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Communist Manifesto Lesson:

Marx, K., & Engels, F. (1848). The Communist Manifesto.

Imperialism and Nationalism Lesson:

Miller, J. H. (2004). The Reluctant Asianist: Japan and Asia [Electronic version]. Asian Affairs,
an American Review, 32(2), 69-85.

Global Impacts of Imperialism. (2016, February 5). In

Nationalism Case Study: Italy and Germany. (2010). In

Origins of WWI Lesson:

Sheffield, G. (2011, March 8). The Origins of World War I. In BBC History.

Mombauer, A. (2011). The Debate on the Origins of World War I. In British Library.

Idell, I. (Narrator). A Shot that Changed the World [Online video].

Soldiers Experience Lesson:

Hochschild, A. (2014, July 29). Colonial Folly, European Suicide [Electronic version]. The New
York Times.

Jankowski, P. (2016, February 22). World War I's Iconic, Ironic Battle [Electronic version]. The
New York Times.

Smith, M. (Narrator). (2011). Diary Extracts from the Trenches in WWI [Online video].
Retrieved from
World War I Events Lesson:
The BBC, . (2014, October 20). Major Events, People, and Changes. In BBC Schools.

Notes: I wanted to indent the second line in every source, but I couldnt figure out how without
also indenting the first line.

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