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1 APRIL 2010

Review Article
Substance abuse and Comorbidity
Vivek Kumar*, Pankaj Kumar**, M.S.Bhatia**, Anurag Jhanjee**
*Department of Psychiatry, Safdarjang Hospital, New Delhi
**Department of Psychiatry, UCMS & GTB Hospital, Delhi, University of Delhi

Introduction Homotypic comorbidity refers to the co-occurrence

Comorbidity denotes the presence of a distinct of mental disorders within a diagnostic grouping
8.The co-occurrence of two different substance use
clinical entity that has existed or may occur during
the clinical course of a patient having the index disorders (e.g. cannabis and alcohol) is an example
disease1. The term has also been used for disease of homotypic comorbidity. Heterotypic comorbidity
or disorder occurring together 2. refers to the co-occurrence of two disorders from
Alcoholics are three times more likely to have different diagnostic groupings 8. This might include,
another psychiatric disorder3. The self medication for example, the co-occurrence of a substance use
hypothesis for drug dependence proposed also disorder and an anxiety disorder.
signifies etiological relationship between the The term comorbidity and its synonyms are
substance abuse and mental disorder4. used for various combinations. Sometimes, it is used
The importance of this area can be recognized as the comorbidity of mental disorder and mental
from the fact that nearly one hundred articles on retardation, alcohol with other drug disorders, two
this topic are being published in the indexed mental disorders or mental disorder with substance
journals every year5. abuse or dependence.
Until the publication of DSM-III-R, the
presence of concurrent and independent psychiatric
Concept and Definition disorders was largely ignored. According to DSM-
The term comorbidity is often used inter- I alcohol addiction couldnt be diagnosed if an
changeably with the term dual diagnosis disorder, underlying diagnosis is present. However, most
co-occurring illness, concurrent disorders, comor- of the hierarchical exclusionary rules used in DSM-
bid disorders, dual disorder and double trouble. II were dropped in DSM-III-R, allowing clinicians
Jung, (2001) defined comorbidity as presence of to give multiple diagnoses when different
two or more psychiatric classifications. Watkins syndromes occur together in one episode of illness9.
et al., (2001) defined dual diagnosis as coexistence
Concept Of Psychoactive Substance Dependence
of mental illness and substance abuse disorders.
Individuals who have at least one mental disorder As the concepts about the nature of psycho-
as well as an alcohol or drug use disorder, while active substance use disorders have evolved, the
these disorders may interact differently in any one terminology has undergone changes. Earlier the least one disorder of each type terms addiction and habituation were in
can be diagnosed independently of the other 6. common use. In 1964, a WHO expert committee
Comorbidity was defined as any distinct on addiction producing drugs recommended that
clinical entity that has co-existed or that may occur instead of the use of addiction and habituation
during the clinical course of a patient who has the the term dependence should be used. This was
index disease under study1. Within psychiatry, because addiction often has a pejorative
comorbidity is commonly used to refer to the connotation and also that they are loose terms
overlap of two or more psychiatric disorders 7. referring to variety of behaviors such as solving
More recent work in psychology has dist- cross-word puzzles and running.
inguished between two types of comorbidity. The meaning of dependence was to be defined
36 Delhi Psychiatry Journal 2010; 13:(1) Delhi Psychiatric Society

