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Reflection of ENC2135

I started this course off with absolutely no confidence in my

writing. Since I was not confident in my writing, I was not a big fan of

creative writing. I feel as though I am better at writing on the top is

close to me but when I write research papers are in else papers my

arguments tend to lie flat. I found this to be completely true during my

topic process of my composition two. I started my composition off with

the idea that I was going to write about cognitive processes in a

philosophical sense then my topic switch to personality development in

socioeconomic backgrounds. After researching both those topics and

writing essay is that were not only unenjoyable to write but it was

unenjoyable to read I found myself changing my topic to something

that was close to me. I put back my insecurities after many years and

decided to write about my personal diagnosis of multiple sclerosis. This

is a hard decision for me and was hard for me to change my topics so

late in the peer revision game however; I think it was the right choice. I

was so confident and proud of my of my significant revision from my

literacy narrative in project I and I wasnt feeling is confident in my

project II and so I changed my topic to something that I believe in. I

significantly revised my composition one after my feedback draft from

Whitney from our conference and I believe that the writing speaks for

itself. In my composition II I had some difficulties with medical issues,

which was also driving factor in me changing my topic to what is a life

like with multiple sclerosis? After many revisions of this essay I am

finally proud to put something out there that I believe in. I made that I

say very repetitive, as the disease that I have is very repetitive. I think

its symbolic essay and symbolic to me as the writer. My three-genre

composition was very enjoyable for me to create. I had a great time

trying to reach different audiences with different genres and learning

about you affordances and constraints for each and the constraints and

how those would play a role in my topic. This work that I have done in

this class has improved my confidence and types of writing and has

improved my confidence in life. Whitney thanked me for my optimism

in my first creative writing assignment and I think that helped me push

to be optimistic not only in my writing battles but in my personal

battles during this semester. Peer revision was not my strong suit. I had

comments that needed to be heard and I addressed them with the

writer in which they revised in changed so certain part to be

highlighted that I thought needed to be. However, I dont think that I

grew peer editor. It was hard for me to tell the writer about the things I

did not like in their essay so I had to dance around my actual feelings

of the work. I think the piece that I am most proud of it after this

process would be it my poem for my three genre composition but also

my literacy narrative since I saw the most improvement with that one
from my first drafts to my final. I have been pleasantly surprised with

how much this course has helped me as a writer and as a person.

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