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Indian J Pediatr (November 2012) 79(11):14821488

DOI 10.1007/s12098-012-0763-3


Sample Size Estimation in Prevalence Studies

Ravindra Arya & Belavendra Antonisamy &
Sushil Kumar

Received: 8 August 2011 / Accepted: 5 April 2012 / Published online: 6 May 2012
# Dr. K C Chaudhuri Foundation 2012

Abstract Estimation of appropriate sample size for preva- Keywords Sample size estimation . Prevalence . Precision
lence surveys presents many challenges, particularly when
the condition is very rare or has a tendency for geographical
clustering. Sample size estimate for prevalence studies is a Introduction
function of expected prevalence and precision for a given
level of confidence expressed by the z statistic. Choice of Sample size estimation is a key issue in design of most
the appropriate values for these variables is sometimes not studies. In a study conducted to estimate prevalence of a
straight-forward. Certain other situations do not fulfil the given condition in a geographic area, the objective is to
assumptions made in the conventional equation and present sample sufficient population to get adequate number of
a special challenge. These situations include, but are not subjects correctly classified as having the condition of in-
limited to, smaller population size in relation to sample size, terest or not, with a given confidence about the amount to
sampling technique or missing data. This paper discusses which this estimate might be affected by sampling error.
practical issues in sample size estimation for prevalence Several factors may potentially contribute to difficulty in
studies with an objective to help clinicians and healthcare this regard, including misclassification of diseased and
researchers make more informed decisions whether review- healthy subjects due to limitations of diagnostic test, the
ing or conducting such a study. given condition being very common or uncommon, or,
limitations of sampling technique. This paper discusses the
issues involved in sample size estimation for prevalence
studies with an objective to provide practically useful infor-
R. Arya
mation to clinicians and healthcare researchers.
Comprehensive Epilepsy Centre, Division of Neurology,
Cincinnati Childrens Hospital Medical Centre, Let us say our objective is to determine the prevalence of
Cincinnati, OH, USA a disease condition in the population living in an isolated
geographic area. Here, one simply cannot perform the diag-
B. Antonisamy
nostic test on the whole population. Such an approach
Department of Biostatistics, Christian Medical College,
Vellore, Tamil Nadu, India would be impractical due to logistic or financial reasons,
and, ethically unacceptable. Moreover, there would still be
S. Kumar misclassification because the predictive values of the test
Division of Basic and Translational Research,
would not be 100 %. So our target is to find out sufficient
Department of Surgery, University of Minnesota,
Minneapolis, MN, USA number of people sampled at random from this population,
which if subjected to diagnostic testing, would yield an
R. Arya (*) estimate of the prevalence of the condition in the given
MLC 2015, Cincinnati Childrens Hospital Medical Centre,
population with some confidence. It can be argued that if
3333 Burnet avenue,
Cincinnati, OH 45229, USA the condition is very rare in the given population, a larger
e-mail: sample would be required to yield sufficient number of
Indian J Pediatr (November 2012) 79(11):14821488 1483

cases and non-cases; if it is relatively common we might true prevalence lies between 20 to 40 % (Bayesian way).
need a rather small number.1 Hence, sample size n is directly Sample size estimation for prevalence surveys has 2 inter-
proportional to the prevalence of the disease P in the popu- related measures of precision, which are discussed subse-
lation. Secondly, we have to decide how precisely we want quently: CI and the allowable margin of error d.
to estimate this prevalence. This is usually measured as the
amount of acceptable (or allowable) margin of error in the
prevalence estimate. This is a random sampling error which Z Statistic
decreases on repeated trials. Hence, n is inversely propor-
tional to allowable error d, which is a surrogate measure of Whenever we make inferences about population from a
precision. These relationships can be expressed by a simple sample, an element of uncertainty is introduced. One way
equation. to quantify this uncertainty is the use of CI. Z statistic
indicates the number of standard deviations an observation
z2 P1  P is above or below the population mean. It captures the
d2 level of confidence, assuming a normal distribution. For
Where n0sample size, z0z statistic for the level of conventional 95 % confidence level, the z value is 1.96,
confidence, P 0expected prevalence and d 0allowable since 95 % of a normal distribution would lie within 1.96
error. This formula assumes that P and d are decimal standard deviations on either side of the mean. The value of
values, but would hold correct also if they are percen- z is chosen by the investigator according to the desired level
tages, except that the term (1-P) in numerator would of confidence.
become (100-P). In this straight forward equation
(Box 1), several practical issues arise in the choice of
values for z, P and d. Allowable Margin of Error (d)