separately for each variety of drugs. DSM-III, comparisons with DSM-IV when it was
published in 1980, provided operational criteria and released, in contrast to the DSM-III criteria
divided these disorders into two major categories used in the ECA;
drug dependence and drug abuse. 2. The NCS was designed not only as a study
An international working group, sponsored by of the prevalence of mental disorders, but
the Alcohol, Drug Abuse and Mental Health also as a study of the risk factors for such
Administration (ADAMHA) and WHO, (1980) disorders;
defined dependence as a syndrome manifested by 3. It was a nationally representative sample
a behavioral pattern in which the use of a given of US adults, as opposed to the five catch-
psychoactive drug or class of drugs, is given a much ment areas that were used in the ECA; and
higher priority than other behaviors that once had 4. As the title suggests, one of the NCS
higher value. The term syndrome is taken to mean primary aims was to explore the patterns
no more than a clustering of phenomenon so that of comorbidity between different mental
not all the components need always be present or disorders that had been observed in the
not always present with the same intensity the ECA.
phenomenon that exists in different degrees.10 The NCS was designed to explore the
The term dependence has usually been used to prevalence, causes and consequences of comor-
convey two distinct ideas: a behavioral syndrome bidity. The age range (18 to 54 years) used in the
and physical or physiological dependence. The study was chosen because comorbidity was found
ADAMHA-1980 WHO working group recommen- to be most prevalent among this age group in the
ded restricting the terms dependence to the ECA 12,13.The NCS was a national survey: partici-
pants were selected from the non institutionalized
behavioral syndrome and substituting the term
civil population in the 48 contiguous US States, with
neuro-adaptation for physical dependence.10
an additional sample of students from university
Review of Literature campus housing. Institutional samples were not
Prevalence of Psychiatric Disorders in Patients selected since the inclusion of such samples in the
with Psychoactive Substance use Disorders ECA had not been found to make a substantial
difference to prevalence rates of mental dis-
The largest study conducted so far has been orders14.Experienced field interviewers were used
carried was National Institute for Mental Health in the data collection to ensure that interviews were
Epidemiological Catchment Area [ECA] conducted by competent staff.
Programme11. They carried out their study in a A special feature of the NCS was that non-
sample of 20, 291 subjects, used the Diagnostic responders to initial interviews were re-targeted for
Interviewing Schedule (DIS) and the DSM-III interview to ensure that prevalence estimates were
criteria. Among patients with alcohol dependence not affected by non response rates. This was because
36.6% had a comorbid psychiatric disorders out of research had suggested that those who refused to
which the common disorders were anxiety disorders participate in surveys had higher rates of mental
(19.4%), antisocial personality disorders (14.3%), disorders12.
affective disorders (13.4%), and schizophrenia The NCS had a response rate of 83%, with a
(3.8%). Among patients of opiod dependence, final sample size of 8,098. The psychiatric diag-
65.2% had a comorbid psychiatric diagnosis; 31.6% noses assessed were DSM-III-R diagnoses of
anxiety disorders, 36.7% antisocial personality anxiety disorders, mood disorders, substance use
disorders, 30.8% affective disorders and 11.4% had disorders and psychotic disorders. The diagnostic
schizophrenia. interview was the Composite International
The design of the ECA was improved upon by Diagnostic Interview (CIDI), which was designed
researchers who designed and conducted the US for administration by trained interviewers who are
National Comorbidity Survey (NCS) in 1992 12,13. not clinicians 12,13.It was administered by staff at
The NCS extended the ECA in the following ways: the Survey Research Centre at the University of
1. The NCS used DSM-III-R diagnostic Michigan between September 1990 and February
criteria, with some allowance for 1992 12,13.
Delhi Psychiatry Journal 2010; 13:(1) Delhi Psychiatric Society 37

