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Classroom Management/Motivation Plan

Haley Madson

Educational Psychology

Dr. Tracie Pollard

1 April 2017

Table of Contents

Classroom Philosophy 2

Classroom Setup and Organization...2, 3, 4

Classroom Expectations...4, 5

Classroom Procedures.5

Entering and Leaving the Classroom...5, 6

Hallway Behavior.. 6

Asking Questions6




Emergencies...7, 8



Late Work.8

Classroom Rewards...8, 9

Classroom Consequences..9

Classroom Procedures for Students with Disabilities and IEPs..9

Motivator 19, 10

Motivator 2...10

Motivator 3...10

Motivator 4..10, 11

Motivator 5....11


Classroom Philosophy

As a teacher, my philosophy focuses on the individual child and his or her educational

needs. Students need to feel comfortable, develop their communication skills, and build positive

character traits. Along with encouraging the children to grow in a positive way, children require

to be treated equally for grading and be provided with the skills they need in order to achieve the

most they can academically. In the classroom there is a lot that plays into the classroom

management and fosters all of the things just mentioned.

There are many factors that aide in classroom management for elementary teachers.

Students should have the chance and do have the ability to be independent, so the classroom they

are learning in needs to help foster that thinking and ability in the student. Classroom setup and

organization aides in students procedures for completing tasks. Classroom expectations and

procedures also help with classroom management. The classroom expectations need to be created

with the children so that they know and the teacher knows exactly what is expected of

everybody. Elementary classrooms and students need structure, so this is where and why

procedures are so important. There will be homework, so homework expectations will be

discussed along with discussion of classroom rewards and consequences, students with

disabilities, and different techniques for motivation.

Classroom Setup and Organization

As an elementary classroom, there should be color and plenty of resources for the

children to use in order to nurture student learning. The classroom should also administer an

environment where the students are able to be independent and perform jobs on their own.

Near the door there will be places to put their things, and area designated to attendance

and lunch, and a place to put their homework. If students do not have a place to put their coats

and backpacks outside of the classroom, the cubbies near the door will serve as a place to put

those things along with a place to put their personal belongings they would like to have in the

classroom. Each cubby will have a students name to make it personal and easy to find. The

attendance and lunch chart will be right next to the door so that as students arrive they are able to

complete that task right away. It will consist of a clip chart with each students name on a clip. A

portion of the chart will be designated for hot lunch, a portion designated for cold lunch, and

a portion where their names will be if they are not present and where their names will start out on

the chart. Also near the door, there will be a bin where the students will turn in important papers

or homework.

Near the front of the classroom by the whiteboard, there will be many posters that

the children and teacher created together. These posters will cover rules and expectations they

agreed upon, a daily schedule, procedures that cover different tasks, and a place where the

teacher will write down homework or other assignments. These posters will be near the front of

the classroom by the white board because this is the direction that students will be looking

towards and they will serve as constant reminders of what the students and teacher agreed upon.

They will also serve as a schedule so the students are able to see the routine every day.

Classroom desks and chairs will be placed in groups in order to allow discussion

and collaboration among peers. These groups will consist of four desks facing each other, yet

they will still be angled so that no students have their backs to the white board and are still able

to see. Each desk will be labeled with one students name, and that will be their desk for the

entire year. Each group of desks will be designated a different color for games or other activities.

Each week the tables will be switched around so that the students are constantly sitting with

different peers and are a part of a different team.


There will be a portion of the classroom that is right by the board designated for the

classroom carpet. At this carpet there will be group readings or conversation. Having the students

move from their desks to the carpet allows for a little bit of a change so that they arent always

sitting in one spot. Just as there is a carpet in the front of the classroom, there will also be a

carpet in one of the corners of the classroom. At this carpet students who need a minute to cool

down will be able to do so, and to aid that, there will be manipulatives such as a stress ball that

students are able to squish to help relieve their emotions. Also in this corner there will be an

emotion poster so that students are able to identify how they are feeling and maybe take a minute

to think about why they are feeling that way. This corner could also serve as a reading nook with

bean bags and pillows for quiet reading time.

Other places in the classroom will serve as areas for different resources such as pencils,

markers, and paper. There will be an area that has a list of jobs that the students will have each

day, and another area designated towards their artwork and projects.

Classroom Expectations

The major point of the classroom expectations is that they are student and teacher

created. It is very important that they are gone over and made together so that everybody is on

the same page for what is expected and they are reasonable to both the students and teachers.

