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How To Win In A Niche

Audio Course
- Text Transcript
Patric Chans Profile:

Patric Chan is an Internet Infopreneur,

author of several ebooks and international
speaker. He has appeared as a guest
speaker as well for Asia's leading internet
marketing seminar, The Internet Wealth
Code by the best-selling author of the e-
Code book, Jo Han Mok.

Patric specializes in high profit, low cost

marketing strategies and has the ability to
increase your profit many times without
spending more money in advertising and

At the age of 26 now, he has achieved many extraordinary results in the internet
marketing world including business joint venture partnership with multi-millionaires. He
is currently consulting clients in Malaysia and from all around the world including United
States, Australia and United Kingdom.

He is one of those rare infopreneurs in Malaysia that has proved anyone can be
successful online with the right tools and attitude by using his own developed training
program, the "Chan" Do Internet Success System.

The most important fact is, Patric Chan is an "ordinary" guy living in Malaysia -- If he
"Chan" do it, any ordinary person "Chan" do it! YOU CHAN DO IT!

Visit Patrics site at

Stephen Pierce's Profile:

Stephen Pierce is a person whose stellar reputation as a

mega-marketer certainly needs no introduction.

There are very few people in this world I would call a marketing
genius. And without question, Stephen Pierce is one of them. I
have seen Stephen release campaign after campaign, and bring in
more than $100,000 in less than 3 days.

Stephen welcomes the clamor of business representatives seeking him out to tinker
with their sluggish business models and devotes his efforts to training business owners
of small to midsized businesses, and corporations to leverage their already existing
company resources and design an optimized business system to chart a successful
path in the marketplace.
Pierce's live dynamic training, facilitations and coaching sessions-both in groups and
one-on-one-transform people, companies and organizations.
Stephen travels the world to address audiences who cannot come to him. He serves not
only as a keynote speaker but also as a coach, trainer and facilitator for established
companies throughout the United States. He is a frequent keynote speaker in the United
States, Australia, the United Kingdom, Hong Kong, China, Malaysia, Singapore and
Pierce is also recognized as a Certified Accelerated Innovation Trainer,
Facilitator and Coach.
Stephen sums up his process in five phases.

Vision - Strategy - Action - Results - Celebration!

Visit Stephens site at

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Patric: Hi, this is Patric Chan here of
Today I want to introduce to you a personal friend and mentor of mine,
Stephen Pierce.

If you have not heard of who Stephen Pierce is that would be weird
because he is one of the best internet marketing experts online.

Stephen Pierce is an author, international speaker, and serves as the

chairman of three private internet companies. He has been marketing
years ago online. In fact back in 2003, within five days he wrote the 39
page ebook he sold 965 copies of the ebook in 49 days for $47,752.20 in
sales and that was way back in 2003. Without question, Stephen Pierce is
one of the most influencing marketing experts I have seen and met.

Ive seen Stephen release campaigns after campaigns and bring in more
than 100,000 in less than three days, thats amazing. His groundbreaking
ebook, Under Oath The Truth The Whole Truth and Nothing But the Truth
About Internet Marketing is not only sold thousands of copies, but has only
also become a guidebook in the internet marketing world.

In fact it was one of the best seller products. Stephen Pierce marketing
talent and skills has received testimonials from influential people Jay
Abraham, Morgan Resimen, Jim Edwards, Yanik Silver, Mike Litman, and
testimonial from me, and consulted many top CEOs and Vice Presidents of
corporate companies.

Just to show you that Stephens products are top class and highly in
demand. He made US dollar, 1.1 million after he spoke for two hours only
in a UK seminar recently. And obviously the main reason why I strongly
believe his methods work, is because one of his ideas had made me over
$50,000.00 US dollars recently from thin air.

Stephen, good morning.

Stephen: Hey man hows it going?

Patric: Hey pretty good man.

Stephen: Thanks for that intro.

Patric: All right.
Now Stephen the main reason I get you online today is, I like to interview
you about how to make money in niche marketing.

Stephen: Ok.

Patric: Now, yeah what would you like to share, in your opinion what is
niche marketing so that the listeners will actually understand from your

Stephen: Well I dont know if my idea of a niche market is the same as

many others that are out there. However I consider a niche market for me,
to be a market that is small enough for me to have a certain level of
dominance, but yet big enough that it can be profitable from that dominant.

Because I mean its true that just because a market is classified in general
as a niche, small segments of groups of people that have similar or
dissimilar interests or whatever, but then and they all follow fall underneath
a specific theme, doesnt necessary mean that you can win there.

So for me if its a market, if its a segment of the market, or if its a fragment

of the segment of the market; regardless of how you define it if its an area
that I feel that as if Im not able to win then for me I dont consider it to be a
niche. Because I only look at markets that as classified as niches if Im
able to get in there and have some kind of win.

Patric: I see, now Stephen this leads to my next question, what can I do to
make sure that the niche I choose can be profitable? I mean there is so
many niches online, how would I know that this is the one, this is the one
that can make money for me?

Stephen: Oh, I think I think its not necessary the niche itself, although it
does have a role plays a role, I think its how you approach the niche.

Now granted you dont want to go door to door selling paper clips or sell
paper clips online because the chances of you making any money with that
are going to be slim to none.

So true the market has something to do with it, but I also think a lot has to
do with how you go about approaching the niche market.
So I would say to increase your probability of winning in a market, think
about not necessarily competing against those that have a presence in the
market, but go in to that market and look to be more of a compliment in it.

And how like when we tell people where we say dont disturb the herd
serve the herd. And that means when you have this huge group of people
and this niche that are devouring a certain product or theyre devouring a
certain brand and then they you know are enduring to a specific person or
a specific class of product or something. And its like wow you know what
that could be a winning market.

I think for many people one of the mistakes they make is they go and try to
create a knock off product. They feel as if theyll be able to compete
because they will make theirs bigger, better, stronger, what have you. And
now theyre looking to compete on better sameness. And historically in
business better sameness has never won the game.

So I think one of the ways to go into a niche and win, is like ok this person
has a strong presence or this product has a strong presence or this niche
has these particular players in it that are going really good. They have a
strong presence, they have a strong brand, they have all these followers,
let me create a product that compliments what it is they already have.

And by putting yourself in the position of complimentor instead of a

competitor youre opening up the doors for huge possibilities down the
road. Kind of like playing chess, when you play chess you look at patterns
and youre thinking several moves ahead. You know three, four, five
moves maybe even twenty moves ahead.

So when you go into a niche you dont want to you dont want to you
dont want to just be tactical with that short sided what can you get done
today mentality. You want to be more strategic and think long term and
position every single thing you do today to have a huge impact on a few
days, a few weeks, or whatever down the road.

