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NIM: 24103203
Date of Final Project Examination (21 September 2011)
Date of Graduation Convocation (29 October 2011)
Postgraduate Program, Institut Teknologi Bandung, 2011
Final Project Counselor 1: Dr. Ir. Mustika Sufiati Purwanegara, M.Sc.
Final Project Counselor 2: Drs. Herry Hudrasyah, MA.


Although batik has been worn since ancient time by Indonesian, yet batik as
popular daily costume did not become widespread until relatively recent times. Due to
UNESCOs recognition for batik as one of the world intangible heritage from Indonesia,
nationwide, the batik industry is growing rapidly. Batik is no longer for formal occasion
or an old-people clothes. Nowadays, batik can be worn in anytime, by anybody of any
age, including children.
Asayani Batik Little is a batik brand from HASAN Bandungs Batik a small
medium company that is known as instigator of Bandungs Batik, which specializes to
serve the need of batik for kids. It comes in a unique motif, unlike others brand, it applies
batik motif on fabric that represent the child characteristic and it is made with educational
purpose within it. However over this two years, the contribution sales of this product to
overal companys total sales is very low. Averagely, the sales contribution is less than 5
percent. Only on few periods, which are the exhibition periods, the product can get tens
million rupiah of product sales.
This study explores the sales problem of Asayani Batik Little using several
analysis. The relevant external environment factors that may force batik industry and can
harm the companys business is analyzed with Porters Five Forces model. The
companys resources, capabilities and core competencies is determined to identify what
company can and can not do. Then the segmentation, targeting and positioning of
Asayani Batik Little will be analyzed. The purchasing behavior of existing and potential
customer is also explored to get insight about how customers move through sequence of
steps leading to a decision to purchase a particular brand of childrens clothing. Finally,
the existing marketing strategy (marketing mix) of Asayani Batik Little is examined to
describe the symptoms and errors within it, in order to formulate the root causes.
The unwritten positioning statement, as the place to meet buyer there is strong
dependence on the exhibition that is not attended continously and companys gallery that
is difficult to reach, and the lack of marketing action as well as less consistent and
sustainable promotion activities are three of the root causes of Asayani Batik Littles sales
discrepancy. Therefore, to overcome those root causes, the company management should
formulate positioning statement in written form. Provide new distribution place, which
close to customer and support the product positioning. Last but not the least, the
management should develop promotion strategy which is composed of six elements:
advertising, personal selling, sales promotion, direct marketing, internet marketing and
public relations. Each of the solutions will be given in two type of scenario based on the
budgeting estimation the affordable and the ideal scenario.

Keyword: Marketing Strategy, Marketing Mix, Low Sales Contribution, Promotion

Strategy, Batik, Batik for Kids, Asayani Batik Little.



NIM: 24103203
Tanggal Lulus Ujian Akhir (21 September 2011)
Tanggal Wisuda (29 Oktober 2011)
Program Pascasarjana, Institut Teknologi Bandung, 2011
Pembimbing 1: Dr. Ir. Mustika Sufiati Purwanegara, M.Sc.
Pembimbing 2: Drs. Herry Hudrasyah, MA.


Sekalipun batik telah dipakai sejak dahulu, namun penggunaan batik sebagai
pakaian sehari-hari baru berlangsung beberapa waktu belakangan ini. Terutama sejak
pengakuan UNESCO atas batik sebagai salah satu warisan budaya dunia tak berwujud
yang berasal dari Indonesia, industri batik makin berkembang pesat. Batik tidak lagi
hanya dipakai untuk acara formal atau pakaian kaum tua. Saat ini, batik dapat dipakai
kapan saja, oleh siapa saja di segala lapisan umur, termasuk anak-anak.
Asayani Batik Little adalah merk batik dari HASAN Bandungs Batik perusahaan
kecil menengah yang dikenal sebagai penggagas Batik Bandung, mengkhususkan diri
untuk melayani kebutuhan batik anak dengan motif unik, berbeda dengan yang lainnya,
motif batik tersebut mencermikan karakter anak-anak dan bahkan dibuat dengan tujuan
edukasi. Akan tetapi, selama dua tahun, kontribusi penjualan produk ini terhadap total
penjualan perusahaan sangat rendah, rata-rata dibawah 5 persen kecuali pada masa
pameran produk ini dapat mencetak penjualan produk hingga jutaan rupiah.
Studi ini mengeskplorasi masalah penjualan Asayani Batik Little melalui beberapa
analisa. Lingkungan eksternal yang akan mendesak industri batik dan dapat
membahayakan bisnis perusahaan dianalisa dengan model Porters Five Forces. Sumber
daya, kapabilitas dan kompetensi inti ditentukan untuk mengidentifikasi apa yang dapat
dan tidak dapat dilakukan perusahaan berkaitan dengan Asayani Batik Little.
Selanjutnya adalah analisa segmentasi, targeting dan positioning. Perilaku belanja dari
konsumen dan pembeli potensial juga diteliti guna memahami bagaimana konsumen
melalui sekian banyak langkah berurutan yang mengarah pada keputusan pembelian
sebuah merk pakaian anak. Pada akhirnya, strategi pemasaran (bauran pemasaran)
Asayani Batik Little saat ini diperiksa sehingga dapat menjelaskan gejala dan kesalahan
pada strategi tersebut yang kemudian dipakai untuk merumuskan akar permasalahan.
Tidak tertulisnya kalimat positioning, adanya ketergantungan terhadap pameran
yang tidak diikuti secara berkala dan galeri perusahaan yang sulit dijangkau sebagai
tempat bertemu pembeli, dan kurangnya kegiatan pemasaran bersamaan dengan
kurangnya aktivitas promosi yang konsisten dan terus-menerus dilakukan merupakan
akar masalah dari ketimpangan penjualan produk Asayani Batik Little. Untuk
mengatasinya, maka perusahaan harus membuat kalimat positioning yang tertulis,
menyediakan tempat distribusi baru yang mudah dijangkau pembeli dan harus
membangun strategi promosi yang disusun atas enam elemen: iklan, personal selling,
promosi penjualan, direct marketing, pemasaran internet dan public relation. Setiap
solusi yang diberikan akan tersedia dalam dua tipe skenario berdasarkan perkiraan dana
yang dibutuhkan, yaitu skenario terjangkau dan skenario ideal.