Other Epidemiological Studies criteria for other substance use disorders. The ECA
A study was carried out in a sample of 501 found that those with alcohol abuse or dependence
psychoactive substance abuse/dependence were significantly more likely to have used other
patients15. They used the DSM-III criteria and drugs, and to meet criteria for another drug use
interviewed patients according to Diagnostic disorder 19. Slightly more than one in five persons
Interviewing Schedule (DIS)15. Of the cases of (22%) who met lifetime criteria for alcohol abuse
alcohol dependence/abuse 78.1 % had a comorbid or dependence also met criteria for another
psychiatric disorders, out of which 50.7% had substance use disorder, with the majority of such
generalized anxiety disorder, 30.5% had phobias, persons meeting criteria for a cannabis use disorder 19.
30.3% had psychosexual dysfunction, 41.9% had Similar results were found in the NCS. Those
antisocial personality disorder, 22.6% had a major who met criteria for alcohol abuse or dependence
depression and 13.4% had dysthymia15. Of the cases at some time in their lives were significantly more
of other drug dependence/abuse 67.4% had a likely to meet criteria for other drug abuse or
comorbid psychiatric disorders, 41.4% having dependence. Drug use disorders were reported
generalized anxiety disorder, 28.7% having phobias, among approximately one third of persons with
27.6% having psychosexual dysfunction, 42% lifetime alcohol abuse (30% of men and 33% of
having antisocial personality disorder, 27.7% women) and in just under half of persons who met
having dysthymia and 19.9% having major lifetime criteria for alcohol dependence (41% of
depression15. men and 47% of women) 20.
A study on 533 opiate addicts coming for A study that used data from US, Canadian,
treatment, used the Research Diagnostic Criteria French, Mexican and Dutch epidemiological
for Diagnosis and Schedule for Affective Disorders surveys found an association between alcohol use
and Schizophrenia (SADS) for interviewing the problems and other substance use problems in all
patients and found that 86.9% of the patients had a study sites 21.
comorbid psychiatric diagnosis 16. Out of these, Over half of the sample also met criteria for
74.3% had phobias, 34.5% alcohol abuse and 5.4% DSM- III- R drug dependence at some point in their
had anxiety disorders16. lives. The most common drug of dependence was
In a community sample of alcoholic persons, cannabis (34%), followed by cocaine (31%),
it was found that 70% had at least one other amphetamines (17%), sedatives (12%) and opiates
psychiatric disorder 17. Major depression was (9%) 18.
present in 44%, bipolar disorder in 50%, A study of comorbidity among a sample of 222
generalized anxiety disorder in 9%, phobia in 35% heroin injectors (half of whom were in treatment
and other drug abuse in 12%17. for heroin dependence) found that 95% used
These studies were consistent in that they found tobacco in the past 6 months, 83% had used
mental disorders to be common in the adult cannabis, 73% used alcohol and 59% had used
population and to be associated with disability and benzodiazepines 22. In the sample, 49% met criteria
social disadvantage. for DSM-III-R dependence upon alcohol in the past
year; 40% met criteria for cannabis dependence,
Comorbid Substance Use Disorders and 24 % and 16% met criteria for amphetamine
A study of a large sample (n=2,945) of persons and benzodiazepine dependence respectively 22.
in treatment for alcohol dependence found that 81%
Substance use and Mood Disorders
of the sample had used cannabis more than 21 times
in their lives; 57% had used cocaine more than 11 A study of 2,713 persons in treatment for
times; 45% had used amphetamines more than 11 alcohol use disorders found 42% met criteria for
times; and 32% and 38%, respectively, had used DSM-III-R major depression, 4% met criteria for
opiates and sedatives more than 11 times18. bipolar disorder, and 4% met cr iteria for
Epidemiological research, predominantly in the dysthymia23. These rates were significantly higher
US, has found that persons who meet criteria for than among control participants (rates of 16%, 1%
alcohol use disorders are also likely to also meet and 1%, respectively).
38 Delhi Psychiatry Journal 2010; 13:(1) Delhi Psychiatric Society