And initially in the short term when you think about being a competitor you
feel as if you know you can probably win in doing better. Maybe if you
dont win big youre probably be able to generate some revenue and steal
people from the existing value network.
And I think in many cases thats extremely difficult, because people have
switching costs, already accustomed to what it is theyre using, and I mean
can it be done, yeah, but I just dont think its the path of least resistance.

I think the path of least resistance in a niche to be able to win, is to put

yourself in the position with those who you would otherwise be competitors
with, feel as if you compliment them, and that puts you in a position of at
least a greater position of power than in a position of weakness if you were
to went in as a straight competitor.

And I say weakness as it relates to the people that are already positioned
in that niche.

Patric: Now Stephen I like the idea where you mentioned about technique
and strategy. I understand that concepts from you after spending some
time with you to learn the strategies, that do many people they do not know
how to differentiate what are tactics, and what are strategies.

And I strongly believe by differentiating the tactics and strategies its one of
the ultimate reasons why someone can be successful in an online

Would you be able to share a little bit further the differences of tactics and

Stephen: Sure.

Patric: Yeah.

Stephen: Think about its kind of like Ill give you some illustrations.
Strategies are like a road map for the marketing plan. Where as tactics are
vehicles for the trip. Strategies are like doing the right things while tactics
are doing things right.

Strategies are like the overriding concepts of what it is you are doing, while
the tactics are the tools at execution to execute those concepts. The
strategy has this dominant dictate your focus while the tactic physically has
many things.
And the problem is think about a puzzle for example. I mean we know it is
much easier to put together a puzzle when we have a picture of it verses
putting together a puzzle when we dont have a picture at all.

Patric: Uh Uh.

Stephen: Well people who operate strictly from a tactical framework, they
have all of these pieces but they have no clue where these pieces fit
because they dont have the big picture.

And thats why people feel as if they have this overload. And if you think
about everything that I just said, many people are in vehicles with no idea
where theyre going. They are doing all the right things but they are not, I
mean doing all these things right but they are not doing all the right things.

It is kind of like I believe it was Peter Drucker that said the worst thing you
can be is efficient at doing all the wrong stuff. And what happens is people
operate on a tactical level.

And they run hard, they run fast, but if you run hard and fast the wrong way
to see the sunset, I dont care how much longer you run, I dont care how
much Gatorade you take, I dont take care how much pumped up you get, I
dont care how much positive you think to yourself if you have a wrong
strategy you have a wrong strategy.

And for many people they dont have a strategy at all. They only think in
terms of tactics. They think in terms of landing pages, online video, online
audio, affiliates, they think in terms of joint ventures, and all of those are
tactics that are a part of an overriding marketing plan.

And so what happens is you have all of these different things and because
there is so many tactics that are out there, a person becomes confused and
they become overwhelmed and they become stuck. They get caught in the

And those pincers are, is what happens when you are trapped and you
have this your foot is kind of like on its on the gas, and its on the brake at
the same time. And you know when you do that, you pretty much dont get
anywhere a lot of jerking motion and you dont really get anywhere.
And you get stuck because you dont have a strategy on one side. But yet
you have an overwhelming amount of tactics on one side, and youre stuck
in the middle, because you havent gone all the way to the side of defining
the strategies that will help drive all the particular tactics that youve
unveiled yourself too.

Thats why regardless of how many tactics that are out there, people arent
experiencing the kind of success that they can experience because they
dont have a strategy to attach those things too.

In business we know its objectives before strategies, and strategies before

tactics. However unfortunately for a large amount of people engaged in
internet marketing its tactics, tactics, tactics. And for the most part people
dont even talk about strategies.

And all the people Ive spoken to, even people that are experiencing
marketing everybody has a tactical mindset, and they talk tactics, they try
to save it as strategy but its not.

But its a lot of tactical stuff and its all these pieces and until a person gets
the big picture, and they get the idea of what the overriding goals are and
their objectives, and the different levels of strategy like content strategies,
customer strategies, profit strategies, the marketing strategies and all the
different strategies are so they can get in line with the tactics they are going
to continue to struggle.

Patric: Wow thats great you know.

Now thats how we differentiate tactics and strategies, and lets think about
creating products to compliment existing product than to compete. Now if I
were to go to and I look for dog training there would be like I
think more than maybe ten info products about dogs.

Stephen: Thats right.

Patric: Some of them makes a lot of money, some of them dont. Some of
them probably makes like several sales only a month. So if I were to go
into that niche and I do not want to compete with other dog training info
products, what do you think I should do to compliment that niche provided
the niche is already proven to be a profitable one.
Stephen: I would go in there and I would take, since ClickBank kind of lets
you know which are the best selling books. I will look at the top selling
book, the best selling product on ClickBank for dog training and I would get
a copy of it. I would read a copy of it. I would find some people that have
dogs and I would get them to start using it and I would document whats
happening in the process.

You know in other words I would take the book and apply it in real world.
Because for the most part in books, although they can be from peoples
experience and theyre still theoretical, theyre still pretty much in an
analytical phase as you go about reading it and picking different pieces out
of it and you may be able to get it intellectually. You may be able to get the
concepts of it, however you have to actually apply it.

So what I would is, I would take the product and do what many people
dont, and actually apply the product either to my own dogs or other people
who have dogs, or maybe a combination of both.

And I would document everything thats happening through the application

process. And then turn that around into a product and I would call it the
field book for that persons product.

So lets just say it was Dog Training Secrets for and maybe there is a
product out there for that. But I mean, for the sake of an example, lets call
it Dog Training Secrets. After the application of the product, I would end up
coming out with a book called Dog Training Secrets Field Book.

Its specifically designed to ride off of the popularity and success of that
book, and it compliments the book because its taking whats in the original
book and applied it in the real world. And providing the feedback in the real
world challenges of applying that type of stuff in what to do to get a better
benefit and to get greater value out of that persons original book.

So when I do that Ive put myself in a position of well have a higher

probability of being in a position of strength when I approach them.
Because they take a look at the book and they feel as if man Ive enhanced
what it is theyve done.
Their people are going to get a greater value and they have an opportunity
now to add this now as a up sale to their own product. Everybodys happy, I
am not competing.

I am a complementor of his product or her product because I went out I

usually do what most people wont do, I gave it different field test to see
what the actual results would be. And as a result of that I documented it
all and I produced a field book to compliment the original book.

Patric: Wow. Yeah. Thats an excellent way to look at how to actually

compliment an existing product.

Now assuming that there are no products that have been created in that
niche right, and how do I actually go about defining the market gap and
finding the gap in the market. Would you like to elaborate further about the
market gap and the gap in the market?