Allowable error is the maximum risk in the sample size

Precision estimate acceptable to the clinician and should be de-
cided a priori. In any protocol or manuscript, it should
Precision of any measurement system is the degree to be stated explicitly along with the basis for its choice.
which repeated measurements under unchanged condi- Conventionally, an absolute allowable error margin d
tions generate similar results. It captures the extent of of 5 % is chosen, but, as is common in clinical
reproducibility or repeatability of measurements under practice, if expected prevalence P is <10 %, the 95 %
identical measuring conditions. There are different ways confidence boundaries may cross 0, which is impracti-
of expressing precision e.g., in arithmetic it is usually cal. Hence, for an expected prevalence between 10 to
expressed by last significant place. To illustrate this, 90 % (P00.1 to 0.9), d of 5 % might be a reasonable
consider a value expressed as 8. It would mean that choice. But for rare (P<0.1) or very common (P>0.9)
the measurement has been made with a precision of 1 conditions, d should be chosen as a relative value with
(the measuring instrument was able to measure only respect to expected prevalence P. A common recommen-
down to units place) whereas a value of 8.0, though dation is to set d 0 P/2 for rare and d 0 (1-P)/2 for very
numerically equal to 8, would mean that the value at common conditions [1]. The choice of relative allow-
the first decimal place was measured and was found to able error as opposed to an absolute value, is indepen-
be zero. The second value is more precise. When meas- dent of expected prevalence and one might choose it for
urements are repeated and averaged, the standard error mid-range values of P which is a valid approach. Inves-
of mean serves as an indicator of precision. In preva- tigators may sometimes wish to choose a smaller d,
lence studies, results might be stated as the prevalence which would increase the sample size considerably,
of this condition was found in this sample to be 30 % since n is inversely proportional to d2. Conversely, if
[95 % confidence interval (CI) 20 to 40 %]. This the sample size is impractical, investigator may be
statement can be interpreted that, if we were to repeat tempted to increase the allowable error and get a
our study 100 times, 95 times our estimated prevalence smaller n. Instead, the researcher could state that due
is likely to fall between 2040 % (Frequentist way), to resource constraints, the ideal sample size cannot be
and, in this particular study we are 95 % confident that the met and hence, a smaller and pragmatic sample is
investigated. Also, a larger d might invalidate the as-
sumption of normal approximation. It should be appre-
If a trait is too common, we would again run into problems, as we ciated that allowable margin of error in the sample size
would now be short of non-cases. We will address this in a while. estimate is a conscious choice of investigator, whereas,
1484 Indian J Pediatr (November 2012) 79(11):14821488

Box 1 The missing

the element of chance is captured by the chosen CI or Z Suppose one is doing the first ever prevalence study for a
statistic. particular condition in a given population, then there is no
previous study to help estimate P. In such a situation, some
authors [3] recommend that n may be calculated using
Expected Prevalence (P) P00.5. As ascertained from Fig. 1, this contention is valid
if P lies between 10 to 90 %, as it will give the largest
This might seem like a paradox of sorts. Our objective in estimate for n. However, for rare (P<0.1) and very common
conducting the study is to determine the prevalence of a (P>0.9) conditions, the sample size estimated with an as-
particular condition in a particular population i.e., it is this P sumption of P00.5 is likely to be unsuitable. Suppose we
which we are out to find. But to do so, we need to have a plug values of P00.5, d00.05 in our formula and obtain n0
prior idea of it! Mostly, this idea can be had from prior 385 (Fig. 1). This will be the empirical sample size estimate
studies. Usually, the previous studies will give a range of for all purposes, when we make a blind assumption of P0
P and not a single number. It has been suggested that one 0.5. Assume that we are dealing with a rare condition having
should err towards P00.5 in these situations [2]. That is, if a true prevalence of only 1 %, that is to say P00.01. In such
the range provided by previous studies is 3040 %, then P a case, our sample is likely to capture only 3 or 4 cases.
should be set at 0.4, whereas if the range is 7080 %, it is There is a finite probability that it may not capture even a
better to take P00.7, i.e., the value nearer to 0.5 or 50 %. single case! On the contrary if we are dealing with a very
This recommendation is based on the fact that choosing a common condition, say whose prevalence is 99 % (P00.99),
value nearer to 0.5 leads to the largest n, within certain then we will not be able to capture sufficient non-cases with
limitations (Fig. 1). our sample size and as above, we may indeed capture none.
Indian J Pediatr (November 2012) 79(11):14821488 1485

Fig. 1 Sample size n (y-axis) as

a function of expected
prevalence P (x-axis) for
Z=1.96 and d=0.05, has a
maxima at n=385 for P=0.5.
For P=1 the equation returns an
indeterminate value