Kata Kunci: Strategi Pemasaran, Kontribusi Penjualan Rendah, Strategi Promosi, Batik,
Batik Anak, Asayani Batik Little.




NIM : 29109329

Master of Business Administration Program

School of Business and Management
Institut Teknologi Bandung


Final Project Counselor 1, Final Project Counselor 2,

(Dr. Ir. Mustika S. Purwanegara, M.Sc) (Drs. Herry Hudrasyah, MA)


Praise the Almighty God for His blessing upon me in completing this Final Project as a
requirement to complete the study in Master of Business Administration Program, School
of Business and Management, Institut Teknologi Bandung. Hopefully, this Final Project
result would give a better understanding related with marketing strategy in batik industry.
For Hasan Bandungs Batik, this research provide the proposed solution for the
implementation of marketing strategy especially the formulation of positioning statement,
a new distribution place and integrated promotion activities in order to help the firm to
improve the Asayani Batik Little sales performance.

On this opportunity, I would like to express my gratitude to all those who have helped,
Dr. Ir. Mustika Sufiati Purwanegara, MSc. as Final Project Counselors 1.
Drs. Herry Hudrasyah, MA. as Final Project Counselors 2.
Sania Sari, SE. MM. as General Manager of Hasan Bandungs Batik, Tri Asayani,
S.Sn. as Design Manager of Hasan Bandungs Batik and Ranityarani, S.S. as
Marketing Manager of Hasan Bandungs Batik.

I would like to express a special thanks to my awesome parents Yohan Salea and Since,
and to my beloved little brothers Rinaldi Salea and Yehezkiel Salea for their support and
prayers. Also to my best friend WoWo: Adinda Dwiastuti, Edhita Paradevi, Maria Alfa
Raniadita and Melvina Pascaline for such lovable friendship during my postgraduate time
and the D 3417 AN syndicate and MBA ITB fellow students of 42 Regular for the
unforgettable learning experience

Criticisms and suggestions for research excellence are very welcomed and hopefully this
research can provide benefits for those in need.

Bandung, September 2011

Trisya Kansya Salea


VALIDATION PAGE.............................................................................................v
TABLE OF CONTENTS........................................................................................ix
LIST OF FIGURES..............................................................................................xiii
LIST OF TABLES...............................................................................................xvii
LIST OF APPENDIXES......................................................................................xix
CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION...........................................................................1
1.1 Background..............................................................................................1
1.2 Company Profile......................................................................................3
1.2.1 Company History..........................................................................4
1.2.2 Vission and Mission......................................................................6
1.2.3 Organization Structure..................................................................7
1.2.4 Products.........................................................................................8
1.2.5 Unit Analysis................................................................................9
1.3 Business Issue........................................................................................10
CHAPTER 2 BUSINESS ISSUE EXPLORATION............................................15
2.1 Conceptual Framework.........................................................................15
2.2 Industry Analysis...................................................................................16
2.2.1 Threat of New Entrants...............................................................18
2.2.2 Threat of Product Subtitutes.......................................................19
2.2.3 Bargaining Power of Supplier.....................................................20
2.2.4 Bargaining Power of Buyer........................................................22
2.2.5 Intensity of Rivalry Among Existing Competitors.....................23
2.3 Internal Analysis....................................................................................25
2.3.1 Resources and Capabilities.........................................................25 Tangible Resources.......................................................26