Stephen: Well yeah when you look at a market you have to look to see if
there are gaps. Now theres a particular strategy that you saw us reveal at
a seminar we did in Singapore, and I wont go over that strategy here, but
the thing is you can look at any market. And what you want to do is, is you
want to look at all the products that have visibility out there and look at the
rate of change.

In the trading market its called the ROC, the rate of change. The rate of
how things are changing and just to give you an example lets look at the
gaming market.

We know the rate of change in the gaming market is extremely fast with
how fast different competitors are coming out with products. You have
Nintendo, you have Play Station, you have Xbox, both being the three big
competitors that come out with different products as well as PC.

But you know I think for the most part, many products that end up on the
gaming consoles you can get it on the PC. So you look at the rate of
change. You look at how fast the products are changing. How fast new
products are coming out. How fast complimentary products are coming out.
And which products are popular have certain gaps.
Like which products are really, really popular but they dont have strategy
guides or they dont have tip guides or they dont have cheat guides and
they dont have certain supporting elements that are profitable for higher

Like youll probably find everything to support Halo and Halo2.

But there may be some other highly popular games that sell, that dont
necessarily have supporting books and supporting documentations and
stuff like that.

So Im kind of giving you the idea what youre doing is youre looking at the
market bed that you want to give visibility in. Youre looking at the rate of
change. Youre looking at all this stuff and then you look to find the gaps
that appear.

So lets just say wow theres this product thats doing extremely well, its
hugely popular. A lot people are buying this product, its a popular game,
but for some reason they dont have like cheat guides, tip guides, strategy
guides and all this.

Ok, so now youve spotted a gap in the market for that product. Now the
question becomes is there a market in that gap?

You have to do research and I cant give away some of the tips that we
used to go about doing this. But you do research to find out is that an
actual market in that gap. We already identified that there is a gap in the
market but the question now becomes is there a market in that gap? And if
there is a market in that gap then you seize that gap immediately.

Patric: Yep. Awesome. Awesome.

Now if I find my niche right and how do I reach my prospects? I mean

these are not my customers, yet so Ill basically call them prospects.
People who have likes to the niche, so if its a golf, golf niche, so how do I
reach a prospect that likes golf?

Stephen: I think one of the most important things about reaching your
market is to understand what their primary channels are.
We have a tendency to lean to the voice of popular opinion; which is you
know what, lets do email marketing, email is easy, efficient, pretty much
everybody has a computer and they have a computer they have an email
box and even if they dont have a computer they have email so they can
use web based email at the local internet center or the library or what have

But heres the thing about that. Just because everybody may have email
and maybe they dont, doesnt necessarily mean when it comes to
something of their primary interest, thats the channel that they use to do
research, be communicated with, or look to buy through.

The thing is, lets just take the golf market for example what are their
primary channels that like to use to be communicated with? Hey maybe its
email but maybe its not. So you have to look at two things.

You may have a channel that you consider to be your primary channel that
you want to use. So maybe your primary channel is email or maybe your
primary channel is RSS or whatever the case may be.

So theres two things one you have be market driven. That means youre
driven by how the market currently is comminuting. Youre being driven by
the patterns of the market as it is today.

So if people that like golf tend to go to certain sites on line then you need to
get visibility there. If they like using blogs then you need to develop a blog
channel to attract them.

Maybe they use RSS feeds and if thats the case then thats the kind of
channel that you have to develop. So what happens is now youre being
market driven.

Youre understanding the channels that theyre using and youre either
getting in existing channels where they are, or youre developing similar
channels to draw them to your channels, to those that thats the means and
method they like to use to be communicated with.

And then after youve done that, after youve reached this point where you
now have their attention, then you can become what we call market driving.
Market driven is where youre being driven by what they say, what they
want, their habits, what theyre talking about, where they are. And then
once you kind of develop this connection and theyre listening to you and
its like ok lead me to the promise land in golf or what have you.

Then you can start being market driving. Where you can now take them by
the hand and say listen Im going to show you a world that you didnt know
existed, but when you see it youre going to be thanking me into your grave
for introducing you to this world.

So come and follow me Im going to take you to this world that you didnt
know existed. Its kind of like nobody ask for airplanes, automobiles, cell
phones, video games, computers, none of this stuff.

These were worlds that people had dreams about, that they introduced to
us and it completely changed the way we all communicate, and the way we
all travel. And the impact that this had on society as a whole has been
huge. Youre talking about trillions of dollars.

So that is stuff that was a result of somebody being market driving not
market driven, because nobody asks for this stuff. But we are glad that its
here. You take it away and youre going to have problems with people.

So but yea start from a point of being market driven. So you can get
their attention, and have them to pay attention, have them to trust you
enough that now theyll allow you to take them by the hand to take them
somewhere else.

So I say all of that to say what are the existing channels that the market is
going to, how are they currently liking to be communicated with, where do
they like to go, where do they hang out, you know what are those channels.

Get in those channels, create those channels, draw them in and then you
may have a business model, its like well you know what in our business
model well perform more efficiently, we can do a little greater value, etc.
If our communications is like this, well maybe thats not what theyre
interested in right now.

So what you have to do is meet them where they are and then as you
groom the relationship, you start to drive them into the kind of channels that
may be proprietary between you two or maybe they are not proprietary but
the kind of channels where youre able to offer them the greater value.

Does that make sense?

Patric: Yes that makes sense.

Meaning correct me if I am wrong, channel to be say, a blog. A blog can

be a channel. Is that right Stephen?

Stephen: Correct, a blog is a channel.

Patric: Right and Im going to throw more ideas so that people can
associate to channels. So like an article in an articles directory can be a
channel for certain people who read articles. Is that right?

Stephen: Yes, articles now. Article sites are channels. You just have to
make sure for example, you may submit golfing articles using these article
submission programs but guess what maybe theres golfing articles on
those article sites. But just because they are there doesnt mean the
golfers are going there.

Maybe the golfers are going to other sites reading articles on golfing. And
those sites do not accept submissions to automated programs. So what
does that mean? That means youre using these automated programs to
submit golfing articles, thinking youre getting into the right channels. But
chances are youre not.

For example if a golfing website thats dedicated to golfing, maybe its a

golfing magazine offline and online or just online or its a golfing form or
what have you, some kind of golfing site. Thats getting lets just say this
site gets like a 100,000 visitors a month well thats exciting.

Now you submit these golfing articles to these article sites and youre
articles getting read maybe fifty times a month. For you that maybe
exciting. But thats telling me theres something wrong with that channel.

You know you may have somebody clicking on it because theyre thinking
about golfing or what have you, but theyre not necessarily the kind of
golfer that youre looking to target.
So that is an example of youre in the channel but it may not be the channel
that youre market is currently using that will give you the best visibility.
Youre just using it because everybody else is doing it.

