HydroMaxx
offers the option of magnetite segregation by means of magnetite filter cartridges within
Werden the hydraulic
neuartige Brennwert-Heizkessel
separator, with a view to ensuring a long service life and optimum functioning of the knnen
und Auswaschung
Heizflchen innerhalb des sensiblen Wr
Finally, an indirect yet important added benefit is the energy efficiency in systems with Diese dimensioned
correctly kann letztlich sogar zur Zer
wertkessel fhren. Die Firma SINUSVERTE
hydraulic separators. Reduced pump output, the avoidance of boiler pulsing and the continuous operation of the
optional die Mglichkeit der Magnetitabs
components within the optimum characteristic value range are the main factors contributing
innerhalb to
dera Hydraulischen
high level of Weiche an, s
system efficiency. eine optimale Funktion des Hochleistungs

Ein mittelbarer, aber wichtiger Zusatznut

2 bei Anlagen mit richtig dimensionierter H
Pumpenleistungen, Vermeidung von Kess
Betrieb der Komponenten im optimalen K
chen Faktoren fr einen hohen Anlagenw
1 Ventilation
2 Temperature sensor
3 Hydraulic zero point
4 Sludge removal
3 5 Hot medium
6 Cold medium


HydroFixx with magnetite application Hydraulische

Hydraulic separator Weiche

heating & cooling systems
8. Sinus HydroFixx, manifold with integrated
Hydraulic separator
The Sinus HydroFixx combines many positive features in one component. Firstly, the integrated hydraulic
separator guarantees excellent hydraulic decoupling of the boiler circuit from the consumer circuits, and
secondly, the arrangement of the Sinus compact manifold horizontally above the separator makes possible a
space-saving layout of the heating circuits.

Within the building services sector, developed especially for use in single-boiler systems, the small HydroFixx
offers the ideal solution for combined and space-saving heating circuit distribution. In the case of a system with
two or more heating circuits, this does not entail either increased outlay on installation or additional space. If the
condensing boiler has a separator control with primary-side volume flow adjustment, an increase in return flow
is avoided. The system flow temperature is detected in the Sinus HydroFixx and compared with the boiler flow
temperature. It is thus possible to draw conclusions as to the volume flow conditions in the hydraulic separator
and react by adjusting the speed of the devices internal pump.

These advantages also apply to the large design of the HydroFixx. Here, time-saving installation, hydraulic
decoupling and minimised space requirements have a particularly positive impact on the construction costs and
the effectiveness of the system. There are many reasons for choosing this combined manifold and hydraulic

Sinus HydroFixx with two regulated heating circuits Sinus HydroFixx, large design for systems of up to 9 MW

heating & cooling systems
8.1. Advantages of the Sinus HydroFixx
The HydroFixx, consisting of a heating manifold with an integrated hydraulic separator, incorporates many positive
features in one unit. Firstly, the integrated hydraulic separator guarantees excellent hydraulic decoupling of the
boiler circuit from the consumer circuits, and secondly, the arrangement of the heating manifold horizontally above
the separator makes possible a space-saving layout of the heating circuits.

Small construction

Manifold with separate Hydraulic separator HydroFixx

As stock item in a set including insulation and wall bracket

Designed for industry standard pump groups
Compact design optimised for use in roof spaces

Large construction

Manifold with separate Hydraulic separator HydroFixx

Can be connected as per the Tichelmann-System

Very short installation time as no pipework is necessary as between traditional separators and manifolds
Compatible with all makes and models of condensing boiler

heating & cooling systems
Manifold return chamber

Manifold flow chamber

Hydraulic separator

8.2. Product line

Flow rate Nozzle spacing Heating circuit con- Heating
Type at T 20 K Boiler connection
in m3/h in mm nection circuits
in kW

1 1
80/80 3.0 125 70 2 to 4
Threaded nozzle Union nuts

2 1
120/80 7.0 125 160 2 to 4
Threaded nozzle Union nuts

Power Heating circuit con-

Flow rate Nozzle spacing Boiler connection Heating
Type at T 20 K nection
in m3/h in mm max. circuits
in kW max.

120/120 7.0 200 or 250 160 DN 65 DN 50 from 2

160/160 10.8 250 or 300 250 DN 80 DN 65 from 2

180/180 17.2 250, 300, 350 400 DN 100 DN 80 from 2

200/200 25.8 250, 300, 350 600 DN 125 DN 100 from 2

280/320 53.8 300 or 350 1,250 DN 150 DN 125 from 2

300/350 68.8 300 or 350 1,600 DN 150 DN 125 from 2

400/400 90.0 variable 2,100 DN 150 DN 150 from 2

450/450 150.0 variable 3,500 DN 200 DN 200 from 2

500/550 194.0 variable 4,500 DN 250 DN 250 from 2

heating & cooling systems
Dieselweg 2
D - 48493 Wettringen
Dieselweg 2
Telefon: Wettringen
(0) 2557 / 93 93-0
Fax: +49 (0) 2557 / 93 93-30
E-Mail: +49 (0) 2557 / 93 93 - 0
Fax: +49 (0) 2557 / 93 93 - 30

Member of the Winkelmann Group

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