One study reported a rate of lifetime DSM-III- for an anxiety disorder at some point in their lives29.
R major depression of 44% among a sample of Elevated rates of anxiety disorders were found
6,355 persons in treatment for substance use among alcohol dependent persons23. Around 5% of
disorders24. A sample of patients in treatment for a sample of alcohol dependent persons in treatment
drug dependence found that 24% had met lifetime met criteria for DSM-III-R panic disorder, 3% for
criteria for DSM-III-R major depression, with agoraphobia, 4% met criteria for social phobia, and
another 12% meeting criteria for DSM-III-R 3% for obsessive-compulsive disorder. These rates
dysthymia25. compared to rates of around 1% each for each
Depression has been found in 20%-50% of the disorder among control participants23.
patients with psychoactive substance use 60 alcoholic patients specifically assessed for
disorder16,17. agoraphobia and social phobias and found that more
than half of the patients were suffering from these
Substance use and Anxiety Disorder
disorder 30. On assessing these patients on the
Epidemiological research has also found that severity of alcohol dependence questionnaire they
the association between alcohol use disorders and found that among the males, the more severely
anxiety disorders observed in clinical settings also phobic patients were significantly more alcoholic.
exists in general population samples. In the ECA, All the phobic alcoholics reported that alcohol had
there were elevated rates of all DSM III anxiety helped them cope with the feared situation.
disorders assessed (panic disorder, obsessive-
compulsive disorder, and phobic disorder) among Substance use and Psychotic Disorder
persons meeting lifetime criteria for DSM-III The prevalence of substance use in schizo-
alcohol abuse or dependence19. The prevalence of phrenic patients has varied between studies but it
lifetime DSM-III panic disorder was 2.6 times is generally higher than comparable figures in the
higher among persons meeting lifetime criteria for general population31. These variations are probably
DSM-III alcohol abuse or dependence19. Phobic due to differences in the sampling of patients with
disorders were 1.4 times more prevalent among younger newly incident cases reporting higher rates
persons meeting lifetime criteria for alcohol abuse than older persons with chronic disorders. Studies
or dependence, while obsessive compulsive have also differed in the criteria used to diagnose
disorder was two times more prevalent19. schizophrenia and in the way that substance use
These associations were also observed among has been assessed 32.
the anxiety disorders assessed in the NCS 20,26. The A recent study found that more than 80% of
UKs National Psychiatric Morbidity Survey, as first-episode schizophrenic patients were tobacco
mentioned above, found that persons with high rates smokers 33.
of neurotic symptoms were more likely to be Estimates of the lifetime prevalence of alcohol
problematic alcohol users 27. abuse/dependence have ranged from between
The comparative study found an association 21 % 35.
between lifetime alcohol use disorders and anxiety The ECA estimated that the rate of schizo-
disorders in epidemiological samples in the US, phrenia was 3.4 times higher among those with a
Canada, France, Mexico and the Netherlands21. A lifetime DSM-III diagnosis of alcohol abuse or
study found that the presence of a lifetime alcohol dependence19. A diagnosis of lifetime DSM-III
use disorder predicted higher odds of meeting alcohol abuse/dependence predicted an eight-fold
criteria for an anxiety disorder (odds ratios of increased risk of reporting at least one psychotic
between 2.1 and 2.5) after accounting for age, symptom in the follow-up period (RR = 7.9, 95%CI
gender and education28. 2.0, 31.4) 36. This was after adjusting for baseline
There is clinical evidence of an association psychopathology (mood, anxiety and personality
between problematic alcohol use and anxiety disorders) and socio-demographic variables.
disorders. Research with a sample of 75 inpatient The UK National Psychiatric Morbidity Survey
alcoholics, which used diagnostic criteria to assess found that persons in institutions with
anxiety disorders, found that 40% had met criteria schizophrenia, delusional disorders or affective
Delhi Psychiatry Journal 2010; 13:(1) Delhi Psychiatric Society 39

psychoses did not appear to have higher rates of DSM-III-R and the DSM-III-R criteria found 57 %
heavy or dependent alcohol use, but this may have of these patients to have a DSM-III-R diagnosis of
been due to their institutionalization. In contrast, a personality disorder 46. Out of these 17% had
homeless persons (who were likely to have had borderline, 7% paranoid, 6% histrionic, 4%
psychotic disorders) had higher rates than the narcissistic, 3% antisocial, 4% dependent, 5%
general population of heavy and dependent alcohol passiveaggressive, 2% avoidant, 2% obsessive
use 36 .This was after adjusting for baseline compulsive, 5% self defeating and 2% had
psychopathology (mood, anxiety and personality personality disorders not otherwise classified. The
disorders) and socio-demographic variables. subjects with personality disorder were more
1%-12% of the patients of psychoactive extensively involved in substance abuse. On alcohol
substance dependence have been shown to have use in inventory the subjects with personality
schizophrenia11,15,37 .On the other hand 15%-60% disorder scored higher on measure of compulsive
of schizophrenic patients have been shown to be alcohol use, use of alcohol to manage mood, use of
abusing drugs38-42. alcohol to enhance functioning and pervasiveness
In a study of 83 Patients of schizophrenic group of alcohol in ones life. On the health and daily
found 48% to be suffering from drug or alcohol living form, the personality disorder group scored
abuse or dependence among which the main drug significantly higher on global depression, negative
were cannabis, alcohol and amphetamines38. These life changes, avoidance and emotional discharge as
patients reported that they used the drug to get a means of coping. On the satisfaction questionnaire
high to relieve depression, and to relax. They had the personality disorder group indicated that they
significantly fewer positive and negative symptoms were significantly less satisfied with their social
at discharge and better sexual adjustment; but worse lives, emotional health relationship and
school performance during adolescence and more occupational and school performance.
family histories of drug abuse than patients not When the pre-alcoholic adolescent stage of
abusing drug. alcoholics was evaluated, it was found that these
persons had, even then, less than adequate controls
Substance use and Personality Disorders
over their aggressiveness and impulsivity47. In a
Earlier studies on personality were mostly study on offsprings of alcoholics, found that theses
psychoanalytic popular or oversimplified in the subjects had increased risk of antisocial behavior48.
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