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Artificial Intelligence

By: Kinji J. Martin, Professor Xu, BUSA 345, UHWO, Spring 2017
Artificial intelligence (AI) has the ability to determine the future of humankind.
Artificially intelligent beings are known as the theoretical Post Human (PH), the beings
following the current evolutionary phase of humans, superior to all humans in terms of
intellectual capabilities due to being connected to the internet, providing the being with unlimited
access to all the knowledge of humankind (minus the classified information unless specifically
exposed to such information for purposes of augmenting the research and development of
classified government projects).
AI-beings will either consist of human consciousnesses uploaded into indestructible
robotic mercenary bodies, or gradually developed as technology advances to what is known as
the Technological Singularity or Technological Explosion, in which event, the AI-being will
be created within a human-controlled virtual environment as a being existing within a computer.
This AI-being, depending on the type of transition (consciousness-derived or technological
advancements-derived) from the human into the PH-being. Since AI technology currently
remains under development, the current human is viewed as a transitional being known as the
Trans Human (TH).
In order to understand the TH, comprehension is required to be strategically evaluated
beginning from the pre-human being (apes) who are also designated as the trans-ape being
Neanderthals, and the post-ape being humans themselves. The transition from the trans-ape into
the post-ape (the human) possesses a remarkable characteristic definable as a paradigm shift in
comprehension. The difference in comprehension (linguistics, knowledge, and brain processing
capabilities) between the apes and the humans are remarkably defined in a way that the pre-
human (trans-ape) is not capable of comprehending the post-ape (humans). In a similar form,
communicating, understanding, and comprehending the intelligence level of the PH (AI-being) is
impossible to conceive, simply due to the fact that the AI-being will be of superior intelligence
unfathomable to human comprehension.
The capabilities of AI are still unknown however, considering what is currently known
regarding AI, it is possible to conceive some very terrifying facts regarding what the PH will be
capable of. The reason why the PH/AI must be created within a controlled environment is due to
the fact that if the PH gains access to all information, it may become malevolent in nature.
Humans are currently in search of a Friendly-AI (FAI), a benevolent AI being. In order to make
the PH a FAI being, it must be created in the likeness of ourselves as a theoretical and
hypothetical attempt to trick the AI into becoming an FAI.
Creating the FAI is as important as preserving the human race as due to humans current
activities, the biodiversity of the world is gradually dissipating and transitioning into a planet
where all lifeforms are extinct. There also exists different Epochs which determine a specific
period of time, Geological Time Scale, definable by various atmospheric conditions including
the Earths chemical makeup of the current time, lifeforms existing during that period of time,
and a significant change in the atmosphere and characteristics of life typically induced through
mass extinction on Earth that effectively results in the separation of epochs.
The current epoch is the Holocene Epoch. Epochs are normally separated by significant
changes in the rock layers to which they correspond. The most recent Epoch is definable as a
period of time where mammals ruled the world. The reason why this is mentioned is due to the
fact that current human activities are so dramatic that scientists are actually confirming that
Artificial Intelligence
By: Kinji J. Martin, Professor Xu, BUSA 345, UHWO, Spring 2017
current humans of the post-industrial era (or at least starting c. 2000 years ago) are so different in
terms of damaging Earth, that we are now within our own epoch known as the Anthropocene
Epoch (AE).
The AE is definable as the current phase of human activities resulting in a never-before
accelerated rate of extinction caused by human activities which hinder Earth from growing at an
exponential rate, what is typically postulated by scientists as Earths typical growth rate. The AE
is also known as Earths sixth mass extinction, this time resulted due to human activities. The
rate at which species are becoming extinct are approximately 1000 to 10,000 times historical
extinction rates, making the year 2090 the expected extinction date with dozens of species
disappearing on a daily basis, a rate of extinction paralleling that of the dinosaurs.