Everybodys submitting articles, everybodys submitting golf articles using

these popular programs, so since thats what everybody was doing youre
going to go about doing it too without necessarily thinking.

And again its all tactical, I mean thats just tactical if you think about the big
picture strategy. For one, before you start doing all that, youre going to
look at where your market really is. Where are they at because you want to
be where they are.

Patric: Right and Ive seen some of your work like and I
assume that podcasting is one of the channels that you use to spread your
marketing message. Now is there any channels that you have in mind that
is universal applicable too most niches that the listeners can look into using

Stephen: Are there any primary channels?

Patric: Yeah.

Stephen: Well I think it I think universally we think about the different

channels that are on line; blogs, forums, news groups, RSS, news sites,
and resource sites, and directories they could all pretty much apply. But
the question is if theyre using those, which ones are they actually using.

For example while you know your market really likes to go and
communicate amongst themselves inside of forums or news groups. Ok
that is fine. Which ones are they using? And those are the ones that you
want to be in.

Just because they like to use forums, hey you can sit up and sit and throw
up your own forum, like you know what our market likes to use forums so
Im putting together a forum.

Well listen there is a lot of forums out there and nobodies visiting them
except the owner, you know what I mean?
And that means just because you have it doesnt necessarily mean people
want to use it. So you want to go where they are, where they habitually go
and spend their time and communicate with people and become a part of
the dialogue.

You dont want to be a distribution, you dont want to be an interruption, you

dont want to be a distraction. You want to somehow someway seamlessly
become a part of the dialogue that they already have going on.

Whether you do it yourself, whether youve seen it with other people, rather
other people start to do it as an offshoot of the fact that theyve loved doing
business with you or what have you.

But whatever the case may be you dont want to be an alien on the outside.
You dont want to be something that seems to be disrupting the community.
You want to be welcomed by the community and thus somehow position
yourself as a part of a dialogue, whether you start the dialogue or
somebody thats a trusted figure in that community starts the dialogue
about you.

Patric: And I think that most of the listeners who wants to look into
channels, they can actually check out twelve strategies you have at where you share about press releases and
audible books and pod casting and so. Is that right Stephen?

Stephen: Yes we talk about different strategies that can be used. You see
there is so many things Im sorry about that but tactics, theres so many
things that can be done to determine what it is you should ultimately use

You need to understand what your strategy is going to be and your strategy
becomes very difficult to define what the strategy is if you dont engage into
strategic thinking.

What is the big goal, what are the objectives that need to be reached to
actually support that goal and all that kind of stuff. And understand your
market, like you know who we going to serve.
What are we going to do for them? How are we going to go about capturing
a profit and all those particular things instead of like you know what Im
selling this ebook Im throwing it online and Ive seen everybody using
email and theyre using blogs and using this that and the other and theyre
submitting articles. Im going to do the exact same thing. And I should be
able to make as much money as they make.

It doesnt it dont have to work that way. Everybody that goes on the
internet will be making a ton of money. So it obviously doesnt work that
way. You know.

Patric: Yeah and now a lot of people online now a days probably have
traffic to your sites from all sorts of channels. Some people get it from
search engine rankings and so. But the biggest question is, how do I
actually modify that niche to make money and you know automate it and so

How do I make money in the niche?

Stephen: Well I think one of the biggest things well one of the biggest
issues about making money in niches is that many people their focus on
making money in a niche, is either one dimensional or two dimensional. I
mean theyre only thinking about one or two ways on how they can make

Many people ask themselves; well how much money can I make from this
website. You know or how much money can I make from selling this book.

And you know what I can understand the question, but its not necessarily
the best question to be asking yourself. What you have to do is you have
to ask yourself questions looking at that market ask yourself how many
different ways can I capture profit from this market.

Now how much money can I make from selling this ebook? Not how much
money can I make from this website? How many different ways can I
capture the profits from this market?

Sure I can sell the ebook, I can sell the leads, I can up sell them into a
higher end product. I can cross sell them into affiliate products. I can give
them HTML newsletters and get them to click on stuff I get paid for, like
AdSense, or payperclick programs that allow you to engage in revenue

I can sell the leads if its the kind of leads that people are buying, like
insurance leads and mortgage leads and different things like that. Looking
at how many different ways you can capture profit. You can ask yourself
how many different ways are other people capturing profits in this market.
Wonder what their profit models look like?

And then after you understand how many different ways you can potentially
capture profits in that market. You design your system and make sure that
those profit capture points are integrated into every touch point, so that you
have the opportunity to increase the value of a person the moment they
come into your system.

Patric: So in this case, in this prospective, I can actually summarize that it

doesnt really matter how much traffic a website is getting. He could be
getting like 40,000 visitors a month, but if he doesnt know how to monetize
or to find ways to make money from that 40,000 its literally useless.

So I wonder if we cant have like maybe 4,000 visitors and they can tell you
know high antics and things like that and probably makes more money than
any 40,000 visitors.

I mean Ive heard stories from your success stories that you have like I
think less than 1,000 searches a month niche market, and you managed to
make like I cant remember what the figure, how much is that?

Stephen: Well we have one product that had less than 300 searches a
month and we turned it into a million-dollar seller.

Patric: Yep.

Stephen: And I had other products that did 500 searches a month and we
did over half a million dollars on that one.

Patric: Wow. Yeah. So really, it is not how big is the market but how good
are you to monetize that market. Is that right, Stephen?
Stephen: Right, it is again its all about how you position yourself when
you go in there. It is about your business design and its really about

If youre own perspective on the market is youre setting on a position that if

it doesnt have X number of searches per month then you are not going
then nobody is going to benefit from it, then guess what that may be the
case for you but that may not be reality.

Because reality is you can have a completely different perspective. A

completely different paradigm about the whole situation, and you can look
at it and its like well Im looking at this product I look at all the lower level
keywords, and I ask myself: Who is searching for this? Why are they
searching for this? And what is their benefit they get out when they
successfully get it?

I understand what this benefit is now and who else can benefit from the
benefit. Who else would love to be able to experience what this offers?
And then you scale it up to all of them. So what happens is you have
something that very few people know to search on, because very few
people are searching on it.

But just because very few people are searching on it doesnt mean that
totally represents the number of people that would like it. So what happens
is you have these highly competitive keywords in these markets that youre
going into or that youre trying to find a way to get into.

