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Klorin itu apa ya?

Klorin merupakan bahan kimia yang digunakan secara luas sebagai desinfektan dan
pemutih.1 Pada suhu ruangan, klorin berbentuk gas yang berwarna kuning kehijauan dan
mempunyai bau yang tajam serta iritatif.

Kegunaan klorin
1. Desinfektan. Klorin digunakan untuk desinfeksi air termasuk air untuk mandi,
kolam renang dan juga air minum. Klorin digunakan sebagai desinfektan air minum
karena mempunyai efek dapat membunuh bakteri E. Coli serta Giardia dan harganya
murah. Penambahan klorin pada air minum dimulai sejak tahun 1800. Sejak tahun
1904, penambahan klorin pada air minum menjadi standar yang harus dipenuhi
penyedia layanan air minum hingga sekarang. 1 Termasuk pada air PDAM kita lho.
Cairan klorin juga dapat digunakan sebagai cairan pembersih alat-alat rumah
tangga.2 Di bidang kesehatan, larutan klorin 0,5% telah sejak lama digunakan untuk
dekontaminasi alat-alat bedah seperti jahit set dan partus set. 3
2. Pemutih. Pada proses produksi kertas dan pakaian, klorin digunakan sebagai
cairan pemutih (bleaching). 2Di pasaran, klorin dikemas sebagai agent pemutih
pakaian dengan berbagai merk. Bahan dasarnya dibuat dari natrium hidroksida dan
gas klor (gas klorin dialirkan ke dalam larutan natrium hidroksida sehingga
membentuk natrium hipoklorit (NaOCL) yang disebut zat pemutih). 4
3. Senjata kimia. Karena efeknya yang sangat iritatif, gas klorin telah digunakan
sebagai senjata kimia pada perang dunia ke II.1

Klorin itu bahan kimia yang sangat iritatif. Hindari air berklorin. Usahakan air minum
bebas klorin. Klorin tidak baik dikonsumsi oleh ayam apalagi dikonsumsi oleh manusia.
Klorin berperan sebagai oksidan dan menimbulkan radikal bebas yang dapat
merusak sel termasuk sel kulit. Jika harus menggunakan klorin, perhatikan baik-baik
efek samping yang telah disebutkan di atas.Encerkan larutan pemutih sesuai dengan
aturan pakainya. Jangan menggunakan cairan pemutih tanpa diencerkan. Karena
umumnya pada larutan pemutih itu mengandung 5,25% klorin yang cukup dapat
mengiritasi kulit. Gunakan UP (universal precaution) saat akan membilas alat bedah
seperti jahit set atau partus set dengan klorin. Paling tidak pakai sarung tangan,
sebaiknya ya lengkap pakai masker, handscoen dan sepatu kulit tertutup. Sebaiknya,
kalau memcuci pakaian pun harus pakai handscoen atau sarung tangan. Agak lebay sih,
tapi daripada ntar kulitnya ngelupas dan jangan lupa efek jangka panjangnya juga.
Kejadian nih, seorang petugas kesehatan membilas tubuh ibu postpartum dengan
larutan klorin. Sebaiknya, ember untuk larutan klorin tidak hanya harus berbeda
warnanya, tapi juga diberi label agar tidak tertukar!
Jangan terlalu sering menggunakan larutan klorin ya. Kalau di luar negeri, baju yang
bau klorin aja langsung dilepas karena mereka takut efek klorin. Masak kita tiap hari
mencuci menggunakan klorin, tanpa sarung tangan tanpa masker tanpa memikirkan
efeknya untuk kesehatan. Kesehatan kita sama berharganya lho dengan kesehatan
orang luar.
What are the Properties of Chlorine? Definition of Chlorine

What is the definition of Chlorine? Clorine is a highly irritating, greenish-yellow gaseous halogen,
capable of combining with nearly all other elements, produced principally by electrolysis of sodium
chloride (common salt). The Physical and Chemical Properties are the characteristics of a substance,
like Chlorine, which distinguishes it from any other substance. Most common substances exist as
States of Matter as solids, liquids, gases and plasma. Refer to our article on Chlorine Element for
additional information and facts about this substance.