Parents will also need to be aware of what the expectations are for their children so that if

something happens, there are no surprises.

A major key to classroom rules is that they are very straightforward so that there is no

leeway for misbehavior. Students will need to be aware of the Golden Rule which states that

you need to treat others the way you would like to be treated. The rest of the expectations will be

constructed by the students and added by the teacher. Another major key is that the expectations

are consistent and apply to everybody. It makes it easier to have them apply to everybody when

the students created them.

Along with expectations being sent home to the parents, they will also be discussed at

parent-teacher conferences to ensure the parent is aware of what their student and their peers had


Classroom Procedures

Entering and Leaving the Classroom

When entering the classroom, students are expected to maintain indoor voice levels and

complete tasks based on what time of the day it is. In the morning students will come into the

classroom, put their belongings into their cubbies, check in on the lunch chart by marking

whether they are having hot or cold lunch, and place their homework or papers for me or the

office into the homework bin. Students will then proceed to prepare themselves for the day by

making sure their pencil is sharp and they have the necessary tools for the first class of the day,

for example if it is science, they need to have their science journals out and ready to go. Students

will also need to check the job list to see what their job is for the day and complete it or a portion

of it if they can.

If it is any other time during the day, the students need to come in and sit down at their

desks. They may have conversation as long as it is quiet, if people can hear them across the

room, they are being too loud. Once at their desks students need to wait for further direction

given by the teacher.

When going to leave the classroom during the day, students need to line up at the door.

Two of the jobs will be designated to lines: line leader and line caboose, so these two people will

need to be in their spots and everybody else in between. One of the procedures that will be used

is hands on hips, bubble lips in order keep student's hands to themselves and keep them quiet.

When leaving the classroom at the end of the day there is a routine that needs to be

opposite from their morning routine. Students will gather the homework they have for that night,

move their lunch clip to starting position for the next day, and finally gather their belongings out

of their cubbies for home.

Hallway Behavior

In order to prepare to walk through the hallway, students will need to show the teacher

they are ready my using the hands on hips, bubble lips method. This method ensures that the

students have their hands to themselves and they are not speaking. It is very important to share

with the students that other classes are going on and we cant disturb them, so that is why we

have to keep a bubble in our lips. Another procedure that needs to be followed in the hallway is

to walk on the right side of the wall close to the wall so that there is room for other people to

walk by. Most importantly, students need to use walking feet.


Transitions happen often in classrooms, whether it be between subjects or between

activities. During each transition students are expected to use walking feet when going from one

place to another. Between subject transitions, students are expected to change the resources that

they need, such as switching from their science journal to their math journal. This is also the time

where they should sharpen their pencils and use the bathroom if they need to do so. Between

activity transitions students can go to get the resources they need, but need to do so quick. Also

transitions, songs may be played to give the students of about how long they have before they

need to be ready again.


Asking Questions

A major procedure that needs to be followed in the classroom is waiting to ask questions.

Students are not expected to raise their hands all the time to ask a question that is topic related

until blurting or interrupting becomes an issue. If students wait until the teacher or another peer

is finished talking, they may ask a question or make a comment as long as it is topic related.


Throughout the day there are many transitions that the students go through, and as I

mentioned before, these are the times that the students have to use the restroom if they need to. If

a student really needs to use the restroom during class time, they must grab the bathroom pass off

of the hook near my desk. The student does not need to raise their hand to go, but they do need to

tell a friend at their table in case the teacher didnt see them leave for whatever reason. This is

also the same procedure for if a student needs to go to the nurse, and in this case, going to the

nurse needs to be for something greater than a small cut that could be fixed with a bandaid- those

the teacher will have.


If a student happens to run out of the materials that are needed for the task they are

performing, they may get more of those materials from a designated area in the classroom. This

would include pencils, paper, markers, and more. Again, in the case that a students pencil

breaks, they should get one from the pencil container rather than sharpening their pencil during

class time, that can be done during a transition period.


There will be a lot of practice for different type of emergencies throughout the school,

such as an intruder. There will also be time where the teacher discusses these procedures with the

students to make sure that they remain calm and know what they are supposed to do. There is

also a possibility that there is an emergency that happens within the classroom, such as another

student having a seizure. In the case of this happening, students will need to leave the classroom

calmly and the line leader for the day needs to go tell another teacher in the classroom next to

them and the office. The rest of the students will need to quietly go to the library.