In either case, the assumption of normal approximation is the best strategy is to conduct a pilot study, estimate P,
invalidated. and use it for calculating a sample size.
At a minimum this requires an estimate as to whether
P is <0.1, falls between 0.1 and 0.9, or is >0.9. If we
can estimate this, our value for allowable error (d) will Assumption of Normal Approximation
change, as discussed above, and we will get a more
meaningful calculation for sample size (n). Table 1 The formula for sample size estimation is based on the
illustrates this calculation for few representative values assumption that the sample will capture and correctly clas-
of P<0.05 and P>0.95. Notice how n is different for sify certain minimum number (05) of cases and non-cases.
these extremes of P from the empirical figure of 385, This means that nP and n(1-P) must be Q5. We know that
increasing symmetrically as we approach P00 or P01. allowable error is directly related to standard error of pro-
It is obvious intuitively that at P 00, n will become portion (SEp) by the equation:
infinite. If there are no cases of the given condition in
a given population, no matter how large a sample we d z  SEp
take, we will never find one! Similar argument holds
true for P01. So, our problem boils down to finding Also:
whether P is <0.1, between 0.1 and 0.9 or >0.9. This r
can be easily estimated by even a crude pilot study. To P 1  P
summarize, if we have an estimate for P from prior n
studies, we can use it erring towards P00.5; otherwise,
Using above 2 equations and re-arranging, we can get the
formula for n, discussed above. For z01.96 and d00.05, the
equation would be:
Table 1 Calculating n 0:05 1:96  SEp
for very rare (P<0.05) z d P n
and very common
(P>0.95) conditions 1.96 0.005 0.01 1521.27 This means that 1.96 standard errors of our estimate
1.96 0.01 0.02 752.95 would be equal to 0.05. Stated otherwise, if 1.96*SEp is
1.96 0.015 0.03 496.85 equal to 0.05, then our sample size estimate has a 95 %
1.96 0.02 0.04 368.79 chance of being within 5 percentage points of the true
1.96 0.025 0.05 291.96 prevalence. This inherently assumes that n is sufficiently
1.96 0.025 0.95 291.96 large, so that all possible values of P will have a normal
1.96 0.02 0.96 368.79 distribution. It also means that if we were to repeat our
1.96 0.015 0.97 496.84
study, about 95 % of times our prevalence estimate will fall
1.96 0.01 0.98 752.95
within the value specified by P1.96*SEp. This indeed,
Precision is calculated 1.96 0.005 0.99 1521.27
shows that these values have a normal distribution with a
as discussed in text mean of P and standard deviation of d/Z, approximately
1486 Indian J Pediatr (November 2012) 79(11):14821488

(Box 2). This is nothing but approximating binomial distri- must be corrected by multiplying with a finite population
bution with a normal distribution, justified by the central correction (FPC), to account for the added precision gained
limit theorem. In this context, P is the proportion of suc- by sampling close to a larger percentage of population.
cesses in a Bernoulli trial process estimated from a sample p
of size n with z(1-/2) as the (1-/2) percentile of standard FPC N  n=N  1
normal distribution and as the error percentile. The central
limit theorem is applicable to a binomial distribution when The effect of FPC is annulled when n 0 N. The formula
the proportion is not very close to 0 or 1 i.e., the normal for sample size calculation including the effect of FPC is:
approximation fails when sample proportion approaches 0 N z2 P1  P
these values. n
d 2 N 1 z2 P1  P

Where n is the sample size with finite population

Finite Population Correction correction, N is the population size, Z is the statistic
for the level of confidence, P is expected proportion and
The above sample size formula is valid only for samples d is allowable error. The need for FPC arises because
which are relatively small as compared to total population. If typically the sampling method in prevalence studies is
total population is N, then n/N should be e0.05. When the without replacement (hypergeometric sampling), but the
sampling fraction is larger than approximately 5 %, the sample size estimation method is based on sampling
estimate of standard error, used in the sample size formula, with replacement (binomial distribution). When the tar-

Box 2 Worked example

illustrating principles of sample
size estimation in prevalence

Indian J Pediatr (November 2012) 79(11):14821488 1487

get population is very large (theoretically infinite), Continuity correction factor is employed to compare two
hypergeometric distribution can be well approximated population proportions, usually in a diagnostic evaluation,
by a binomial one, and thus, formula based on latter and is not discussed further here [4].
is acceptable. Any investigator using FPC in sample
size estimate should also incorporate adjustment for
hypergeometric sampling in analysis. Non-Response Correction