You go and you take a product that is a complimentary product, a

competitive product, a similar product, an optional or alternative product or
what have you, and you take it from the lower level that people arent really
keen to searching on, and you take that and you use that as your point of

Kind of like what our fibonacci product. Listen everybody was talking about
options and stocks and futures and all this other kind of stuff. Listen we
walked in with a multi-media fibonacci product. And for everybody listening
I know most of you dont know what fibonacci is.
But let me give you a quick education. And we told them all the benefits of
using and instantly its kind of like yeah man this is what it is were looking
for. They didnt know how to search on it.

We had to introduce that to them. We had to give them a quick education

and the sales copy and let them know the very powerful strong compelling
reasons why they absolutely have to own a copy of Fibonacci Secrets.

So we connected it, we connected the old with the new. Meaning all the
stuff that theyre already thinking about as far as the trading markets go.

That is the old stuff we connected it to the new, which was their introduction
to the whole idea of fibonacci in trading, and that became our point of
differentiation that we used as an extreme point of power.

Because we were now dissimilar to all these other products but yet similar
in a sense that it would help them to accomplish their goals and objectives
but yet do it in a way that is exciting, is new, in great format, using
something that is like wow they didnt know about it, but man this could be
the answer to a lot of the questions they had on being able to time the
market better.

Do you see how that works?

Patric: Yep, yep exactly.

And you actually know how to kind of see what the market actually wants
and deliver the product to them.

I mean thats in a nutshell right?

Stephen: Exactly.

Patric: Yeah, ok, right. And again what Im trying to say is it really doesnt
matter how huge the searches can be. I mean in your case, you managed
to make like half a million dollar sales for searches less than 500. I mean
when people see 500 searches a month, probably most people would run
away from that niche.
But if you look at it from a different perspective like, how you did look in the
overall strategies, how you managed from there.

Stephen: Yeah that was like I think that was the search was trading
plans and we did a product called Amazing Trading Plans. I mean because
if you think about it I mean like 500 or so people each month was searching
for the term trading plans, right.

But isnt it true that just about every trader out there rather they are buying
software or books or alternately looking for a trading plan, you know. They
may not search for it but thats what they ultimately want. So we just
positioned it a certain way and sold over $500,000.00 worth of product.

Patric: Yep and going to the next question. In the internet marketing world,
in the internet marketing niche, most people are familiar with the term joint
venture or we call it JV. Now in a niche market is JV techniques used are
the same?

Stephen: Yeah, I would say that it is the same. I just think that the whole
you need to think in advance. Many people when they go pursue a JV they
pretty much done a lot of stuff already.

I mean for example when we did Fibonacci Secrets our whole JV plan was
built into the creation of a product. When our JV partners were getting
products, they were getting copies of incomplete products. We didnt send
them a completed product and say hey JV on this.

Because we understand that people support that which they help create.
So our whole idea was to give them in a incomplete product and ask for
their feedback on it. On you know us thinking we valued their opinion,
which we did. It wasnt just a pitch, but we value their opinion. And guess
what it was no mentioning of hey market this, hey joint venture with us, hey
get a percentage, let your list know.

We werent at that stage but we were already thinking ahead. Because we

knew that the more involvement we can get on the front end as the product
was continuously being developed, the more they would have to be
consistent on the backend, as the product started to reach being
commercial and released.
So they provide feedback on the product and how much they like it and
they love it and they look forward to it coming out and boom, boom, boom,
boom, boom, etc.

And then our next step was, and wow you know maybe we got some great
feedback. Wed love to use that as a testimonial on the page. And of
course we would give them a copy of the completed product and they give
us testimonials and we get audio testimonials.

And its like, I mean you love the product so much we got a great
testimonial. And I mean were putting on the page it sounds like something
that certainly you would want your customers and clients and subscribers
to know about.

So the level of they had to be consistent across the board. So we had

nearly a 100% buy in from every even people that we tried to get to sell
our swing trading ebook as an affiliate that never even responded to our
emails. They responded to being able to getting a copy of the incomplete

And then ultimately converted to being affiliates on the product. But that
was built in long before the product was even released. So my whole thing
is, if you know that youre going to be going for affiliates.

If you know that youre going into a market and you know theirs certain
players in that market that youre going to want to do a joint venture with,
dont wait until after the fact. This is where strategy comes in at.

Again most people think on a tactical level. When the product is finished
Im going to start sending emails and announcements and FedExs and
copies of products to people doing such thing as Joint Venture with me.

Listen thats not how it works. You know I mean you have to think strategy.
And listen markets change faster than marketing.

You cant expect that what has worked yesterday is going to continue to
work today or it is going to continue to work tomorrow. You have to be very
dynamic. You have to be fluent in your marketing. You have to understand
how the markets are changing and ebb and flow with those particular
It is kind of like being in water, like Bruce Leigh says, be like water but
become the cup you know, become the glass, become whatever it is you
get poured into.

So my thing is, when you know youre going into a market, deal within the
ideal of a Joint Venture. For example, if you know that youre going to be
pursuing Joint Ventures and going back to the whole dog training thing.

Then create a product thats an easily complimentary product to them. So

that Joint Venturing with you is not a threat to them, it is a compliment to

It will behoove them to Joint Venture with you, because you add value to
what it is theyre already doing. And that is extremely important if you dont
have kiss butt relationship somewhere were everybody though they have
competing products they want to market for each other anyway because
thats just the thing to do.

You know what I mean, I mean youre not going to see Motorola mailing all
the people that have their products information on a Nextel or something,
do you know what I mean?

Net Zero is not going to send their list a special offer to subscribe to
ComCast or to subscribe to AOL if theyre hardcore competitors. You know
Toyota is not going to be telling all their people how much they love Ford
automobiles and how they should go buy one.

You know, theyre competitors but theyre not kiss butt competitors, you
know what I mean. So theyre not going to do that. You know now granted
they will all come together when it comes to certain regulations in the
automobile industry and say you as they cross international boundaries but
the whole thing is theyre competitors.

You know theyre just not going to be doing stuff like that. And so the thing
is if you dont have the kind of relationship with competitors where youre
marketing each others stuff.
Listen I have a competitor you know and we helped them to launch a
recent product, he broke his one-day record, and in seven days he did
$550,000.00 in sales.

He came down and I sat down with him for an hour and helped him on a
strategic level, not a tactic level but helped him on a strategic level. To
help him to better understand where some of the tactical he wants to do
can fit in.

I mean he was a great marketer on his own, I didnt make him a great
marketer. But he was setting out to do something he hadnt done before.
We have a certain level of experience and I love to do a lot of strategic

And I think this there is so many tactics, tactics are a dime a dozen.
People loose their tactics or they dont have superior strategies.

So I like to think on a strategic level and help them out. But yet hes our
competitor. Our products directly compete against each other. But the
kind of relationship he and I have and that I have with other people, thats
just a niche of what we do for each other.