ix Intangible Resources.....................................................27 Capabilities....................................................................29
2.3.2 Core Competencies.....................................................................30
2.4 Competitor Analysis..............................................................................33
2.5 Customer Analysis.................................................................................39
2.5.1 Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning (STP)........................39
2.5.2 Customer Profile and Purchasing Behavior................................41
2.5.3 Market Potential..........................................................................46
2.6 Current Marketing Strategy Analysis....................................................47
2.6.1 Product........................................................................................48
2.6.2 Price............................................................................................51
2.6.3 Place............................................................................................52
2.6.4 Promotion....................................................................................58
2.6.5 Process........................................................................................60
2.6.6 People.........................................................................................64
2.6.7 Physical Evidence.......................................................................65
2.7 Root Causes...........................................................................................66
CHAPTER 3 BUSINESS SOLUTION................................................................71
3.1 Alternative Business Solution...............................................................71
3.1.1 Positioning Formula....................................................................71
3.1.2 Alternative Distribution Place Strategy......................................75
3.1.3 Alternative Promotion Strategy..................................................77 Advertising....................................................................79 Personal Selling.............................................................81 Sales Promotion.............................................................82 Direct Marketing...........................................................82 Interactive / Internet Marketing.....................................84 Public Relations.............................................................86
3.2 Business Solution Analysis...................................................................87
3.2.1 Positioning Statement.................................................................87
3.2.2 New Distribution Place...............................................................89

3.2.3 Promotion Strategy.....................................................................93 Advertising....................................................................94 Personal Selling.............................................................97 Sales Promotion.............................................................98 Direct Marketing.........................................................101 Interactive / Internet Marketing...................................104 Public Relations...........................................................108
3.3 Recommendation.................................................................................110
CHAPTER 4 IMPLEMENTATION PLAN......................................................115
4.1 Implementation Plan...........................................................................115
4.2 Resource Requirement........................................................................117


Figure 1.1 Organization Structure of HASAN Bandungs Batik................ 7

Figure 1.2 Products and Brand Categorization in HASAN Bandungs
Batik........................................................................................... 9
Figure 1.3 The One-Year Data of Product Sales in HASAN Bandungs
Batik........................................................................................... 12
Fiure 1.4 The Satisfaction Score of Asayani Batik Little Given by Five
Sample of Existing Customer.................................................... 13
Figure 1.5 The Number of Young Population and Total Population of
Indonesia for 2005, 2008 and 2010).......................................... 13
Figure 2.1 Conceptual Framework.............................................................. 15
Figure 2.2 The Five Forces That Shape Industry Competition................... 17
Figure 2.3 The Batik Industry Growth in Indonesia................................... 19
Figure 2.4 Other Types of Traditional Fabrics in Indonesia....................... 20
Figure 2.5 Several Materials Required in Making Batik............................. 21
Figure 2.6 The Five Forces Analysis of Batik Industry.............................. 24
Figure 2.7 The Products of Asayani Batik Littles Competitors................. 36
Figure 2.8 Socio Economic Status (SES) of Indonesia in 2010 Based on
AGB Nielsen Research.............................................................. 41
Figure 2.9 The Existing Customer Profile of Asayani Batik Little (in
Percentage)................................................................................. 41
Figure 2.10 Survey Result About the Source of Information........................ 42
Figure 2.11 Survey Result that Used to Analyze the Alternative
Evaluation Stage....................................................................... 43
Figure 2.12 Survey Result that Used to Analyze the Purchase Decision
Stage........................................................................................... 44
Figure 2.13 The Customer (Existing & Potential) Purchasing Behavior of
Asayani Batik Little (Kerin et. al. 2004, p.129)......................... 45