Throughout the year, there will not be a lot of homework given. As a teacher, I would like

to involve myself in the learning process as much as possible. When there is homework, there are

a few things that are expected of the students. The homework should be done to their absolute

best ability, meaning that they spend quality time working on it, as the homework that will be

done will count for a portion of their grade. If a student does not understand the homework, they

need to make it their responsibility to come talk to me because if they dont tell me, I wont

know until they turn it in for a grade.

Late Work

All homework should be turned in on time, and the students will know when it is due

because it will say so with the description of what their homework is. If the homework is late

because they didnt understand it and they came and talked to me, that student has till the end of

the day to finish it for full credit. If the homework is late because they didnt do it or forgot about

it, I will take a portion (five percent) of the points of each day it is late.

Classroom Rewards

One technique for promoting good behavior and allows the students to receive points is a

technology app called ClassDojo. Through this app, students can be rewarded for different

actions such as being on task. After the class has reached so many points, they will receive a

class reward of their choice, such as ten more minutes of recess or a small treat. This app is on

the Internet and therefore, parents are able to check in on their student at any time. There will

also be constant communication to home from the teacher of good behavior. If another student

sees a student performing a job well done and really think that they should be rewarded for it,

there will be Shout Out slips that they can turn in saying what the other student did.

Classroom Consequences

Just as there are rewards for good behavior, there will be consequences for bad behavior.

The consequence will be related to the action that was done and may require a trip to the office

or a phone call to their parent depending on the severity. The consequence will be related to the

action, but it will also be up to the student what they believe they deserve for that action.

Classroom Procedures for Students with Disabilities and IEPs

Every student should be fully involved, there should be no reason why any student would

be left out. The teacher will work to do the most as possible including working with the special

education teacher and making accommodations in order to suit the needs of the student or

students. Although the student has a disability, they are still required to engage in the same

activities just as the other children would; however, if they are having trouble, again the teacher

will work with them and the special education teacher to figure something out.

Motivator 1

Excitement! Putting excitement into every activity and subject that is learned will help

the students to become more engaged. One way you can make things more exciting is to relate it

back to the students. Ask them what ideas they have or what theyre thinking. If the teacher can

make it personal, the students will be engaged. Another way to make learning more exciting is to

accommodate to every learning style, so include reading, writing, listening, and most importantly

implement hands on activities that the students will be able to experience and manipulate.

Motivator 2

Imagination will be implemented into assignments. Students will be encouraged to think

outside of the box and push to learn something new for every assignment and activity that is

done. Thinking in different ways helps the students to have results that are unique to them, and as

I mentioned before, making the learning process personal to the student will help them to

remember the information better. Having the students conduct assignments and activities in a

way that is unique to them helps to have them fully complete an assignment and makes it more

interesting for the teacher and the student because they will usually have a lot to say about it.

Keeping imagination in the learning process allows students to create, a skill they will need

throughout their lives.

Motivator 3

I had mentioned previously that the classroom tables will be set up in groups and each

group will be a designated color. We will use the colors as teams where there will be competition

to see which students can complete a task the fastest, who can find the solution, and other

activities that will foster teamwork. These color groups will also be together for centers so that

throughout the week the same group of kids is spending a lot of time working together and

getting comfortable with everybody.

Motivator 4

Manipulatives will be used as frequently as possible; however, there will be the option for

the students to conduct the problem by writing or another method that they believe they learn the

best with. Manipulatives will always be available for the students to use and work with for them

to actually visualize the problem that they are trying to solve. These will be available for every

subject which helps the students to build and create and even use their imagination and critical

thinking skills to solve problems.

Motivator 5

Movement will be used as often within the classroom. Movement will be used in different

ways to learn and get the blood flowing. There will be class warm up activities such as Mind

Yeti that get the children moving and hopefully get their wiggles out. There will also be

movement in the learning process, such as when counting the children could clap for every

number or to learn patterns, they could also clap.


Classroom management is very important for student learning and behavior. Creating an

environment that allows the students to do things without being told helps to make them more

independent people and students. Although they can be independent, students will still need

structure at the elementary levels which can be given to them through procedures and

expectations, expectations that the teacher and student create together. Through different

techniques, students will remain engaged and motivated to do the best work that they can.

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