But if wasnt like that then the approach would have to be completely
different. So what Im saying is you have to understand the details of a
relationship, and understand how something it may work one way for
another person because of their environment that theyve set up. So it may
be completely different for you.

For example, I like to ask people you know, does an acorn equal an oak
tree. And the question is it depends. I mean the answer is it depends.

And the reason why it depends is because while an acorn is necessary its
not sufficient. You know you wont have an oak tree if you dont an acorn
but yet theres something missing its called the environment. Because
when you plant an acorn in the dessert youre not going to get an oak tree.
I dont care how many of them you put out there. Its just not going to
happen. Its the wrong environment.

So what that means is you can have all these different tactical things you
want to use, but if theyre not used within the right strategic environment
youre going to have a problem. So thats what I mean by you have to
understand not just the content but the context of which all these different
things you see other people doing are actually taking place.

And theres a lot of subtleties that you will miss and just not get and then
when you try to do it, its like man why isnt it happening, why is in not
working out the way it worked out for them.

You bake a cake you forget the baking soda what do you think your cake is
going to look like. You know what I mean.

Patric: Yeah and when people try to do Joint Venture at the tactical level.
Why dont they finish another internet marketing book and they would be
thinking, Hey why not I email to Stephen cause Stephen Pierce and tend
to promote giving 70% commission and youll make me a Guru overnight.
Ill rack in like 30% and stuff like that.

But that is at the tactical level, I mean strategically Joint Venture is another,
another level of game. I mean you dont just go and say, Come over
weve a new internet marketing product, another book. I mean its
probably right competing with the whole truth but people just dont get that.

I think like you receive like tons of Joint Venture proposals each day.

Stephen: Yeah, not as many as I used to, because we reduced our

visibility of certain markets. But we continue to get them. We get them
from other various now that I think about it. But yeah they come you know
rather rapidly for all kinds of stuff.

Patric: Yeah, and when it comes to compliment, I just wanted to mention

these because it just pops up my mind. I have a friend who created a video
tutorial for certain software.

And he actually gave that video to them for free at or

something like that. And he just makes money from affiliate sales of that
software itself.

Stephen: Ump Ump.

Patric: Yeah, so he just basically complimented the software by creating
the video tutorial. Like what you mentioned a few type of books.

Stephen: Yeah, the complimentary that I brought up, excellent. That is

the kind of thing that I am in to.

Patric: Yeah, and Stephen how do I minimize the cost of advertising in a

niche market? I mean it sounds silly, but you know everybody, everybody
obviously doesnt want to spend too much money advertising a niche. And
we feel experience right Im sure there are ways how we can actually
minimize the cost itself.

Stephen: Im sorry ask that question one more time. I want to make sure I
understand it.

Patric: Yeah, right. How do you minimize the cost of advertising in a niche

Stephen: Well minimizing cost is like a defensive strategy. You have to

kind of like play both sides. Defensive is when you cut cost and all that but
the offensive is raising it. So the question is not raising cost but raising

So while at the same time you look to minimize the cost of advertising, you
also look at how you can capture more profit for each person. How can
you increase the unit of sales for each person thats coming in?

So I understand that question and to answer the question I think if you can
get on a performance basis. You know using affiliates, and using Joint
Venture partners, and using other channels that would do it on a
performance basis or you get into some SEO or get your affiliates and...

It kind of like this, look at all the channels that you use that are paid
channels that youre in, that you feel as if you dont necessarily want to
bare the cost of it or you want to reduce the cost of it. Train all your
affiliates, those that you know will go out there and sell the products train
them in what it is you do.

Put together your advertising operations manual or something like that.

And allow them to see step by step how to go about advertising your
product, using pay per clicks, or using paid banner space, or using
whatever it is youre paying to advertise your product. And allow them to
do it.

Because for our products listen I dont even have to do pay per clicks
because they do all the pay per clicks stuff. You know Im not going to
compete with them, you know what I mean.

I could but Im not going to do that. Plus pay per click isnt necessarily my
thing. But listen Ill let someone else whose either good at pay per click or
what to be good at pay per click to do it. Let them go out there and sell it
you know.

Were all going to share in the profits, so what can happen, is look at all the
channels youre using. If you have people that are your affiliates that are
engaged in paid advertising, or would like to be engaged in paid advertising
let them know how its working for you.

You know just allow them to you know hold back the curtain and let them
see what your paid advertising strategy are and then pass the cost over of
doing business over to them.

Because listen, you may have some people that are affiliates that would be
more than happy to invest the money to advertise and win, verses maybe
theyre using strategies for free that theyre not able to get a win from.

Maybe they dont have an efficient list or an effective list or a big enough
list or a responsive enough list or a list at all.

Maybe they just dont have certain assets built up that they can use and
leverage to sell your stuff. But listen they have small budgets, medium
budgets, or big budgets and they will be more than happy to invest.

You know maybe you know for every five dollars they spent on advertising
make you know ten or fifteen dollars in return or what have you. However
the numbers work out for somebody, even if its one to two, I mean theyre
still doubling their money verses not doubling their money at all.

And then you, you relieve yourself of all the cost and theyre baring the
cost. I mean thats just one way to look at it. So dont assume that you
know that many people that are affiliates dont want to spend money in
advertising. I mean spending money in advertising is a big business and it
continues to grow.

Now granted that may come from a lot of higher tier corporations, but it is
still business and it continues to grow. So I would see if in your affiliate
network there are people that would like too spend money using a winning
business model selling your product.

Patric: Umm, umm all right.

And do you think from affiliates in niche market they have a different
mindset? The way a person are the same as how we approach affiliates in
the internet marketing niche.

Stephen: Say that again.

Patric: Like yeah when where we approach an internet marketing affiliate

for selling say The Whole Truth now youre probably be easier to grasp
your concept with affiliates 50% commission and stuff like that.

So if we were to recruit affiliates in the niche market like say if I created a

dog training book and I approach say a dog training website and Im trying
to recruit him as an affiliate.

Now do you think that there is any different way to approach him or is their
any different mindset that these people might have?

Stephen: Approach them to become an affiliate?

Patric: Yep.

Stephen: Well when you want to get affiliates, where are the people
going? I think the more one to one approach is good its good for affiliates,
but I think when youre looking to secure Joint Ventures either on the
revenue side because a product is finished or on the joint product side of
something. The one on one approach is essential.

But I think when youre looking at getting affiliates, there is a lot of affiliate
directories out there that you can get visibility in, you can find your
competitors, and do searches on them to find out who their affiliates are.
And give those affiliates an introduction to your product and an invitation to
become an affiliate.