Figure 2.14 The Rough Calcultaion of Market Potential for the Asayani
Batik Little................................................................................. 46
Figure 2.15 The Extended Matketing Mix (7Ps) for Asayani Batik Little.... 47
Figure 2.16 Asayani Batik Little: Main Product........................................... 49
Figure 2.17 Asayani Batik Little: Complementary Product.......................... 50
Figure 2.18 Brand Label and Price Tag of Asayani Batik Little................... 50
Figure 2.19 The Exhibition Booths of Asayani Batik Little.......................... 53
Figure 2.20 The HASAN Studio................................................................... 54
Figure 2.21 The Location Map of HASAN Studio at Cigadung................... 54
Figure 2.22 The Inside Look of HASAN Studio........................................... 56
Figure 2.23 The Screenshot of Asayani Batik Little Facebook Page............ 57
Figure 2.24 The Screenshot of HASAN Bandungs Batik website.............. 58
Figure 2.25 The Production Process of Asayani Batik Little........................ 61
Figure 2.26 The Complete Flow of Production Process of Asayani Batik
Little........................................................................................... 62
Figure 2.27 The Complete Flow of Marketing and Sales Process of
Asayani Batik Little................................................................... 63
Figure 2.28 Business Card and Brochure of Asayani Batik Little................ 65
Figure 2.29 Product Packaging of All HASAN Bandungs Batik Products 66
Figure 2.30 Root Cause of Asayani Batik Little Sales Problem................... 69
Figure 3.1 Key Positioning Question and Positioning Formula.................. 72
Figure 3.2 Key Positioning Question and Positioning Formula for
Asayani Batik Little................................................................... 73
Figure 3.3 Designing Promotion Strategy................................................. 78
Figure 3.4 Key Categories for Internet User in Indonesia Compare to
World Wide Average................................................................. 84
Figure 3.5 Survey Result of Most-Frequent Visited Place Categorize
Based on Location...................................................................... 89
Figure 3.6 The Screenshot of The Urban Mama Website (as reference) 96
Figure 3.7 Survey Result of Preferred Product Design and Color.............. 99
Figure 3.8 The Most Appealing Product of Asayani Batik Little............... 100

Figure 3.9 The Screenshot of Alleira Batik Website (as reference)........ 102
Figure 3.10 The Screenshot of Threadless Website (as reference)........... 103
Figure 3.11 The Screenshot of Search Engine Result on Keyword: batik
anak........................................................................................... 105
Figure 3.12 The Screenshot of OshKoshBGosh (left) and Bubble
Girl (right) Facebook Fan Page (as reference)........................ 106
Figure 3.13 The Five Ts of WOM Marketing............................................... 107
Figure 3.14 The Screenshot of Little Heirloom Twitter Account (as
reference)................................................................................... 108
Figure 3.15 The Profile of Chosen Public Figures........................................ 110


Table 1.1 The Products Description of HASAN Bandungs Batik............. 8

Table 2.1 Tangible Resource of HASAN Bandungs Batik........................ 26
Table 2.2 Intangible Resource of HASAN Bandungs Batik...................... 28
Table 2.3 The Capabilities of HASAN Bandungs Batik............................ 29
Table 2.4 The Core Competencies of HASAN Bandungs Batik............... 31
Table 2.5 The Analysis of Asayani Batik Littles Competitors: Batik
Danar Hadi, Batik Keris, Batik Komar, Batik Wonderful and
Alleira Kids.................................................................................. 34
Table 2.6 The 4Ps Matrix Analysis of Asayani Batik Littles
Competitors: Batik Danar Hadi, Batik Keris and Alleira Kids... 37
Table 2.7 The Market Segmentation of Asayani Batik Little...................... 40
Table 2.8 Price Comparison of Childrens Batik Wear Product: Asayani
Batik Little, Batik Danar Hadi, Batik Keris and Alleira Kids..... 51
Table 2.9 Finding on Depth-Interview: Comments on Gallery at
Cigadung.................................................................................... 55
Table 3.1 Tagline Alternatives for Asayani Batik Little............................. 74
Table 3.2 Place Alternatives for Asayani Batik Little................................. 76
Table 3.3 Advertising Media Alternatives for Asayani Batik Little............ 80
Table 3.4 Finding on Depth-Interview: Reason Why Customers Bought
the Asayani Batik Little............................................................. 88
Table 3.5 Place Alternatives Analysis for Asayani Batik Little.................. 90
Table 3.6 Rent Cost Comparison Between PVJ, BSM and Ciwalk............ 92
Table 3.7 The List of Advertising Fee for Several Print Media.................. 95
Table 3.8 The List of Twitter and Facebook Account of Several Print and
Electronic Media......................................................................... 109
Table 3.9 The Two Scenarios of the Recommended Solution.................... 111
Table 3.10 The Budget Estimation for the Scenario 1 Solution................ 112

Table 3.11 The Budget Estimation for the Scenario 2 Solution................ 113
Table 4.1 The Implementation Schedule for Positioning and New
Distribution Place for Asayani Batik Little................................. 115
Table 4.2 The Implementation Schedule for Promotion Activities of
Asayani Batik Little (Scenario 1)................................................ 116
Table 4.3 The Implementation Schedule for Promotion Activities of
Asayani Batik Little (Scenario 2)................................................ 117
Table 4.4 Human Resource Requirements for Business Solution
Implementation of Asayani Batik Little (Scenario 1).................. 118
Table 4.5 Human Resource Requirements for Business Solution
Implementation of Asayani Batik Little (Scenario 2)................. 119


Appendix 1 Depth-Interview Result..............................................................125

Appendix 2 Questionnaire Result..................................................................131
Appendix 3 Depth-Interview Questions.........................................................136
Appendix 4 Questionnaire Form....................................................................137


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