Chlorine Properties - What are the Physical Properties of Chlorine?

What are the Physical Properties of Chlorine? The Physical properties of Chlorine are the characteristics
that can be observed withoutchanging the substance into another substance. Physical properties are
usually those that can be observed using our senses such as color, luster, freezing point, boiling point,
melting point, density, hardness and odor. The Physical Properties of Chlorine are as follows:
What are the Physical Properties of Chlorine?

Color Greenish-yellow

Phase Gas

Odor Disagreeable, suffocating smell

Density About two and one-half times as dense as air

Is soluble in water. Its aqueous solution is called chlorine water which consists of a mixture of
chlorine, hydrochloric acid, and hypochlorous acid

Boiling Point The boiling point of chlorine is 34.05C

Melting Point The melting point is 101C.

Chlorine Properties - What are the Chemical Properties of Chlorine?

What are the Chemical Properties of Chlorine? They are the characteristics that determine how it
will react with other substances orchange from one substance to another. The better we know the nature
of the substance the better we are able to understand it. Chemical properties are only observable during
a chemical reaction. Reactions to substances may be brought about by changes brought about by
burning, rusting, heating, exploding, tarnishing etc. The Chemical Properties of Chlorine are as follows:

What are the Chemical Properties of Chlorine?

Chemical Formula Cl

Corrosion Highly corrosive

Toxicity Highly Toxic

Compounds PVC, hydrochloric acid and Sodium chloride (table salt)

Reactivity with metals Most metals react with dry chlorine only upon heating

Combustion Alkali metals react with chlorine by combustion when tiny amounts of moisture are present

Explosive Specific mixtures of chlorine and hydrogen can be explosive

It forms the oxides Cl2O, ClO2, O2O6, Cl2O7, and Cl2O8, as well as hypochlorites (salts of
hypochlorous acid), chlorites and chlorates

What is Chlorine? Origin / Meaning of the name Chlorine

The name originates from the Greek word 'khloros' meaning green referring to the color of the gas.

What is Chlorine? Periodic Table Group and Classification of the Chlorine Element
Elements can be classified based on their physical states (States of Matter) e.g. gas, solid or liquid. This
element is a gas. Chlorine is classified as an element in the 'Halogens' section which can be located in
group 7 of the Periodic Table. The term "halogen" means "salt-former" and compounds containing
halogens are called "salts". The halogens exist, at room temperature, in all three states of matter -
Gases such as Fluorine & Chlorine, Solids such as Iodine and Astatine and Liquid as in Bromine. For
additional facts and information refer to Chlorine Properties.

Associated Uses of Chlorine

Bleaches Chlorine dioxide Paint
Mustard gas Hypochlorous acid Insecticides
Water purification Medicines Antiseptic
Production of chlorates Plastics Paper production
What is chlorine used for?


In Europe, about 1/3 of all produced chlorine is used for the syntheses of the plastic PVC (polyvinyl
chloride) - well-know in construction for panels, doors, window frames and flooring materials. Chlorine
also plays a role in the production of polycarbonate for roof panels, car lamps and safety goggles and
of polyurethane for insulation materials, shoe soles, mattresses and seat comfort fillings.

Medicine and Safety

Chlorinated substances intervene in many agrochemicals and in the manufacturing of pharmaceuticals -

either in the synthesis of active substances or in the formula itself, for instance to make organic
compounds water soluble.

Better standard of living

Chlorine also plays a critical role in the production of thousands of commercial products we use in
everyday life. Products relying on chlorine's unique properties include everyday household items such
as computer hardware, MP3 music players and other electronic devices, sports shoes, automotive parts.

High-tech applications

But chlorine is also very important in very high-tech applications like bullet-proof vests, ultra-pure silicon
chips for solar panels and computer chips, epoxy resins for restoring old building and polycarbonate
roofing panes for design sports stadiums.
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