I think, believe it or not I believe recruiting affiliates is not even, is not even
its not a difficult thing its just something that has to be done. People again
people understand well you know what I need to go get affiliates. They
understand that. But you know what when it actually comes to
performance they dont do it, they dont do it.

I mean its so easy to talk about it. Thats why I tell people internet
marketing is the easiest thing thats its hard to do. And thats because its
so easy and theory is simple stuff. In practice it is simple stuff.

But in performance people just dont do it. They dont stick around long
enough to see things work. They dont follow through on stuff. They
halfway do stuff. They just talk about stuff.

They become so familiar with everything, they know and master nothing.
So it becomes a very difficult and hard thing to actually get done, despite
the fact that it is actually something easy to do.

Patric: Right, I see what you mean. Right and if I already have a niche
say again, a dog training niche, should I consider a new niche market after
I have this one?

Stephen: Well it really depends. When you say new, it can be in within
the universe or outside the universe. And what I mean by that, if you have
a dog, if you have a dog-training product, a new product on dog tricks is

And they compliment each other and they build off of the strength, visibility,
and effort that you build up in on the dog obedience and dog training.

However if its dog obedience and dog training and then you want to go into
how to raise elephants then I think you got a problem.

He may be calling them both animals well but yeah theyre completely
unrelated. So again I belief in cornerstone and where you move from
strength to strength to strength to strength to strength, and not an
approachment to weakness.

So it depends on your business model because its true there are business
models that are successful where a person just goes from niche to niche to
niche and although, they move from a point of strength to weakness.

Their weakness is not is not as bad because their strength is found in the
business model.

Which means they have a business model developed where theyre able to
quickly move into brand new niche markets and establish strength because
of how they go about penetrating the market.

Where somebody who doesnt necessarily have that kind of business

model will their strength is not in the model itself. Their strength is in the
equity theyve built, the longevity theyve built, the brand theyve built up,

Its kind of like when you see big brands going into to stuff they have no
business going into you know. You know its like Campbells soup going
into tennis shoes. You know I mean what sense that doesnt make

Just like Xerox when Xerox went into computers. You would think well
technology but Xerox hadnt mastered anything that had to do with
computers. They mastered xerography or whatever they called it.

So they didnt necessarily have the critical skills or the driving force behind
them to succeed in computers. So the Xerox computers are pretty much
non-existent you know as compared to everything thats out there.

If you think about 3M, their main force or their main driver is Polymer
chemistry so they come out with over 70,000 products that relate to their
core technology of Polymer chemistry. Now 3M wouldnt go into something
that has absolutely nothing to do with that.

Right lets just say 3M wants to start creating watches. The chances of that
succeeding are slim to none, because thats just not where their strength is.
So they have 70,000 products but all of those products are built off of the
strength of the technologies that drive the company with just Polymer
chemistry technology.

So again I mean you can go into a new niche but are you going to be
moving from a point of strength to weakness or strength to strength.

So regardless of how you do it I would think for most people the idea
business model is to move from strength to strength to strength and thats
called cornerstoning as opposed to moving from a point of strength to

And by all means dont move from weakness to weakness that means you
got into something you established nothing, you mastered nothing, youve
exceeded at nothing, and then youre going to get into something else.

Patric: Yeah, I mean I totally agree with the idea, in fact I like the idea for
moving weakness to strength or strength to strength.

Now when people move from weakness to weakness, its probably from the
perspective of tactical things that they have applied. Like they tried to get
traffic from say being in a blog and it doesnt work.

So they move to the other one says about writing articles and it doesnt
work. And then they try SEO and because of that you are going weakness
to weakness to weakness because they have not master one strategy that
works first.

Stephen: Exactly.

Patric: Yeah, and because of that right, lets say I was to stick in the same
niche right.

Stephen: Uh uh.

Patric: If I have say a $37.00 book that I am selling right now. Should

Stephen: Uh uh.
Patric: I continue to sell that in more volume or should I consider the great
other high end product to increase my profit?

Stephen: Well you know that really depends. I say you continue to sell a
$27.00 book until the sales just completely disappear.

But I say that with caution because you have value adder than value
subtracted. I mean as long as it continues to add value to people and
value to the business, but the moment it starts to remove value then you
have to kind of remove the product as well.

Now with that said, ideally in theory you create lower end products and
then you create higher and higher and higher end products. But you have
to look at what the market itself is able to bare.

I mean if you go back to the whole idea of video games, you may be selling
a $27.00 you know strategy intense guide for a particular game and that
may be doing really well.

But you may be hard pressed to sell them into a $2,500.00 or $5,000.00
product event or service or seminar or something on video gaming.

Listen I mean the gaming systems themselves dont cost that much. Not to
mention the games, however, if it was a thing where they were able to like
some people are in Asia make a million dollars a year playing video games

And it was something realistic and it was something they were interested
then that completely changes the dynamic of how much higher youre able
to scale people up in the market.

Maybe you create new markets or something like that. I mean it just really,
really depends but to answer the question you should continue to sell
products that continue to win.

And look at how you can continue to capture value from that. That $27.00
ebook maybe you have enough up sales that the purchase becomes you
know $57.00 or $97.00 so youre able to increase the unit of sale.
Maybe again like you ask yourself, you know youre not being product
centric but youre being market centric and youre looking at how many
different more ways you can capture profit from the market. So youre
already looking at other ways to capture profits and the $27.00 ebook itself
is just one part of the sale.

As far as high end product you know what else are they looking to get done
that can be translated into higher end products and services. If its there
then I say you go for it and you test it and you see what youre able to

Patric: And in your personal experience and your observation now if lets
say Im selling $27.00 book and I make like $27,000 a month. So if I want
to double my income from your personal experience, if I want to double my
income, would I try to double the volume of the book or should I actually
create a complete new product to that and sell to existing customer.

Stephen: Well the double, I think doubling it is more than just you know
double your sales but I think you know mathematically if you doubled your
sales then yeah you actually double your income. But the question is do
you look to try to double your sales.

I say you look to grow the business every single way. For example if youre
doing $30,000.00 a month and youre doing that and you have 1,000
affiliates and only like 25 or 50 of them are even active and of them maybe
3, 4 or 5 of them are your main drivers.

You have maybe 500 links to your site and youre not engaged in SEO. I
mean theres a huge amount that you can do.

And lets just say in total there are three million websites out there that can
be potential link partners, affiliates or partners or what have you. The
potential is huge.

You know so that means, I mean and lets just say the keywords youre
using it gets maybe a 100,000 searches per month. And lets just say that
Im here doing a 1,000 units of sales a month.

Lets just say youve been doing it so far for a year which means you have
sold 12, 000, youve sold 12,000 units. I mean that is not a huge
penetration into the search inventory or a huge penetration into the amount
of real estate that is already out there.

