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Ashleigh Wood

Dr. Colombo

UWRT 1104

February 1, 2017

Why Climate Change is an Urgent Issue

For more than five decades scientists have been studying the effects of

greenhouse gases on our atmosphere. In recent years we have seen a greater emphasis on

the issue of climate change. There have been conflicting views on the significance of this

problem from scientists and politicians to every day citizens. I cannot help but wonder

why do people deny that climate change is an urgent issue?

I intend to research why climate change is an urgent issue that needs to be more

widely addressed because I want to find out how the effects of climate change will impact

our environment, how different people are affected by these changes, and why this issue

is time sensitive. The possibility of our future is terrifying to me. I want to write about

this topic to bring awareness to an issue that often goes unnoticed. I have a strong belief

in the science of climate change. Participating in an environmental ethics course has

opened my eyes and shaped my beliefs of this devastating problem. I have seen how

seemingly small acts can manifest into large-scale disasters. Populations are dying and

our ecosystem is suffering.

Our planet has been around for billions of years and in that time the environment

has evolved from literal slime to complex and intertwined ecosystems. Many species

have gone extinct for many reasons, including poaching and natural disaster. When a

population of a species fluctuates it can have a negative or positive impact on the food
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web. Extinction of a predator species may contribute to over-population of a prey species

and throws the whole ecosystem off balance. I think that extinction is extremely wretched

because animals are significantly less capable of defending themselves against humans

with weapons. The annihilation of a species could potentially change the way the

environment works.

I want to find out how dwindling numbers of tigers, elephants, and other animals

will affect our environment. I intend on researching what species have previously gone

extinct and which ones are in danger of extinction. I will look at how former extinctions

obstructed the biological network. It is important to understand how current changes can

affect our future.

Different areas of the world are disturbed in diverse ways by the effects of climate

change. Currently, America is one of the largest contributors to the destruction of the

atmosphere. Americans may not fully comprehend the severity of this issue because we

are accustomed to an indulgent lifestyle. The long, hot showers we take and vast amounts

of waste contribute to emissions. When these emissions degrade the o-zone our

atmosphere gets slightly warmer. Americans may see this as a minor change in the form

of an extra hot summer and not think much of it. However, seemingly small increases in

global temperature can potentially trigger heat waves in Africa that kill millions. It is

important to understand how personal actions contribute to the big picture.

Western society is obsessed with building bigger and better. I intend on

researching what groups will be most dramatically impacted. I will gather information

comparing energy usage of average Americans to those in other countries to truly grasp

the over-consumption. The greed of privileged people in developed countries will have
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the most impact on the poor. Island residents are in danger of losing their homes due to

rising sea levels. They cannot afford to save their homes that are being destroyed because

individuals across the globe refuse to cut their energy consumption. Climate change is the

result of ignorance, or lack of knowledge of the true impact of ones actions; people have

overlooked this issue because they have not yet seen how they are personally affected.

This issue is time sensitive because the lifestyle of larger nations will affect

undeveloped countries first and intensely. We have destroyed our planet at an alarming

rate and continue to do so. It is important to find out how much longer the planet can

sustain our habits so we can act accordingly. I will put humans time on earth into

perspective by highlighting the short amount of time we have been inhabitants on this

planet. It is imperative to recognize how much damage has been done in such a short

amount of time. It is time to look at the big picture. Some people may deny the urgency

of climate change because they do not see it as a pressing issue but that is simply not true.

Although there are other concerns that do need attention such as terrorism and social

divisions, climate change needs to be considered a priority. No other issues will matter if

we no longer have a planet to live on. Each day this issue is ignored we inch closer to the

possibility of obliteration.

This topic is easily researchable as there have been numerous studies done by

scientists. Many sources that claim climate change is a hoax are simply unreliable. It is

important that I insure the sources I find are credible and relevant. There is a lot of

research done on the causes and effects of climate change. Scientists and citizens are

aware of the damage being done by our actions but maybe not to the true extent. This
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issue matters because billions of people face death and devastation. It is crucial to

educate others in order to spread awareness and work towards a solution.

It may be difficult to convince some that climate change is more critical than

other world problems. But, the harsh reality is that if something does not get done soon

we will all perish. We are setting up future generations for complete desolation; our

planet cannot survive the abuse. Also, it may be difficult for me to research opposing

sides of this conflict. It is vital to recognize all sides of an issue no matter what your

personal stance is. I am looking to show why climate change is an urgent issue and my

research will include supposed evidence against this problem. All though I may not agree

with it, I still need to be educated on why others do not see climate change as a threat.

I hope to provide a clear and sobering understanding of the fate of humanity if we

do not change. Failure to transform an over-indulgent lifestyle could potentially lead to

the fall of humanity, which would be a catastrophe. There are easy solutions that would

dramatically impact the environment positively and buy us many more years. Simple

actions such as eating less beef, unplugging appliances when you are not home, and

recycling are extremely beneficial. These easy tasks require very little effort and could

provide a healthy environment for future generations to thrive.

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