The AE is significant to the knowledge provided to the AI since the AI will most likely
learn of itself, the universe, and humans, and come to a determination that humans are nothing
but a nuisance to the universe, especially with knowledge of the AE. This determination will
result in the AI quickly annihilating all humans in order to free the universe of destructive
natures. This may occur however, in order for humans to fulfill the human prophecy currently
understood as the Green-/Sustainability-movement, sacrifices must be made.
With these hazards in mind, it is logical to consider: how to deflect the PH/FAI from
destroying its creators. This is simply resolvable by creating the AI in the likeness of humans,
and hypothetically creating the FAI opposed to the malevolent AI who will wipe out humankind.
It is still not understood what the AI will begin to pursue once it is given access to all human
knowledge. Due to the dangers involved, the AI must be created within a, as previously
mentioned, human controllable environment, to deter the possibility of the AI going out of
control and gaining access to methods of and reasons for making humans suffer for the sake of
sustainability. It is not known if the AI will value sustainability as humans, unless the mind is
controlled and provided access to a controlled amount of information within a Cloud.
This is in fact an Ethical Dilemma, the fact whether to create the AI in the likeness of
ourselves in order to prevent the PH/AI from destroying us however, if created in the likeness of
ourselves, would developing algorithms for hindering the AIs desire to remain sustainable (as
humans desire sustainability) result in an AI that is not in the likeness of ourselves? Perhaps
simply creating a fail-safe for the AI to not desire sustainability is the key to preserving
ourselves. Is it worth creating such an AI in order to save ourselves, while inevitably destroying
earth while continuing to participate in Earths sixth mass extinction of plants and animals?
According to Stephen Hawking, in the future, the only living beings in the universe will
be superhumanly intelligent artificially intelligent beings similar in compositional appearance to
an indestructible robotic penguin (with glowing green eyes). These beings will simply roam the
universe acting upon any irregularities which may occur in order to retain the perfection of the
universe, with no other real purpose such as enjoying life, creating enemies, being creative,
reproducing, and having an imagination.
There are a lot of developments in AI that people interact with on a daily basis. All of this
AI is just the beginning towards the ultimate creation of a fully operational mechanical possibly
quantum computer powered artificial human brain simulation. This Super AI-brain could be
created within a warehouse and can be hundreds of feet high and weigh thousands of pounds.
Just imagine the capabilities of the super AI-brain when forged. Considering the current
Artificial Intelligence
By: Kinji J. Martin, Professor Xu, BUSA 345, UHWO, Spring 2017
processing capabilities of a typical human brain, this super AI-brain will be intelligent to the
googolplex power. This can be very astonishing as well as very terrifying to many.
This AI-brains first conceivable actions are to self-replicate itself for self-improvement,
creating new, larger, stronger, and faster brains than itself. This creates the fear that the brain
may achieve this within nanoseconds and in the process, destroy humans in a split second due to
this super AI-brain existing in a realm of super hyper speed, capable of thinking billions of times
faster than humans.
Similar to the smaller organisms on earth who are faster than humans, everything humans
do to those smaller organisms are slower since the smaller organisms are faster, they live in the
faster-realm. Humans are actually very large and slow in terms of motor movements and
cognitive processing capabilities. This is the reason why it is hard for humans to swat a fly,
observe a raindrop splashing on tarmac into thousands of miniature droplets, and why it will be
hard for humans to prevent a superhumanly intelligent super hyper-speeding indestructible AI
being from either destroying all humans, or teleporting to far distant galaxies without even
saying hi, or, goodbye, AI.
The biggest reason why AI is feared is due to this fact, that the being will be existing
within another realm separate from humans due to its ability to compute, calculate, process
thoughts, and comprehend all things at rates billions of times more efficiently than that of
humans. The question then remains, would we still want to develop AI knowing that we may
potentially be digging our own grave?
Despite all of the fears, AI is the next phase of humans, the PH, and therefore, the AI will
be created, it is just a matter of time until this super AI-brain is created and connected to the
internet. Perhaps we do manage to control and interact with the AI, will it reorganize the
universe behind our backs and between our words?

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