So my thing is, I would say listen put somebody on to continuing to

penetrate and run deep and wide in that market while you continue to look
at what it is youre going to be doing.

Because remember in business youre managing two parts of the business.

You have the business of today and the business of tomorrow. So as you
look at growing the company you have to look at and again this is more
strategic than it is tactical.

You have to have the strategies in place that will continue to provide value
to the marketplace while you continue to extract profit from it. Meaning you
know, continues business from those people that are already doing
business with you.

Remember finding, getting people and growing customers is a challenge

that everybody has. You have to master the core strategies and processes
and skills inside those areas to make it efficient within the systematic
framework of the business.

So I know thats a long answer to a short question, but I would say to

double the business you look at how, dont look at one single way to double
the business look at how many different ways you can double the business.

And so the question is you know to double the revenue, do you double the
sales? Ok maybe thats one.

But how many different ways can you double your income and revenue
from $30,000.00 a month to $60,000.00 a month. Doubling sales is just
one and logically, mathematically if you doubled the sales then statistically
you would have double the revenue, double the income.

So lets look and I say statistically because that doesnt necessarily mean
youre going to double your profits. But if you double your sales but yet you
increase your cost by 300% then youre in trouble you know what I mean.

Patric: Yeah, uh uh yeah.

Stephen: So I mean theres other parts of the equation that are involved.
Its like man we doubled our sales yep but now youve tripled the cost.

So you know in doubling your sales you lowered your profit. You know what
that means. So your margin shrunk this time. So thats where you say
thats where it is like doubling the business but its a poor profitable

You know but but you have to figure out again its all about business
design. I mean just because a person has cash flow doesnt mean they
have profitability.

You can look at, look at that. I mean one quarter they had eight
million dollars in revenue, I mean cash flow. But they had twenty one
million dollars in losses. I mean so they had capitol but they certainty did
not have profitability.

Patric: Whats the website again, Stephen?

Stephen: That was a while ago. I dont think there is a that has a

Patric: How do you spell that?

Stephen:, pets.

Patric: Ok, sorry got it.

Stephen: But that was earlier on with the boom. I mean you can look at
Webvan. I mean they didnt have a successful business model they went
through nearly a billion dollars in capital and werent able to successfully
and profitability deliver groceries to peoples doorsteps. They had cash flow
because they had people subscribe to their service but they didnt have

So I mean when you look at growing the business you have to make sure
you grow the business in a way thats going to be profitable. And not just
grow the business for the sake of sizing both itself.
Patric: Yeah, because yeah earlier I was thinking to actually create more
of the high end products, because I was thinking that if I was to sell to my
existing subscriber or customer the probability of getting more sales off of a
different product would be higher.

I mean lets say lets say you bought a dog training book from me for $27.00
and I come out with the dog training video coaching or something like that.
And I was thinking I could market that to you again rather than thinking how
to double my dog-training ebook to other people.

Stephen: Well see theres thinking about thats you thinking about other
ways to double the profits and thats what you have to do.

You have to look at how you can keep the customers you have and how
you can grow the customers that you have. You know building satisfaction
that can lead to loyalty, referrals, word of mouth, and all these other things.

So thats where your business design comes in and you dont allow it to just
happen by chance. You know you have to design the business.

Patric: Now the reason why I know youre the best fellow, best guy, for me
to ask is because your ebook The Whole Truth is still selling today and it
was like sold in 2003.

And at the same time you have created so many new high end products
that sell as much as $10,000.00 US dollars, you have packages at
$10,000.00 US dollars?

Stephen: Yes.

Patric: Yeah, so you have both ends yeah, so you really know what you
are talking about. I mean you are in the game long enough. Where as
most people are just based on theories to teach other people.

So the thing is right, Stephen do you have any final advice for those who
wants to start niche marketing? And for those who wants to increase their
niche marketing income?

Stephen: I would say go get the Chando marketing system.

You know what I say that playfully, but I do mean that seriously, cause you
have put together a really good system that shows people how to go about
marketing online to niche markets.

So I do mean that seriously as a compliment to you and what youve been

able to do yourself. I think you have a lot to teach people because you
yourself have you know experienced a great deal of success marketing
different products online.

I remember we were sitting in the back of one of the rooms. I think we

were in Australia at the time and I was looking at your laptop and I looked
at all these different images of products and I was like man you have a
whole lot of products, dont you.

So you yourself I mean you know how this how game works you know
online. So I would actually say sure people come to our website and stuff.

But I would say people need to go to your website and check out what it is
you have to offer, because there are a lot of people out there that are
looking for ways to make money online and follow different patterns of

I think while there are few patterns that are real and that people can follow
and achieve there are some patterns out there that people can follow and
experience success that they havent been exposed too.

I think one of yours is it. So I would say people should go and check out
what it is you have to offer.

Patric: You know Stephen, thanks for the kind words and I have to say
this back to you because it is the truth right. I mean the Chando Internet
Success System once was created like lie a few months back until I met
you and you have initially give me the idea of what a Chando Internet
Success System how it can actually change peoples lives and this involves
niche marketing.

And I have to thank you for that idea and how you helped me to create the
whole concept behind the Chando Internet Success System.
I still remember back in back in Shanghai, China, I mean you were just
telling me to give me advice. Part of the concept which impact you know
impact people to learn about internet marketing to the next level.

Stephen: Right.

Patric: Yep.

Stephen: You did excellent my man.

Patric: And so guys who want to check out Stephens Live. You should
definitely go to I mean you can start listening to his
podcasts and you can get free content and his blog check all that out.

Stephen did I miss any other of your sites that can they can actually
subscribe to your newsletter or get content?

Stephen: No those are good ones.

Patric:, right?

Stephen: Uh Uh.

Patric: And is there any others that you have that I missed?

Stephen: No those are sufficient enough, I dont want to give them too
many choices.

Patric: Yeah, ok, all right.

Stephen: Give them the name of your website.

Patric: All right.

And for those who want to subscribe to my newsletter they can go to

Ok so Stephen thank you so much for you time. I mean I am totally grateful
that you are on the call today. I have learned so much from you.
Not only from the past few months of us corresponding and also from
todays teleconference call itself. Especially how to grow from strength to
strength, rather than going from strength to weakness. And thank you for
that Stephen.

Stephen: Well thank you Patric and I appreciate you having me. As the
usual when I talk to you I have fun and I appreciate the opportunity to get
together again and provide some value.

Patric: Ok, well catch up in US then.

Stephen: Ok, thank you man, take care.

Patric: Ok, take care man, bye.

Stephen: Bye.
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