Formula for sample size estimation inherently assumes that

Design Effect for a chosen CI or d, there will be no non-response or
missing data, a condition rarely met. Suppose we wish to
Above calculation for sample size assume independence estimate the prevalence of depression in a given population
among sampling units i.e., it is only valid for simple or using a questionnaire. In real life situation, it is improbable
systematic random sampling. Lack of independence intro- that every one of our subjects will meticulously fill the
duced due to other sampling methods should be adjusted by survey form and return it, resulting in some loss to our
changing the variance estimate e.g., for clustered sampling, estimated sample size. This loss is difficult to estimate
the design effect (DE) or variance inflation factor is defined upfront, and, is usually a clinical decision. If n is the desired
as: sample size, then for an expected loss r we would have to
oversample to n such that:
DE 1 m  1
0 0
n  rn n
Where is the intra-class correlation and m is the sample
size within each cluster. The intra-class correlation is a Solving for n:
relative measure of the homogeneity of sampling units with-
0 n
in each cluster compared with a randomly selected unit, n
defined as the proportion of total variation within sampling
units that can be accounted by variation among clusters. It is
generally estimated from prior literature or pilot data. If the
number of clusters is fixed by design and the sample size per Zero Patient Method
cluster (m) is unknown then that has to be estimated first as:
ES 1  A very interesting method has been proposed to provide
m comparative estimates of the frequencies of rare conditions
k  ES
even when the true prevalences remain unknown [5]. Let us
Where ES is the effective sample size assuming indepen- say we take a sample of n people from a population such
dence and k is the number of clusters. Finally, the sample that all people in our sample are free of disease. Then the
size (n) for cluster or multi-stage sampling is calculated 95 % upper bound CI for the prevalence P of the disease can
using: be computed from the equation:
n n  DE a 1  Pn

Where n is the sample size estimated assuming a simple This corresponds to rejection of the null hypothesis that
random sampling. DE is actually a ratio measure that the true prevalence is P at a 1-sided significance level of .
describes how much precision is gained or lost if a more Taking the natural logarithm, setting 00.05 and re-
complex sampling strategy is used instead of simple random arranging, we get a simple relationship:
sampling. Usually, complex sampling techniques lead to a
ln0:05 3
decrease of precision, resulting in DE >1. This also implies n
that for the same precision, cluster or multistage sampling P P
technique would require a larger sample size than simple or This simplification makes an assumption that ln
systematic random sampling. A classic example is cluster 1  P P , which holds true only for P < 0.02.
surveys for immunization coverage, where DE has shown to Hence, there are two important things in using this
be approximately 1.9 [2]. formula for sample size estimation. First, a previous
Sample size calculations are based on large sample ap- estimate of the prevalence in a region with relatively
proximation methods. Together FPC, DE and continuity high disease frequency, determined by conventional
correction are adjustment factors which help improve spe- methods, will be helpful in determining the size of
cific sample size approximation to exact distributions. population to be screened in a region thought to be
1488 Indian J Pediatr (November 2012) 79(11):14821488

having lesser prevalence. Secondly, this formula will be available in some other population having relatively higher
suitable only for conditions with prevalence less than prevalence of it and the disease has an estimated prevalence
2 % in the target population undergoing screening. of less than 2 % in the population in which we want to have
For example, Gaucher disease type 3 is relatively com- the estimate. This method cannot provide an estimate of true
mon in the population of Northern Swedish region of Nor- prevalence but can generate a hypothesis for the same.
botten having a prevalence of approximately 0.0006. So, if
one screens about 3/0.000605000 people from any popula-
tion and does not find a case of this disease in the sample, Conclusions
then one could say with 95 % confidence that the prevalence
of Gaucher disease type 3 is less than 0.0006 in that popu- Sample size estimation for prevalence studies is straight-
lation. Extending this argument, if 10000 people from the forward for the most part. Certain challenging situations like
same population are screened for Gaucher disease type 3 extremes of prevalence, small target population, sampling
and not a single case is found, then a conclusion can be technique, expected misclassification or missing data re-
made with 95 % confidence that the prevalence of this quire diligent choice of calculating formula and plug in
disease is less than 0.0003 in the given population. values.
If we introduce the concept of statistical power in this
formula, it will represent the probability of all persons
within the sample of size n being disease free, given the
Conflict of Interest None.
true prevalence of disease in the population is p (alternative
hypothesis) instead of P (null hypothesis), such that p<<P.
In such a case, power () will be: Role of Funding Source None.
0 n
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80 % power. This power will increase for yet smaller 1991.
prevalence. 4. Fosgate GT. Practical sample size calculations for surveillance and
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This method is called zero patient design and can only
5. Yazici H, Biyikli M, van der Linden S, Schouten HJ. The zero
be used for estimating relative prevalence of disease in a patient design to compare the prevalences of rare diseases. Rheu-
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